Newsletter Archive

Laminar Streamer, Echo's End and USB Firewall Key updates

Dear esteemed customers,

I just want to touch base with you and keep you up to date with our progress. Some of the things which have transpired recently are:

USB Firewall Key

LessLoss Firewall

We have prepared the USB Firewall Keys as seen above, so at this point we are only waiting for the enclosures.

Currently, we have on order the raw walnut wood we need in order to turn it into bog wood. It is being sourced from Germany and will be supplied in a size slightly larger than what we need for milling. After processing to bog wood, we'll need to hone it down again due to the stresses which will be released from it during the multi-week process of aging. This will cause some imperfections in dimensions, which is why we'll need to hone it down again. Delivery can take a week or two.

Echo's End

LessLoss Echos End

On Monday we will receive a shipment of flight cases for the Echo's End DAC. Also next week we should be receiving our first batch of milled and sanded enclosures in final form. We then lacquer them without delay!

Laminar Streamer

LessLoss Laminar Streamer

We received the glass cover we needed for the display area, marked above with an arrow. We plan to assemble our first 100% completed unit during the weekend. This is exciting as it represents a culmination of about 4 years of work. Then critical testing begins. And hopefully we will be able to show some nice photographs of the thing in action, with a live display to finish off the looks.

Ironically, we take pride in the Laminar Mode, which turns this display off completely, leaving you in the dark to marvel at pure and perfect sonics from a pristine source.

More later.


Louis Motek |