LessLoss C-MARC - the "lowest noise" cables on the planet

December 2018, author: Stas Ustenko
"These cables startled us to the core! At this high end performance, such perfect dynamics and absolutely tangible sound stage, the LessLoss C-MARC comes, indeed, as if from a much higher price category. Hurry, while such charity continues."

"The biggest advantage is the resolution throughout the audible range. The detailing becomes noticeably better, the vividness of the sound stage is striking, and the dynamic range increases dramatically – at times I had to re-check the price tag, since such effects were previously encountered only with cables in a price category that exceeds the test value tenfold. No kidding."

"Where the LessLoss C-MARC literally smashes competitors is in the total naturalness and fusion of the musical canvas. It becomes simply impossible to break away from the music, the hand cannot be forced to find the shutdown controls (even when necessary), and parting with the system turns into a physical ordeal. Be careful. Such "magical" properties emanate only from (at least they used to) Ultra High End components and cables. Now it is available at a completely different price level - thanks to the LessLoss C-MARC."

Test score: 95/100
Award: Best Buy Award 2018

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C-MARC Power Cord wins VICTOR Award from Hifi Knights in Poland

October, 2018, author: Dawid Grzyb
"...quiet background, increased resolution, neutral timbre and focus, accuracy, dynamics and transients... Everything up above I'll also additionally compliment with yet another important word – potency. LessLoss C-MARC power cable didn't introduce mild or subtle changes in my setup, but surprisingly audible ones and the more I listened to music with two Lithuanian snakes on and off duty, the more obvious this effect became."

"The [LessLoss C-MARC] introduced changes of even higher magnitude, revealed itself to be very well-seasoned and the best one I've had a chance to know to date.

"Put shortly, LessLoss C-MARC painted things as they were with no extra additives and from purely journalistic perspective this virtue was of utmost value."

"After several days of rather lengthy listening sessions and with all available hardware artillery involved, yours truly fully agrees that this product is very silent indeed. In order to be this resolving, grain free and smooth at the same time it simply has to be."

"LessLoss C-MARC also served the upstairs with longer decay, surprisingly also more weight and – when needed – upped delicacy as well. C-MARC power cables proved to be very much capable of organic yet well-differentiated delivery."

"This particular and rarely heard virtue showcased as clearly I've found very impressive. Not a hint of itchiness, excessive spark or metallic tint [...] said feature stretched all the way down throughout all audible range, too."

"LessLoss C-MARC provided very relaxed experience indeed and was mapped as not tense or nervous at all, yet didn't dilute the message."

"The C-MARC team elevated the experience unobtrusively and safely, yet didn't play the prettify game at all and was far from sounding dull as well. In its case clarity, transparency and the so-called black background marched hand in hand with spot on textural richness and saturation, no hints of under- or overload on these counts were heard to net very real and truthful outcome each and every time."

"high quality measures to pull this off were the clear signs of upper tier performance and seasoning."

"C-MARC snakes provided wider and deeper perspective, injected more air and – again – acted subtler; less bluntly and more sensitively."

"But the biggest difference of them all was in how vocals were sculpted. [C-MARC] delivered more precise outlines filled with clearer pigments to net more accurate and understandable effect. Perfectly contoured, superbly isolated shapes covered with humane texturing and suspended on multi-layered, organic and dark space is what I heard and was very much impressed by that."

"The above-mentioned blend of virtues served all at once in very easygoing and utmost relaxed fashion is the ideal LessLoss C-MARC description, yet refinement and finely applied balancing act have to be added to the mix to make it complete."

"The Lithuanian duo revealed itself as neutral, accurate, calm, exceptionally easygoing indeed and free from any overcooked aspects. Music with this team on duty flowed utmost pleasantly."

"The more I investigated Louis Motek's work, the clearer it became that his operation and its latest C-MARC tech are not ordinary at all."

"Past the highly involving Lithuanian experience it's very clear to me now that LessLoss is well-respected in the industry not by mere accident or luck. Louis and his crew arrived there by following their own path, finding a clever and unique way to up their own game and delivering products such as this review's heroes."

"very much refined"

"revealing, balanced and sophisticated character"

"free from any signs of juvenile flashiness"

"sanely priced"

"This finely seasoned, versatile and brilliant Lithuanian effort is the best one of its kind I've heard thus far, hence the award below."

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C-MARC: dramatically more open and rich

July, 2018, author: Danny Kaey
"C-MARC counts as one of the best made and most flexible cable looms I have had in my system. Not even DFPC, C-MARC's rather terrific precursor, was this flexible and malleable, not to mention some other looms of cable I have been using, including Nordost."

"more full, dynamic, resolved; compared to my previous long-time reference of Tyr 2, C-MARC proved no less subtle in its effects even as it was just the power cables I had replaced."

"sounded dramatically more open and rich as well; was it the added sense of depth? The more clearly defined wind chimes, with their superior sparkle and shine? The increased depth of the opening piano riff?"

"increased resolution"

"Whereas the usual cadre of cables from Nordost, yes, even EINSTEIN's own, various Zu models and KS Emotion have a subtler effect on swapping the OTLs to The Poweramp, the change to C-MARC proved far more dramatic."

Information flow through the latest Lessloss generation seems greatly increased; where I wouldn't necessarily have called the previous DFPC generation constricted by any means, this latest cable series offers far greater dynamic range."

"The typical high-end audio [price] multiplier effect of at times dubious origins certainly doesn't seem to apply within the halls of Lessloss."

"C-MARC's own S/PDIF cable trumps Black Cat by a large margin."

"C-MARC immediately revealed an ever-greater realization of this theme."

"Given C-MARC's claims of lowering distortion levels, lowering the noise floor to vanishing points, I'd say Lessloss has indeed lived up to its claims of providing the necessary magic."

"Bass lines in particular take on a vastly superior, vastly more powerful tone and impact."

"C-MARC is quite the upgrade."

"My time with Lessloss C-MARC has proven once again that you don't have to spend gobs of money on cables to get reference level sound."

"Given that Louis has been in business for some time, enjoys very high reputation among genuine industry insiders, read: no BS folks, this makes a recommendation rather easy. I'm willing to bet they'll end up as keepers. Mine did! A+++"
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