Hong Kong's High Fidelity magazine praises C-MARC cables in 11 page review.

December, 2017
Download a PDF of the Table of Contents here and the 11 page review here. (It is all in the Chinese language.)
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"C-MARC represents their finest most important and accessible work yet." "A Whale of a performer."

May, 2017, author: Srajan Ebaen
"Though coin is always relative, considering this build's complexity even cynics should find that one's hifi dollar meets real substance. This includes a 3-day cryogenic treatment in an offsite facility."

"It's highly flexible and easy to dress."

"It didn't take long to conclude that, in my book at least, this was their best yet: most universally applicable, most easily demonstrated."

"The C-MARC wires were indeed speechless... er, quiet. As promised by their propaganda, they truly were exceptionally revealing. Unlike hyper-stiff wires can with their layers upon layers of solid shielding, the super-slinky self-cancelling Lithuanians didn't make the sound dry. Music didn't occur in a sterile vacuum. It was properly juicy and elastic."

"The coppery Litz's magnification power of musical plankton didn't happen under a hospital's stark white neon glare. Its combination of the spatially teased out, energetically relaxed but room-fillingly grand made the C-MARC loom a whale of a performer."

"Back to fair pricing, really no Las Vegas gambling is involved to bag this whale."

"With the LessLoss C-MARC loom, one buys into small-diameter super flexible non-springy cables in demure black cotton sleeving. They have quality connectors-the power inlet plugs grip like a wrestling champ!-dress easily and don't shout with their appearance."

"More importantly, one gets a supremely balanced natural sound that's fluidic not choppy, relaxed not wiry. It's also very intelligible down into the minuscule to be the cable equivalent of hi-rez."

"Best of all, it's capable of getting the music out of the boxes and the virtual zone behind them and bridge it into the room. If you believe you already have that... you're either quite lucky; or still misguided about what you think is actually possible."

"Having reviewed a number of LessLoss items over the years, I'll close out by repeating that I think their latest C-MARC, from concept to execution, represents their finest most important and accessible work yet."
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