C-MARC™ RCA InterconnectsC-MARC™ XLR InterconnectsC-MARC™ Speaker CableC-MARC™ Classic Power CableC-MARC™ Stellar Power CableC-MARC™ Bulk Wire and CableFirewall ModuleEcho's EndBindbreakerBlackbodyPower distributorBlackGround DIYBlackGround 6x/10x Power Base
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Firewall Module receives Mono and Stereo's Best Buy Award
September, 2015, author: Matej Isak
"The tonality is spot on and the Firewall Modules perform in this respect impressively."
"In a way, the Firewall module re-injects a remnant of real life to the sound image. You begin to hear not only the musicians' sound, but their effort as well." "With the Firewall module, it becomes easier to comprehend the distinction of the individual within the section. You can literally hear their effort at maintaining the ensemble sound." "This is how I would describe one of the Firewall Module effects. Imagine the clarity of Carl Zeiss optics being introduced while you're slowly zooming in to the focus point. After 30+ minutes everything is resolving and slowly being revealed in just the exact same way. Unclear pieces of the musical signal start to gradually become more vivid and make sense." "As with the LessLoss cables, a unique black canvas appears, one that projects a more clear interpretation of the music. But this time, as the focus continues to sharpen and become more revelatory and informative, it begins to seem like the canvas turns out not to be a black surface at all, but deep space." "There is something about the unfettered resolution and timbral correctness that is revealed with the Firewall modules in action. This potency was acknowledged whether the modules were set before the DAC, the phono preamplifier, the power amps, or preamplifier." "The achievement of a great system would be when our left-brain analytical decoding vanishes. And this is exactly what happened with the insertion of the LessLoss Firewall module. With familiar classical material everything becomes more immediately evident, of much more notable transparency, and all becomes more detailed and revealing. It is easier to know what you are hearing, without having to constantly doubt or think about it. And it is definitely not an artificial etching or embossing effect." "The Firewall Module provides a pleasing absence of coloration, where tonal color and timbre take on much more believable manifestations. Tone, timbre and color are depicted in a much more realistic and coherent way. Their subtle yet distinctive nature is preserved, lending an overall authenticity which is undeniable." "All in all, the low-level resolution and thoroughly maintained transient response creates a notable change that one usually relates only to upper echelon solutions." "Louis Motek did indeed advance his art and created with the Firewall module a new horizon of attainable performance, the impact of which is impressive even to an experienced reviewer such as myself." "Louis Motek is [...] bringing his unique company tech down to the mortals. It is still thoroughly possible for those with more available funds to go nuts with any desired number of Firewall modules. Here only the sky is the limit. Or should I say, the blackness of deep space." "Louis Motek's, shall we say, "half-altruistic" endeavor marks an interesting shift in this company's vision. And given the new price/performance ratio, a very welcome one." "The LessLoss Firewall module is this company's most intriguing and resolving product so far." "For what it represents, and at what value, the LessLoss Firewall module clearly deserves Mono & Stereo's Highly Recommended Award!" 6moons focusses on Firewall's unique clarification of audio signal
June 2015, author: Srajan Ebaen
[On the C13/C14 version:] "Despite their added funky connector junctions, I'm very clear that their benefit was exactly like a first pair of mild reading glasses. Time to go four square or rather, four in series over just two. And indeed, the same quality or attribute moved more into the foreground. I'd call it crispness were it not for hifi lingo's reflexive tie-in with sizzly treble and spot-lit transients."
"Imagine driving in inclement weather as your car window begins to subtly fog over with condensation. One press on the defog button and a few seconds of strong cold air blowing straight up at the windshield render the scenery patently crisper. Think of the LessLoss boxes as our hifi equivalent for such cold strong air and what it does to subliminal condensation." "It removes a stain the other power-line detergents and bleaches don't get at." "Removing my play set of eight modules to return to the earlier status quo missed out on that certain enhanced contrast which they had added." "The new LessLoss modules at a fraction of the sticker shock of former solutions in this catalogue seem like attractive circuit enhancements." |