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C-MARC™ RCA InterconnectsC-MARC™ XLR InterconnectsC-MARC™ Speaker CableC-MARC™ Prime Power CableC-MARC™ Classic Power CableC-MARC™ Stellar Power CableC-MARC™ Bulk Wire and CableC-MARC™ Digital CableFirewall ModuleEcho's EndBindbreakerBlackbodyPower distributorBlackGround DIYBlackGround 6x/10x Power BaseBlackGround 8x/10x Speaker BaseGiant Steps
DFPC Original (legacy)DFPC Signature (legacy)DFPC Reference (legacy)DFPC Series (legacy) (all)Digital Cable (legacy)Firewall (legacy)Anchorwave (legacy)Homage to Time (legacy)Tunnelbridge (legacy)Laminar Streamer (legacy) All Because of the sheer number of reviews, you can sort them above to quickly find LessLoss products of interest.
Echo's End; Firewall Module; Bindbreaker; C-MARC Classic Power Cable; Power DistributorDate Added: 08/28/2023 by Julian
I thought I would give you feedback on the products I have and the sound of my system.
Products purchased so far. C-MARC Classic power cord 2 metre Entropic 5 of Firewall 640x (2 of which are C-MARC) 2 sets of Bindbreaker Equipment feet Power Distributor and the star of the show Echo’s End Reference DAC. These products have all contributed to making the sound of my system enjoyable to listen to. I now want to listen to my hifi system again, and looking to play CDs which I have not played for a long time (This is testament to how well things are). When I had the Echos' End Reference on loan it was touch and go whether I kept it. Basically (to my ears) there was too much attack / power to leading edge of strings (guitar) when they came in on the tracks I was using for the evaluation. In one sense a small thing, but when investing that much money I felt things had to be right. I then had an idea, a set of supports I had put in I never gauged the difference they made or not. This pretty much corrected the issue, and along with talking to Elite Audio (UK) I felt mentally more positive (state of mind does have an effect too). After further listening I was then completely happy with the sound. The change involved removing the supports I had put under, not the CD transport, but the external linear power supply. Hifi to me is not always a science, but behaves more like an art form. I was really concerned about bass from the Reference seeing other peoples review, but this has not been an issue. What it is is open and balanced (i.e. covers top end and bottom end equally). On a recent listening it is almost like you can hear the other side of the notes. Beautiful sounds which waft over, and work with my ears (a big thing for me). Will be looking to add more. Following your advice, more power cables and Bindbreakers. Eventually looking to BackGround 10x Power Base, and your last Newsletter reminded me of a couple of the Blackbodies conditioners. Many thanks for your company's products and design philosophy. Bindbreaker Vibration Control Equipment FootDate Added: 09/17/2021 by Tony.Oz
As an audiophile of many decades vintage and having selectively sampled top-of-the-range products from many 'big-name' audio brands over many years, I've ended up replacing them with LessLoss' incredible breakthrough audio products (including power cables, IC cables,main and loudspeaker firewalls), I've come to appreciate the wonderful sonic improvements they've brought to my two systems and ended up either selling or given away those from other sources. It is ,of course, important that the components of an audio system is well-matched and properly set-up
I have been using the Bimdbreakers since they were first introduced and was surprised at the difference they made when installed on my CD player (CDP) , tube amp and DAC - a marked improvement in definition, depth of sound field and clarity. When Louis announced the upgrade for the Bindbreaker - with just the dimpled baseplate only - I was initially sceptical and decided to try just a set of 3 for my CDP. They arrived a day ago and was I surprised that they sure as hell delivered - in spades. There was even greater depth and definition with added clarity and some pleasant subdued increase in the bass. I listen mainly to classical music and occasionally some light popular music (Diana Krall, Eva Cassidy etc). Female voices and strings in particular seem to benefit even more. Well, I've just placed another order for more - Bindbreaker dimpled baseplates that is. Unlike many audio enthusiasts who regularly upgrade their main audio components ( amps, source components, DAC etc), I have found it more beneficial and economical to upgrade the performance of my system with said LessLoss superb products. I have no business or personal ties with LessLoss and must stress that my impressions are purely personal. Bindbreaker Vibration Control Equipment FootDate Added: 09/17/2021 by Joerg Meinhardt, Germany
Bindbreakers update and upgrade
Quite some time ago, I wrote about my experience with the first Bindbreakers in my HiFi system: 09/01/2019 by Joerg Meinhardt Since then, there are Bindbreakers everywhere in my HiFi system, just except for the loudspeakers, which need a more stable platform for grandkids and dogs running around and easy moving for speaker positioning. I am very happy with these 8 sets of 3 Bindbreakers and will always put them on any new device in the future as well. The sound changes are always similar, no matter which device it is, as my findings from my first review: - Soundstage deeper - Better separation of instruments - Airy open highs - Cleaner but even more colorful midrange - More punch, especially in the bass - More, deeper, and better controlled bass - Voices especially from a deeper stage position sound more realistic with less distortion - Less resonances in mid and low range. The only downside I see, is the required careful handling with setting the device vertically on all feet at the same time. You should not move the device around without lifting from all Bindbreaker feet at the same time. But sometimes the device moves around due to pushing a switch or plugging in a cable. So, I cannot follow the instructions perfectly, but it seems to work ok anyways. A little hint, get yourself some balloon kind of tools, that can be pumped up …“Inflatable Air Cushion Lifter”. Not perfect, but better than plain hands. Now the news from last week … the new base plates … and how it worked for me. I immediately ordered all 24 base plates as replacements without testing with some/one first … I trust Louis … And what was the result for an almost 2000 USD upgrade .. no regrets and very happy: Indeed more natural sound, especially noticeable with voices, and a much better stage positioning and control, and I would say even lager stage. Overall more natural and articulated. A great deal for me and big thanks to Louis and his team!! One more reason to trust them :) But, when I held the first Bindbreaker in my hand (2019), I was curious, why they did not come with these dimples … Without being able to argue, why I would prefer this … But now I know after the explanations from Louis :) And don’t worry about the mixed colours for the upgrades (top grey, base plate brown). It looks actually friendlier and does not seem to be unwanted or a mistake … I love it !! Bindbreaker Vibration Control Equipment FootDate Added: 05/17/2021 by Stephen Braude
Because I was reorganizing my equipment rack, I did an extensive shootout between the Bindbreakers and several other serious footers, including the seemingly nifty MIG-SX footers from Synergistic Research. And I tried each type of footer in several different configurations under the component, because different positioning of the footers usually altered the sound considerably.
I tried the Bindbreakers and SR footers under several components and in every case the Bindbreakers were more detailed and musical. The sound with the Mig-SX had a seemingly ineliminable edge to it, and (I suppose not surprisingly) they sounded more metallic than the Bindbreakers. And since I had some Symposium Rollerblocks on hand, I also compared the Bindbreakers to them. Again, the sound with the Bindbreakers was more detailed and natural. This was not the first time I've compared the Bindbreakers to other footers. I've found them superior to Isoacoustics Orea Bordeaux, and vastly superior to Stillpoints minis. I've also found them to outperform (though not so dramatically) some expensive footers from Spira, which a friend loaned me to try. So I contend that the innovative Bindbreakers are a LessLoss triumph. One of your greatest deals. Bravo! Bindbreaker Vibration Control Equipment FootDate Added: 02/19/2021 by René Copenhagen, Denmark
I am totally in awe! A week and a half ago two sets of three Bindbreakers arrived by express UPS Service. My High-end buddy and I had long enjoyed the astonishing benefits of LessLoss products, C-MARC Firewalls, Entropic Power Cords and digital interconnects were in both our setups, supplemented in mine, by a specially build 10 outlet Entropic distributor/conditioner, Entropic loudspeaker Firewalls and Entropic Loudspeaker cables for my satellites and subwoofers.We had frequently discussed what might the Bindbreakers be able to bring to our already very well seasoned setups being able to play any kind of musical style with delicacy and heft. We both agreed LessLoss has never oversold ANY product to our knowledge, then again, we both had experience with feet under equipment, Black Diamond Racing Cones and others, and yes, they make a difference but .... We decided to buy two sets together, with the possibility of trying both but in the end saving some money by settling for one set each, were the end effect there, but miniscule. Well, both sets arrived at my place and I decided to begin with one set of three under my newly aquired dCS Network Bridge, an astonishing streamer, best I have ever heard. After an hour of burn in - yes, to my surprise BBs need burn in time - I thought it should be illegal to sell the dCS without Bindbreakers, such was the improvement on all parameters. BBs have puzzled me. They are not the kind of "in your face" enhancements, yet, I dare to say an enhancement I can no longer absolutely not live without. So what do they do? Above all else they make your setup ridiculously fast in a splendid way. Reaction - acceleration and braking time is shortened in a way that opens up the sensation of space, scale, depth, micro- and macro dynamics, slam and tip-toe expressions by musicians plus tone color to die for, I mean the setup literally sings it's heart out as the best singers magically can. That is what I cannot live without anymore. A week and a half ago I hadn't the slightest notion of that, only an undefined longing for.... Know that feeling? Let me fill you in, if you are still with me. At the end of the day I placed the second set under my LessLoss passive conditioner/distributor. Sho' 'nuff, more of the same and I stayed in sonic Heaven not being able to leave Radio Paradise as the next song kept opening up so intriguing that I just had to hear that one too. Mind you, Paradise casts compressed AAC, good quality, but compressed. I just couldn't care, just had to listen. After three wonderful days of almost 24/7 Radio Paradise my buddy wanted to try out the feet in his setup. I removed them, took them to his home, and, listening to his heavily improved setup I had not yet heard after the change, without installing them, was able to precisely predict to him what nasties they would remove. I was right and he was stunned. Placing just one set under his heavily modified Oppo streamer/DAC repeated what had happened with my sound. A few hours later I left him with a smile that almost ran twice around his face only to return to my own setup that had now turned completely dull. For the next week I could hardly bother to listen to music, not even the very best recordings and certainly not Radio Paradise which I started a couple of times a day but left after one or two songs. My high-end companion of course bought the second set from me after four days not wanting to go back to HIS now dull sound and I could finally order not two, but four sets for myself. I simply could not help it though my poor purse screamed in agony. Yesterday my new friend, the UPS truck driver, arrived with two bags containing the twelve BBs and it felt as the morning sun came in after a long winter storm. Burn in time repeated itself, but after an hour I had most of my wonderful sound back by placing three BBs under my streamer again, and, as in a fairy tale, Radio Paradise seemed to broadcast the same specially enhanced quality as a week before. Half a day later I lowered my all digital Steinway&Sons A2 four channel power amp/DAC/room control unit on the second set of BBs and I was equally stunned! Almost all the deep lows disappeared, sound got two dimensional and irritating and dynamics were gone. I was honestly chocked. I had purposely let the music play during the placement of the unit on the feet, not cutting signal at all to omit the power on/off sound change always there. I'm so glad I had experienced the burn in time already, so I stayed (almost) calm and kept listening. Lesson for y'all, don't judge BBs too early!!! 50 minutes later the tone color was nice again, scale and space had improved, and I could hear what the bass player did to his instrument, not only bass notes. After two hours the sound was better than it has ever been proving that enhancing signal sources with BBs take priority over conditioner/distributor - just like Louis had already stated. I am so lucky to still have two sets waiting to be unpacked, but that is for a follow up, folks. All I can say, is, Bindbreakers may not be in your face improvements but once you have learned what they do, you cannot live without them. To be continued ......... Bindbreaker Vibration Control Equipment FootDate Added: 11/18/2020 by Stephen Braude
I now am using 5 sets of 3 Bindbreakers, under my monoblock amps, SACD player/DAC, passive preamp, and Aurender server. In each case they've replaced, and outperformed some very good alternatives, including Spira Ultra Tuning Feet, Symposium Rollerblocks, and Isoacoustics Orea. I plan to use another set on my 2nd DAC. The other footers definitely have their virtues. But in every case the Bindbreakers yielded clearer imaging and more robust instrumental and vocal timbres (more, and more realistic, meat on the bones). I consider the Bindbreakers, at their reasonable price point compared to most serious competitors , to be one of the great bargains in audio history, not to mention a truly ingenious device.
Echo's End; Bindbreaker; C-MARC XLR balanced signal cable, stereo pair; C-MARC Classic Power CableDate Added: 01/06/2020 by Arthur Ross
I would like to tell all of your potential future owners and/or current owners of any and all LessLoss products, past or current, that because I have a coterie of close friends and former associates who are always anxious to buy (for the past several years, only LessLoss offerings) from one owner (me) of LessLoss products, I have been in the process of upgrading. Because of that fortunate position I have been an owner of virtually every power cable, USB cable, USB keys, interconnect, Firewall 1x through 64x, analog hardware from the Echo's End Original to the Reference and now to the Reference Supreme twin-chassis unit.
These statements are not driven by an ego trip or braggadocio. It is jut a statement of fact based upon my personal experience as an audio hobbyist which began decades ago by building much of my original equipment. Over those many years my systems grew enormously with much legendary equipment to my current system which is solely sourced from audio streaming to digital output DAC, and amp listening via headphones only. As one might expect over my many years of experience in this hobby, at every upgrade, I experienced the hope for improvement. Something I did not anticipate nor expect since beginning to incorporate LessLoss products into my system was the extent, the level of the immediate and future improvement that resulted. Such was beyond any prior experience with non LessLoss equipment. In my communications over recent years with other owners of LessLoss products I have come to find that my experience was not unique. We have all noted that the improvement actually realized, frequently "out of the box," far exceeded the results experienced with products from other manufacturers. In every case when an upgrade was suggested, the resulting revelatory experience was always immediate, and improved even more over time... And always exceeded what was expected. Candidly, LessLoss is a breath of fresh air in this industry of "grandiose promises resulting in nano-delivery." Bindbreaker Vibration Control Equipment FootDate Added: 10/16/2019 by Jonathan Popan
after checking out various content on my Asus pa279q computer monitor, I have to tell you the bindbreaker feet really work magic on the picture quality of anything that's displayed. With the audio I got incremental improvements in quality as I put these feet under each of the equipment, which added up to a big improvement for sure, however when I put the bindbreaker feet under the monitor it's as if I got all the improvement immediately. I definitely liked the way that this monitor looked when connected to the custom distribution unit you built for me, through the lessloss c-marc power cable, although I have to tell you I was completely blown away by what these three feet under the computer monitor added to the picture quality. Before the bindbreaker feet, the picture quality was very natural, clear, dimensional, detailed, colorful, vibrant, lots of "pop" and contrast, with no sense of sameness on the screen. After I put the bindbreaker feet under the monitor, depending on the content it can truely appear as if you're looking out of a window. I played a few pc games(ie. Rise of the Tomb raider, Nier Automata, Crysis 3, etc.) and I couldn't believe how natural looking they were, how all the finest details were prominent and how the most subtle shades of color in the environment, whether it be on the walls of some cave or inside a facility were gushing out of the screen. I don't think I've ever been immersed in just exploring the environments of games to this degree, but it was so incredibly organic, lifelike and enchanting I just had to keep exploring. One specific example that I just can't pass up is Crysis 3. This game has always been eye candy, but this time around, when playing towards the beginning of the game where the setting was a stormy night outside a facility and the main character, inside a nano suit, is trying to covertly get to the next checkpoint was especially jaw-dropping. As you're nearing the checkpoint, there's a helicopter shining its bright light against the drops of rain and the metal of the facility in the darkness of the night with very solid and colorful lens flare effects. The deep contrast, ultra clarity, and natural/vibrant colors gave that scene an incredibly gorgeous, cinematic and immersive feel as if I were playing a movie instead of a game. So far, I got a chance to check out the old Lion King blu ray and it obviously didn't look real as it's a cartoon, but again, the very finest details are very easily seen, the most subtle shades of colors were obvious and beautiful and the overall image was extremely solid, shredded and stable, with absolutely nothing between me and the movie. The movie, without a doubt, had a "picture-perfect" look to it as if I had some crazy high-end Eizo monitor(I've never seen one but I would imagine it probably looks something like it lol). I also watched a few 4k youtube videos and again, that look as if there's nothing between me and the lifelike content on the monitor persists. It's very easy to look into what's being displayed instead of just watching it. One thing that did come to mind is the fact that this monitor does look better than most displays, but I really do feel as if now the internal lookup table(colour processor) is really shining due to all your products, thank you very much! As far as the amount of difference it made, what I can say about the effects of the bindbreaker feet on the picture quality is that it didn't make quite the same amount of difference as the power cable/distribution unit, although it was a profound difference none-the-less and it goes hand in hand with the power cable/distribution unit and complements each other perfectly. Thank you Louis and congratulations on such an amazing product.
Bindbreaker Vibration Control Equipment FootDate Added: 09/01/2019 by Joerg Meinhardt
The Bindbreaker liveliness came to my house
After a recent purchase of an amazing LessLoss custom made firewall power distributor, Louis recommended to put the Bindbreakers underneath. So I rearranged my rack to get more space above the distributor and finally was ready for the Bindbreaker experience. Another big surprise happened with these, which should have been taken for granted, if Louis recommends explicitly :) I had small plain birch tree multiplex pieces under the distributor before, which I thought, should do at least an 80% job. I use such 4 cm high sheets in the entire rack and it is quite neutral and better than anything I tried before. So, about the surprise ... No, those were not 80% at all, after I exchanged my birch wood against the Bindbreakers!! A new world of liveliness entered my living room. - Soundstage deeper - Better separation of instruments - Airy open highs - Cleaner but even more colorful midrange - More punch, especially in the bass - More, deeper, and better controlled bass - Voices especially from a deeper stage position sound more realistic with less distortion - Less resonances in mid and low range. Used to have trouble especially with overlapping sounds, almost completely gone now ... without room treatment or adjusting the speakers' position. This new liveliness does not lead to any listening fatigue, rather reduces it more. With the Bindbreakers I got a lot of "bang" for the price, and a big smile on my face while listening to my stereo!! And I will put it under my electronics as well. Have to replace my 4 cm birch wood with something lower (maybe Panzerholz) to fit it into my rack. Hard to imagine how much more liveliness this will bring ... is there any end?? Thanks Louis, for another wonderful product!! C-MARC RCA unbalanced signal cable, stereo pair; Firewall Module; Echo's End; Bindbreaker; C-MARC XLR balanced signal cable, stereo pair; C-MARC loudspeaker cable, stereo pair; C-MARC Classic Power Cable; C-MARC bulk wire and cableDate Added: 08/27/2019 by Arthur Ross, Westport, CT
![]() LessLoss started its business on Audiogon in late 2007. Within the first couple of month, word about LessLoss spread like wildfire among Audiogon members. Here is the feedback received from our clients during our first year of operation. This is from even before we had our own website. Louis is one of the best in the business, truly professional and very fast production and delivery. I am very satisfied by your superb service. Many thanks.
Excellent transaction with Lessloss on dynamic filtering power cord. Good communications & fast shipping. A+++++
Bought 3 pc's from Liudas in Jan/08. Outstanding product as advertised. Performance is everything and more than I expected. Kudos to Lessloss cable for a great product. Very highly recommended...A+++
Bought the Lessloss PC cable about a month ago; the quality and build are excellent. Compares very favorably with more expensive PCs. Highly recommended. Thanks!
A power cable that makes a huge difference; simply an excellent design. First-class sales and service - highest recommendation.
Cable #6 powering my Emm Dac6e which comprises part of my headphone system. Again, more resolution, detail, quietness from my Victor HP1000phones. Best single device in my system ever. Time to purchase more. I'm spreading the word re: this marvel!!
Liudas,your service is INCREDIBLE,no waiting 4-6weeks for cables and the ones I already have are doing more than I hoped A+A+,Thanks again,Don
Lightspeed delivery,very nice cable.I am kind of proud Liudas of such good cables from this part of Europe
Liudas is a honest and dependable seller, always answers my e-mail questions promptly. The LessLoss cable is a work of art, and sounds good too, cable is still burning in. I'm quite happy with my purchase.
Very smooth transaction, lovely cables. Thanks Liudas!
Amazing power cord! It beats my other much more expensive cables hands down - blacker background, natural, more details and dynamics. All my CDs open up and sound more musical. Brought two cables so far and will be buying more for sure. Liudas is a s
Cable #5 powering my Day Sequerra tuner results in being able to receive more stations!!! No more hiss, greater dynamics. Makes it sound like my ADA Tune Suite XM. This cable is the most remarkable product that has come my way in the past 20 + years
Kind and lightspeed fast service. The cable is a steal and outperforms other cables, costing much much more. Increasing every aspect of sound you can imagine. Absolutely outstanding!!! Thanks again Liudas.
Item arrived quickly and well packaged. Excellent communication. A great product from a great seller.
This is cable #4 in my system.Used powering my Ashley Xovermy MRS scares me out of the room!What power below 15Hz.No power cords that I have owned,many15X the $579.asking price have come close 2 this level of performance Looking forward 2 adding more
Cable #3 added to the PS of my Cello Palette. Well, no more static as I rotate the dials for the various frequencies. 1st cable to accomplish this! All power conditioners, including the Accuphase P1200 did not rectify the situation.Unbelievable!
Fast shipping and great sounding cables. Would not hesitate to deal with Liudas again.
This is my 2nd power cord from Lessloss. The first one was used to power my VRE-1, this one for the EMM CDSA SE. Again, a stunning result, w/quieter backgrounds, something that I thought I achieved w/the 1st cable. Next unit, the Xover.Unbelievable!
Excellent service and product, do not hesitate to try these cords. AAA+
Super fast shiping and a fantastic power cord. The very best I have ever used. Thank you Liudas!
You cant get a better seller in audiogon than Louis. For a cheap PC ( compared to many other manufacturers), he is responsive to your mails and even offer suggestion for cable configuration. Buy with confidence. First class seller with 1st class serv
Excellent seller...and truely excellent cable. The Dynamic Filtering Power Cable is just fantastic...musical...liquid...3D. Thanks!
Liudas has SUPERB DELIVERY,excellent communication. Cables are gorgeous.Can't wait till my amps come back,so I can reconnect.Can't say enough,check out all the POSITIVE FEEDBACK,Don Mitchell
The Lessloss offers WIDE dynamics.It's spooky quiet with an airy sound stage. Worth 10 times its list price.I am buying more!
Liudas is superb to deal with,4 day delivery to my door.wonderfully crafted cable. Excellent communication,and he's very patient with my questions,I'll be doing business with Liudas again(oops I already have)Thanks,Don
Very good sounding power cable,fast delivery-recommended.Thanks!
I own a number of well know and expensive Powercords that I use throughout my system. The Lessloss is clearly on par with the best for less. Used on the preamp of a system that was never bass shy, I felt like I had discovered another octave of music
Re: Purchase of Lessloss AC power cable. Immediately apparent something is special, it changes the envelope of the delivery of the music. The tripath solid state AR Amp sounds more flowing and used with my Tube SET, more bass from my 2 way speakers
Very good power cable at reasonable price, fast shipping, easy communication. Highly recommended, both product and seller.
Thanks Liudas. Very fast shippment, the whole transaction took 3 days. Excellent cable, the best I've owned. It's my second purchase from Liudas so I know from experience that it will be even better after burn in. Highly recommended.
Quick shipment and very good AC cord. I'll be back for more.
STELLA SERVICE. Felt like a valued customer. Cables are simply amazing. The sound stage is huge and sibilance free. Amazes me the way instruments and voices soar out of thin air. Thanks Luidas.
Outstanding service, excellent communication, and a fantastic product, one of the best power cables available for the $$$$. thanks again!
Quick delivery this time, My CD player never sounded so good. Thanks Luidas for another great cord to add to my system. A+++
I would like to thank Liudas for his excellent service. He is selling a fabulus product that helped me to solve the problem of high frequency harshness I experienced with my CD player.I will buy more cables to replace my Acrolink and Oyaide Tunami
I have now completed a full system (Digital/Power/Analog) integration using the LessLoss product. These power cables are a work of auditory art. Simply plug them in and be amazed! It's one product any sensible audio enthusiast should not miss out on.
I now have 4 of these in my system and every one of these on each component brought my system up to new levels. Nicely built as well. Highly recommended component!
Liudas is the gold standard in service. His cord in my system amounted to a hugh and positive upgrade. Thank you.
Outstanding service and the cable is as stated. The best I have heard so far over other regarded power cables. Highly recommend!!
Great on-going communications and terrific product.
I still find it hard to believe a power cord could be equal to or even greater than a serious interconnect upgrade, but it is! Thanks Liudas for the great product and perfect customer service.
The perfect seller in Audiogon: exceptional communication, easy transaction and fast and safe shipping. Recommended.
Perfect transaction.Great communication and very fast shipping. A+ Audiogon seller
Superfast shipping, good communication, doesn't get any better than this. Also, the cables are butifully made of high quality components. Thanks Walter.
Excellent transaction. A great power cable and company. Worth the wait.
A great experience overall, Liudas's enthusiasm for his product and the ongoing updates made this a very positive experience. The cord has made a significant difference in my system, most notably a much lower noise floor..
Trustworthy and very knowledgeable seller/designer/manufacturer. Kept in touch with updates and info. while cord was being manufactured and processed. It's all good - and all very high end.
Liudus is a great guy and the power cord is outstanding, I will glady buy from lessloss again, the cord took my system to another level
2nd entry; bought more cables. IMHO, better powercables than these are not available! Lessloss p/c's are MORE than a system upgrade. And 2 day delivery, from Lithuania?!! Amazing product!!!
Very nice sounding cable, beautiful build and a very reasonable price with fast international shipping. A+++
IMAGINE every listening session as your best listening session. Every recording played the best it can play. Your equipment performing always at optimum. Lessloss makes it happen! These cables are the best of the best!!!
In my years of audio and all the cords I tried Lessloss cords, made a difference you can hear for the better and it's not subtle. Good work Liudas! AAAA+
Excellent seller and Audiogoner, great communicator. Power cable is outstanding, excellent... Great soundstage, excellent definition, black background as promissed.
Liudas is great to deal with: excellent communication and service. The cables are very well made and well worth the money. Thanks!
Outstanding transaction and outstanding power cable.
Great transaction well worth the wait, this is by far the best powercord I have used in my system over the past 20 years, some cost as high as $3,000 and this power cord for $500.00 beat them all hands down and is a steal at its current asking price.
Top notch construction, performance to match, and a great transaction. Highly recommended because the cable does what is claimed, lowers noise while improving dynamics. Thanks!
If it was just always so simple !! Excellent, correct and accurate communication. Absolutely no loss at all even before listening to the cables. Highly recommended.
This cable was the BEST purchase that I've ever made!! I’m not affiliated with this product in anyway, but feel sorry for Audiophiles who don’t purchase these cables. Once Audiophiles try this cable, they will wonder how this product can be sold at such a low price. I’m baffled… In an industry full of snake oil, unethical cable retailers, enormous profits and scams - this LessLoss "Filtering Power Cable" is a "breakthrough product" which blows away the ALL competition at ANY price!!! I honestly don’t know how LessLoss can make a profit while using Oyaide connectors, hand braiding and an incredible passive AC filter. LessLoss "Filtering Power Cable" are sold from a manufacturer /owner /designer who is trustworthy, ethical, knowledgeable, and a pleasure to deal with. Take a chance!!!!, PayPal your money to Lithuania - and you'll be rewarded with great Customer Service, and the finest power cord made. Hear for yourself what you are missing!!! Thanks Again!!!
Excellent service and communication. Fast shipping. Thanks, Liudas!
Excellent products! Delivery of the power cords and XLR digital interconnect cable,was received within 10days of shipping. Luidas kept me informed on the status of my order. Very good communication and feedback to my inquiries.
First-rate all the way! The cables are sensational, and the price is a steal. The 1-2 week delivery from Lithuania is well worth the wait. Liudas and Vilmantas at LessLoss are perfectionists pursuing their love for the art of music reproduction.
Before upgrading your gear, please try the Lessloss Blackbody. It works wonders with my equipment and adds a realism, a new quality to the sound that will leave you speechless. Absolutely wonderful piece of gear.