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Homage to Time

Date Added: 02/18/2016 by Carl Dodds
I am a real fan of LessLoss products. I made a decision three years ago to change the cables in my system as I was converting all signal cables from single ended to balanced. At the time, it would have costed me thousands of dollars to change the cables in my system. An AudigoN member recommended that I do some research on LessLoss products. He said there is no other company that can provide the value to performance ratio like LessLoss. I took a blind leap of faith and started purchasing power cords, speaker cables and balanced signal cables.

I was changing my cabling from Stealth Indra to LessLoss and your cables maintained the same high level of performance but at a fraction of the cost. LessLoss allowed me to get off of the "Cable Merry Go Round" and I never looked back.

Just recently, I reconfigured my system and it allowed me to use shorter speaker cables (2 pairs). I contacted Louis to order new Anchorwave cables; he informed me that the Anchorwaves were no longer being offered. Louis said the Homage to Time series is now being offered in place of Anchorwaves which are less expensive and have solid core conductors versus the Litz conductors. I reluctantly went forward and purchased the speaker cables. The cables were changed dramatically in appearance and construction. Homage to Time to me looked like a scrawny little cable in comparison to the Anchorwaves and I was very skeptical that I would like these new cables. I only installed one set on the right channel expecting the worst case scenario. Wow, I was so wrong about these cables; it was like a veil had been lifted through every frequency. The sound was even more detailed and the clarity was at a level never experienced in my system! Needless to say, it didn't take me long to install the other set on the left channel. I then purchased one of the Homage to Time balanced signal cables; again not expecting any major change. It was like repeating the speaker cable; very detailed with great clarity. I immediately ordered four more Homage to Time balanced signal cables and I am anxiously waiting for delivery. Once again, Louis has provided better performing cables at a lower price. LessLoss customer for life!
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Homage to Time

Date Added: 04/27/2016 by Stephen Braude
I'm astounded at how big a difference your jumper cables have made. I've been breaking them in over the past couple of days and they're still improving. But even from the beginning I heard a lot more detail, and also better dynamics and gradations of loudness. Some initial shrillness or brittleness went away after a steady day of break-in, and detail and sense of space around instruments has continued to increase, considerably. I knew improving jumpers could make a difference; I'd already discovered that when I replaced the crappy clip-ons that came with my speaker with modest upgrades from Mapleshade and AntiCable. But the LessLoss jumpers take matters to a different level entirely. As much as I've benefited from adding 5 Firewall Modules to my system, I doubt that adding more would have made as dramatic an improvement as this modest (and much less expensive) jumper upgrade. Of course, it's really a speaker upgrade, and a significant one at that. If any of your customers still have stock jumpers on their speakers, I'd urge them to make the change IMMEDIATELY. I'm embarrassed that it didn't occur to me to do this much sooner.
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Homage to Time

Date Added: 05/23/2016 by mdc
I wanted to inform you about my impressions concerning the recent upgrades to my system.

It was eventually impossible and vain trying to 'separate the addition' of these upgrades: the power distributor and the XLR cable were added at a time when the Firewalls had already been burned in for 3 weeks, 24/7 (without listening, both just connected to 2 old cd players).

I would have loved to measure and quantify/qualify each addition, just for the sake of it. But in the end, I connected everything to my system and let it burn in for about 2 weeks without proper listening.

As expected, in my case, with a full tube system, I needed a lot (and I mean a lot) of time, patience and indeed experienced some amount of frustration. I sometimes lost patience but I remembered my previous experiences with the first version of the distributor and the DFPC power cables. In this case, as feared, it was the XLR cable that caused the main frustrations with huge variations in ‘quality of sound’ before it settled.

At this stage, with about 250 hours of burn in for the distributor and the interconnect, I can happily inform you that the system has evolved very nicely.

I guess the burn in of the XLR isn’t finished yet and I am even prepared to face another ‘dip,’ but for the last couple of days the sound has become really, well, beautiful: detailed, powerful, refined, relaxed but dynamic at the same time.

And again, as for my prior purchases (3 DFPC Originals, then upgrading those to 3 DFPC Signatures and the power distributor with the prior art (plastic) version of the Firewall modules), the sound, as a whole, has evolved positively.

The music, as a whole, sounds better, all CD’s sound better. Nothing is unbalanced, everything has evolved positively. Everything is now on (yet) another level.

I could use all the usual clichés ('another veil is lifted’-which is true, by the way-and so on…) and try to explain with more ‘suitable' words what my impressions are but I will simply sum it up with ‘music sounds so much better’.

About the XLR cable, I totally agree with the Russian magazine review posted on your website. Obviously for comparison I tried returning to my Oyaide XLR AR-910 with its 2 years of use and a burn in treatment on a cable burner, and compared its sound to the XLR Homage to Time and indeed, with Homage to Time, nothing is missing, everything is there…and Homage to Time sounds better.

At the end of the day, the burn in process is everything but fun, time consuming and immensely frustrating. I firmly believe that a cable burner of some sort really helps.

I could understand that some customers give up after a few weeks, especially if they also own a tube based system that prolongs the burn-in period because of the need to switch the system off when not in use. I simply can’t let the cable burn in 24/7 for days and days with the tubes fully heated. I sometimes had the impression that each day, the cable needed to pass through the same stages without progressing.

So Louis, what else can I say? I am extremely satisfied with these purchases and upgrades. They really have taken my pleasure to listen to music to yet another level. And also, I am very happy that you keep on designing beautiful products.

As usual, thank you for keeping your promises.

UPDATE 08/02/2016:

The sound of my system has been evolving in an unbelievable way.

I am now at the 500 hours mark and although the burn-in has been an excruciating process, it was well worth the wait…
My initial impressions at around 250/300 hours are nothing next to what I hear today.

My previous « review » seriously needs to be updated.

Nothing has improved the sound of my system as much as the combination of the Firewalls in the distributor you made for me and the 2 Firewall modules with the Oyaide option.

The Homage to Time XLR is the cherry on top of the cake.

The point I want to make is that the sound was absolutely fantastic when I posted my first review but now, it has reached yet another level (which is what I actually wrote a few weeks ago already ;)

The difference is that now, since a few days, I feel that the sound has somehow ‘finished’ to evolve and is now ‘stable’ (at least, I guess so!)…and amazing.

Thank you for bringing me even closer to the music I love!
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Homage to Time

Date Added: 06/15/2016 
I like your speaker cables. So far I've only switched the speaker cables so I get to learn them compared to my Kubala-Sosna. I will install the other cables soon since I have a pretty good impression now and am anxious to hear the impact and transformation from using the other cables.

The sound with Homage to Time is clearer and more dynamic. They have more focus and speed in the delivery of the sound. The K-S cables are more laid back and mellow. Your cables interact and pressurize the room with sound more directly if that makes any sense. The inner voices and textures can be heard with more clarity. For example, brush strokes on drum kits on jazz recordings can be heard as a sizzle and complex texture instead of just as a bland sand paper sound. Background studio chatter can be heard and understood now on out take clips. Yet the sound isn't overly etched or hyper detailed so as to be fatiguing or distracting. The bass is better defined. The notes have a better articulation and attack. The pluck of strings can be heard and the strokes on guitar strings can be sensed. There is a better balance between vocals and instruments. Your cables are sounding better then what I have been using and I thought then that that sound was already pretty good.

I am always dumbfounded when I make a positive change and hear more quality and resolution in the musical presentation and emotional involvement. My stereo sounds so good that it's not like I am unhappy and seeking an upgrade. But there seems to always be room for improvement for something that I'm not even aware of till I try something new that is better than what I am currently using. This is what happened in this case with your Homage to Time loudspeaker cables.

The LessLoss cables open up over time and reveal the sound with more resolution. In some ways they aren't that far removed from the general sound of what I am used to hearing from my stereo, yet at the same time do more for the sound and let me hear more into the depth of the recording and performance space. They deliver a more transparent, clear and detailed sound with the proper musical partials, overtones, textures and instrumental tonal colors while maintaining a perspective that isn't too forward, up front, or diffuse and blurred. In fact, the sound field is deep and wide with a distinctive image that allows the speakers to disappear and give the impression of music emanating from some place far behind the speakers. The sound also appears from a silent and steady background that fits in with your concept of darker background noise and a lowered noise floor.

I was also pleased with how light and flexible the cables were, which made the installation easy to accomplish. The fit and finish is quite pleasing and unobtrusive. That's quite an accomplishment, too, in this era of fire hose thick cables.

My wife just came by and said they sound really good! I assume the synergy of installing the other cables (Homage to Time interconnects and your DFPCs) will further enhance the sound and take the system to a new level of superior performance. I am really looking forward to the remaining cables going in soon. You have an excellent design and build. It's clearly progressed significantly beyond what I previously had from you (Anchorwave series). Good job, and congrats on such a fine product.
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LessLoss started its business on Audiogon in late 2007. Within the first couple of month, word about LessLoss spread like wildfire among Audiogon members. Here is the feedback received from our clients during our first year of operation. This is from even before we had our own website.

Louis is one of the best in the business, truly professional and very fast production and delivery. I am very satisfied by your superb service. Many thanks.

Positive by Buyer Sebastian (135) on 07-29-2008

Excellent transaction with Lessloss on dynamic filtering power cord. Good communications & fast shipping. A+++++

Positive by Buyer Sennett (45) on 07-03-08

Bought 3 pc's from Liudas in Jan/08. Outstanding product as advertised. Performance is everything and more than I expected. Kudos to Lessloss cable for a great product. Very highly recommended...A+++

Positive by Buyer Phillykid (33) on 06-19-08

Bought the Lessloss PC cable about a month ago; the quality and build are excellent. Compares very favorably with more expensive PCs. Highly recommended. Thanks!

Positive by Buyer Pseles (138) on 05-30-08

A power cable that makes a huge difference; simply an excellent design. First-class sales and service - highest recommendation.

Positive by Buyer Palasr (246) on 05-29-08

Cable #6 powering my Emm Dac6e which comprises part of my headphone system. Again, more resolution, detail, quietness from my Victor HP1000phones. Best single device in my system ever. Time to purchase more. I'm spreading the word re: this marvel!!

Positive by Buyer Dott_c (534) on 05-28-08

Liudas,your service is INCREDIBLE,no waiting 4-6weeks for cables and the ones I already have are doing more than I hoped A+A+,Thanks again,Don

Positive by Buyer Drummermitchell (57) on 05-27-08

Lightspeed delivery,very nice cable.I am kind of proud Liudas of such good cables from this part of Europe

Positive by Buyer Zodiak5 (72) on 05-25-08

Liudas is a honest and dependable seller, always answers my e-mail questions promptly. The LessLoss cable is a work of art, and sounds good too, cable is still burning in. I'm quite happy with my purchase.

Positive by Buyer Jgy1 (54) on 05-24-08

Very smooth transaction, lovely cables. Thanks Liudas!

Positive by Buyer Tympani (99) on 05-23-08

Amazing power cord! It beats my other much more expensive cables hands down - blacker background, natural, more details and dynamics. All my CDs open up and sound more musical. Brought two cables so far and will be buying more for sure. Liudas is a s

Positive by Buyer Hfigear (18) on 05-22-08

Cable #5 powering my Day Sequerra tuner results in being able to receive more stations!!! No more hiss, greater dynamics. Makes it sound like my ADA Tune Suite XM. This cable is the most remarkable product that has come my way in the past 20 + years

Positive by Buyer Dott_c (534) on 05-17-08

Kind and lightspeed fast service. The cable is a steal and outperforms other cables, costing much much more. Increasing every aspect of sound you can imagine. Absolutely outstanding!!! Thanks again Liudas.

Positive by Buyer Stani (3) on 05-15-08

Item arrived quickly and well packaged. Excellent communication. A great product from a great seller.

Positive by Buyer Mouse (336) on 05-14-08

This is cable #4 in my system.Used powering my Ashley Xovermy MRS scares me out of the room!What power below 15Hz.No power cords that I have owned,many15X the $579.asking price have come close 2 this level of performance Looking forward 2 adding more

Positive by Buyer Dott_c (534) on 05-14-08

Cable #3 added to the PS of my Cello Palette. Well, no more static as I rotate the dials for the various frequencies. 1st cable to accomplish this! All power conditioners, including the Accuphase P1200 did not rectify the situation.Unbelievable!

Positive by Buyer Dott_c (534) on 05-13-08

Fast shipping and great sounding cables. Would not hesitate to deal with Liudas again.

Positive by Buyer Rschryer (183) on 05-11-08

This is my 2nd power cord from Lessloss. The first one was used to power my VRE-1, this one for the EMM CDSA SE. Again, a stunning result, w/quieter backgrounds, something that I thought I achieved w/the 1st cable. Next unit, the Xover.Unbelievable!

Positive by Buyer Dott_c (534) on 05-11-08

Excellent service and product, do not hesitate to try these cords. AAA+

Positive by Buyer Rpw (207) on 05-10-08

Super fast shiping and a fantastic power cord. The very best I have ever used. Thank you Liudas!

Positive by Buyer Stefank (36) on 05-05-08

You cant get a better seller in audiogon than Louis. For a cheap PC ( compared to many other manufacturers), he is responsive to your mails and even offer suggestion for cable configuration. Buy with confidence. First class seller with 1st class serv

Positive by Buyer Audioblazer (75) on 05-04-08

Excellent seller...and truely excellent cable. The Dynamic Filtering Power Cable is just fantastic...musical...liquid...3D. Thanks!

Positive by Buyer Gburt55 (24) on 05-02-08

Liudas has SUPERB DELIVERY,excellent communication. Cables are gorgeous.Can't wait till my amps come back,so I can reconnect.Can't say enough,check out all the POSITIVE FEEDBACK,Don Mitchell

Positive by Buyer Drummermitchell (57) on 05-01-08

The Lessloss offers WIDE dynamics.It's spooky quiet with an airy sound stage. Worth 10 times its list price.I am buying more!

Positive by Buyer Dott_c (534) on 04-30-08

Liudas is superb to deal with,4 day delivery to my door.wonderfully crafted cable. Excellent communication,and he's very patient with my questions,I'll be doing business with Liudas again(oops I already have)Thanks,Don

Positive by Buyer Drummermitchell (57) on 04-24-08

Very good sounding power cable,fast delivery-recommended.Thanks!

Positive by Buyer Zikhmark (779) on 04-22-08

I own a number of well know and expensive Powercords that I use throughout my system. The Lessloss is clearly on par with the best for less. Used on the preamp of a system that was never bass shy, I felt like I had discovered another octave of music

Positive by Buyer Marcner (246) on 04-22-08

Re: Purchase of Lessloss AC power cable. Immediately apparent something is special, it changes the envelope of the delivery of the music. The tripath solid state AR Amp sounds more flowing and used with my Tube SET, more bass from my 2 way speakers

Positive by Buyer Enaud (27) on 04-20-08

Very good power cable at reasonable price, fast shipping, easy communication. Highly recommended, both product and seller.

Positive by Buyer Jessenov (207) on 04-20-08

Thanks Liudas. Very fast shippment, the whole transaction took 3 days. Excellent cable, the best I've owned. It's my second purchase from Liudas so I know from experience that it will be even better after burn in. Highly recommended.

Positive by Buyer Jkuc (39) on 04-20-08

Quick shipment and very good AC cord. I'll be back for more.

Positive by Buyer Fig (242) on 04-18-08

STELLA SERVICE. Felt like a valued customer. Cables are simply amazing. The sound stage is huge and sibilance free. Amazes me the way instruments and voices soar out of thin air. Thanks Luidas.

Positive by Buyer Dabarrie (33) on 04-13-08

Outstanding service, excellent communication, and a fantastic product, one of the best power cables available for the $$$$. thanks again!

Positive by Buyer Jsowen (304) on 04-10-08

Quick delivery this time, My CD player never sounded so good. Thanks Luidas for another great cord to add to my system. A+++

Positive by Buyer Jimman (36) on 04-10-08

I would like to thank Liudas for his excellent service. He is selling a fabulus product that helped me to solve the problem of high frequency harshness I experienced with my CD player.I will buy more cables to replace my Acrolink and Oyaide Tunami

Positive by Buyer Geopolitis (12) on 04-08-08

I have now completed a full system (Digital/Power/Analog) integration using the LessLoss product. These power cables are a work of auditory art. Simply plug them in and be amazed! It's one product any sensible audio enthusiast should not miss out on.

Positive by Buyer Mang53 (494) on 03-16-08

I now have 4 of these in my system and every one of these on each component brought my system up to new levels. Nicely built as well. Highly recommended component!

Positive by Buyer Jp1208 (117) on 03-10-08

Liudas is the gold standard in service. His cord in my system amounted to a hugh and positive upgrade. Thank you.

Positive by Buyer Bander (189) on 03-05-08

Outstanding service and the cable is as stated. The best I have heard so far over other regarded power cables. Highly recommend!!

Positive by Buyer Teapac (69) on 03-04-08

Great on-going communications and terrific product.

Positive by Buyer Gerryn (192) on 03-03-08

I still find it hard to believe a power cord could be equal to or even greater than a serious interconnect upgrade, but it is! Thanks Liudas for the great product and perfect customer service.

Positive by Buyer Mang53 (494) on 03-03-08

The perfect seller in Audiogon: exceptional communication, easy transaction and fast and safe shipping. Recommended.

Positive by Buyer Ciomargabe (81) on 02-27-08

Perfect transaction.Great communication and very fast shipping. A+ Audiogon seller

Positive by Buyer Hi5harry (636) on 02-26-08

Superfast shipping, good communication, doesn't get any better than this. Also, the cables are butifully made of high quality components. Thanks Walter.

Positive by Buyer Kitncar (72) on 02-23-08

Excellent transaction. A great power cable and company. Worth the wait.

Positive by Buyer Rishel (114) on 02-20-08

A great experience overall, Liudas's enthusiasm for his product and the ongoing updates made this a very positive experience. The cord has made a significant difference in my system, most notably a much lower noise floor..

Positive by Buyer Ford07 (21) on 02-20-08

Trustworthy and very knowledgeable seller/designer/manufacturer. Kept in touch with updates and info. while cord was being manufactured and processed. It's all good - and all very high end.

Positive by Buyer Dadsears (45) on 02-13-08

Liudus is a great guy and the power cord is outstanding, I will glady buy from lessloss again, the cord took my system to another level

Positive by Buyer Kedoades (3) on 02-13-08

2nd entry; bought more cables. IMHO, better powercables than these are not available! Lessloss p/c's are MORE than a system upgrade. And 2 day delivery, from Lithuania?!! Amazing product!!!

Positive by Buyer Hoochie39 (225) on 02-13-08

Very nice sounding cable, beautiful build and a very reasonable price with fast international shipping. A+++

Positive by Buyer Gersimon (111) on 02-07-08 re: Cables

IMAGINE every listening session as your best listening session. Every recording played the best it can play. Your equipment performing always at optimum. Lessloss makes it happen! These cables are the best of the best!!!

Positive by Buyer Hoochie39 (225) on 01-22-08

In my years of audio and all the cords I tried Lessloss cords, made a difference you can hear for the better and it's not subtle. Good work Liudas! AAAA+

Positive by Buyer Jimman (36) on 01-21-08

Excellent seller and Audiogoner, great communicator. Power cable is outstanding, excellent... Great soundstage, excellent definition, black background as promissed.

Positive by Buyer Jkuc (39) on 01-18-08

Liudas is great to deal with: excellent communication and service. The cables are very well made and well worth the money. Thanks!

Positive by Buyer Jfd01 (93) on 12-12-07

Outstanding transaction and outstanding power cable.

Positive by Buyer Tubeyy (78) on 11-23-07

Great transaction well worth the wait, this is by far the best powercord I have used in my system over the past 20 years, some cost as high as $3,000 and this power cord for $500.00 beat them all hands down and is a steal at its current asking price.

Positive by Buyer Phillyb (150) on 11-16-07

Top notch construction, performance to match, and a great transaction. Highly recommended because the cable does what is claimed, lowers noise while improving dynamics. Thanks!

Positive by Buyer Wineaux (54) on 10-22-07

If it was just always so simple !! Excellent, correct and accurate communication. Absolutely no loss at all even before listening to the cables. Highly recommended.

Positive by Buyer Williamredburry (45) on 09-26-07

This cable was the BEST purchase that I've ever made!! I’m not affiliated with this product in anyway, but feel sorry for Audiophiles who don’t purchase these cables. Once Audiophiles try this cable, they will wonder how this product can be sold at such a low price. I’m baffled… In an industry full of snake oil, unethical cable retailers, enormous profits and scams - this LessLoss "Filtering Power Cable" is a "breakthrough product" which blows away the ALL competition at ANY price!!! I honestly don’t know how LessLoss can make a profit while using Oyaide connectors, hand braiding and an incredible passive AC filter. LessLoss "Filtering Power Cable" are sold from a manufacturer /owner /designer who is trustworthy, ethical, knowledgeable, and a pleasure to deal with. Take a chance!!!!, PayPal your money to Lithuania - and you'll be rewarded with great Customer Service, and the finest power cord made. Hear for yourself what you are missing!!! Thanks Again!!!

Positive by Buyer Spacecase (83) on 09-22-07

Excellent service and communication. Fast shipping. Thanks, Liudas!

Positive by Buyer Tvad (660) on 09-20-07

Excellent products! Delivery of the power cords and XLR digital interconnect cable,was received within 10days of shipping. Luidas kept me informed on the status of my order. Very good communication and feedback to my inquiries.

Positive by Buyer Kpoulard (18) on 09-10-07

First-rate all the way! The cables are sensational, and the price is a steal. The 1-2 week delivery from Lithuania is well worth the wait. Liudas and Vilmantas at LessLoss are perfectionists pursuing their love for the art of music reproduction.

Positive by Buyer Lookin4evr (117) on 08-17-07

Before upgrading your gear, please try the Lessloss Blackbody. It works wonders with my equipment and adds a realism, a new quality to the sound that will leave you speechless. Absolutely wonderful piece of gear.

Positive by Buyer Stani (6) on 01-31-10 re: Accessory