Bindbreaker feet made sonics "speedier and more open", with "extra speed and clarity"

March 2020, author: Dawid Grzyb
"The Bakoon with Bindbreakers underneath was snappier; rapid transients it further shortened and injected extra power to make the effect more palpable, involving, energetic and somewhat spicier."

"I took this particular shift as extended dynamic range, thus a clear upgrade, then followed by clearer lowest octaves and more firm and precisely sketched instrumental outlines."

"Both the EX-M1 and 925 scored extra points on clarity; virtual outlines were yet again penciled stronger and thus separated a notch better to become more visible in effect. The Brit in particular was a bit speedier but without any loss or gain on its downstairs fullness. The already very smooth Kinki became a touch more buttery on this count as well. Although subtle, all listed changes didn't involve any specific tonal balance adjustments, hence were mapped as rather universal."

"Extra speed and energy happened without any heft or temperature makeovers. It's safe to say that Bindbreakers underneath all three amps opened them up in a way and extended their inherent flavours in the dynamic and snappy direction at no real cost."

"It was repetitive from one device to another."

"The standard anti-vibration scheme in my DAC netted the result a bit speedier but slightly itchier and slimmer versus today's pucks, which reversed this order by shifting the focal point to the more mellow, relaxed and less grainy, yet as equally opened up, direction."

"The last exercise included the LessLoss Echo's End Original DAC, which purposely doesn't incorporate any stock feet. Three Bindbreakers in-between this machine and my rack's shelf not only resulted in more potency points versus the Pacific case, but also showed how much more performance the Lithuanian DAC still held. The improvement today's decouplers introduced in this particular case still wasn't of night and day variety, but my ears mapped it as the biggest yet. As I wrote in my Echo's End review published here, this machine's core voice includes pristine backdrop, moisture, overall elegance and top notch expressiveness well-trained ears oftentimes associate with the R-2R architecture. Mellowness and earthiness also are a part of this sophisticated package. Three Bindbreakers underneath the Lithuanian DAC yet again acted in the already well-known way, which resulted in sonics speedier and more open. Thinner and stronger pressed pencil swirls applied to all virtual outlines, which upped the ante on overall clarity. Bass became tighter and snappier but had its density intact. Background got a bit darker to reveal even more tiny bits suspended in-between instruments."

"At this point I knew which product benefited the most from Bindbreakers' presence, the LessLoss Echo's End emerged as the DAC of choice."

"In short, the result was better with Bindbreakers than without them, it arrived at no sonic penalty and scored high enough to justify the expense given my platform's total value. In this context today's pucks introduced the subtle yet audible improvement for mere pennies."

"Price-to-performance ratio was generous. Save select hardware swaps, I'd have a hard time spending the same coin elsewhere and netting a similar result."
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...best I heard...

March, 2022, author: Rick Becker
LessLoss products reviewed:

Entropic Process Firewall 640X
Entropic Process Firewall for Loudspeakers
Entropic Process C-MARC power cable
Bindbreaker equipment feet

"improvements were pretty much qualitatively consistent among the entire group of LessLoss products."

"definitely give the Entropic power cord consideration."

"Entropic Firewall 640X provided a more significant quantitative improvement"

"Firewall for Loudspeakers and Entropic Firewall 640X: the combination of the two was better than either one alone. Synergy."

"Firewall for Loudspeakers and Entropic Firewall 640X and the Entropic C-MARC power cord: better still."

"becomes obvious once you recognize that it's missing. And this is the key to these products."

"It wasn't until I removed them that I recognized the noise and distortion they had removed. Once I was tuned it at this level, I could then easily recognize their contributions on a relatively quick A/B comparison. In a way, it was just an extension of the process of becoming an audiophile - learning how to listen, but at a higher level than before."

"The removal of noise, more obvious in the treble, but effectively throughout, allowed more inner detail to emerge from the now blacker background."

"improved transparency"

"Without the LessLoss the music had a certain low level of what I'll call "wild behavior". These were micro flashes tone bleaching out, or amplifier clipping or ringing or notes smearing - tiny little distortions, similar to what many recognize as "grain" that reminded me that I was listening to electrically reproduced music, not the real thing."

"These micro distortions can be somewhat exciting at times, such as the striking of a cymbal, and somewhat distracting at other times as I "struggle" to interpret what a musical note or a syllable "should" have sounded like."

"this "struggle" takes mental energy and it tenses up the body."

"The LessLoss works against that "struggle" by removing a layer of haze, making the music and lyrics more obvious. Micro-dynamics and nuance of tonality appear that were unheard of before. My body relaxed and absorbed the music as it came to me, rather than forcing me to lean into the music. The difficult lyrics were more easily understood."

"On my compilation CD I have many signifiers; phrases of words or notes that are challenging for a system to reproduce and challenging for me to hear clearly or cognitively comprehend. With only these few pieces of LessLoss gear in the system, I sailed right through these rough spots, and in most cases, they were the best I had ever heard them."

"strips out noise without interfering with tonal quality or dynamics"

"noise-free listening experience"

"I can testify that it does not interfere with tonal quality as my rig continued to sound the same in that regard, and dynamics seemed unimpeded, too."

"it was very relaxing."

"The Bindbreaker footers outperformed the MiG SX and I expect the current version with the dimpled bottom plate will yield an even higher resolution."

"they [Bindbreakers] performed astonishingly well throughout the audible spectrum with my DAC."

"the Bindbreaker may work best with solid-state gear, but you have to try it with your gear. When it works, it works very well."

"my biggest gains were with the Entropic Firewall 640X and it worked best on the AC line directly feeding my DAC."

"The 640X also worked very well on my preamp where the improvement was experienced with each of my sources."

"keep in mind the forthcoming [LessLoss] power distributor with built-in Firewall 640X technology"

"the Firewall for Speakers made a relatively cost-effective contribution that benefited each of my sources."

"do not make the mistake of thinking power cords are less significant than the main components in your system."

"Sometimes we discover something we like that we didn't even know was an option or a benefit at the outset of our quest. This is what happened for me with the LessLoss gear reviewed here."

"The emotional seductress was replaced by the silky voice of a polished jazz singer. Firmly planted in the 'here and now' of my listening chair, I relaxed and enjoyed the music, unencumbered by any personal emotional drama, just experiencing the beauty of the music. That's the essential difference LessLoss brings to the game. Relax and enjoy. And they do it as well, if not better than anyone else."

"If that's your audiophile destination, I highly recommend you give LessLoss a listen. This Lithuanian company deserves a lot more recognition in the USA."

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"Best I've heard during a whole year of reviewing."

May, 2022, author: Evgeny Shvedov
An in-depth video review has been published in russian language featuring a whole set of LessLoss equipment.


Professional reviewer Evgeny Shvedov goes into fine detail presenting all manner of LessLoss solutions, and explaining his unusual experience with using our high performance products.


Among the items reviewed are:

Firewall for Loudspeakers.


C-MARC Entropic Process power cables.


Bindbreaker equipment feet.


C-MARC Entropic Process RCA interconnect cables.


Blackbody v.2 ambient field conditioners.


Our new state-of-the-art power distributor with onboard C-MARC Entropic Process cabling and integrated Firewall technology.

This is a new product whose product page is found here.


The plug-and-play C-MARC Entropic Process Firewall 640x.


The Echo's End Original DAC.


The Echo's End Reference Supreme Edition dual chassis DAC with outboard power supply and special C-MARC DC cabling.


If you engage auto-translate on YouTube and choose your native language you can follow along if you don't speak russian.

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