LessLoss Power Distributor: "I saw no downsides ... showed a middle finger to that guesswork."

December, 2022, author: Dawid Grzyb
"...produced extra bass that dug deeper and scored more points on authority, while the resulting stronger, more controlled, overall feel morphed each bass-intense song into a noticeably more massive, yet at the same time agile version of itself."

"The entire landscape [...] also struck me as a fair bit inkier, more calm and spatially sorted. Tonal saturation went up to make fuller, fruitier sound, which seemed as articulated and brimming with details as ever."

"I saw no downsides to these changes, only improvements."

"The conclusion here is twofold. The efficacy of Firewalls inside these products truly piles up. These modules also make a noticeable difference in spite of all the extra contact points and wires along the road. Because of these mechanical obstacles I thought that the two wooden outlets used as described could've either crippled sound quality, or made no difference at all. Their Firewall squad, however, showed a middle finger to that guesswork. Live and learn, as they say."

"...pushed the performance envelope several notches further in the familiar direction and that made quite the difference."

"It enhanced contrasts, extended the color palette, injected extra blackness into the background and unlocked greater firmness and heft."

Hifi Knights
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"will audibly improve every setup I can imagine"

October, 2022, author: Dawid Grzyb
"...deep background blackness upon which instrumental moisture, resolution and sensation of the aural space itself blossomed."

"...not only removes excess fuzz, bloom, grain and veil, but it also accelerates sonic MO"

"...makes them more open, vigorous and alive."

"...juicy, texturally generous, propulsive, informational and spatially unrestricted at the same time."

"There's no question that the LessLoss' inherently fetching dark round bloomy anchored sound makes a nice first focal point to stop at and appreciate. Once that early sensation settles in however, the product introduces itself as a resolution fiend capable of casting enormously large landscapes busy with easily served details and pinpoint accurate finely outlined sound sources."

"The Lithuanian's ability to behave this velvety, smooth, atmospheric, aurally gifted, elastic and keen on extracting tiniest dust particles is highly admirable in my book."

"... superbly balanced and free from any obvious trade-offs. As such the LessLoss won't steer a setup's general gestalt in any particular direction. Instead it'll gladly and gracefully elevate what's already there."

"The LessLoss renders music as substantially more flowing and digestible than before, which I see as its primary attractor and most critical task."

"This highly universal and accomplished product will audibly improve every setup I can imagine no matter its core flavor. I also think that it has what it takes to hold its ground even against similar opponents higher up in the pricing hierarchy."

"Considering the LessLoss' price, artisanal execution, usefulness, overall sonic performance and its sheer potency, I've found no evidence that'd work against it."

"It's up there with the very best power distributors I've sampled and the most affordable of them all by far."

"This is a fully mature, elegantly voiced effort built upon very advanced noise-rejecting tech that proved highly efficacious."

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"This really is powerful stuff."

August, 2022, author: Srajan Ebaen
"An unusually tacit sensation of overall calming – a German video reviewer calls it peace – which for me presents foremost as musical relaxation."

"To many it suggests a more analog than digital gestalt. Particularly the higher frequencies show a removal of metallic grit. The low frequencies tend to become more intelligible and articulate which also affects the midband."

"Finally there's a keen sense of more extended reverb"

"US sockets showed proper sportsmanship by welcoming my AC plugs with the death grip of a professional arm wrestler."

"Sonically the noise-cancelling C-Marc hookup wiring, passive inline Firewall noise filter and the firm's accelerated aging process dubbed Entropic all working inside the same box had a definitive effect versus our usual Furutech GTP 2D NCF. In essence the sound got both faster and fuller."

"Here fuller meant deeper color saturation plus the elasticity a honey drop shows as it detaches from a spoon in a slow-motion video. That visualizes lengthier decays. Meanwhile faster meant upped transient brio. Percussive and staccato elements still peeled out sharply from legato passages."

"Incisive sounds seemed to crack and snap harder, indolent sounds definitely were lazier. The upshot was greater textural bandwidth. The end stops of hard and soft had moved farther apart. Along their axis I heard more variety and difference."

"LessLoss vs Furutech passive wasn't about split hairs or spilt milk. The difference was very easy to hear."

"In my mind there's no question. Despite being a passive device, this new LessLoss Power Distributor is a very active sonic influencer. It shaves off edge and grit like successively finer sandpaper. That installs smoothness and prettiness. It also tames down shine and brilliance with a new textural softness that's a bit darker. Ratcheted musical tension relaxes for greater calmness."

"This really is powerful stuff."
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"Best I've heard during a whole year of reviewing."

May, 2022, author: Evgeny Shvedov
An in-depth video review has been published in russian language featuring a whole set of LessLoss equipment.


Professional reviewer Evgeny Shvedov goes into fine detail presenting all manner of LessLoss solutions, and explaining his unusual experience with using our high performance products.


Among the items reviewed are:

Firewall for Loudspeakers.


C-MARC Entropic Process power cables.


Bindbreaker equipment feet.


C-MARC Entropic Process RCA interconnect cables.


Blackbody v.2 ambient field conditioners.


Our new state-of-the-art power distributor with onboard C-MARC Entropic Process cabling and integrated Firewall technology.

This is a new product whose product page is found here.


The plug-and-play C-MARC Entropic Process Firewall 640x.


The Echo's End Original DAC.


The Echo's End Reference Supreme Edition dual chassis DAC with outboard power supply and special C-MARC DC cabling.


If you engage auto-translate on YouTube and choose your native language you can follow along if you don't speak russian.

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