Featuring the latest and most advanced LessLoss Skin-filtering technology, the Firewall Module blocks noise pollution to levels traditional capacitor and coil-based solutions can only hope to approach. Developed from our critically acclaimed DFPC (Dynamic Filtering Power Cable), the LessLoss Firewall Module reveals hidden subtleties of the entire audio event as it eliminates the widespread negative effects of high frequency noise pollution. Use the Firewall module with any equipment so that its potential performance can be realized in today's over-polluted electro-magnetic atmosphere.
Featuring the latest and most advanced LessLoss Skin-filtering technology, the Firewall Module blocks noise pollution to levels traditional capacitor and coil-based solutions can only hope to approach. Developed from our critically acclaimed DFPC (Dynamic Filtering Power Cable), the LessLoss Firewall Module reveals hidden subtleties of the entire audio event as it eliminates the widespread negative effects of high frequency noise pollution. Use the Firewall module with any equipment so that its potential performance can be realized in today's over-polluted electro-magnetic atmosphere.
These remarks concern the Lessloss Stellar Firewalls for loudspeakers. My system is highly resolving, consisting of the following components (partial listing): - Loudspeakers: PMC Twenty5 26i - Amplifiers: Luxman 509Z Integrated; Pass XA 25 power amplifier paired with Icon Pro 4 SE balanced passive preamplifier - DACs: Lamipizator Baltic 4; Holo May ‘KTE’ - CD transport: Jay’s Audio CDT MKIII - Streamer : Matrix Element S - Speaker cables : Audience AU24 SX ; JPS Superconductor V - Interconnects : Audience AU24 XLR & RCA ; JPS Superconductor V - Digital : Curious cable (blue) USB ; Tubulus I2S & Aes/Ebu - Power cables: Lessloss; Isotek; Xindak - Power conditioner: Audioquest Niagra 1200. - Decoupling devices: Auva 100s and 50s; Symposium Padz and Roller Blocks Upon inserting the Stellars into the system I was presented with a vividly clear, bright sound quite unlike the original Lessloss firewalls for speakers that I had been using for a few years. Initially, the sound was somewhat harsh accentuating the high frequences somewhat to the detriment of the mids and lows. However, I was correct to assume that some burn-in was needed: after approximately 20 hrs the Stellars appeared to settle, and I began enjoying a clear, transparent, slightly forward sound across the frequency spectrum. As I prefer a more relaxed sound, less forward, I experimented with speaker positioning: I discovered that by moving the speakers forward, not back, and increasing their separation, I achieved a more neutral, balanced and extended soundscape, any residual brightness or glare being ascribable to the materials/recordings. The noise floor is considerably lowered, graininess is virtually absent (depending on the source material), resolution is greater, listening levels can be moderate with no loss of musical fidelity. In short: Not only are the Stellar firewalls a considerable improvement over the regular speaker speaker firewalls, they are a major addition to the audio excellence of my system.
After 120 hours of burn-in: The Stellar Firewalls for Loudspeakers are simply amazing. Bass reaches down deeper, is more tactile, more natural, more 3d e.g. with standup bass. Midrange and highs have so much more of Everything that produces emotion. The silence between notes is full of tension, space is heard and felt. Loud is louder and at the same time more dynamic. Microdynamics are delicate or sharp but always natural. Cymbals take on a whole new dimension. All acoustic Instruments sound more real. The magnitude of the improvements are absolutely stunning. How can the last ten centimeters before the speaker terminals have such an impact? Crazy. All other cabling in my system is already LessLoss, plus distributor, plus BlackGround for Power, plus Blackbodies. Thx Louis and Team.
"Stellar" is the right name! I received a few days ago another Stellar power cord (replacing a C-MARC Entropic) and another C-MARC Firewall 640x filter. I already have another Stellar power cord for my amplifier. These products are now powering my DAC stack (Totaldac D1 direct, Reclocker and D1 drive). The result is again mind, I should write, "musical blowing". This cable brings more silence, more flow to the music, reveals very detailed shade and nuances ... all that makes the music so very lifelike and enjoyable ... The result is so much musical pleasure. I have many LessLoss products and they all work in harmony to provide more natural music. There is so much hidden music in our files and records which are now revealed. Well done Louis, thanks. Jean-Michel
In the past, I had equipped my stereo system with the BlackGround 10x Power Base and experienced a remarkable leap ahead in quality of the reproduced music, particularly in terms of transparency and clarity. Then, following the advice of Louis Motek, I inserted Stellar Firewall Modules on my loudspeakers. Although I have always been, by instinct, reluctant to insert any additional device on a signal line, I can state that, after a run-in period of about 180 hours, the Stellar modules did not penalize any aspect of the reproduction of music of my stereo. But it was after about 300 hours of playing music that the remarkable benefits of the Stellar firewall modules showed in full. The modules bring noticeable improvements on clarity of highs, especially for the most challenging recorded tracks of complex music. I can now listen to lower pitched notes that are well articulated and neatly reproduced. The musical scene enjoyed an increase in both accuracy and stability in space. The quality of tonality, so much advertised by the manufacturer of my DAC, is now as simple as impressively right. The purity of some feminine voices that were sometimes not reproduced at the same usual high level by my stereo, are now stable in time and rendered with much more subtleties than in the past. Maurizio
Again a wonderful upgrade, this time the Firewall for Loudspeakers Stellar version. Since 2019, I have the first version of the Firewalls for Loudspeakers with some upgrades to daisy chain on other loudspeakers with separated crossovers. Feel free to check the reviews from that time. I was very excited and up to just 3 weeks ago very happy with them. Since 3 weeks now, I have the Stellar version in my system and am very happy and astonished of this improvement. Just switched back to to the “old” one, to check whether I was not remembering falsely. And yes, it was correct: Just as always, everything is better, more natural and realistic, like: - Stage wider in all directions - Instruments and voices are better separated - Background more silent then ever - Attacks improved - Bass have more structure - Loudspeakers disappear … probably best what can be - Better decryption of lyrics … Today, the “old” non Stellar are going back to LessLoss. Such a great way to upgrade with a good price and no worries about selling the old ones. Thanks again, Louis and team, and gratulations for this new product. I love it!!
Stellar Firewalls for Loudspeakers are otherworldly! I won’t apologize for sounding like a LessLoss fanboy! The Power Base, Speaker Base, Stellar Power Cables, 640x Entropic Power Modules, Standard Firewalls for Loudspeakers and Entropic Speaker Cable & jumpers I have in my setup combine synergistically to produce the most heavenly sound! However, a recent upgrade from Standard Firewalls to the brand new Stellar edition have transformed my system from dreamy to otherworldly! Speakers vanish into blackness. Poof! Walls disappear. Poof! Music floats free & easy. Soundstage wide, tall & deep. More space around musicians & instruments. Their locations well defined. I’m able to see & hear behind each note played. Very holographic! It’s as if I traded my very nice seats as an observer to become an active participant on stage in the making of music. The emotional attachment is intoxicating! The LessLoss trade up program is both generous & easy. 2 stereo pairs of Standard Firewalls, 4 individual Firewalls per speaker, became Stellars configured in series, 2 red & 2 black per speaker. After 100hrs of run in time, this upgrade, combined with the other excellent LessLoss products in my system, represents a dramatic leap forward. I’ve never felt closer to the music than I do now! Bravo Louis & LessLoss!
I have been a supporter and believer of LessLoss product since 2023. I am currently using BlackGround 10x Power Base, BlackGround 8x Speaker Base, Firewall 640x and also 5 Stellar power cords…. I took the opportunity of the upgrade program to upgrade 5 pcs of Entropic Classic power cords to Stellar. My setup is streaming based and I was using the Entropic Classic to connect to LessLoss power distributor, streamer, usb regenerator, network switch and 10x Power Base. When I initially switched from my old power cords to Entropic Classic, the experience was a revelation..the feeling of “live” performance..the background is so quiet yet lively at the same time..the other improvement were increase in depth and width of music..and big reduction in digititis…please note that I am only streaming music through tidal and I am already getting this much of satisfaction. Now, upgrading from Entropic Classic to Stellar power cord, what I experienced is a definite improvement over Entropic Classic..the improvement I experience in Entropic Classic applies here and are further amplified.. I also experienced increase in dynamics and increase in bass quality and bass output..the increase in bass feels like I have upgraded my amplifier or speaker. What really impress me is on vocal..vocal is much much improved over Entropic Classic..to the point there is really no listening fatigue. The glare that I normally experience in digital setup is gone. Previously there are certain artist which I find it hard to listen to, such as Celine Dion Immortality..i had to lower the volume when the songs reaches chorus/climaxes as its too piercing to my ear.. but with Stellar, I no longer need to lower the volume..in fact, I can increase the volume now and hear even more details than before. All in all, the upgrade to Stellar was a worthwhile one and I greatly recommend this product.
I thought I would give you feedback on the products I have and the sound of my system. Products purchased so far. C-MARC Classic power cord 2 metre Entropic 5 of Firewall 640x (2 of which are C-MARC) 2 sets of Bindbreaker Equipment feet Power Distributor and the star of the show Echo’s End Reference DAC. These products have all contributed to making the sound of my system enjoyable to listen to. I now want to listen to my hifi system again, and looking to play CDs which I have not played for a long time (This is testament to how well things are). When I had the Echos' End Reference on loan it was touch and go whether I kept it. Basically (to my ears) there was too much attack / power to leading edge of strings (guitar) when they came in on the tracks I was using for the evaluation. In one sense a small thing, but when investing that much money I felt things had to be right. I then had an idea, a set of supports I had put in I never gauged the difference they made or not. This pretty much corrected the issue, and along with talking to Elite Audio (UK) I felt mentally more positive (state of mind does have an effect too). After further listening I was then completely happy with the sound. The change involved removing the supports I had put under, not the CD transport, but the external linear power supply. Hifi to me is not always a science, but behaves more like an art form. I was really concerned about bass from the Reference seeing other peoples review, but this has not been an issue. What it is is open and balanced (i.e. covers top end and bottom end equally). On a recent listening it is almost like you can hear the other side of the notes. Beautiful sounds which waft over, and work with my ears (a big thing for me). Will be looking to add more. Following your advice, more power cables and Bindbreakers. Eventually looking to BackGround 10x Power Base, and your last Newsletter reminded me of a couple of the Blackbodies conditioners. Many thanks for your company's products and design philosophy.
I wanted to express my gratitude to you.
As might be first user from Taiwan: I used 640x C-MARC™. Connected to the computer: the sound contrast is increased, smooth and black, and at the same time, it seems to be 1-2db more. Connected to DAC: The mouth shape of the human voice is relatively round, and the fluctuation is obvious. Remove the firewall, similar to cooking curry without chocolate or butterl. Connected to the tube amplifier: the extremely low frequency is much clearer, the sound field can be lowered instead of running to the sides. Connected to class D amplifier purifi: the treble becomes less bland, became more engaging. Connecting to the Powerline/Power Distributors: the appeal is close to connecting to the DAC, the overall sound field is improved and the depth is stretched before and after, and the separation between instruments is good. Listening to Imagine dragon believers, the distribution is clear, and the vocals and guitars are divided open. Although The low-frequency sound field is not as good and deep as Connected to the tube amplifier, but it still with very good body of base. Really thumb Up for better musical density and body. My personal short review in Traditional Chinese: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Audiophile/M.1682248279.A.2D8.html
Improvements in audio are a curious thing; one cannot imagine what something might sound like once improved since one's ears are tuned to whatever exists. One is happy - even ecstatic - with how things sound at the time. This is how I was, feeling that the level of clarity, definition and detail was far greater than I had ever experienced. Yet, like all psychopath audiophiles (!!!) I am always striving to find more more more!!! Or, as is the case here, less less less of things I didn't know I was hearing. During my last date with my installer we incorporated your power conditioners as you suggested, using your power cables. We eliminated the Nordost units except for a few pieces that are not in the audio chain, and on an entirely different circuit. And I was immediately struck by an even "blacker" background, the sound emanating from what I can only call a "pool of purity" - with no influence from external noise, interference or sound coloration. I had never heard music sound so independent of degradation. As you mention on your website, there was a noticeable break-in period, but it wasn't too drastic; there were days things sounded different than other days, but never horrible (like during my speaker break-in period! That was horrible!). Things have settled now and I wanted you to know how incredibly happy I am with your stuff. Very impressive - my installer also was blown away... I'm sure you've found a new fan, advocate and buyer in him. Thanks again for what you do - take care, John
I am listening to some nice jazz this morning and can hear the musicality that has emerged through the use of your power distributor, power cables, interconnect and firewall for speakers. I always knew something was missing, but was not sure what that was. Congratulations on your fine work.
Met close to all expectations for upper frequency changes in clarity and smoothness and still breaking in. Reinforces loyalty to your products, several of which I have!
I have been involved in the wonderful hobby of High End HiFi for decades gradually improving my stereo as my knowledge, funds and regards for my family allowed. It has given me countless hours of joy and, in the beginning, countless hours of frustration as well. One of the quirks of this hobby is the vast number of variables involved. That is probably the reason one still cannot just order “The Best Stereo”, pay the bill and live happily ever after. It is still very much an art to not just chose the right components but also be able to make them play together and not against each other. One thing I have learned during my long journey travelling the “Stereo Jungle” is, very few people master this art while vast quantities of animals of prey seem to thrive in sewing confusion dressed up as absolute knowledge, amateurs as well as professionals. Little wonder that most of us have been through periods of repeatedly swapping out components of our stereo in an everlasting search for the holy grail. Sadly, frustration and confusion often follow the initial burst of joy over a new component and the search starts over again. But there is a solution to this I found out. My journey took a completely new direction as I, by chance, stumbled upon LessLoss, a company driven by a rare combination of deep insight and experience in both the technical the performing and the recording side of music, look for the credentials on the homepage. Add to that the real time feedback from a worldwide community of satisfied customers. A company that takes pride in always striving for the best, very often breaking new grounds in a spirit where Quality always beats Quantity and getting to the soul of music seems to be the top goal. Fighting noise seems to be the dominant road for LessLoss, nothing our ears perceive as noise but the cleaning up of all kinds of ultrahigh frequency noise, a lot of which was not present a few decades ago. Noise everywhere in our modern world polluting and thereby hindering our expensive equipment in doing what it would be able to do were the pollution not there. My present LessLoss chain consists of C-Marc power cables, digital interconnect and speaker cables, all Entropic Processing. Add to that distributor and firewalls, also the oh so important Entropic Processing. As I like to experiment, learn, and pass on knowledge I presently have a somewhat extreme chain, more or less like a choo-choo train, some of the stuff on loan for the experiment and the knowledge of the lenders: From the Furutech Schuko outlet 2m C-Marc Power Cable (from now on CM PC) hooking up to 2 CM Firewall64x + 1 external CM FW640x + the latest LessLoss distributor with dual 640x firewalls inside, via 1m CM PC Entropic Processing (EP) + another identical distributor + CM PCs Entropic to all equipment. Speaker cable is CM Entropic with Entropic speaker firewalls going into satellites and subs. The result is a setup that can play at very low volume with an intensity and involvement that ought to be sought for by all audiophiles with family sleeping in neighboring rooms at the time of night when stereo sounds its best and genuine audiophiles are active. There’s a transparency and naturalness to the extremely coherent sound that makes it very easy to slip inside the musical event and easily hear just how the greatest of the greatest master their instruments down to the most subtle vibrato or understated attack. Of course, when you play louder things get even more involving and easier to grasp but still with a naturalness and musicality that lets you listen for hours and hours in a row without the slightest hint of listener fatigue. Aggressive music sounds aggressive but not tiresome, soft music sounds wonderfully soft but definitely not uninvolving. Attack and explosions in music sound scary if intended and scale, pace, timing, and rhythm is just present in the coolest and most natural way. In fact, it doesn’t take long before you completely forget the stereo and just hear the musicians or singers. Good live recordings almost make you wanna reach out and touch. “Just one more number,” keeps popping up in your mind until you have forgotten time and place often floating away on an inner travel to wonderful places. Did anybody think Zen? All this LL equipment is not needed to make a genuinely fine sounding setup, but have I yet reached the point where I cannot tell the difference when adding the next piece? Nope, you can never get too many firewalls it seems, but one always seems enough – until you add the next. My guess is, you cannot get too many of the newly introduced BlackGrounds either. In my mind it’s impossible to exaggerate the value of what LessLoss as a company succeeds in doing as music is the universal language and bearer of immense amounts of cultural goods that our generation is lucky enough to have access to through electronic media. The LessLoss vision potentially opens up virtual access to time travel to a plethora of incredible musical performances in a way other brands can only dream of. Getting as close to the very soul of the performers as possible is what that vision is all about. Only LessLoss offers a completely coherent upgrade road that step by step always takes you in the same direction, closer to the natural unrestricted sound of musical instruments and the skill of the performers. Should you ever need help or guidance, Louis Motek, head of the company, is always open to an often humorous always elevated and skilled discourse over this and that when it comes to his lovechild and music in particular. So, how much do I want LessLoss to succeed with their mission of (clean) Power to the People? Strangely, it now goes way beyond just making my own stereo sound stellar, as it almost gives me more pleasure to introduce it to others, passing on what truly cleaned up sound can do for their musical experience. Let me round this up by saying, of all the genuinely many items I have bought into my stereo I have never regretted one single purchase and I would not return one single piece even for a full refund because I was unhappy with it. I have upgraded items but always to the next LessLoss model. I may well do that again cause there’s even a friendly upgrade policy. What can I say but, Less loss, more pleasure.
My audio system is a highly sensitive and very transparent one, using very high sensitivity field coil full range speakers and also field coil bass speakers. The tube amplifier that drives the full range speakers (Rullits) offers only about 3 Watts. So, my description of the effects of the 640x Firewalls pertains to a high sensitivity (including high hum sensitivity) tube driven system. It has been optimised over the years with much dedication, including the use of Firewalls for loudspeakers and Firewalls for power supply. So, I was not expecting such a range of improvements upon implementing this home-made power distributor using one DIY 640x Firewall per power cable (8 Firewalls for 8 power cables). I might even consider building a second distributor to take care of the remaining power cords! I believe that the use of one Firewall per power cord minimises detrimental electrical interactions between the various pieces of equipment, which clearly translates into less hum and a clearer musical signal. I finalised my 8 channel power distributor using 8 of your DIY 640x Firewalls, one per channel/output. I use one power transformer (connecting 400V from the 3 phase electrical supply of my flat to its primary, which translates to 230V on its secondary) to feed my entire audio system and achieve galvanic separation. Grounds proceed via separate connectors, one on each piece of equipment of my system (implemented by me), which, through C-MARC wires, converge onto a single soldering point and then travel through two 640x Firewalls before being connected to earth. Accordingly, since the grounding network of the system is fully separate from Line and Neutral, I did use Ground and Neutral of the 640x Firewalls in parallel to account for Neutral. Line was used as usual. I powered all digital related equipment, part of the tube gear, and part of the field coil power supplies with this power distributor. There are still about 8 pieces of equipment which are not powered by this DIY 640x power distributor. Some of the pieces of my system already housed a DIY 640x, internally connected to the primary of the respective power transformers. Listening to the system after implementation was a great pleasure. The already low hum level of this complex system went even lower, nearly undetectable! Depth and width of the musical stages increased. Unknown low level information appeared, which also translated into increased harmonic richness of instruments and voices and an increased dynamic range. Acoustics of the recording space became more obvious, which revealed the three dimensional structure of the musical scenery. That means a lot when considering the pleasure it conveys when listening to music!!! So, great stuff indeed.
I have been using the LessLoss Power Distributor since July, 2022. I am very pleased with it. I have felt different/ better about playing music since it has been here. A few weeks ago, I was able to attend small hall rehearsals for some friends about to perform a J.S. Bach and Rachmaninoff recital for piano and violin. My system is now playing in the same universe as this live performance. A perfect audio match? - No! Very relatable - Yes! I now feel there are no significant component differences that prevent me understanding the performers/composers' main intentions. At age 74, this is the first time I can say this. I would like to form a thought about how I now seem to apprehend the gestalt of a piece of music ~ but the thought is still too difficult for me to say in a way that is not too ephemeral. But there is a new sense of some kind of completeness in the presentation of a piece of music. My LessLoss products are - several power cables and interconnects, Firewall for speakers, and the Power Distributor. The result of several orders. I live in Australia, and dealing with LessLoss has been pleasant: without difficulty.
My installation has two dedicated power lines: one for digital devices (Innuos Statement ---> DAC B. Audio), the other for analog devices (Hand made power distributor by Ludwig Audio ---> Preamplifier Thrax Dyonisos ---> 2 power blocks Tidal Audio for biamplifying pair of Tidal Agoria). My power cable panel features TWL Obsession, C-Marc on streamer and DAC. The digital or analog interconnections come mainly from Sablon Audio. I also have two LessLoss Loudspeakers Firewalls, and a C-MARC 640X firewall on the preamp. The second C-MARC 640X that I have just purchased will go directly to the DAC, whose power supply is much less optimized than that of the Innuos Statement. My goal was to avoid pollution of the power current between digital devices among themselves, and between the preamplifier and the power blocks. What a success ! On my DAC: immediately: more space, more depth, more precision on attacks, more control on bass, less background noise ... The music is more immersive ;-))
The following story is my journey with the Firewall 640x DIY version, I have collected my email feedbacks to Louis to give an impression of my experiences: May 18th , 2021 Hi, finally I have installed the 640x’s in my system (DIY oakwood boxes), one in front of my source and my preamp and the result are very, very nice! I’m not very surprised because I had the opportunity to test one 64x in my system before these. However, with the new babies the sound is more palpable, 3D, organic, liquid and involving (the only parts that have had more impact in the overall sound in my DIY journey are the complete replacement of my coupling caps with V-cap ODAMs). May 28th Last evening things really started to change – and what a spectacular improvement! I have totally new experiences with my so familiar music – or, which I thought I knew. Some reviews report they crank the volume up with the Firewall installed – not me… Actually, I have to turn the volume knob down because of the tremendous increase in macro dynamics. – I guess the purer mains have freed up more horsepower’s which now are used for dynamic music amplifying and not noise amplifying? Now I have an huge room without walls, expanded in every direction left, right and back, and also to some extend upwards – and it so defined and controlled – and the bass, yes the bass... Also, I take this as a sign of good quality of my components before the installation, which just were, and hopefully still, are waiting to be released. I know I have a configuration that you not recommend; before the Firewalls I have some main filters from LC audio, which actually have no ground connection after the filter (however, I have a true ground rod in the garden on the LC filters main side), meaning that the ground part of the Firewall is not active. However, the impact from the Firewalls is to my ears still significant. Yes, I can hear you thinking; just remove the LC audio filter – which for sure I will try later. On Lois’ recommendation as the next step I ordered 3 x 640x for my amps (and one for my projector). July 8th Hi Louis, all my gear now has their own Lossless power conditioner, the result is fine, but the biggest improvement was on my pre and daq. The effect on amps were more subtle, although the bass went tighter. Maybe a little bit more colorful, but not night and day effect. I tried to remove the LC Audio net filters originally filtering the mains (daq and pre) in front of the new LL640x; big improvement on the daq, but just confusing on my pre – however my pre is by nature not grounded so I suspected maybe it could be explained by that? However, I reinstalled the LC filter on my pre again - in series and in front of the LL640x. Hm, music in focus again and with better dynamics, but after some time I heard a kind of unpleasant sharpness especially on vocals. Strange. I thereafter swapped the mains L and N phase and the sharpness went away – so that inspired me to again remove the LC filter – and now it sounded nice! So that’s it – now playing purely with LL640x on three power amps (1 to my sub amp), on my daq and pre. Sound is great, but the effect was definitely biggest on my source products. The effects kind of sum up in more “to be there” effect. Of my power amps, the effect on the Crown to the sub was the easiest to hear, not on the bass, but on the higher frequencies??? – could it be the Crown originally polluted the power to my system, which now is cleaned up after installing the LL640x? Not to forget; the effect on my projector was nice, deeper blacks, more nuances in shadows and dark scenes, more saturated colors, sharper, and more 3D pictures – very impressive effects (– the power cord on the projector is 3.5 m questioning my idea about lack of big effects on power amps?) Aug 18th Hi, just to update you on my experience, the sound of my system is now on a new higher level! This happened just some days ago - think the burn in period is much longer than my first expectations! For now, I think the LL640x improve my amps sound equally to my pre and daq!!! September 20th Sound is even better than reported Aug 18th, the musicians are in the room. Before boring recordings are now involving and interesting, kind of understanding more of the content and what the musician’s expressions. This has been a great journey, well worth the money spent and the burn in period! Thanks! Regards, B.Rud, Norway (Equipment; JBL250Ti, JBL4546 sub with crown xti4004, Zapsolute mk4 118w classA monos, Oppo BDP95, external HD, Vincent SA-T1 tube pre, all components except the crown amp, with upgraded parts).
I recently purchased the C MARK 640X after reading published reviews. As recommended in the review I installed it on the input to my power board which supplies the digital front end of my system. This is an amazing product, I was surprised at the difference it made. The improvement was immediately noticeable and significant. There is more air around instruments, background is quieter and bass is more defined. I think this is the best value improvement I have made to my system and being a passive device it will last for ever. Well done on another great product.
When I first read about the LessLoss technology I was a bit skeptical. Since I already loved the way my system sounded I had difficulty believing that it could sound even better than it already did. Louis assured me that I would be impressed, so I took the dive. The first thing I tried was the C-MARC power cords with ENTROPIC treatment. The 2 power cords were applied to the DAC and to the pre-amp. At first the sound seemed to close in and become less involving. By the 3rd day of listening it became apparent that I was hearing sound that was more coherent, and phase correct, producing a more musical overall result. Inner details, textures, and the bass all took a significant step forward. After experiencing these effects I went ahead and added 2 untreated Reference level PCs to the amplifiers which resulted in magnifying the effects noted in the DAC and Pre-amp. After the power cords I was curious about what the Blackbodies (total of 4) would do for the sound. This addition caused the most significant initial sonic degradation of anything I have ever added to the system. It took about a week before the benefits became fully apparent. Strangely enough the biggest improvement came after leaving the system off for a week. When I turned it back on the sound had totally transformed. It was as if a switch had been flipped bringing everything together. Suddenly there was a clear open window of sound with extended decays and sustains surrounded by the acoustic space specific to each individual venue and recording technique. All frequencies were proportional, gone was the bass heavy bottom up effect I had noted earlier during the initial break-in period. Also gone was the increased dynamic slam and exaggerated dynamic contrast that was previously prominent. What remained was a very natural balanced, and detailed presentation free from any detracting artifice. The background was much more quiet, allowing the tiniest details to emerge effortlessly, as if being spontaneously emitted from the space in between the speakers. The imaging was excellent before, but now it was if the speakers actually ceased to exist. The sound also became more concise, focused, and clean; making it apparent how much extraneous noise was infiltrating all aspects of sound before the Blackbodies were added. Initially this effect made me feel like I was missing certain aspects of the music, but over time it became apparent that it was only distortions that were missing, as new worlds of detail were exposed from old familiar recordings. After all of this I could not believe that the sound could get any better, but Louis provided me with this quote from another customer. “How the heck could I even listen to it and rejoice in it back then?” This from a customer who thought it could not get any better. That was the exact feeling I had after installing the Firewall For Loudspeakers. In total I have added 4 sets to the speakers. I could have easily stopped after the the 1st set, as the improvement in tone, micro nuance, and overall integrity of the sound was beyond anything I could have expected. However after adding the 2nd set I too was saying to myself “How the heck could I even listen to it and rejoice in it back then?” The whole sonic landscape elevated particularly in the bass region which became even more effortless and detailed. It was as if the whole system was upgraded. The music was just “there” without any veils or resistance to most minute details. The sound was fuller from top to bottom, with more life like nuanced transients, and deep deep views into the sonic fabric and the most delicate textures and tonal inflections. The system never sounded this effortless, as if it had become super-conductive and friction free. Talk about lifting veils. Consequently I now have 4 sets of Firewall for Loudspeakers installed. At his point I thought there is no way things could get any better, but as it turned out I was wrong, again. Louis built a custom set of Jumper cables specifically designed to work with Avantgarde Trios with BassHorns. These jumper cables were made of C-MARC, ENTROPIC cable with a DIY Firewall For Loudspeakers as junction splitter box. As usual there was an initial sonic suck-out upon first listen, but over the course of the week the sound again blossomed into something I have never before encountered from the system. Even after adding all of the other LessLoss devices, the sound again took another leap forward. It is not that I didn’t think the system sounded good before, it’s just that the improvements were of a type I had not yet experienced. All of the other improvements to the sound were still present, but were now being presented in a new light. The soundstage, imaging, and acoustic space all seemed come together to form an aural illusion so seductive and infatuating that I cannot stop listening and rejoicing in the sound. This type of sonic improvement is difficult to put into words, but after you hear it you will know exactly what I’m talking about. Effortless, organic, liquid, holographic, 3D sound reproduction appears to be a byproduct of not just eliminating noise from all power and signal carrying cables, but of also reducing the effects of environmental EMI and RFI which can permeate every component. That is exactly the result I feel has been achieved from using the LessLoss devices. It is very difficult to say which device has had the biggest impact, but I can say that they appear to work synergistically. Individually each device has made sonic improvements which after hearing I did not want to live without. My compliments to Louis and his organization. They have have proven to me that it is in fact possible to improve on even the most impressive sound systems, regardless of how good they already sound. Associated Equipment: The entire system has evolved over the last 17 years. The only components that still remain are the speakers and upgraded versions of Audiopax Model 88s which were upgraded to MkII status in 2009. Every component including the cabling, electrical conditioning, vibration control, and room treatments were all selected after careful auditioning and confirmation of their sonic synergy with the overall system. Consequently, each addition has advanced the sound in a desirable direction. Many components have come and gone to arrive at its current state. Roon Nucleus: music server Lumin U1: music streamer AQVOX: CAT 7 ethernet cable on all internet connections. AQVOX: Ethernet Switch (between Modem and Lumin) Berkeley Alpha DAC Reference II with MQA PS audio Signature BHK: Preamp Audiopax Model 88 MK II: Monoblock Amplifiers Avantgarde Trios with Basshorns: Speakers Video: Oppo UDP-205: Universal DISC player High Fidelity Cable Co: For all Power conditioning and line level, and speaker cables LessLoss jumper cables LessLoss Technologies: Power Cables to all components via HFC Professional Series power distributor LessLoss Firewall For Loudspeakers (3 stereo pairs, one for each speaker driver and 1 integrated into jumper cable junction box) Room treatments: 20 inch ACS stereo tube traps Corner ceiling traps. Grand Prix Monaco: Equipment Stands with Apex footers and ceramic ball bearings. All stand legs filled with ferrous steel shot. Support shelves upgraded to 3/4 inch glass. All footers, shelf spacers, and tube dampers are from Herbie’s Audio Lab.
The C-MARC FW640x elevates the sound to new hights. The predecessor - the C-MARC FW64x, provided excellent transients, 3D perspective and a clear sense of the ambiance of the recording venue. However, the C-MARC 640x improves on all parameters - an outstanding procuct. Congratulations on yet another success!
A few days ago i received the new 640 x Firewall module that replaces the 64 x that i used for my power distributor that only supports the phono amp and my Mc step-up transformer. I listened to three tracks with the 64 X Module and then installed the new 640 X. Right away this resulted in a clearly audible sound improvement. To describe it briefly, i don't want to use the usual phrases. It's like reading a book without glasses and everything is blurry. You put the glasses on and everything comes into focus, or equivalent, like using a magnifying glass. With the upgrade program there’s no need to think twice to order one. I don't want to devalue the 64 x module with this, it's a great product, but it's once again incredible that it can still get much better. I'm already looking forward to the upgrade of the c-marc module. In the meantime, I've reached the point where I can blindly buy any new product from Lessloss if it meets my needs and fits my budget. Fantastic product, again.
Delivery of my order had been perfect. After a very limited listening time I am convinced that upgrading from 64x to 640x BRINGS a very substantial improvement in the musicality of my system. Congratulations for this new success of LessLoss and a big thank to your team.
I received the FW 640x. Thanks for the super fast shipping. It is better than the 64x, for sure. Well done! Better on every dimension, resolution and musicality!
The 640X is amazing. It is on my transport the place where your filters have had the least impact in the past compared to power amp and powered woofers. It is MUCH more transparent with a much lower noise floor and increased space and depth. Increased tonality as well. These changes pale in comparison to the sense of musical expression it allows-even with distortion and poor tone ie Woodstock Live it feels like the performers are in front of you blasting away. The micro-dynamics become macro-dynamics as the singer gains both nuance and dynamic power. Artistic intent to the max! Cannot wait to hear these on my power components.
Firewall for Speakers replaced \"black box\" speaker filters costing twice as much and, after break-in, made my vintage Sound Lab speakers BLOSSOM to new heights and a never before attained enjoyment of my system.
Just added the speaker firewall in my system last week. For the first 24 hours sounded much quieter in noise than before, but at the same time sounded slightly muted and rolled off. However after 2 days of on and off playing, the system simply blossomed. The soundstage is wider than it has ever been. My system was faster and also had much more noticeable detail then before. The improvement in my opinion is better than a component upgrade. I am a purist audiophile. Was very sceptical about adding extra pieces of wire into the system. But after hearing the speaker firewall in my system, i cant live without them.
[LessLoss power distributor with onboard Firewall technology and C-MARC Entropic Process Hookup wire throughout] I got the new conditioner/distributor today, 6 outlets. Replaced my conditioner, one that took a long time to find which was in my opinion the best. I took a risk, but a calculated one, first, every product from LessLoss that I tried was WOOW, second, a friend of mine has a LessLoss conditioner. This conditioner is outstanding, a dream of every audiophile, clean power with a passive conditioner, without all the disadvantages of an active conditioner. Well done, again! Moti (Israel)
[C-MARC Firewall 64X] Attached is a picture of my granddaughter, Rosalyn. Felix, my son, sent it to me today with the caption: “I think we have a LessLoss fan!”. He snapped the picture as she heard her children’s songs for the first time with the C-MARC Firewall 64x replacing the regular plug-and-play Firewall 64x model. Her spontaneous reaction, without having been told anything had changed, was to singlehandedly take the stool to the speaker shouting: “Dad, what am I hearing?” She turned five in December. My son and her mother sat chatting on the couch and all of a sudden they heard her scrambling the stool in front of the speaker shouting the quoted in excitement. She stayed there for several songs to hear the “new” old songs she’s known for years.
[LessLoss power distributor with 6 Schuko outlets and latest onboard Firewall technology with internal Entropic Process C-MARC cabling throughout] He Louis, A few words about the Firewall Distribution Box. I\'ve been a big fan of your products (Firewall for Speaker, c-marc cables). Today I received your distribution box. Out of the box the whole system upgraded to an even more system. Every time I add one of your products the same consistently happens. The noise floor drastically drops. This time even more. The stage widens, this time even more. The details/texture gets richer, this time even more. The synergy of the system aligns to a new level, this time even more. All these improvements while keeping everything natural as to the original recordings mix. Utterly impressive!! I can only say, keep doing your black arts, it works wonders... A returning customer. (I didn\'t mentioned yet your great customer service, the best in the business in my experience)
[Power distributor with onboard latest technology Firewall and Entropic Process C-MARC hook-up wire throughout] The Distributor has been in my system for about a week and a half now. I decided to swap over from my existing powerblock in two stages, first being the front-end components supplied by the Entropic Process C-MARC power cords, but leaving all the amps fed by my old cables/powerblock. The improvements were obvious and along the same lines as the Firewall for Loudspeakers. A couple of days later I swapped my old power cords to the new Schuko plugs and fed the amps from the new Distributor. Again, the improvement was obvious. Given that my system has so much LessLoss conditioning already, each of which brought about significant improvement, the fact that the Distributor has filtered out so much more noise is both remarkable and disturbing. Whilst I am truly impressed by the new sound, I am concerned just how much further one could go! This was an expensive upgrade, but the result is simply fantastic and I know from experience (and despite the Entropic Process) that it will still improve over time. One thing that I have noticed and is worthy of mention, and more apparent after this upgrade than any other, is that so much ‘noise’ (that I previously did not know was there) has been removed from my system that it now requires quite a bit more volume on the pre-amp. Congratulations once again to you and the LessLoss team.
This is a review that is in no way difficult to write or describe how the sound improves a little bit each day. As soon as I plugged the Firewall for Loudspeakers into my speakers I was speechless as it sounded like I had invited the band into my room. None of that sitting around waiting for the elusive break-in period these things just took off and did the business of producing the best sound I have ever heard from speakers that I know with music that I love. These amazing creations just dropped the veil and sent in pure enjoyment. As to value this addition to your speakers will be the best money you will ever spend on your rig.......nuff said!
The boxes at my ‘speaker terminals (pic attached) house Bybee Speaker Bullets and they remained in my system and because of the configuration, the Firewalls plug into them. Whilst I save up for the C-MARC Entropic Process power cords, I was planning to rehouse the Bybee products (currently in the plastic box) in an enclosure similar to the mains Firewalls with the material being Russian Birch ply as per my ‘speakers. However, for the tails leading out to the Cardas terminals on my ‘speakers, I wound up using the ‘Large’ C-Marc bulk wire, Entropic Process (this option provided by LessLoss). I continue to marvel every single evening as I listen to the transformation of my system with the various Lessloss products. My favourite music has never sounded so good and it keeps getting better as I said at the start of the email. Here are before and after images. I’ve had just over a week with my latest project with the new enclosures for the Bybee Purifiers. I know that my Entropic Processed power cords only really showed their brilliance after 7 days, but of course my new C-MARC ‘tails’ are not seeing mains power. I expect them to take a bit longer to show their full merit. However, I knew from the first minute that they had brought an obvious improvement. OK, there is the new Birch-ply enclosures and the Bybee Purifiers embedded in Epoxy, but I feel the majority of the improvement comes from the C-MARC. The improvement being more of the same from your products, i.e. better clarity and realism. I thought, pre my Lessloss journey, that my system sounded really good. How wrong was I and how much ‘noise’ was there that I knew nothing about! My best way of describing it is that for ‘noise’ read glue. Previously the sound seemed stuck to the ‘speakers and the vocals / instruments stuck to each other. With each iteration of adding a Lessloss product, the glue has been progressively removed and the sound just fills the room and is totally detached from the ‘speakers. Each vocal (lead and backing) and every instrument is now free in its own space. With this latest DIY project, just 200mm of Entropic Processed C-MARC has taken away some more of the glue. Remarkable for such a low-cost project. Downsides – well yes - Entropic Processed C-MARC is ADDICTIVE – I need more!!! Thanks again.
[Firewall for Loudspeakers] I have been reading the various enthusiastic online reviews and forum posts about these devices. So I ordered them. I have earlier ordered the C-Marc RCA cable that I like a lot. My system is a Mac Mini with a linear power supply and Amarra with the Dirac room correction software running. I use an Audiophilleo2, then a Chord M Scaler and Qutest (with DIY cables phenocopying the WAVE cables with ferrites between the two), a Kinki EX M7 amplifier, ASI liveline speaker cables, and ATC SCM20SL that are modified with Duelund and Mundorf Xover parts and a Mundorf EMT tweeter. Actually, I was happy with the sound before (I was still in the honeymoon phase with the Kinki EX M7 that I received two weeks earlier) so I was really curious how the improvement by the LessLoss Firewall could realize? The sound is actually transformed - it is like it emerged from a fountain of youth. There is more texture and details, and more space, as if all ingredients of the music become more distinct and defined in an organic way, filling a wider space, without breaking coherence of the music. It is really quite amazing.
Thank you, Mr. Chef Cook You made me literally cry, tears pouring down both cheeks during “Sunrise” from Kingdom Come’s “Galactic Zoo Dossier”, and I loved crying from emotion over the wonderful transitions going from the quiet “Simple Man” into the crescendo madness of “Night of the Pigs” finally conquered by the most beautiful Ode to the gentle but overwhelming powers of the Morning Sun, I have ever heard on any record. Not since I heard “Sunrise” for the first time back in ’72 have I been touched to such a degree. Everything due to my new LL C-MARC Entropic Processing distributor and my new C-MARC digital cable. Talk about a technical masterpiece. THIS IS ABOUT THE LESSLOSS C-MARC ENTROPIC PROCESSING DISTRIBUTOR CONTAINING THE LATEST BIG FIREWALL CONNECTED WITH A C-MARC ENTROPIC PROCESSING POWER CABLE. Previously I described the very emotional impression that overshadowed everything else yesterday evening. I shall be back with much more later, but the Arthur Brown album, I know so well, opened up in a plethora of different sound landscapes, all artificial of course, but still impressive in their three dimensionality at certain points (for instance in “Creeps”) only to shift to a completely un-dimensional sound at other points. Typical for recordings from that age/genre where High Fidelity did not relate very much to the naturalness of sounds but to a fidelity tied to the message, the artificial bubble if you will, of the concept presented by the artists of the album. Impressive also in relation to the limited technical tools of that age compared to modern computer age. Sound coming from far outside the speakers, behind the speakers and sound moving towards you, seemingly coming from non-existing speakers two meters in front of, and meters off axis to the outside of the speakers. I started out, as you had suggested, with “Quark”, but was seriously underwhelmed at first. A mixture of a few issues. I blame it mainly on the virgin C-MARC Entropic Process power cord, which was actually to be expected, but in the anger of the moment my logic didn’t work well enough to grasp that, and I only seemed to hear fancy elevator music not involving me emotionally. As you had described the beautiful way the distributor was playing over last week-end, my emotions got the better of my mind and I heard almost the same sound as before the swap out. “Quark” didn’t hit me right until the last ten minutes of the record. Being too emotional, I fell into the trap of expecting an expensive top-of-the-line distributor to remedy all faults of sound and make the set-up transcend immediately, my subdued logic at the moment not being able to pass on the message that, of course, the best distributor will lay bare all of the faults as well. The virgin C-MARC Entropic Process feeding the distributor was obviously, well, virgin but couldn’t be remedied by anything other than burn-in time. Being an Entropic Process this was of course a matter of about four hours until it showed, not it’s full potential, but enough capability to not get in the way. The first fault that struck me was, of all things, the discovery that the two meter antenna of my Schumann Resonator had fallen off the wall between the speakers during the distributor swap. Taping this to the wall again gave “Quark” the size and dimensionality I was used to. Still the total sound was too dull, un-dynamic and without real sparkle. I had, on purpose, not changed the digital connection between streamer and control amp/DAC, to better be able to hear, what was what. I figured using my old Eichman digital cord as the final connection in the link: LessLoss legacy digital with the Eichman RCA plugs – Wyred4Sound Remedy Re-clocker, LPSU fed from a c-marc PC – 15 years old Eichman original cord, made me hear everything the original Eichman was not capable of. So, I ran the LL legacy solo, without the re-clocker, to the DAC and the whole soundstage shrank to a degree I had not experienced prior to getting the re-clocker and prior to getting the distributor. Principles are great, great sound is greater, so I reconnected the re-clocker now using the virgin c-marc digital cord to go to the DAC. Within seconds this reshaped the soundstage, dynamics and sparkle to greater than ever levels. I was now four hours from launch time and Arthur Brown and his fantastic musicians hit me with a power and a nerve I have always hoped for but never experienced in real life. I don’t know if I succeeded in luring you into listening for real to that album, if not, I shall hope that you some time soon, when you have 38 minutes of undisturbed time and an open mind, will play it loudly. Preferably not the YouTube – but the Tidal MQA version. They may not be musicians of classic skills but they are superb in their genre in this recording. All of them, Hammond player, drummer, guitarist, bassist, all of them so tight, so inspired. David Brubeck’s Take The A-train with the original b/w video also excelled as did David Bowie’s Heroes and Scary Monsters. I was in rock mood yesterday, so haven’t really listened to demanding classical recordings, but I have a wonderful week-end ahead of me and shall enjoy it to the brim. I soon, after combining the right cables, found out exactly what you, Louis, stated about almost no recordings are bad. That made me search out what I previously considered bad recordings, and that was so much fun that I never got off that game until I had to hit the sack. I didn’t need any sleeping pills, as my newly obtained sound poised me as much as it excited me, realizing that a years long strive for good sound has now gotten on the right track. I did, though, wake up exceptionally early this morning, all excited but wonderfully poised. It has been, and shall continue to be, a pleasure entering your world of sound designed to pass the dreams and emotions of the finest of artists. Another update of the wonders of the Entropic Processing distributor with the brand new big integrated Firewall module and my new C-MARC digital coax cable: I had a great experience over the last couple of hours watching Swedish TV casting from the CIOC organ competition from Montreal. The winner, a 25 year old Texan out of a black Louisiana family, Alcée Chriss. Winner of the price of the audience, Yuan Chen, a sweet but wild at heart Chinese girl. Both of them spanning from lyrical to crazy wild virtuosity. Number three, Nicola Vitozzi even played a John Cage piece on the pipe organ of the Notre Dame, Montreal. Once again I sat with tears in my eyes listening to church organ sounds so wonderfully emotional that it defied the fact I was in my own living room listening to broadcast music. My LG OLED TV, by the way, has improved in picture sharpness and color richness and naturalness. It is like going from a standard lens on an SLR to a professional lens. It just keeps getting better and doesn\'t stop surprising me. Church organ music in your own home can actually sound really, really well. Fabulous work, respect! Everything sounds so wonderful now after the first full week, that it puts a big smile on my face every time I listen to it. I just love the way I can hear not just the note being played but HOW the note is played. Mmmmm. I am not the biggest fan of baroque music, but yesterday, as my radio station announced a Haydn piece and I was about to switch away, the cello player administered his bow over the strings in a way that, simultaneously with the vibrato of the finger of the other hand, caught me completely off guard. I just had to listen to the piece, I didn\'t really want to keep playing, such was the insight into the work of the performer. Isn\'t this exactly why we put our money into this hobby of ours? René
With the C-MARC RCA unbalanced cables, loudspeaker cables and the Firewalls for Loudspeakers, I have been listening to my music for several months with great satisfaction and enthusiasm. Now I have received 2 C-MARC Firewall 64X and 2 Entropic Process power cords. The cables and firewalls are used with my Lampizator GG 2.5 and LDMS server. Directly connected to the separate power supply for the HiFi system, without additional filters or power conditioners. And again I immediately notice an additional, significant increase in musicality. The in and out swinging of the tones, as well as the fine details of the sound, are even clearer. The music sounds even more powerful, dynamic and homogeneous. WOW, what an experience. I do not want to repeat all the sound descriptions of the superlatives. For me, the purchase of the Entropic C-MARC Power Cable and C-MARC Firewall 64X is another great success and a stroke of luck. With every addition of LessLoss products I have increased my music system to a musicality I have never experienced before. And as long as I notice a significant increase every time I add LessLoss items, I will add new LessLoss items as finances allow. All the best and many greetings Ulrich Schulz
My first Review of a LessLoss product has been a long time coming. Not because there wasn't an immediate effect on Sound Quality, on the contrary, but because it was the beginning of a completely unintended journey in to a music wonderland I had unconsciously hoped for but not quite expected, a journey I am still continuously on half a year after I "discovered" LessLoss for the first time. So this will be a review, I shall update later on referencing what else has happened on my journey. Back in January I had invested heavily in peripherals meant to clean up the effects of dirty/lousy power. After decades of enjoyable stereo appliances I had bought a Steinway&Sons System S setup, the one that had been Editor's Choice in The Absolute Sound six or seven years in a row. A most wonderful combo to my ears, but I had already found out that, contrary to Steinway's own recommendations, the standard power cords supplied were bettered considerably by some second hand Wireworld PC's I had purchased. A Telos Ground Noise Reducer had added it's wonders after that, but I still wanted more - don't we all? Sniffing around the internet I, (Thank you, God) stumbled upon a review about something called a Firewall by a company from, of all places, Lithuania. Long story short, I decided to try it out but, since everything seemed expensive to me and I was rather unsure, settled for the cheapest version, the Firewall 64x. The Firewall arrived, and I was immediately sold. Even though there had been no burn-in the sound enhancement was so obvious I found it to be the single most amazing passive thing I had ever put in my system. Everything opened up, became more natural sounding and dynamics improved. After a week I took it to my son's place. He has a very capable Lyngdorf setup, all digital, using an Innuous Zen mk. III as source. We decided to put the Firewall before the Lyngdorf TDAI 2200 which is an integrated digital amp with digital filters controlling another Lyngdorf driving the subwoofers. On top of that the amp control RoomPerfect room correction, which is probably why the effect of the Firewall was greater on that amp as opposed to on the source, the Zen mk. III. My son was stunned and begged me to not remove the Firewall, so after a week he bought it off me as I had decided to buy a couple of the more expensive C-MARC Firewall 64x. This has already been lengthy and I could ramble on about all the good things the cheapest Firewall did according to my son, but I will cherry pick two: He told me, "For the first time ever, I am able to understand every word in all my Swedish songs!" (My son is native in Danish). He also experienced his four-year old daughter who had always enjoyed her childrens' songs singing along, the next morning freezing in front of one of the speakers, then running to the other speaker finally looking at him asking: "Dad, what am I hearing?" listening to a song she had heard and sung along to more or less every day. Let me finish off by saying to anybody owning Lyngdorf or Steinway equipment: You have never heard what your gear is actually capable of. This probably goes for a lot of other fine amps, speakers, sources, but this is what I KNOW now.... and this was only the beginning of my very much extended journey since January '20 To be continued.......
Got my 3 entropic power cables to replace my signature cables and the firewalls for LS 2 weeks ago. I have about 30 hours now on them. I can give you a short version of my experience: P E R F E C T. If you are interested in the longer version: I have been tuning my system for a long time. The speakers are Vivid Giya G2 powered by Line magnetic 508. Got filter, cables, dacs, etc. Most of the upgrades brought me a step closer to the audiophile nirvana. However, after swapping my cables and installing the firewalls to my LS, I feel like all the puzzles got to the right place and my system has reached the finish line - finally. To name some positive changes that make me so happy: 1. fuller bolder sound allover the frequencies 2. but with increased detail level at the same time. So this is not the typical increased transparency coming with inevitable thinner sound kind of solution. I dunno how this could be done but it works. 3. absolutely zero fatigue - whatever I play, at any volume level. Nothing. Zero. And I am very sensitive to fatigue from hifi. Always watched out for components that would kill my pleasure from listening 4. everything is more natural in size, timbre and soundstage, vocals, everything 5. fuller bass but without syrupy sound. with still higher definition and accuracy (how can this be even done?- fuller more detailed bass is an oxymoron!) 6. highs also more transparent and very natural sounding I confess - since i installed everything at once (dont have time for testing) I dunno if this all is thanks to the cables or the firewall. Im sure both upgrades did they part. And to be honest, I dont even care! With this genial purchase I turned my system to P E R F E C T. Period. So thats it. I m going to listen to some Fleetwood Mac now. Urge everybody to try out! PS: service from Louis was top notch as always...
My System before upgrading with a custom distributor with latest firewall tech and a C-MARC unbalanced RCA interconnect: All PCs LessLoss DFPC signature IC: LessLoss Anchorwave, HMS Sestetto USB: Transparent Audio LessLoss Firewall 1st Generation, Furutech TP-609 distributor Innous Zen Server Ayre QB 9 Octave Audio HP 500 se Preamplifier Adam Audio Pencil active LessLoss Blackbody x3 first generation Different Resonance Control devices and custom built rack After I bought the first generation firewall, I listened happily for almost 10 years. I remember calling it the single most important upgrade to the sound quality of my system and my listening experience. Recently I upgraded from a customized Mac mini to the Innous Zen and was blown away by what is possible by optimizing the way that digital signals are handled on the way to one\'s DAC. I also had the Innous Zenith at home but decided against it, because of the more natural sound of the zen. Dynamics, Tone, Harmonics, natural integration of details, and emotional quality of the presentation are what I am looking for. After living with the zen for a while, I was wondering what else could be possible. Having too much time because of the pandemic, I looked at the LessLoss website and contacted Louis, asking about what upgrade path he would recommend. Right away he proposed a custom made distributor, which would bring a substantial upgrade never before experienced. Although in these hard times money doesn’t come to you that easily, I figured, if I had to stay at home for a couple of months, I want at least phenomenal sound. After exchanging a plethora of emails with me asking questions and Louis answering sometimes in a matter of minutes I ordered the distributor and one new C-MARC IC to try. After two weeks I received a box with the distributor and the cable. Before I get into the details of how everything sounds, I have to talk about Louis. He is the most responsive person I have ever done business with. By far! And I remember thinking this already 10 years ago when I first started doing business with Louis. To keep this level of service up over such a long time is alone an achievement. Thank you, Louis. If you haven’t read about burn-in on the LessLoss website and remember your experiences everything starts off pretty good and then gets worse and slowly builds up to sounding as good as it can. In between, you experience performance bumps. It was exactly like this with the cable and the distributor. After two weeks everything sounded stable with the usual bad system day. The Sound Difference This distributor does exactly what I dreamed of and more. I will not talk about music but more about instruments. Listening to a concert grand gives me the feeling I stand right beside the instrument and look at the performer. I can hear him breathing, have a sense of the size and scale of the instrument, hear the pedals moving and the influence of the pedal work, and the whole mechanic action on the sound of the instrument. Ah, of course, I also hear the performer move. What is most satisfying, is that all this sounds completely natural. Not as if somebody puts a magnifying glass on the scene! More as if the instrument is in your room. If it is recorded that way of course. Before introducing the Firewall, I could maybe hear 25% of this. Don’t get me wrong, people said to my system before, that it sounds wonderful and I thought so myself. But hearing the microdynamics of a gently played chord and the full impact of somebody banging on a piano is so profoundly different to what I was accustomed to, that it is not easy to not sound like someone is extremely exaggerating the effect of a distributor. I was dreaming of this magnitude of a change but was not prepared for the impact this change made on the sound and my listening experience. Listening to chamber music, it sounds like chamber music, listening to orchestras you hear the size of the concert hall. Sometimes you sit in the first row, sometimes further away. Each recording sounds distinctly different. No need to listen searching for differences, they are immediately apparent. With some recordings, the walls of my room disappear. Sadly not with all ;-) I also listen to a lot of electronic music. After marveling in the newfound naturalness for days, sometimes wanting to just listen e.g. to the 1st movement and suddenly realizing that I listened to the whole symphony, maybe sometimes a little disturbed by the sheer dynamics I was experiencing. More than once I was worried if my speakers would survive - but not only did they easily take each macrodynamic blow, but also sounded extremely controlled. But back to electronic music. It is as if my whole system has gained a whole octave in the bass region. And the bass is so articulate and punchy. Before, I had to fight with my room modes in the 31 and 62 Hz region, always leaving me unsatisfied with the bass response of my system. I know that the firewall cannot change the physics of my room, but it seems to control the frequency extremes so well, that it does not matter as much in my situation. This week I invited my brother, who is a professional recording engineer, to have a listen. Before we started listening we had to talk and catch up on each other’s life after not seeing each other for three months. While we were drinking some wine in our kitchen I had some easy listening jazz in the background. We were talking and then I had to finish cooking, so my brother went to the listening room and didn’t come back until I called him and the family for dinner. After sitting down he said: „Damn that sounds good, what exactly did you change?“ He couldn’t believe that a distributor can have an effect this profound. He was amazed at the micro and macro dynamics, about the naturalness of instruments. „This sounds as if you are in a world-class studio with the musicians, listening as they play live.“ Everything which I love about my system is so much better now. Does everything sound good? No, sadly not. Some recordings are now unbearable. Especially overcompressed ones. But most recordings gain so much from this change in my system, that I am constantly listening to pieces that I skipped in the past. The music does speak more clearly to me now. Is this distributor worth the asking price? Compare a 5000 Euro amplifier to a 10.000 Euro one. I doubt that the gains you can have by changing a component in this price range can have such a profound effect on any system as the firewall does. Highly recommended. I hope this helps your customers with their buying decision and I hope you can read past my spelling and grammar mistakes. I didn’t have time to check for it. Since the economy is picking up again I am extremely busy and could only listen for an hour the whole weekend :-( Hope everybody is doing fine out there Stay save and healthy Claudius from Berlin, Germany Oh and of course I kept the C-MARC RCA interconnect. If there is a LessLoss house sound, then the C-MARC fits in perfect. No idea how Louis and his team do it. Here you get consistency across all products!
I recently purchased the Firewall for Loudspeakers and could not be happier with the added musicality they have brought to my listening experience. Simply put, there is a more satisfying presence and refinement to the music across the board. The Firewall for Loudspeakers are one of the best investments that I have made in my system. I highly recommend! Louis, thank you for sharing your talents and those of your team with me. I love listening to music and the Firewall for Loudspeakers have made listening all the more enjoyable.
Since a while I have the Lessloss Firewall for loudspeakers. It is an unbelievable improvement in terms of natural treble and tone colours. Without it seems to sound pale. Good job Louis!
[Plug-and-Play C-MARC Firewall 64X] One thing is certain: your products make my system progress in the direction I want: homogeneity, stability, depth, atmosphere, harmonics, control of the extremes of the spectrum, reduction of distortions and "stresses" on treble and "Forte." They allow me to push it to its limits, but above all to approach a soothing listening experience and fullness…
The Firewall for Loudspeakers is an amazing product. The improvement to my system was immediate and significant. Bass is tighter, higher frequencies are clearer, there is more separation between instruments, music is richer and fuller. It's honestly quite a shock to hear the change. Considering the money I have spent on cable upgrades and other tweaks the Firewall for Loudspeakers is a bargain, the improvements are quite astounding particularly as I thought my system was already at quite a good level. This is the first LessLoss product I have, looking forward to adding more products to my system.
[Complete loom of C-MARC Entropic Process power cables and LessLoss power distributor with onboard Firewall tech.] Everything installed Thursday - but from having played at many shows I truly believe that “gear doesn’t travel well and the molecules need to settle” - which is why day two at shows always sound better. And so it was here as well. Though things were unmistakably amazing yesterday - today is beyond. Really difficult to put into a few words - but I’ll try: I don’t have a hifi stereo system any more. I feel the strings. The air between. And previously compressed complex classical pieces opened up. Cymbals and high hats are just there with their metallic decay, voices so close you expect to be able to reach out to touch the singers, sound staging that makes the already invisible open battle speakers obliterate the room (if the recording allows it), a calmness in the presentation which creates quite an unnerving realness and uncovers finest details. The creaking of a chair, the breathing of a cellist or just the multiple layers hidden within the music. You hinted at a remarkable performance - truthfully I don’t think you could prepare anyone for such a significant experience. The combination of the firewall distributor (with C-Marc Entropic cabling) together with the Entropic Process power cables is absolutely incredible. Congratulations - to myself for getting this ;-) and for your fantastic work. Michael Hollesen Klutz Design
[Firewall for Loudspeakers] Wow, I'm really impressed, and (even more incredibly) nearly speechless at the transformation produced by installing the FW for Loudspeakers. The magnitude of the change was dramatic even after a couple of hours of continuous playing, but it has just gotten better and better as the days rolled on. All the usual cliches about darker background, more detail etc, spring to mind, but the bottom line is that, in terms of clarity, smoothness, dynamic range, subtle detail, my audio system doesn't sound anything like it did before. As days of continuous usage passed, I tested the FWs by playing hi-res tracks all of which had passages that had previously been abrasive in varying degrees, and one by one those recordings just sounded more open and alive and dynamic, without a touch of discomfort. And I found myself hearing subtle ambient information about the recording venue that I'd not heard before. Overall, imaging has become astonishingly more lifelike. I've now dared to flout advice about social distancing and have demonstrated the FWs to several friends, all of whom were floored by the evolution of my system (and who were quite familiar with the sound of the system pre-FW). One of my friends has 2nd-gen Bybee bullets, and he conceded that they never wrought such a dramatic and beneficial change in his setup. As soon as our local audio club resumes meetings, I look forward to hosting one, if only to see more jaws drop. I should add that this change was on top of a complete cable upgrade to C-MARC power cords and interconnects (from other previous LessLoss cables). They, too, greatly elevated the sound of my audio system. But these had been broken-in quite a lot already by the time I installed the FW for Loudspeakers. So it was clear how much more dramatic and sweeping that transformation was compared to the cable upgrade. I'm thinking there should be a Nobel prize for audio...
I recently auditioned the LessLoss \'Firewall for Speakers\' module... used with my Tidal Contriva Dicera-SE speakers. My system, consisting of the Tidal speakers... Chalice Audio \'Grail\' mono block SET amplifiers, Lumin S1 network player, and REL 212 -SE subs x 2, as well as my cables... Prior to inserting the Firewalls into the system I read, with great interest, the 6Moons review. I have used a number of Mr. Motek\'s [LessLoss] products in my system over the last few years, each with mild to moderate success. All in the cable realm. I contacted Constantin, at Atelier 13 Audio in USA, after asking Mr. Motek about dealers in the USA. He is a very professional gentleman with a great website and represents many great audio products. He sent me a pair for each speaker along with a sample of the LessLoss C-MARC RCA interconnects. \'Spoiler Alert\'....right out of the box I was just amazed at the improvement to every aspect of my system\'s presentation. I had one of my audio friends over the next day, who knows my system very well, and he could not believe the improvement. If you want to find out what you have been missing on your CDs, streamed albums, or downloaded discs, this will allow you to hear it. The demo pairs were new and had not been used prior to my trying them. My system is, to my ears, the best system I have heard, and I did not think it could be even improved a little, let alone what I heard. I had tried many potential tweaks in my system without any significant improvements. The soundstage width, depth, the detail, the tonality, the vocal realism and the \'you are there\' feeling is just amazing. I might add that when I substituted the C-MARC interconnect in, things improved even more. That replaced a cable 4 times its price. Both products are staying with me. I will be trying the C-MARC speaker cables next and then their new Entropic Process power cables.
I have the Firewall for Loudspeakers in my system for a few days now. System consists of Innuos Zenith Mk3 ---- SoTM TX usb Utra ---- PS Audio Directstream Dac ---- Audio Flight FLS10 Int. amp. ---- Audiovector Avantgarde Speakers. After a slight improvement in SQ in the initial few hours the Firewall for Loudspeakers have been a revelation after three days in the system. The bass is way more solid and tight and treble is distinct without being in any sense bright. Each instrument is now completely separate whereas before, there was a certain blending which I did not notice until it was gone. I feel like a veil has been lifted from the speakers and they now are playing to their full potential. I am so happy I purchased these unique little units.
Louis: Thank you for your support and product. Nicely made, fairly priced and worth the wait. Paraphrasing and plagiarizing those with better ears I will use the terms, "more musical, less mechanical" and bringing a supple fluidity to brass and voice. Tone is more 'elastic' and 'sensual'. This took less time for my wife to appreciate, as is usually the case, but after 16-20 hrs my appreciation of your efforts aligned with those who have previously sent reviews. Not to the same degree but perhaps with more time and more wine... well done.
I’ve been running in the speaker Firewalls for about 3 weeks. At this point, I'm very happy with the Firewalls — they were worth the cost. The difference they have made is an extension of the difference your other products have made — an even bigger, almost holographic soundstage (especially reaching out toward the listening chair), more air between instruments and more density to individual notes, less glare, an almost liquid presentation to whatever music I am playing. It helped to adjust my speaker placement after breaking in the firewalls. Strikes me that it makes sense to do that any time you add something to your system. Associated Equipment: Lumin S1 server with L1 hard drive Coincident Technology Frankenstein MK. II monobocks with Takatsuki 300B valves Ref. 3A Taksim loudspeakers Torus RM-15+ power conditioner Wattgate wall receptacles LessLoss C-Marc speaker cables and interconnects WireWorld Cat. 8 Platinum digital cables for isolation, a combination of Rollerblocks, LessLoss Bindbreakers, and Isoacoustics (for speakers). All cables, fuses, and receptacles treated with Perfect Path graphene paste. A small, “soft" room, heavily booked and carpeted, plaster walls and ceiling, wood-strip floors, no room treatments.
First of all, I would like to thank you for the excellent cable and speaker firewalls and for the excellent customer service. Now the RCA and triaxial speaker cables are also playing in my music system. Although the cables haven\'t yet played music for long, I am already enthusiastic about the musicality. For me, the cables and speaker firewalls are an absolute must in my music system. Without this, I miss the tonal substance, the timing, the fine details and the musical energy that are so important for my perception of authentic music. The music now sounds even more powerful, dynamic and homogeneous. With these unique cables and FireWalls I have the feeling that I can fully exploit the potential of my music system (LDMS server including Ideon Audio 3R Master Time, Lampizator SE GG 2.5 Pacific Edition including preamplifier, NAT transmitter, Harbeth 40.2, etc.). In addition, the cables and firewalls are very meticulously and precisely manufactured. My eyes are spoiled too. I am very happy that I chose LessLoss! Stay healthy. Thank you very much and good luck. U. S.
Good day, LessLoss firewalls for speakers are now playing in my music system. I was convinced that the LessLoss products are very good. A friend of mine has the cables in his music system and is also very enthusiastic. Already the first few minutes, my Harbeth 40.2 equipped with the FireWall makes music like never before. The music sounds very clean and transparent. But the music doesn\'t get annoying. The music fascinates me a lot more now. An excellent result that I did not expect. For me, the firewall is essential. I downsized my music system and no longer wanted to invest in high prices for cables and power cleaners. Before the LessLoss products, various high-priced cables and cleaners from Schnerzinger, Stealth Audio Cables, Shunyata, Audience, Yamamura etc. were used in my previous music system. Given the fantastic performance of the FireWalls, I no longer look back at the cables and cleaner I sold. But on the contrary. I am very happy to now own the firewalls that are absolutely worth their price and offer excellent musicality. I recommend every serious music lover to test the FireWalls in their music system. I hope that the three-axis C-Marc speaker cable and the RCA cable I ordered will arrive soon so that. It will be a feast for my hearing. Thank you very much and good luck. U.S.
With now a complete system of Bakoon electronics and the Soundkaos open baffle Liberation speakers, I have achieved a sound that I have yet to find from anything else - and I\'ve been to \"most of the shows\". And I\'ve also played with / demoed this combination at shows like RMAF, Munich High-End, Gothenburg Audio show and Hifi-deluxe. So I know it\'s sound intimately and from many different settings. This core setup already defies belief because there’s so much presence and incredible soundstaging going on - on a completely dark canvass/background. But, I have been using Lessloss on and off (Homage to time loom + DFPC power cables) over the past many years - never letting go of my DFPCs. So I already had great respect for the brand, but it was still more out of \"curiosity\" and \"pure fun\" to see what could possibly be achieved with the Firewalls for Loudspeakers that I ordered them during the fall. Immediately the Firewalls added “believability” / realism - where I honestly thought that I already had all of what could possibly be made in my setup. But no - with the Firewalls, I experienced more \"organism\" (not \"body\" in the usual musical terms, but instead more lifelike) to all layers in the music. Taking them out of the system left me with a feeling of disappointment and disbelief - that something I knew so well (and had loved) could be given such a small tweak (both in size and cost) to make such a big difference. So of course it\'s there to stay. But it also means that there are more Lessloss products coming my way soon.
Firewall for Loudspeakers, Ten days ago I received a speaker firewall. There's simply more music. The stage is deeper with better bass, midde and high tones and more silence, the sound is excellent Congratuations for the excellent product. Ernie, from Hungary. Nagyon jó, mindenkinek hallani kell! (Very good, everybody needs to hear!)
[Firewall for Loudspeakers] OMG! After an overnight cook-in I just sat down to some serious listening of these new speaker doobies. Well, 'serious' didn't last long as I smiled and laughed increasingly to myself, or just sat there with my mouth open. To keep it brief, presence, clarity, space and imaging are the most obvious beneficiaries so far, but everything is better. It is indeed like a speaker upgrade, but all their virtues that I loved before I just adore now. Way more obvious to me than the effects of the FW 64x, which were pretty good but I felt took a while to really bed in. Most of my (extensive) LL cables were all bought used, and obvious upgrades each time. There's some real filtering going on as some lesser quality tracks with more digititis are better listenable, with the added enhancements already mentioned. Garbage in, recycled out, perhaps? There's a truism of course, that it's hard to envisage further improvements in one's system are possible until something great moves it to even greater heights. But then you remember, if you already know, how real instruments and voices sound and how far there still may be to go. These FWs beat my prior Bybee speaker bullets, and to my ears have given the greatest quantum improvement in my system , excepting one major source change 3 years ago. Just. And with a bit more time on these things that may change. Thanks Louis and team. You deserve your success.
[Firewall for Loudspeakers] Just connected the new Firewall for Loudspeakers and listened to a few songs. I can only say it's really astonishing. Everything is more real. The sound seems a bit slower but the rhythm is more correct. Listening to orchestral music feels like I'm in the hall. The soundstage is deeper, wilder. The musical instruments are more real with more texture and detail. The "Entropic" process is like magic. Congratulations to you for this wonderful invention.
[High performance joint partnership recording between LessLoss, Boenicke Audio and Audio Consulting, implemented using C-MARC Hook-up wire and LessLoss latest Firewall technology.] I've had a chance to listen to the recording by now, and it is really incredible - thank you! Since I downloaded it late at night, I first listened through headphones. There, I was first struck by clarity and dynamics. But the real thing, I believe, only comes through the speakers. It is there that I really appreciated not only the quality but also the technique of the recording. It is one of the very few piano recordings I’ve heard where you almost get the tactile experience alongside the sonic one. It places you not in the audience but almost on the performer’s stool, as it were. (BTW, I have to listen more to it, but my first impression was that the positions of some mikes were changed for the second CD, no?) The middle parts of Part 4 and Part 5 are truly amazing: the way lower and higher octaves sound together, losing neither their distinctiveness nor togetherness, is, again, something I don’t think I heard before in piano recordings. So thank you again!
[German language original.] Ich bin so begeistert von dem Klanggewinn, dass ich es dir gleich mitteilen wollte. Meinerseits kann ich bis jetzt nur gutes über deine Produkte sagen, schreiben und weiterempfehlen. Meine Anlage ist nicht von den Teuersten, aber vielleicht gerade deshalb wirkt es sich so stark aus. Nur für dich als Vergleich meine Anlage: Musikquelle = PC USB Transport = Mutec MC3+Usb DAC = Meitner MA1 Vorverstärker = Yamaha CX A5000 Endstufe = JOB (Goldmund) Lautsprecher = Jamo R 907 Gestern habe ich das Paket erhalten und gleich die Firewall-Teile angeschlossen. Du hast nicht übertrieben wenn du sagst "blown away" auch ohne Einspielzeit. Schon nach den ersten Takten Musik merkte ich den großen Unterschied zu vorher. Hatte nie ein gutes Quellgerät gehabt, spiele alles über meinen PC ab, den ich hifi tauglich aufgerüstet habe. Mit den Firewall Teilen (64X; USB und nun Lautsprecher) von dir und manchen anderen Geräten ist mein PC für mich sehr Audiophil geworden. Mit diesem Klang bin ich sehr zufrieden. Alles klingt reiner, freier, genauer, tiefer und unermüdlicher, nicht nervig. Am selben Tag erhielt ich auch einen Mutec MC3+USB den ich nun als USB Transport nutze von PC zum DAC und diese Kombi ist ziemlich perfekt, obwohl ich am Lautsprecheranschluss, der bi wiring ist, nur Hoch-Mittelton mit den Firewall angeschlossen habe. Wie wird es klingen mit Firewall an beiden Anschlüssen??? Gratulation zu dieser Entwicklung. [English translation] I am so impressed by the improvements in sound quality that i wanted to waste no time in sharing with you.  I have nothing but good things to share about your products, and highly recommend them. My setup is not one of the most expensive, but perhaps that's the reason the effect was so great. Just for context, here is my system: Source = PC USB Transport = Mutec MC3+Usb DAC = Meitner MA1 Preamp = Yamaha CX A5000 Power amp = JOB (Goldmund) Loudspeakers = Jamo R 907 Yesterday I received the parcel and immediately connected the Firewalls for Loudspeakers. You were not exaggerating when you said "blown away," even with zero break-in.  It didn't take more than a few measures of music to realize the large difference from before.  I never had a serious source. I've always played back through my PC, which I have upgraded to HiFi performance.  With the Firewalls (64X, USB and now Loudspeaker) and some other gadgets I've managed to get audiophile quality out of my PC. I'm very happy with the sound now. Everything sounds more pure, more free, more exact, deeper and more pleasant. It does not get on my nerves.  Even though my loudspeaker terminals enable bi-wiring and I only connected the Firewalls to the Mid/High terminals. I wonder how it will sound if I connect another Firewall for Loudspeakers to the bass??? Congratulations on this development.
Received the Firewall for Loudspeakers over 2 weeks ago. Connected it to an AV system which uses high efficiency speakers - JBL with Lecleach horns (Be diaphragms) and Altec 416c bass units. All I can say is: Bloody hell! What is happening here!! way more more resolution and impact across the spectrum! Well done louis to you and your team!! I now have a problem- my main system is bi- amped which means I need 2 pairs of these. I need two stereo pairs as I have a bi-amped system that is devoted exclusively to music listening (Accuphase F25 active crossover, 300B SE amp for mid highs and NCORE amp for bass). The power supply filter with Firewall 64X power conditioning unit is just as impressive. I used the Firewall 64X to filter a power strip with my Revox B77 and Stax T1 amp and Stax headphones connected to it. The quality of music on pre-recorded and other tapes is amazing with the cleaned power supply. I am not easily impressed as I have tried various improvements such as power cable upgrade, balanced transformer etc., and achieved only reasonable incremental improvements in each step - not quantum jumps! Cheers!
Firewall for Loudspeakers The wait and the pre-order price were worth it ... Do you practice witchcraft? The improvement is global from the installation and is equivalent to an upgrade of electronic equipment, the gap exceeds the change of a good for an excellent cable .... !!
Firewall for Loudspeakers ... Daisy Chained This is my 3rd report on these firewalls. This time upon LessLoss\' claim, that more is better :) Since I have bi-wiring loudspeakers, I needed 2 sets of firewalls to cover the double inputs of the speakers. I \"cheated\"on the bi-wiring, by running a single loudspeaker cable into a splitter at the loudspeaker inputs, before the firewalls arrived. At first, I did not want to risk any sound quality, by adding this splitter between the firewalls and the speaker. After my fantastic experience with daisy chaining the firewalls for power, which ended in ordering a custom power distributor with \"lots\" of firewalls inside, I could not leave it like this and changed to daisy chained firewalls for loudspeakers as well. So my splitter went right into the speakers again and the firewalls could be daisy chained as single cables down to the speaker cables. Wow, what a change. Again more of the same improvements, more presence and resolution and space and bass and less unwanted sibilance. Get yourself a treat and get a second set of firewalls for loudspeakers. Maybe kick out the entire loudspeaker cable and replace it by as many firewalls as needed to reach your amp from the speakers ... Should try this myself :) My wife won\'t like the looks though :( And another bravo to LessLoss for a C-MARC replacement of my normal loudspeaker cable splitter. It just did the same as all LessLoss solutions ... plenty more natural and organic, resolved, richer, ... Now I am sure, I will replace the remaining loudspeaker cable as well !!! Thanks so much Louis and team. You make me happy with my stereo!!!
Very pleased with everything I’ve recently added... Combined with all the Firewall 64Xs, those two sets of Firewall for Loudspeakers have made for a substantial improvement in the sound. Musicians sound closer - very much like they’re in the room. Listening is more involving, engaging, and it has become easier to let go and relax into the flow of the music. I am more frequently riveted by how natural the recordings sound now - the timing and tonality of instruments come through so beautifully! Everything’s more coherent and just more believable. This has been a worthy upgrade! I had an audiophile and musician friend over this evening, and we listened together to assess the effect of my two biwired sets Firewall for Loudspeakers. We listened to two tunes. Johnny Hodges: Blues-A-Plenty (Verve): Playing with, then without the Firewall for Loudspeakers. W/out FWfLS: Washed out, not as focused, less depth to the sound - things sound thinner, more diffuse and rather too bright. There aren\'t as much overtones in the lows, making a piano seem more clangy sounding by comparison Cannonball Adderley: Somethin’ Else (Blue Note): Playing without, then adding back LL FWfLS: With FWfLS: There\'s more body, resonance, depth, more three dimensionally to the music; it is just less electronic sounding - everything feels more natural, like real instruments sound & less like reproduced instruments heard on a good audio system. Timing and space seem improved with less overhang. For instance, a quickly played string bass has more woodenness to it, while intonation and incisiveness are maintained. Hearing the plucked strings\' pitch, the notes\' decay trail off in volume just as they should. (We remarked we are probably hearing everything with much cleaner sound and with better resolution even than what Rudy Van Gelder was getting as he listened over the monitors in his studio.)
The Firewalls for Loudspeakers are another HUGE success in my system! This is a perfect example of how one thinks all the ‘noise’ has already been removed from the system, after the great success of the Firewalls for mains power, but with these new modules now added, yet further dramatic improvements have been achieved. These improvements are along the same lines as with the power Firewalls, i.e. simply put, yet more clarity and realism. The clear message is that, no matter how good you think that your system sounds, you simply don’t know what ‘noise’ is still there, degrading the SQ of the music, until it has been removed. Thanks again for yet another remarkable product.
I installed your new Loudspeaker Firewalls on the treble and bass modules of my loudspeakers today and then had a first listen. I really wasn't expecting to hear an improvement because my high-end shotgun speaker cables are custom matched to my speakers. But I was pleasantly surprised and wondered if my ears were playing tricks on me. As good as my speaker cables are, with the Firewalls installed everything just sounds better and more realistic. Instruments and voices are more convincing in timbre and body, with noticeably better micro-dynamics.The sound stage is as large and holographic as before, but with a more natural, more cohesive presentation. I sat glued to my seat for hours, listening to my favorite CDs, hearing delightful subtleties in the recordings that I had not noticed before. It did not matter which CD I played, it sounded better and more real. For me the Loudspeaker Firewalls are keepers.
The Firewall for Loudspeakers after more than 250 active hours. Please also see my first review from Oct 28, 2019. Still totally happy with these firewalls on my loudspeakers. Anything I could have hoped for and lots more improvements!! Actually the ongoing progress of the burn-in is not as bothering as I know from other recent changes, no matter of what kind they were. The 3D was sometimes flatter, the dynamics a little smaller, but no harshness at all. So it was always better than before the implementation and never really frustrating!!! After a couple of weeks, the room turned impressively more airy and larger again. Transients are driving the scenery more than ever before. Less resonances also. It reminds me strongly of my previous electrostatic speakers in those aspects, just without the downsides :) And since then, it still got more of all. Thanks, Louis and team, again and again and again :) And for all others: GO GET THE EARLY BIRD DEAL !!!
I have received the loudspeaker firewall and it has now played some 48 hours. There is a substantial improvement in timbre and fidelity. The sound has excellent transients, 3D perspective and conveys the ambiance of the recording venue very well. The loudspeaker firewall is unique in the hifi world and a must have for all enthusiasts. Congratuations for another excellent product.
Loudspeaker Firewall first impressions After a long, but totally understandable waiting time, I received my double pack of the new loudspeaker firewalls for my bi-wiring speakers yesterday and am so happy now! Even though, we all know, that parts like these, should have some burn-in time before making a final judgement; I would like to share my early impressions after only 20 hrs, because it is just so great. The looks are very special with organic and technical looking parts combined. They feel and look like a valuable well made piece and to me seem smaller, that the close up pictures, we were able to see earlier. Plugging in with a good tight grip of the connectors was so easy, because they are carrying the typical red/black markers. The very first minutes already showed, that I was listening to a great improvement and this has gotten better with each hour so far. No initial harshness, but space and details were opening up more with time. So these are my findings so far: -- Strongly improved control of sibilance. No sharp or almost metallic artefacts, that I before was hearing sometimes. It now feels like a believable and natural amount of sibilance. -- Transients have a great match to the timbre of the source, which makes deciphering complex arrangements easier, especially with percussion. -- All sources are richer in sound and display their building materials. Standup bass and piano now reveal their wooden bodies a lot more besides their strings. The timbres are more specific. -- Voices are just gorgeous, now popping out a lot more, very clean but still increased richness. -- Positioning of sources on the stage is more obvious. All seems to have more space and the speakers are not in the focus of the listening experience, -- And finally the bass … again deeper and better controlled and more oomph and authority. You might find my other reviews about my previous LessLoss items, the custom power distributor with firewall, the C-Marc power cable, or the bang for the buck Bindbreaker. This loudspeaker firewall is a definite no brainer to buy given the price … especially if you are not bothered with a bi-wire loudspeaker like me. It so much refines the previous purchases. Hard to imagine, but it still got better … definitely did and probably will even more with the burn-in. Thanks so much Louis and LessLoss team for another wonderful product. Next day: The space just exploded and I was beamed into another universe. Had it running at low level all night and morning until I came back from dog walk and shopping … And finally started listening not being in any way prepared … Just found all sound away from the loudspeakers way into the room and through the front wall. And everything so smooth still more dynamic and even more oomph bass … and finally a really big grin in my face :):):):) Thank you sooooo much, Louis!
Power distributor with integrated Firewall modules using C-MARC wire throughout. The power distributor arrived a month ago. After full Burn-in for 3 weeks, yesterday I started to connect it to my main audio system, first impression is the noise floor level is much lower, the notes of each music instrument are very well seperated, the sound of intruments are more real. The dynamics are simply excellent. I feel that the musicians, now, are playing with their soul. Most important thing is it makes me connect to many albums of music like never before. A very great and world class product. Thank you to you and the LessLoss team for the professionalism and keep going with continuing to develop great products like this.
I am about 16 hours into listening to the New Speaker Firewalls. And my first reaction is \"WOW\"! The sound is more detailed than before and it is remarkably balanced across the audio spectrum. I am hearing the subtle and slight sub harmonic sounds that a singer will make in a performance. Something that you might observe in real life but certainly not consistently on a recording. There is just more of a sense of realism. It is quite intoxicating! Even Recordings that I didn\'t particularly care for before, I am rediscovering. To top it off I was impressed with the bass output of one of my recordings when I realized my sub-woofers had been accidently disconnected. I am speechless. Can\'t wait to see if these magical devices break in further!
First audition of the new Firewall for Loudspeakers. Just today for an hour or so. Already I hear more detail and feel more drawn into the music! Isn’t that what its all about?! Hard to turn off my CD player. Funny: after less than 10 minutes the new FWs sounded less harsh and warmer! I wonder if you have any idea about total recommended break-in period for these little guys? First 10 minutes: already a quick change! Smoother and warmer and cleaner. A nice ugrade. I thought “this is nice. If that’s all, well, O.K”. Then after about 50 hours: Wow!. When I thought we were done, another LOVELY upgrade!! Richer, more zeroed in on the instruments, whatever they were, more music popping out at you! A “it sounds so present experience". Cleaner yet. And just makes me listen sometimes well past my bedtime…. I wonder if others have had the same break-in experience with these? Unlike most of my other break-in experiences (mostly with your products, since those are what I’ve been buying lately!).
Today I received the loudspeaker Firewalls. They look fascinating and totally unique. I haven’t got the time today for extensive listening, so I took four discs with different material, listened to four tracks without the Speaker Firewalls installed and thought to myself, wow it sounds so good. From the start I didn’t know what to expect with this totally unusual passive device. And it comes with two more connections, where every HiFi-Pope tells you that it is poison to the sound quality. I installed the Firewalls and listened to the same tracks again. Maybe not optimal to post a comment right after unboxing without burn in. But do the Firewalls need any? What did I get with first listening? More of everything! More details, bass, ambience, clarity, better separation of instruments, wider frequency response, dynamic improvement, musicality, and did I mention details? The discs sounded completely different! I never thought that a passive device like this can come with such a gigantic improvement. I sat there stunned and couldn’t believe what I heard. The speaker Firewall makes the biggest improvement of sound quality ever. This is simply a fantastic device and I would run out of superlatives to describe it. It’s marvelous! A revolution at a bargain price. Thank you for creating this wonderful product that outshines anything comparable. Wow, you have surpassed any thinkable expectation. Great!
I finally finished the power conditioner/distributor. I could have finished it a long time ago, but other projects took priority. With the FW module and cables you provided, it was not difficult to assemble. Pics of the completed project are attached. I also attached a photo of the LessLoss-provided parts. Specs as follow: - LessLoss custom FW module (custom 4-unit long 64X) - LessLoss C-MARC cabling throughout - Oyaide R0 receptacles - Oyaide WPC-Z aluminum mounting frames with carbon fiber plates - Box construction: 1.1\" thick cherry wood, glue assembled, rounded corners and clear lacquer finish - Outside box dimensions: 12.6\" long x 7\" wide x 7\" tall The box is just long enough to accommodate the 4-64X module, power inlet and cable bends. The box could have been a couple of inches shorter in height and a tad narrower, but I wanted it to have some extra clearance inside for cable bends and potential future modifications, and I wanted the box to have some extra mass for vibration absorption and stability.The bottom of the box has a 1.1\" thick removable panel that also solidly supports the FW module. Thank you for all your advice and for providing the custom four-unit-long FW and pre-attached C-MARC cabling. It will take a while to burn-in. I look forward to its utility in my system. Update Sept. 1, 2019: Today after checking all the receptacles with a plug checker and getting a green light on all, I connected the distributor to the wall receptacle with a C-MARC Power Cable and plugged in my audio gear. When I turned everything on the first thing I noticed was that I could no longer hear the slight hiss that I used to hear standing a few inches in front of my loudspeakers. It wasn\'t bad before, but I didn\'t expect such silence. I had to look at my amplifier to be sure the tubes were glowing. From the listening position the sound seems a tad cleaner and the bass a little stronger than before. Those are my first impressions on first listen without any burn-in. I believe the reduction in audible noise at the speaker driver face is evidence that the 4-64X FW module is doing something positive in my system. I already had standalone 64X FW modules at each component power inlet (and still do), so the added quadruple 64X power distributor with its high-grade components, made a discernible difference in my system. Joseph LG Los Angeles, CA
The Less Loss C-MARC range is the most appealing and effective cabling and power treatment I have ever found at its price point and at those 2x or 3x above. To get to the punchline, a complete set — interconnects, speaker cables, digital coax, power cords, and C-MARC Firewall 64x for each component — delivered in my system created (1) more focus and coherence around vocals and instrumentation along with a larger soundstage (2) less harshness around some highs; and (3) rich but controlled and tighter bass. The biggest improvement, however, is in the overall musicality and listening engagement which is MUCH higher with the C-MARC cable set for every genre of music I tried. The cabling allows the listener to shift focus from the cerebral aspects of critical listening in which each part of the musical performance is considered in a piecemeal manner to simply enjoying the music. For any one who values their system and is open to improvement, an audition of the full C-MARC kit is highly recommended and I would say should be nearly a requirement for anyone starting a system from scratch. For those for whom some more detail might be of interest — I currently have three high end systems, each with a different character. Over the years, I have seriously listened to a dozen different brands of cabling and power conditioning at a range of price points commensurate with the level of investment in each overall system. Virtually all sets of cables were above the price of a full C-MARC set -- at times many multiples above. Each set of cables had pros and cons and some stayed in each system and when they did, it would be the full set of cables for coherence. Often moving from one set cables to another in each system usually changed one or two aspects of the presentation of the music. At times, while there was shift, the "net" result was not an improvement in my judgement. Other times, there was a "net" improvement but there remained a weakness in some aspect. The "best" cabling in my judgement lowers the noise floor of the system and "stays out" of the way as much as possible. In many circumstances, the specific character of a set of cables can be used to compensate for the opposite characteristics the components possess. For example, "bright" cabling can compensate for a "dark" set of components. In my experience, this approach always leaves a sub-optimal net result but may be the most practical approach given the components in question. C-MARC’s character is neutral and I could not discern any particular emphasis the cables brought — they were not brighter or darker; they didn’t accentuate one part of the recording over the others; they did not appear to be faster or slower than other cables etc. Their main effect was to increase the effortlessness and fluidity of the music while improving the coherence and size of the soundstage. Imagine a sort of haze around the band or orchestra members that other cables impart or allow — C-MARC simply eliminated the haze (and occasional harness around some highs). In this sense, I believe C-MARC is likely eliminating various types of noise and interference present within and among the components of the system, letting each play its role in the music delivery with minimal negative artifacts introduced. The net result was a notable increase in musicality and engagement with the music. For anyone considering C-MARC one step at a time, my suggestion would be to start with either speaker cables or power cords. If it is possible to audition the whole set, even if finances may preclude the purchase of a whole set at once, I would recommend doing so, so that the full potential of the system in question can be heard with comprehensive C-MARC cabling. For any skeptics reading this, I had no interest in changing the cabling in any of my systems which were all performing well. Konstantin at Atelier 13 in Nashville offered to send me a C-MARC set at his expense just to see what I thought. In the end, the overall effect was so profound I purchased the full set — they were that good. At the C-MARC price level, and at many price levels above, I have not found a better set of cabling that works equally well with tubes and solid-state, high efficiency horns and low efficiency two-way etc. C-MARC lets the inherent quality of whatever you have shine through to its fullest.
It's always after adding to or changing something in your audiosystem that you realise it was not perfect before. So when for the first time (oct. '18) I added a Firewall 64X to my C.E.C. transport I was astonished that there could be such an improvement in 3D performance, quietness around voices and instruments, an even more tightened expression of the mid-lows and lows etc etc. Because spaciousness, clear definition and separation of instruments in highend reproduction is what I like I thought I had reached that already quite well in my system. But indeed.... it did become better with the Firewall 64X. Immediately I regretted not to have ordered more Firewalls for this attractive earlybird price. However half a year later there was this upgrade version of the Firewall: the C-Marc Firewall 64X and indeed again with earlybird special prices. So in june '19 I received a package with 5 of the new Firewalls. Systematically I -first replaced the CD-transport Firewall for the new one: no doubt about it, still more improvement in the qualities I described before. -then I daisy-chained 3 of the new Firewalls before the power distribution as advised in some reviews. I was not happy with that solution: although very airy I experienced the overall sound as "lost in control", "disorderly". -then succesively I added a new Firewall to my tube DAC, the tube pre-amp, both the tube monoblocks and everyone of these steps meant a further improvement in highend quality of my system, the 2nd to 5th step maybe not as overwhelming as the first one, but clearly observable. Now about 6 weeks after first implementation of the new Firewalls it's still getting better especially in definition and quiteness which for some probably sounds odd but which means that there is no "smearing" of other noises around the instruments/voices you like to hear. Non-audiophiles will probably say: but it's about the music. We audiophiles know that perfect reproduction of this same music let you enjoy this same music so much more. These Firewalls mean a large step into the direction to the perfect sound. P.S.: In recent years I sometimes thought about changing my powercables. You can understand I stopped thinking about that now....
My Firewall 64x is working miracles in my system. Put simply, giant speakers in a tiny room completely disappear and I am in the music, a part of the music. Thanks for all you do.
Custom power distributor with six onboard Firewall 64X modules. Just received the distributor today. Almost had to ask how to get it out of the perfectly made box :) It looks way better in real life as I thought, and I see, that you intentionally rounded the edges on each part, which I misinterpreted on the pictures. The color fits nicely into the room and it looks impressive overall. Moved it behind the rack though after the first few songs and knowing, I will never turn back. What can I say … bass again deeper, stronger and better controlled. Richer colors and textures, more \"organic\". More consistent and coherent sound sources of all kinds. And more palpable. I almost tried to grab a harmonica. And all this within less than an two hours after plug-in. Unfortunately, you did not send any instructions … So, how can I get rid of the musicians in my room. They won’t leave even after finishing their songs :) Louis, chapeau!!!! Thanks for this wonderful device (is this just a device???) and thank you too for your patience with me. It was a lot of fun to chat with you, and I hope, I did not get on your nerves too much. My review for publishing has to wait until later, after a little more burn-in. Thanks again and have a great weekend, Joerg Daily responses follow: --- So glad, you could convince me to go this direction !!!!! --- Man, I love this distributor !!!!! --- I thought, I knew about you making good gear already … but this new experience is … like Venus … another planet :) --- Sitting here 500 km from home since Sunday, visiting my Dad, and cannot wait to hear the improvement tomorrow night!! --- After a long train ride, I finally got to enjoy the stereo and \"THE DISTRIBUTOR”. Surprise … my stereo sounds so much more natural after 5x24/7 :):):) Thank you so much for your inventions wrapped into such an entertaining social connection !!!! --- Just listening while I type this … wonderfully rich, powerful and smooth at the same time, just making me happy !!! Have a great weekend! --- Wow, burn-in milestone … sibilance finally down a lot, which was my biggest challenge since ever I started my digital only stereo. All is rich and has a body, bass finally punches. Thanks so much for this wonderful device!!! What possibly can the cable add to this :) Best regards Joerg --- The Black Eyes Peas “Elephunk” (Hip-Hop) never sounded so good with clear and rich voices and slamming punchy bass driving it, WOW WOW WOW, very cool. Not a real Hip-Hop fan, but this one gets played sometimes --- Great chance today to get a second opinion. My stepson was over with his family. He is a professional flamenco guitar player and has a widespread taste for all kinds of music. We send all females out of the room ... Then, I asked him to choose music, that he remembered on my stereo … without telling him the reason. He came up with Mr. Bungle, some very extraordinary experimental rock band with interesting sounds and good recording. We didn\'t play it recently, but it was obvious, when the first bass sounds came in and he had to smile. This was not possible before, especially now with feeling the bass with your body. The next thing he could describe, was the way better separation of instruments and voices. He agreed to more natural sounds as well. And he continued with other songs and later with other bands. We cranked it up very high and had so much fun !! Will be hard to wait for the other cables :) Thanks again Louis!! --- Just had a wonderful listening of my stereo. Unbelievable what happened after my last email. Since last Wednesday, the voices are considerably improving, standing out more with more texture and details … and less sibilance. The remaining sibilance is closer coupled to the rest of the voice and sounds more like real. The stage takes the entire room, at least ahead of me, with even more space between the instruments. Was it the C-MARC power cable or the distributor?? Probably teamwork :) And yes, terrible burn-in days before with different surprises like flat stage, dull voices, resonances … But I know this for quite some time, not only with your products :)
After purchasing c-marc large hookup wiring for soldering inside my speakers and being extremely impressed with the performance, I started e-mailing Louis where we got onto the subject of the firewall 64x units, which led to the ordering of the custom power distribution unit. While I was waiting for the power distribution unit I purchased a super c-marc power cable and I was again very much impressed no matter what I connected it. The first unit I connected it to was my PC monitor(Asus pa279q). The moment I started looking at videos, playing blu rays and gaming I immediately noticed that it looked like a completely different monitor. The black levels were much deeper and the contrast was definitely higher to the point where the difference between brighter parts of a scene and where the shadows are have a realistic difference between them. A thick grey veil was taken away leaving colors that were much more natural, vibrant, vivid and lifelike. The way that the super c-marc power cable reveals the finest and most minute details in the image leads me to believe that it increases the resolution of the image in ways that no amount of resolution from the graphics card can. It increases resolution, it increases image depth by a lot, it takes away that sameness effect that the RF gives and causes every object to look like it is it\'s own object and it\'s in its own space. After enjoying the image quality that the super c-marc power cable gave the monitor, I then connected it to the xmc-1 pre/pro and I immediately was amazed at how it increased the resolution and transformed the sound-stage from being flat to having depth. There definitely were other differences like much lower noise levels, more natural tone, smoother more liquid sound, although the number 1 factor that stood out to me was the increase in resolution and the transformation of the sound-stage. When I connected it to the PC, I noticed a lot of the same differences like when I connected it to the processor although to a lesser degree and it did not change the sound-stage like when it was connected to the processor. The number 1 difference it made connected to the PC is lack of noise and smoothness. There was also a difference in video quality, although again, not to the same degree as when connected directly to the monitor. Before I get into how the custom Lessloss power distribution unit sounds like, let\'s get into the specifications: - Chassis mostly made out of 1 1/2\" thick oak-wood - Two thick slabs of panzerholz plywood(to bolt/glue the inlet/outlets into it) - 1 IeGo AC-01 BK(Cu-Au) inlet - 4 Furutech GTX-S NCF(R) outlets - Polished and grounded(with large internal hookup wire) copper shields around the inlet and outlets - All Lessloss c-marc triaxial internal wiring - 12 firewall 64x units After connecting a super c-marc power cable from the power outlet to the inlet of the distribution unit and four connecting from the power distribution unit to the PC, the XMC-1 processor and the two benchmark AHB2 amplifiers I fired up the equipment to hear how it would sound. When I started to play some music, I immediately heard the purist, most calm, pleasant and mesmerizing sound coming out of a black hole of complete silence as there was absolutely no sibilant in the sound with just empty space between each note. It\'s as if a very thick and abrasive blanket of static colored steel wool(called RF) has been taken out of the sound which imparted a brittle, dry and closed/collapsed sound that always bites into your ears but is now unbelievably smooth and liquid that flows out of the speakers like water. The sound-stage, at this point, is completely open and holographic, with each sound, not artificially laser-etched into the sound-stage, but effortlessly floating in mid-air separate from other sounds much like in reality. Instead of having a sound that is resolutely and tonally masked, uninteresting/bland and lifeless because of the blanket of steel wool, the sound is extremely vivid, revealing the finest detail, nuances and colors. The sound is much more tangible, defined, rich and full transporting you to the venue where the artist is singing. The attacks have plenty of contrast and inter-lapping of decay from various instruments are easily heard. The resolution and smoothness go hand-in-hand creating a sound that is not smooth but dark, or resolute but cold/analytical, but a sound that is just right. As far as color/timbre/tonality is concerned, each individual sound is vibrantly painted with many various shades of organic colors as if rainbows are bursting forth from my speakers, that especially make acoustic instruments sound very authentic and real. Electric guitars and electronic music aren\'t quite as tonally rich although they also do have a certain tone to them. I\'d also like to make a quick mention of my experience of re-playing Alan Wake after adding this unit to my system. If you\'ve ever played Alan Wake, you know that it\'s not necessarily a terrifying horror game, although it most certainly does have an eerie, moody and dark atmosphere to it. After adding this unit to my system, playing the game was much more entertaining, vivid, engaging and well, eerie. I really felt the game\'s dark atmosphere coming alive in the room as I ran across Bright Falls in the night, going from mission to mission. After owning this Legendary product for a few months I can most certainly say that there are very few words that can describe this unit\'s performance. It is truly in a class of its own. In conclusion, I would have to say that this unit really reveals the soul of the music. It eliminates other-worldy amounts of RF and leaves you with a high resolution, vivid, organic, beautiful, confident, expressive, holographic and rich sound that has plenty of definition. You are left with living music. Thank you Louis and Lessloss team for building the crown jewel of my audio system! This unit has taken my system much closer to the peak of mount Everest!
Just got my distributor loaded with 6 integrated units of Firewall 64x two weeks ago and have enjoyed it so much. Will write a report on this separately. So curious, what the other LessLoss products might be like after getting to know the fantastic Firewall Distributor, I ordered one C-MARC Power Cable. Just to get an idea, what the next year end bonus should be financing. I received it this morning and without burn-in took a half hour listen. It was surprising, that it would beat my previous power cable like nothing even at this early stage. Again the typical things, that happen with LessLoss: Stronger, deeper, better controlled bass, an amazing extension of the stage space especially behind the front wall for the cable, better and more stable placement, instruments and voices have more body, sound richer, still more detailed. And all seems believable and natural. I put this cable between wall outlet and the LessLoss distributor. The upgrade with the distributor was so phenomenal, and still the C-MARC comes with this surprise of further improvement. I am happy and will replace all other cables with C-MARCs. I was starting to think about adding subwoofers, but adding the LessLoss Firewall distributor plus the C-MARC power cable really made it senseless. Is it the amp, that does not have to \'over-work\' on super high frequencies and instead can focus on the relevant ones … especially the bass?? Amazing what my speakers can produce if you feed it right! Thanks, Louis!!!
This week-end I decided to install the C-MARC Firewall 64X units on my KEF LS50W active speakers. (One on each speaker) along with 2 C-MARC power cables per speaker and 1 for my power conditioner. At first I was somewhat disappointed and underwhelmed. I let the system play music, lowered the volume and listened again the next day. You know you have something special installed in your system when you start listening to your usual test tracks and you won\'t go beyond the 1st one because the difference is so big and the sound is so pleasing to the ears that you just keep listening! In the past few years of getting into audiophilia, this was the learned lesson! When you keep changing tracks or don\'t listen for long sessions to the system, many a time, it is not the music, but the incorrect presentation of it that is subconsciously non-engaging and bothersome. With new C-MARC power cords and C-MARC FW64X filters, there is no extra emphasis on highs or lows. It\'s just a proper presentation of music across the spectrum. I don\'t even turn it up that much as the music is all there. Highs, lows, vocals with exceptional details, all flowing in liquid form. The music just flows as if l have added a Chord DAC with crazy high number of taps! A great way to improve the sound in your system. These are component level improvements. Great for folks with all in one active speakers with built in DAC and streamer who think they can\'t upgrade their sound. Well done Louis and the LessLoss team.
One word that seems to pop up more often than others in the reviews of LessLoss products is \'natural.\' But what exactly is \'natural\'? I was born on the \'wrong\' side of the Iron Curtain. So my love-affair with recorded music began through reel-to-reel machines (luckily, good Soviet rip-offs of ReVox or Akai ones). When, at some point, I first saw The Beatles on VHS, I had to leave the room. The \'real\' fab four looked utterly disappointing; certainly less real to me than the image I already had in my mind. And \'image\' here refers not to visual representation, but to \'imagination.\' The point I am trying to make: I do not expect recordings to transport me to the venues where they were made, be it a studio or a concert hall. I want them \'to take me places\' instead, imaginary places that artists created while recording them (in an attempt, I suspect, to \'escape\' any studio or a concert hall). That is what music is for me: human creation that, once brought into the world of nature, sounds like it belongs there. If \'nature\' is \'creation\' in the biblical sense, then \'art\' is a continuous quest for extending \'nature,\' premised on the belief that humans, as part of creation, are capable of - or even tasked with - providing such an extension. I guess, you may call me a \'romantic\' listener, as opposed to the \'analytical\' one. I won\'t argue with that, as long as my \'romanticism\' is not confused with a tonal preference for mellower, euphonic sound often described as \'musicality.\' I think \'musicality\' is a concept useful for distinguishing music, as an artistic extension of nature, from just any sound. Yet, its usefulness is mostly limited to the realm of composition and performance, and becomes more questionable once we are talking about reproduction. You cannot turn sound into music by putting it through a high-end amplifier. You can, however, turn music into sound by playing it through some inadequate gear. My main \'players\' are: an R2R DAC (Metrum Acoustics Pavane), a valve pre and a hybrid power amps from Croft Acoustics, and the full-range Eclipse TD712zMk2 speakers. Common to all of them is priority given to speed, dynamics and timing. (It is not by chance that with all these three brands sooner or later you run into some, however distant, reference to Quad electrostatics.) Also of note with Crofts and Metrum is their tonal richness, and with the Eclipses, the lack of internal resonances inevitable with more conventional speaker designs. Consequently, Eclipses are sometimes accused of being \'cold,\' \'dry,\' \'lean\' or \'strident.\' In my experience, this is where cables begin to matter. With the LessLoss speaker wires, Eclipses sound anything but dry or strident, and not because of some added \'warmth.\' What happens here is rather different. Whereas with other, perfectly revealing cables, instruments appear as flat placeholders located in a pseudo three-dimensional space, with C-MARC in the same system, there is a dense, continuous, breathing space entirely made-up of transients. Physicists have recently discovered that even the \'quantum leap\' - the fastest event known to science - is in fact gradual, rather than instantaneous. Needless to say, so is the pluck of a string or a hit at a drum or triangle. If the components are literally up to speed with these musical events, transients are omnipresent. And then everything unfolds in time. Even space - the much-talked-about soundstage - becomes infused with skilfully controlled timing. And this is when sound becomes music. For this to happen, nothing should hold the components back; and it is cabling - internal, interconnects, and power - that often does. In my system, the addition of C-Marc speaker wires moved the overall performance further in that specific direction: from sound to music. The fact that this move was due to the cables was confirmed when later I added new C-Marc Firewall modules: one before the power distributor, one before the DAC, and one before the preamp (other configurations are possible, each resulting in a distinctively different flavour, but I found this one to be the most satisfying). I suspect, with the power-conditioning modules, the physics of it is somewhat different from that of the speaker wires, but the nature of the overall improvement is easily recognisable. If you are interested in the physics of it all, I suggest you ask Louis. Personally, I found his responses to my questions to be not only absolutely honest, but also intellectually illuminating. To stay true to my own \'romantic\' disposition, I wrap it up with one example from extended listening sessions. I cannot say LessLoss cables allowed me to hear sounds I never heard in recordings without them. But it was only with them in the system that I realised, for example, that Dino Saluzzi and Anja Lechner were not just playing tango on their Ojos Negros album; they were \'dancing\' it with their instruments. I could vividly experience clouds of audible air bouncing off each other and then blending into some new sounds, no longer identifiable exclusively with either bandoneon or cello. \'You take two bodies and you twirl them into one,\' as Paul Simon once put it in his poetic take on love-making…
Daisy-Chained 4 Firewall 64Xs Last year\'s Firewall 64Xs were in my system between distributor and the devices. One for digital Music Server, 2 for the DAC, 1 for the integrated Amp. For this setup, please see my comments from June 25, 2018. Now while waiting for the ordered upgrade to the C-MARC Firewall 64X; I started a discussion with Lessloss\'s Louis and asked about a distributor with these 4 firewalls on board, one for each device and the forth shared by all. Fortunately, Louis shared his experience, that all firewalls shared by all devices would lead to a way better result. So I tried this with my existing 4 firewalls being daisy-chained before the distributor. My concerns were, that the digital devices would be polluting the power after the filters and affect the partner devices. But once I switched over, my jaws dropped again, just like last year. Just take all the effects from last year\'s comments and multiply. Less sibilance, bigger and more defined soundstage ... and the bass, deeper, stronger, and better controlled. And on top of this: I suffer from pretty polluted power brought to my door. And it got a lot worse earlier this year, which made me add 2 more power filters with \"conservative\" electronics (not from Lessloss). Now, I tried to disconnect them, and it was great, all the mids resonances and colorations were gone. This was not possible without the daisy-chaining. The Lessloss filters now have a lot more lively and believable presentation, than with the electronic filters. Try it, you\'ll like it :) As soon as I tested this, I changed my upgrade order into a custom made distributor from Lessloss with 5 outlets, internal C-MARC wiring and a 6 times Firewall power. So exciting to get it !!! Thanks so much, Louis, for your guidance!!!
My impressions of the 2 units 'C-MARC' Firewall 64X that I have now used since about one month. I am happy to report again a clear upgrade of the sound of my system. Nothing special to say about the first weeks (the usual step back followed by a period of strange ups and downs) but ever since a few days ago, my system is really singing. All the ‘traits’ of each and every previous upgrade are present but it’s clearly, and again, a much better sound: the music simply sounds better. More details, more slam, more ‘finesse’, more involvement and more emotions. A certain ‘richness’ now, also. As reported previously, and I've been a LessLoss customer since many years, and this new upgrade is again transformational to the sound of my system. And again, as before, it’s not limited to more and better bass or a more refined treble or anything/everything in-between. The whole system simply sounds better and the music is elevated to yet again another level… There is an example that I want to use but I fear it might be misinterpreted. Anyway, here we go: I have a ‘Loudness’ function/button on my Accuphase amplifier that I actually use when listening (more casually, obviously) to music at low level. I like what this function does. The music is not bass heavy but on the contrary sounds very good. I sometimes use it on some cd’s, even at somewhat higher volume level, as it clearly adds a round and more pleasant sound without boomy bass that is often linked with these 'loudness' type tone controls. My attention was caught by the music sounding so good, at rather high volume, and I believed that this loudness function was on while it was in fact not. I know that purists hate tone controls and it may be that Accuphase has mastered this 'loudness thing,' but with the addition of the 2 C-MARC Firewall 64X units, the music sounds like I have added tone controls ‘in some perfect way’ with just that touch of perfectly rounded emphasis that makes everything so involving. The example I use may scare potential customers, hence my warning. I am not an audiophile and I don’t master the vocabulary. But what I mean is that the C-MARC Firewall 64X takes the sound to a richer level, more ‘organic’ as in ‘less digital’, i.e. more pleasant, more detailed with a richer and more informative treble as well. Also, and I will use this expression for the first time, there is more silence between the notes, as if a remastering engineer removed the ‘noise’ on the cd’s. I simple hear more music. I have used repeatedly ‘rich’ and ‘richer’ to define my impressions. Again, it is meant in a good way: the sound is now clearer but addictive, adding another level of detail and involvement, a new sense of discovery, as well. And yes, I listen to entire cd’s; I don’t limit myself to test cd’s I know, the usual suspects that are always used to test new equipment. Those, also, sound better which is a very strange feeling when it comes to music that I have been listening to in some cases for 20 years: ‘that’ was there for all those years and I only hear it today? I am sure the sound will further evolve during the next weeks but this is again very, very promising. And all this is experienced in connection with using the custom made power distributor which still "only" uses the previous Firewall technology...
I am listening to Born To Run (album) for the first ( the 1,000th) time. I am experiencing the excitement of a live concert two rooms away from the stereo in my home. I think it is important to start with that. This upgrade (from original to new 64X) is all about emotion and musical expression. The sound is much better to be sure but the MUSIC! This is my fifth generation of FW modules and having been less than blown away by the step from 5X to original 64X (better but not huge) I felt foolish going for these. I really felt like it was purely OCD to have to have the latest- I mean it was still 64- no bigger number and I have a LessLoss power distributer with 5 of the 64 modules- and about double the list price - but I was "weak" and placed my order. I fear that others may follow this logic and abstain. That would be a huge mistake. In my system, even with the loaded power distributer and excellent cables and a dedicated power line this is FAR and away the biggest upgrade ever. If you led me into the room blindfolded and told me my speakers and amp had been changed out for components of 5 times the price I would say it's worth the money with no hesitation. I am not sure where to start with sonics. Clarity, detail ( but NOT treble edge), the most incredible soundstage and imaging I have ever heard, bass that no stand mounted monitor should be capable of- my wife says it hurts her chest cavity in the next room-but with tremendously increased tonality in the bass region. The expressiveness keeps coming back as the main issue. It's not just that you don't want to change to the next track- it seems like it would be rude to the performer! Three week break in so don't fret. Highest recommendation. No looking back!
New C-MARC™ Firewall 64X module When I received the news that there is a new \"C-MARC\" Firewall module coming, I thought to myself whether it would be worth upgrading with these relatively minor changes to the former normal lead 64X. But I ordered one new Firewall 64X module. So my configuration until the new one arrived looked like this: Wall socket —> best C-MARC power cord —> old standard lead Firewall 64X module —> passive power distributor (no filter inside) —> preamp (no change of power cable possible, captive) —> power amp (no change of power cable possible, captive) —> best C-MARC power cord —> LessLoss Echo’s End DAC —> DAC to Preamp —> LessLoss Anchorwave cable —> DFPC Original —> CD-player, used as Drive Transport only —> Light Harmonic AES/EBU cable (has to be replaced also with C-MARC cable at a later date) into DAC —> Pre- to Power amp —> LessLoss Homage to Time XLR cable —> Power amp to speakers —> C-MARC speaker cables When the new C-MARC Firewall 64X module arrived, I let the the normal 64X stay and connected the new one directly to the CD-player. Right after installation the difference was shocking. I expected minor changes to the better, but this was extraordinary. It sounded better focused, instruments could be located more easily, I heard much more detail, absent before, and bass response had more depth and punch than before. So again, all the frequency parameters from the low end to the highest highs improved in a way that could only possibly be had with a change of gear that would cost several times the price of the new C-MARC Firewall 64X module. Then I removed the new module from the CD-player and connected it to the Echo\'s End Reference DAC. I didn\'t expect a big change here, as the DAC received its power through the best C-MARC power cable anyway. But I was wrong again, the improvement was in the same league as it was on the CD-player. The differences are only slight and I couldn\'t pin it down exactly, sorry. That was amazing. It would be an interesting comparison to replace the C-MARC power cord with a DFPC Original on the DAC with the new 64X module in place. I can\'t try this, as I have only one DFPC left. Could it be that it is a better way to get the new Firewall 64X module first, and upgrade to the best power cord later? If I could afford it, I would install the new C-MARC Firewall 64X module on every piece of gear and maybe a second one on the power distributor. I can\'t imagine how that would sound, but it seems to me that this would achieve a gigantic improvement. So in the end I removed the normal 64X from the power distributor and replaced it with the new C-MARC Firewall 64X, so that everything in the chain could profit, but to a lesser degree each. And that was what I expected after trying the new module on the DAC and the CD-player. So the new Firewall 64X module comes with a big improvement in overall sound quality. And the best is, that all these improvements come with no downside at all. The presentation after several upgrades over the years has improved yet again. The musicality is outstanding without any annoying artifacts at all. What I have now is a total relaxed and satisfying listening experience. The C-MARC Firewall 64X is an upgrade with the biggest bang for the buck. It may seem expensive at first, but it is not, when you consider what substantial improvement comes with it. Thanks for this great product.
[C-MARC Firewall 64X] Just a quick update on initial impressions. My normal policy is to make only one change at a time and in the context of the standard lead Firewall F64X, I only added them one at a time about one week apart. With that previous experience and knowing the very long burn-in times, I confidently chose this time to break with tradition and add two C-MARC Firewall 64X, to the front end (CD transport and DEQX) and leave the remaining three to be added to the power amps after my holiday. After adding these first two at about 1130 am, I did not listen to any music until my normal listening session at 7 pm, so only some 7.5 hours of burn-in. Given my original FW64X were in my system for many months and well burned-in, I was initially expecting a slight drop off in SQ with the new versions as they would still need much longer burn-in. However.......... improvements were immediately obvious; First was the bass – clearer and better defined. Then the vocals – same as above and therefore also more real. Of course, by now I was hearing this to be true for all instruments and backing vocals. It now seemed that every aspect of the track(s), vocals and instruments, were now enjoying so much more of their own space in the soundstage. For example, hearing backing vocalists further back in the soundstage and much clearer is simply fantastic. One song nearly had me in tears such was the emotion in the female vocalist voice and that she sounded like she was in my living room ! Brilliant result, yet they are nowhere near run in and there are three more to be added to the power amps !!!! Congratulations to you and your team, you have done it again.
In September 2018 I upgraded 10 Firewall 1X units to 10 Firewall 64X (1 of which was placed on the power inlet to the entire system). Results were excellent. Then later I experimented with a new configuration: placing two Firewall 64X units on each power inlet for prepreamp and 2 mono amps. Results were substantially better. A really new summit of sound quality. Then I tried the same idea with two FW64X on CD transport and on the DAC. Result: the same performance that I previously got only from analog sources. But it is very interesting that the sound is now not only better but also different. For the first time in my long life of listening to music I now feel with this setup as much pleasure when I listen to CD as I do listening to analog on vinyl.
The USB Firewall key outperformed the Audioquest Jitterbug, ifi audio's i-defender and i-silencer. Just one of these transformed my car audio to a new level. Using it with an iphone with Audioquest Carbon usb wire and listening to Tidal and lossless files reveals never before heard nuances of music. worth it!
Over the many years (40+) I have been improving my system, it has been said to me many times, by people in the industry, that you can have all the ‘boutique’ components you can inside your equipment, but unless the power supplies are the best possible, these components are a waste of money. Some years ago, I added 4 of the original DIY Firewall modules into my system and the point made above was proved yet again to be true. On news of the latest generation 64X version, I placed an order for 4 units. Not to replace the originals which are still in my system, but to be additional to those. I read all the positive reviews of those who had their units before me and this only added to the frustration of waiting. However, it was worth the wait! Yes, they do need significant time to burn-in, but these new units are simply superb. I won’t repeat what others have said, simply take it as true and in no way exaggerated. Last year I upgraded my amps to Gato PWR-222s and this brought about a tremendous improvement in SQ. However, now feeding the AC power to the amps through the Firewall F64X has brought about a bigger improvement in SQ than the amps on their own did. I have absolutely no doubt that any system, no matter how expensive, will sound better if the power is fed through a Firewall 64X.
[Custom power distributor, solid oakwood housing, four integrated Firewall modules onboard, C-MARC internal hook-up wire throughout, six European Schuko outlets.] I have had the unit a few weeks. I am listening to it now. I am genuinely astounded how much difference it has made. My system was already very resolving, but it is now astonishingly good. I feel I can actually ‘see into the mix.’ Were you to know my views on audiophile product marketing and spurious science being used to sell kit, you would understand how odd I sound to myself. I just heaped hyperbolic praise on a mains filtering distribution block. I was genuinely unaware that something so relatively 'low tech' (from the perspective of the rest of my kit) could make such an astounding difference. Now insanely fast, ultra resolving with fast, tightly controlled bass that moves stuff. Unequivocally recommended. Thank you. Thank you very much. Neill
I have the KEF LS50W active speaker system which is a speaker with built in amplification, DAC and streamer. I ordered qty:4 of the 64X Firewalls (2 on each speaker) and it has completely transformed the system as if I have upgraded components and also larger speakers. That fatiguing sound of digital audio is gone, rendering an organic, more lifelike presentation with a much bigger soundstage. Try at least one. It goes to show that good power is paramount in quality sound.
I received my first batch of the 64X units and after a week of daisy-chain hookup to a FryCorder2 I replaced all my 1Xs and 5Xs on my main system with 64X, so now every component has a 64X at its power input. I really did not expect to hear any change, but I did, for the better. Every track I play sounds cleaner, clearer, and more tonally correct. Whatever those little wooden boxes are doing, it is remarkable.
Installing the Firewall 64X into my system in May 2018, I noticed the immediate emergence of subtle cues that had previously been inaudibly submerged beneath the parasitic noise "riding" the current into my audio system. Of course, as one would expect, those cues infused the musical presentation with a latent natural delicacy only hinted at previously. In my system (Oppo 105 --_ Music Reference RM-200 --_ Magnepan 3.7s), I found the most benefit when used in conjunction with the tube amplifier. One major (and somewhat embarrassing) ancillary benefit was that the increased resolution, arising from the installation of the Firewall, permitted me to reposition the speakers with greater precision. The synergistic results have been most enjoyable. Throughout the audio spectrum there is greater focus, as well as, a more cohesive soundstage. Bass is more tunefully solid, highs are naturally airy and crystalline, and music flows with greater harmonic richness and nuance. These improvements have been more fully realized with usage. I have placed an order for a second 64X.
Received my first Firewall 64X about 2 weeks ago and I’m really happy with what it did for the sound. The results are amazing, more natural sound and more of everything. Well worth your money!
Since almost three weeks now, the 2 Firewall 64X that I have ordered are burning in, respectively on the cd player (Accuphase DP-430) and on the amplifier (Accuphase E-370). They have replaced two Firewall 5X that have replaced the first version of the Firewall. After about 50 hours of irregular play and unconvincing results (‘bloated’ bass and loss of details compared to the Firewall 5X), the sound started to change rapidly when I left my system on almost 24/7 during a long weekend. To cut a long story short and after around 250 hours, this is probably the best product you came up with since I first started to be a LessLoss customer. Over the last 6 years, I have purchased three DFPC power cords, upgraded to DFPC Signature, HTT cable loom, C-Marc power cables upgraded to Super C-Marc cables and C-Marc XLR interconnect and speaker cables and, as mentioned, the various forms of the Firewalls in-line conditioners. And let’s not forget the distributor you made for me. Each of these products was a clear upgrade compared to its predecessor (expect maybe for the HTT interconnect and speaker cables that never really and/or fully convinced me or simply because the interconnect and speaker cables they replaced were probably very good, albeit much more expensive). But nothing prepared me for the upgrade that the 2 Firewalls 64X brought to the sound of my system. I never heard it sounding so dynamic, detailed and powerful. Bass is out of this world: slam and ‘finesse’ at the same time and perfectly balanced with the rest of the music that is now clearly more detailed and ‘richer’. The level of improvement that these two Firewall 64X bring to my system is simply stunning.
The Firewall 64X that I received a few days ago replaced the 1X that I used on my passive power distributor. Now I have re-read all the comments by other users of the new Firewall. What can I add? I can only agree to all statements I see made by others. The 64X got me a big, big improvement in all aspects of sound imaginable. There may not be a big improvement on the Echo's End Reference DAC, as it already has three of the 64X modules inside, so this fantastic shift in quality can be attributed to the clean power going into the Pre- and power amplifier. Even if I thought that my system sounds excellent with only the 1X installed and the wonderful Echo's End Reference DAC, I asked my neighbor to take a listen to prove I am not just imagining things. Yes, it is a revelation! The new module made the biggest improvements again on the jet great sounding discs. I searched and dug out a lot of discs that came with a flat, boring or distorted sound. Mostly these discs sound even more miserable, flatter, with a total collapse of soundstage, when played with really very expensive gear. But again the Firewall 64X make it a much more comfortable listen, coming with more depth, room information and details. So those discs, collecting dust over the years and stayed unplayed on the shelves now get a re-listening. Distorted guitars are still sounding distorted, but with the Firewall 64X the music is no longer biting into my ears. The sharpness that makes the listening uncomfortable is gone without a loss of details (there is more instead). That only one Firewall 64X installed can make such a profound difference is amazing, when you consider the modest price for it. How much money must someone invest in gear to get such an improvement? Or is there anybody out there who can name gear, a tweak, whatever, that comes with such a jump in sound quality? Everyone who wants to build a system with, well, even only 3,000 EUR on hand, should calculate with the investment of one Firewall 64X module. It is simply essential. I wish that there will be someone who can compare two or three of the Firewall 64X modules, one C-MARC power cable going into a modest priced, passive power distributor of good quality with the Audioquest Niagara (10,000 EUR), the new one from Transparent Audio (15,000 EUR) or any other distributor in this price range or above. Let’s hope that this happens in the future. That would surely become a fascinating listening session. In my opinion the Firewall 64X is the biggest bargain in high end audio equipment in a long long time. Everyone should have at least one of it. :-) Looking forward to coming rave reviews... Liudas, thanks a thousand times!
This brief review is for the brand new, hot off the line, the 64X Firewall. Louis let me trade in my older very nice 5X Firewall for the new 64X. I was wondering how much an upgrade the 64X would be. After all the original 1X Firewall and the improved 5X Firewalls each were very, very nice improvements! How far could this go? With just one 64X Firewall? On my amp? Well, actually, without exaggerating, I was surprised. Way more improvement than the 5X Firewall was over the original Firewall. Striking gains in clarity, depth of the soundstage and delineation of instruments. When two oboes or flutes are playing the same notes, you hear both instruments distinctly! When a French horn is playing (often to the extreme left) and the trombone to the right, you hear each instrument, with it\'s own timbre and tone and can enjoy the spatial and tonal differences between them. This with just one 64x Firewall. Wow! Anyhow, I\'ve very much enjoyed the new toy in town and have stayed up late at night listening to old pieces to hear them anew! Honestly! I\'m a long time LessLoss buyer and very often I am constantly surprised how these young, hard working Lithuanians are so resourceful! I\'m 100% convinced that I\'m getting great value for my money. For sure I\'ll be getting more of the 64X\'s....... One last thing: my friend, the retired medical professor, visited my home and heard my system, filled with LessLoss cords and Firewalls and he has just purchased all his power cords and a specially made LessLoss distributor filled with five 64X Firewalls.
Got my Firewall 64x module a few days ago, cooked it on an FM tuner for 24 hours, and auditioned it the afterward on my SACD player, replacing 3 daisy-chained 1x modules. I was blown away by how much clearer familiar tracks now were, and with extended treble and bass as well. I assumed I'd hear some difference, but I never expected it to be so dramatic. After a few more days of break-in, the sound is a bit smoother and more natural. A fantastic product! I want more...
Just inserted a Firewall 64X on my integrated amp and all I can say is WOW! You don’t have to be a golden ear audiophile to very quickly recognize the excellent improvement in dynamics and musical flow. My impressions are very consistent with the comments already made by those who have received their 64X. The improvement is a substantial upgrade over the original Firewall. If you are sitting on the fence, I would recommend you go for it, it’s a no-brainer; I feel they offer such an improvement in my systems that I have re-ordered.
I have replaced my Firewall 5x with the new 64x on my transport, dac/amp, power conditioner and speaker woofers. I have found in the past that Firewall modules need 1,000-1,500 hours of playing time to settle in and can be a bit harsh until then. The improvement in going from 5x to 64x is so obvious that I am ready to talk about them after only 100 hours. The improvement in sound is so great that it creates a paradigm shift more than an upgrade. Dynamics are stupendous, both in quality and in quantity. Onset of notes is instant but without edge. Sustain and continuity of escalation and deescalation of volume within a note is quite like live music and the notes end very realistically. Tonality is vastly better across the frequency spectrum (bass tone- OMG Paul really could play that Bass!). Distortion is much lower as well. Though finely recorded albums sound almost alive the transformation is most apparent on old favorites that are more problematic sounding. As a better vinyl playback system seems to place hiss and music on different temporal and spatial planes; the 64x does the same for ALL distortion on digital recordings. An example of the result is that I can hear the Beatles PLAY at the Hollywood Bowl and I FEEL like I am in front of a loud PA system in an open space. The notes of the Bass are clear and melodic yet separate from this is a wall of blurry and forceful bass from the PA system that washes over you just as I remember at outdoor concerts in the 80's and 90's. I have never been a big fan of imaging. A funny statement but hear me out. Specificity of image placement always seemed to rest on a little spur of treble or upper midrange that sharply outlined sounds in a way I have never experienced live. With the 64x in place images are MORE specific than ever and utterly free of edge, outline or pointedness. Mid-bass centered instruments are as clearly placed as cymbals and have heft and body. I have ordered a custom power distribution unit with 4 of the 64x units inside. I don't even know what to expect.
Thank you so much for this new Hifi experience!! Opened the package before my birthday … just to burn in on time :) … and will be celebrating now for many days to come, far beyond the 27th :) So much more reality, the closest to musicians in my living room! The soundstage widened and everything is placed more precisely with more space between. Everything seems more fluid and easier to listen … again possible to play louder, without instant tinnitus alarm. Dynamics are excellent, e.g. plucking strings and percussion. Less aggression, but more punch … contradiction?? … regardless, I heard it like that. Bass is richer, deeper, more powerful and precise. Improved textures and details I never heard before! I could hardly stop to play more and more. Had to try on all my albums to see if it works on all, still wanted full length of each to enjoy … so very time consuming :) Finally, when I put on the Holst Planets Uranus (Seiji Osawa, Boston Symphony, Decca 1979), I got goosebumps all over my body and watery eyes. It was so real and close … even though the recording has some ground noise. All this was very amazing, after already having tweaked the hifi power with quite some efforts: new fuse box with exclusive phase and melting fuse for the hifi, with direct special cabling through the house, many parallel filters and other “informed obsidian voodoo” (Vortex Hifi). Still hoping for the burn-in to melt the occasional high sibilant sounds, especially with female voices. With everything else so smooth, they stick out more. But depending on the recording, there might be none anyway. Just had another impressive experience with good old Andreas Vollenweider, Caverna Magica … The stage is not only wide but it has a clearly defined end, which does not have to end at the walls of my living room!! And every one of the instruments sounds so much more natural !! Just love this !! Funny, that this 3D effect seems to get stronger, if you leave your sweet spot for a minute and then return. My brain seems to adjust to the new standard quite fast and you have to show again, that it is so much more than ever before … :) Very, very happy with your firewalls 64x !!! Thanks again, Louis. A wonderful invention and very nicely packaged !!! Best regards, all the best, Joerg PS: The delivery was impressively fast with 24 hours!!
Firewall 64X: FIRST IMPRESSIONS Having been a long-time fan of LessLoss’s superb products, I presently have their DFPC Signature and the C-MARQ power cables,C-MARQ interconnect, the original Echo’s End DAC, USB Firewall, and the 5X Firewalls in my modest system (Response Audio’s RA-801 tube amp and RA-100A tube CD player / and a highly-modded PrimaLuna Prologue Premium integrated amp), I have come to expect incremental sonic improvements with each addition or upgrade of their components. I am first and foremost a music lover and at this stage have been very happy with my system and enjoying my music. I should declare that I have no commercial interest or any ties with LessLoss. I was therefore not prepared for the jaw-dropping sounds I heard after installing the new 64X Firewalls which had undergone only 15 hours of incomplete burn-in. I’m no professional audio reviewer and will therefore use my own simple descriptive terms. I was simply astounded by the fluidity and ease of the flow of sound against a very black and silent background while the top-end sounded sweet and clear with no harshness and bass was superbly natural without any ‘boominess’. Everything sounded alive and dynamic yet natural with great depth, wider extension of both ends of the audio spectrum, spatial orientation and soundstage; female voices sounded exquisite and musical instruments sounded ‘live’ in good recordings. Close your eyes and you cannot place the speakers. Some of the tracks I often use for testing include the following: (1) Liszt’s “La Campanella” (Yundi Li – A Portrait) – you can hear the crystal glass-like ‘plinking’ sound of the top notes at the beginning of the track and distinguish practically every note played. (2) Beethoven 5th Piano Concerto (Wilhelm Kempff –DG from the early 1960s) – Even such an early recording and my favourite version can come to life, especially the piano. (3) Duet from Delibes’ “Lakme” (Lesley Garrett) – the clarity and spatial orientation of voices. (4) The recently released remastered album “The New Sound of Maria Callas” – sounds more like a recent recording. (5) Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries” (Die Walkyrie) (Solti’s original 1960s Decca version) - Takes you on a ride with the Valkyries. (6) Beethoven 5th Symphony (G. Solti – Decca 1988) – experience the uplifting power of the final movement (7) Vivaldi’s Concertos for the Emperor (Harmonia Mundi). – the strings in this recording often sound harsh and brittle in most systems but now sounds sweet and ‘tamed’. (8) Cecilia Bartoli – ‘The Vivaldi Album’- listen to her incredible vocal pyrotechnics (9) Rostropovich playing the Bach Suites – relish the” bite” of the cello’s glorious sound (10) Diana Krall – “Temptation” from ‘The Girl in the other room’. Listen to the clarity and metallic timbre of the cymbal and of course, the wonderful husky voice of Diana’s. On track 9 (‘Narrow Daylight”) – you can hear what real electronic guitar “distortion” is all about. (11) Frank Sinatra – Track-8 from “Nothing But The Best” album: (12) From a collection of test tracks including the best from Chesky’s collection. The 64X Firewalls have been returned to the AudioDharma Pro Cable Cooker for full burn-in. I can anticipate further improvements. IMHO, I honestly reckon the 64X Firewall would simply be the single most effective component when it comes to sonic enhancement for any decent audio system. Of all the LessLoss products, the Firewall 64X is the one that has singly produced the greatest sonic improvement, at least to my system, bearing in mind I have all the other components already installed.
I replaced my first and second generation Firewall modules with this new (64X) version. I was quite satisfied with the previous ones and I hoped that one of 64X could replace the 2 I had with some slight performance gain. It is not a slight improvement. Even only using it for a few hours it is an obvious significant improvement. One aspect is completely unrestricted dynamic behavior and that I expected just from seeing that it is a much higher gauge construction. The noise floor dropped a lot which becomes most obvious if one listens to how a note decays. Now I can hear how piano but also other instruments decay and fade (and even subtle tonal changes during the decay). This is not buried in background noise. It became quite obvious when the last note in a recording got truncated (it was likely not obvious during mastering with higher noise floor equipment). The Firewall 64X does not edit and change the music, only removes noise which is masking the natural sound.
First impressions of the new FW64x. Note: I used the first FW1x and upgraded to the FW5x when they became available and now to the new FW64x. I replaced 2 daisy chained FW5x that I had on a Torus Power which powers the whole system with one FW64x. Wow, what a difference!!! The FW64x unleashed the music, beside being more quiet, cleaner, smoother, flow easier, it is more real sounding and let the energy of the music flow with what seems to be with no restriction. You can hear better the start and stop of notes. The instruments and voices sounds much more like the real thing. It is more dynamic with great PRaT which makes the music more fun to listen to. It's like the FW5x held back the music. which obviously one can't tell until hearing the FW64x... It extends both sides of the frequency range, making the bass goes deeper and fuller and the highs, well, higher, with lovely sparkle to them. There is a better grip of the music and more presence. And all of these with much more emotional involvement. When adding a couple more, one on the music server and one the DAC, you get everything described above to a much higher degree, really put a smile on your face :-) This upgrade is much more significant than the upgrade from the FW1x to FW5x, and you can immediately hear it. I'm very happy with it !!!
I have a system powered by a custom distributor from LessLoss, internally wired with C-MARC hook-up wire and equipped with 4 pcs of the new Firewall 64X. As powercables, I use LessLoss C-MARC throughout. The power system has now played some 300 hours and the resulting sonic performance is striking. The noise floor is extremely low with a background that is pitch black. The perspective and depth is very clear and pronounced. Texture and microdetails at all frequencies are coming through with wonderful resolution. In short, music is being played with great emotional impact. In my opinion, there is no other part of a HiFi system that can be improved as much, with the limited cost involved.
With the LessLoss power distributor (with 36 Firewall module) & C-MARC power cables, they significantly reduce HF noises generated from my audio system (normally I could not listen to music from my system longer than 2 hours). After I use the LessLoss power distributor & power cable in the system, it was so unbelievable that I could listen more than 4 hours with the new experience of music from my audio equipment. It is far, very far beyond my expectation. It\'s just simply PERFECT for me!
I also built a home made power filter using two stacks of 3 'naked' Firewall boards each, and got the plug-and-play Firewall 5X and one USB Firewall Key. I also got one DFPC Signature mains cable for the Firewall filter. They all work perfectly together and give a huge improvement in more silent background, a bigger soundstage, clearer and deeper bass, and an increase of the organic natural aspects of the sound. All this is achieved by killing noise. I simply can't listen without this product in my setup. This is an unbelievable high-end extension in so many ways! I am deeply impressed by Your knowledge and development of noise and electro magnetic radiation suppression. Your products are truly superb. Yes it costs some money but I personally do not regret it. This is my best additional high-end investment!
Black magic! Improved timbre, body, darker background, more extension on both ends. Highly recommended without reservations! Louis is very responsive and friendly to interact with as well. Keep rocking!
Dear Louis, Even if the full loom of C-MARC cables and the new distributor (and 3 Bindbreakers, under the distributor) have only a mere 30 hours of play, I can already tell you that it is taking music to new heights. I can't comment about a single cable in particular (XLR interconnect, speaker cables, bi-wire jumpers and 3 power cables, new FW-based custom distributor and Bindbreakers) as they were all connected together at the same time. But what I hear right now is astonishing. As much as I have enjoyed the DFPC power cables (Original first, later upgraded to Signature) and the HTT interconnect, etc., the full loom of C-MARC cables and the new distributor (and two previously purchased 5X Firewalls) bring the sound of my cd's to an entirely new level. I will wait for the C-MARC loom to reach the 100 hours mark before posting further impressions, but so far, I have only one word: 'Wow!' ====== (after 100 hours) Things keep on evolving very nicely indeed, Louis. It is almost frustrating to realize that so much information was somehow lost or buried during all these years, including 'the LessLoss years' when it all started with a couple of DFPC Originals. About 100 hours of play and the music sounds extremely rich ('creamy'?), smooth but very detailed, powerful and engaging. Each cd reveals more layers of details and the C-MARC loom keeps all its promises. When I decided to participate in the early bird program, I have to admit that I was skeptical about the principle of purchasing an idea, a concept and not a finished product. I am very happy that I seized that opportunity! You were right: C-MARC is a game changer. ===== (after 400 hours) Although I feel that burn-in isn't completed yet, I wanted to inform you about my most recent impressions of the C-MARC loom after around 400 hours. Everything I mentioned before is confirmed in a splendid way: details, presence, 'kick', powerful bass, extended treble, etc. etc. etc... This is way above the level of my DFPC Signatures and HTT speaker and interconnect cables. When I return to my previous comments about these cables, it could potentially appear that the level of improvement that the C-MARC loom has brought is 'not believable', 'over enthusiastic' or worse, solicited and/or paid for. The extent of the improvement brought by the C-MARC cables is nothing short of dramatic. And as my 'main' components haven't changed over the recent years (Ayon cd player and amplifier, Sonus Faber speakers), I can comfortably 'feel' and hear the upgrade brought by the C-MARC loom. But owning tubes components, I have to say that burn-in is a pain... I wish I owned a second system to which the cables could be connected to for 500 hours. Witnessing the burn-in can be perceived by some as a nice process but not for me. Luckily, my patience was rewarded (and in this case, the upgrade was obvious even early on in the burn-in process). Being familiar with your cables, I am quite sure that the sound will still evolve in the course of the next few weeks. I don't think it is useful to try to go deeper into details; I am not a reviewer and not even an audiophile. But I can say that once again, you came up with a fantastic series of cables that clearly outperforms anything I owned previously, including much-loved LessLoss cables.
5X Firewall Modules I would like to share my experience with fully burned-in 5X Firewall Modules in my system, which already includes LessLoss Signature power cables, Homage To Time IC, the Echo\'s End DAC and 1X Firewall modules. Like all my cables, they were burned in on an AudioDharma Cable Cooker for a full 7 days which, with daily testing, I have found to be necessary to achieve optimal performance. I must repeat again that I\'m no tech expert but merely a music lover of long standing. Starting with just a single 5X Firewall Module, I found the greatest improvement when installed on my amp rather than the source (CD-player) as suggested by Louis. Once again, the sonic improvement was clearly incremental to the already significant gains from the LessLoss components already installed. I decided then to have 5X Firewall modules for every main component (CD-player, DAC and amp) and the end-result was certainly worthwhile. It is difficult to describe the improvements to a system that I\'m already very happy with but it would be best summed up by the word \"Refinement\", added to descriptions like \"black\" background with no noise, deep and wide soundstage, realism and great dynamics, natural refined bass and superb definition and clarity etc. Poorer recordings, particularly old definitive ones like Otto Klemperer\'s Beethoven symphonies and others, have been given a new lease of life. Bass quality, in particular, has been greatly enhanced; Rebecca Pidgeon\'s \"Spanish Harlem\" (a highly recommended audiophile recording) demonstrates this superbly, coming through sounding so natural and with great definition, yet not boomy or distorted. My journey to achieve better sound with LessLoss components (a company with whom I have no ties) began with power cables and progressed to include the other components referred to above and it has certainly been a very satisfying one. As a music lover first and foremost and an audiophile for over 40 years, I am now enjoying my music more than ever.
Digital Audiophile \"Match of the Day” : LessLoss USB Firewall Key vs. IFi iSilencer 3.0 Bought the latter as I anyway need two USB cleaning tools, one for my reference audio system, one for my \"tweaked for audio\" desktop computer used for ripping CDs. I expected the two items to sound different, but I was not prepared for a match lasting only a few minutes in a comparative listening session... The LessLoss USB Firewall Key won by an awe inspiring total knock-out at first round! IFi iSilencer 3.0 is a good product, cheap and honest, cleaning a little bit your USB audio highway, while the LessLoss USB Firewall Key is something else completely, light years ahead in sound quality reached when using it, as if you suddenly leave \"digital sound\" for something almost real and more natural.... If one product is like a nicely remastered CD, then the other one leaves you feeling the master tape is running in your listening room! Retail prices are quite different, yes, but listening pleasure is, too, trust me. Anyone using a high quality DAC over $1000 without the LessLoss USB Firewall key is DEFINITELY NOT hearing it at even close to 80% of its abilities... You have now been warned. So do yourself a favor: order from Louis your USB Firewall Key now :)
Dear fellow music lovers, I hope Louis will allow me to add something important to my previous review. Last Sunday, I took advantage of being alone at home to have a nice listening session, and something very interesting happened. Remember, I dislike long reviews that don\'t get straight to the point :) ; so here it goes: My LAVARDIN IT amplifier was already warmed up, as my Echo\'s End DAC and AUDIOCOM/OPPO Signature player also were at the front end. I won\'t bother you with cables, having dozens available for listening/review purposes. Got my USB \"music magic key\" where I had ripped with the USB Firewall Key some superb jazz files from a Japan import cd, and pressed PLAY on the remote.... My face went pale... I immediately sensed something was REALLY wrong, the system sounded flat, somehow sterile, underpowered and washed out. I stood up, thinking \"Oh my... some item in my system has likely developed a fault, repairman soon to be called... To the fact: I had simply forgotten to put back the USB Firewall Key on the Oppo player, before my music key! Need I say more? I don\'t think so. This item is a Must Buy.
The LESSLOSS USB Firewall Key is an excellent tweak for your digital system. I ripped several CDs onto a top class USB key, with and without it, then listened to the files, rather than listening to the CD with or without it. Fact is the sound gets way better with it, and the ripped files can prove to anyone not owning an USB Firewall Key that it works, and how well! I\'m not into poetic like or long reviews, but I noticed that a haze is gone, and more air is noticed to let music flow. Things get more natural, easy to enjoy. Would rate it as a pro quality tool that can change your system like you had a new, better digital files reader/streamer, and it will improve even the best one you could find! I have not tried the Audioquest or iFi USB noise filters, so if anyone has compared them to the LESSLOSS unit, I would be happy to read more. No fears, I am sure the latter is the leader, results wise.... :)
We visited several audiophiles in the Philadelphia and New England area. Here they are expressing their impressions using LessLoss products.
Echo\'s End DAC Update & 5X Firewall Module. The DAC is truly burned-in and has since been further enhanced with the addition of the 5X Firewall module to the integrated amp and a standard Firewall Module to the CD player used as a transport. All components are powered by LessLoss Signature power cables and the IC used is the Homage to Time. Since my last review, the sound volume output appears to have returned to original levels. The addition of the 5X Firewall module has brought about an unexpectedly large boost in performance - much greater than using just the standard module - separation of instruments and voices is not only startling but the background is really dark. Music sounds fluid and natural while voices have slightly more clarity. Bass is more \'musical\' and the high frequencies are relaxed and well-defined. The high registers of the piano sound like crystal - a great example is Liszt\'s \"La Campanella\" (Yundi Li _ A portrait). The virtual absence of listening fatigue is greatly appreciated. Some audiophile friends have been similarly impressed when these components were tested on one of their systems. I have also had the experience of using the LessLoss USB firewall module which has lifted sound from USB sources to a new level. I have found that upgrading a decent system with super components from LessLoss like power and IC cables, the DAC and firewall modules have brought about greater sonic improvement than rushing out to buy the latest models of system equipment every year or so. Thank you Louis for producing products that live up to their claims of excellence. As they say, the proof is in the pudding.
Last winter Louis built me a distributor with 8 Firewall Modules, 4 wired in parallel to one outlet used for another distributor and 4 wired in series to the other 7 outlets. It is the black one pictured in his blog. After the usual tedious 250 hours of burn-in my system started to shine like never before. Everything became clearer and smoother. Dynamics increased and the soundstage widened and got deeper. Even my power hungry Pioneer Kuro plasma TV became more luminous and colorful. Lovely to watch. So, when Louis launched the single modules in the wooden box, I ordered another 8 and inserted them before my most important components - DAC, preamp and monoamps, two on each. This time the improvement was threefold and I felt I was in audio heaven - until he launched the 5xFW Modules. Now I new even heaven could be bettered after my experience with the single units, and bought 4 of them to get a system containing 36 single Firewall Modules. Today I removed them from their burn-in position before the 8xFW distributor and inserted them into the crucial components. WOW! What a Giant Leap kind of improvement. Bigger, larger better. Incredible soundstage with precisely pinpointed instruments. Vivid but smooth highs, clear and transparent midrange and a deep, powerfull bass. Absolutely wonderful and the best sound I have ever heard, not only in my own system, but anywhere including shows, demos and in the systems of my audiophile friends. What can I say except agree to the concept of \"A truely triumph\". I´m as close you could come to being awestruck by these Firewall modules. Thanks Louis, all your promises came true! My system: -Auralic Aries LE on Paul Hynes SR7EHD LPS with Intona and W4S RUR connected by Curious Cable Regen Link. -Metrum Pavane NOS DAC -PS Audio BHK Signature preamp with Mullard 12V NOS tubes from 1958 -McIntosh MC601 monoamps -Magico S3 speakers -2 x JL Audio Fathom f112 subwoofers -Cabling by LessLoss and Synergistic Research -Stillpoints Ultra SS
Tonight I spent several hours evaluating the 36-module Firewall power distributor that LessLoss recently custom built for me. These are my first impressions, recognizing that the distributor is not fully broken in: With the distributor in my system the sound is more balanced and refined from top to bottom with much less sibilance at the top end. I heard this improvement most with soprano and tenor voices, piano strings, cymbals and brass instruments. The midrange sounds more full bodied. When I temporarily removed the distributor, instruments and voices sounded thinner with noticeably less \"meat on the bones.\" The acoustic ambience is more believable. Instruments and voices sound like they are in a real concert hall rather than an artificial sounding, overly-reverberate field. Instruments and voices sound more present and involving. Instruments and voices do not seem as razor-sharp focused, but their positions and bounds are well-defined and more natural, as in a real live environment. In my system the sound stage is large with excellent separation between instruments -- about the same with or without the distributor. With the distributor, on some very familiar CD tracks for the first time I noticed the subtle sound of rustling sheet music while the choir was singing; the deep, throaty cough of a man in the audience; a squeaky hinge on a distant door in the ambient background; and the fluttering rumble of an organ pedal bass note that I for a moment mistook as a helicopter hovering over my house -- not that these could not have been heard before, but the enhanced detail brought them to my attention. The distributor enables my system to better resolve complex orchestral passages and deliver them clearly and coherently in music that without the distributor sounds congested and distorted. It is uncanny how this distributor can make such a difference. Going back and forth between the Firewall distributor and no Firewall distributor in my system, I can honestly enjoy the sound either way, but I decidedly prefer the sound with the distributor. The sound is not quite as airy, edgy, big and expansive, but to my ears it is more natural, refined, engaging and non-fatiguing. With break in of the distributor the sound will likely improve even more than I heard tonight, but regardless, what I heard tonight is the best sound I\'ve heard from my system to date and it makes me a happy camper. Joseph L G
Firewall USB Key Some words to the Firewall USB Key. (Not much time has passed since I received it.) At first when you\'ve only seen the images in your Newsletters, it is somehow surprising how tiny it is, and again it is not, as everybody can imagine the size by looking at a usual USB stick. Some time ago I made a copy of a CD with my iMac, the older one that still has an internal CD/DVD drive. The copy was done with my old Philips JackRabbit CD Burner. Yesterday I plugged the Firewall Key into the USB connection at the back of the computer, stuck in my LH Labs USB cable and connected it to the JackRabbit. The copying process was exactly the same, made with the same program at the same speed. I then made listening comparisons between the two copies and also invited my female neighbor who has much better listening capabilities than me. Music title was \"William S. Burroughs in Dub\" by Dub Spencer & Trance Hill. Well, I didn’t expect much difference, as in reviews reported (for example on the Audioquest item, that seems to be sort of similar to the Firewall Key), it seems these things show only very slight improvements. But again, the superiority of the geniuses at LessLoss shines. From the start the difference to the better was so clearly audible, that leaves you asking how this is possible. It was only the USB connection to the burner. There are much much more details (for example in the parts from the first track that start very silently) than on the copy without Firewall Key. My neighbor said, that these silent parts mumble in the background and you could imagine under water singing of whales (that it isn’t). Concentrated and careful listening shows you that there is something, but you can’t say exactly what it is. The copy with the Firewall Key seem to wipe a thick fog bank away. Everything seems totally clear and really unbelievable better. I will try this with some other types of music and compare it also to the original. Thrilling, and I can only give my highest recommendation… again. Jörg Stanislawski Dortmund/Germany
I've been enjoying the USB Firewall Keys, and now with 4 on the JCAT card and 4 on the WSH :-) It's GREAT!!! I haven't looked back to Digital XLR :-)
I've used the USB Firewall Key for over 100 hrs and can report that it has made a significant improvement to the sound with better definition and clarity. I had 2 audiophile friends over recently to audition the Echo's End and they were both astounded by the difference the single USB Firewall Key made.
Hi Louis, An update on the first 4 USB Firewall Keys I have on my music server: WOW !!! and they're getting better everyday now :-) It started last Friday that I noticed some more depth on the instruments and music in total, it was while music was playing and I was doing some stuff at my place, no critical listening. In the evening I sat properly to have a listen and I was with a smile on my face :-) The USB Firewall Keys open up and became more clear (a bit like it happened with the power Firewall modules) and in turn I could hear how the noise floor went lower exposing more details, more ambiance cues, more depth to the sound and a 3D feeling to it. The music became richer and not just flat rich, but 3D rich. You could hear more into the recording and get the feeling of the recording place. More live-like, realistic, natural, more presence and much more engaging. I still try to realize what I'm hearing and it's still hard to put words to it. I looked at your email when you described what you are getting from the USB Firewall Key and I can hear the same things here and am very happy with it. There is still a few things that the Digital XLR connection does better, but I believe this is due to the cable I'm using, so I assume that when I replace the printer-USB cable I'm currently using to a shielded one I'll get even better results. In total I can say that now I'm happy with the USB Firewall Key and I don't have any need to go back to the Digital XLR, which I think says a lot. This is with 2 USB Firewall Keys on the JCAT card + 2 USB Firewall Keys on the WSH, and as you know I have 4 more that are now burning-in on my other PC+OPPO in anticipation for the 'Special-Way' to connect 4+4. I can't imagine how that will sound !!! Kudos on the great work !!! Cheers, Guy
I have just received my USB Firewall Key from the pre-order shipment. The improvement in sound from such a small device is anything but subtle. I look forward to adding another USB Firewall Key to my system as I am so impressed with the results achieved so far.
Wow, what a product! This is my first purchase from LessLoss, and it's a winner. I was seeking to tame a bit of the flat sterile sound that can happen with the Devialet D200 if not fed with good AC power. I got much more than expected! I am now at 275 hours of burn-in on continued play. The sound is exceptionally natural, dimensional, organic and 3D. Better yet, it is still improving! I am very, very satisfied with the results of this first unit and looking forward to purchasing more Firewalls to install throughout my system. Thank you Louis for your patient guidance and LessLoss for this exceptional product! PS: customers who purchase this product should be advised to be patient. My Plug-and-Play module did not begin to open up and shine until after 75 hours of constant use.
This is an absolutely wonderful product I ever come across with such price. I ordered four units, received two and the other two on it way. By using one for CD transport and the other on power amp, my system is like giving a new life, it sound totally different. With tight solid bass, sweet vocal, great dimensional sound stage and depth. Amazing, amazing. Highly recommended.
Just wanted to add to my January 9th review. Yes, the TV picture is wonderful! Finally got the \"big rig\" fully back up and running... all powered by the new Firewall modules. These replaced the original Firewall modules which I have used for more than a year and loved. And, just as everybody has said, the new version is definitely better... significantly better than the originals. My recommendation... don\'t even hesitate... just order some and try in your system.
For video ------- ASTONISHINGLY GOOD!!!!!!!! I haven't gotten the new Firewalls into "the good system" yet, but did manage to install a pair to feed the TV. Absolutely wonderful. REALLY REALLY AMAZING! A month of burn-in (and I had them cryogenically treated) these new generation Firewalls make a huge improvement. The colors on the TV are now exceptionally deep and saturated......... almost 3D. The Sony TV was very good before but now watching movies is almost a visceral experience. And yes, the audio is better so I can hardly wait to finish the upgrades to the big system and get it back up and running. I am so glad I bought a pile of the Firewalls during the initial offering. GOOD JOB Louis
I have been a LessLoss enthusiast since December 2008 having tried every product Louis has offered all with great success. I thought I was through "upgrading" my system (it sounds fabulous as it is) but was excited to try the NEW Firewall Module. Louis built me a custom power distribution box with 7 Firewall Modules and 6 Oyaide duplex outlets. After 250 hours of play time, I am astounded by the improvement in the sound!!!! My system is capable of ultra-high resolution so any changes are easy to hear. It is quite a rush to experience the 3D space and near perfect reproduction of both instrument and voice. I look forward to the listening experience as the Firewall Module's sound matures. Thanks you Louis!!!!!!
Amazing performance from the first moment!!! Gives a thrilling sense of three dimensional sound, great depth, full of details and liveness!!! Absolutely stunning value for the money!
I was upgrading my hifi equipment for many years.These Firewall Modules are the best investment and the biggest improvement in sonic performance!
The new Firewall modules have been in-service now for a couple of weeks and I\'d like to say how happy I am to have my best night time listening experiences extended almost 24/7. I\'m contemplating buying some more as this has been my best cost benefit purchase by a wide margin. I have a JPS Aluminata AC, a great neutral cord passing on the current to the CAT JL2 power amp as it should – yet never has it been able to give me reliable \"late night type\" listening sessions as the addition of 4 of the new generation Firewall modules has. I really do think it is the best way to describe the change. I have 3 systems all capable of some really good sound if fed ultra clean power. I am convinced now that most well designed and put together bits of kit will sound pretty damn fine if fed the ultimate in clean power. Thanks, Andrew AU
Thanks for this incredible product. I tried the \"plug and play\" module between wall outlet and power distributor. I recognized the improvement right away with the first track played. Then I ran out of time and listened again a week later. (Power flowed through the module since the first connection.) Wow, the difference was not subtle, it was huge! And all (!) parameters of the sound spectrum improved. Absolutely no downgrade to detect. Only pure wonderful musicality. It is amazing how you trickled down the $5000 Panzerholz item to this module everyone can afford. Any serious listener should have one... or two... or more... I\'m absolutely sure that the Firewall module will receive several Product/Bargain of the Year awards. Amazing.
Presently I use 10 Firewall modules with Oyaide connectors throughout my system. First I connected my Vitus preamp and each of the monoblock amps and I listened. The result was a spectacular progress of dynamics and transparency. Second step, I put the same modules on the 2 power unit of my Einstein preamp, 1 on my Esoteric CD transport, 1 on Esoteric DAC, and 1 on Grimm clock. After some days of listening on various types of music, the RESULT: EXCEPTIONAL progress on every aspect which determines the quality of the system: dynamics, spaciality, transparency, and musicality. In a word, THE best WAY for getting your system to express its potential.
My DAC and amp are powered via a 12V car battery - clean energy! Clean energy? What happens if I connect a firewall module? The sharpness of a violin gives way to a sweet tone. The bass changes from the trailer to a locomotive. My Rehdeko full range speakers talking to me: "Well, finally, 20 years, we have been waiting for!" I have two more modules for the speakers. What will they say if I connect this?
I have been blown away by the results. I have bought 3 modules: one for my streamer (Cambridge speedstream 2) and 2 for my speakers(B&W 683). I already had a LessLoss Power cable for my integrated amp so i did not add a module to the powerline. After about 4 hours of brun- in, the sound stage was completely différent. The instrument separation is way more distinct. The overall image is crisper and more dynamic. The bass is deep and well defined, making me feel part of the stage. Midrange and highs are also substantially improved. I honestly did not expect that much Improvement. I still don\'t understand why it works but, a-t-il the end, what matters is the impact is has on my music. Great job LessLoss!
After many years of swapping components and cables I took the advice to first focus on room treatment and power conditioning. I now have a dedicated sound room with a power regenerator, conditioners plugged into it, jitterbugs, high definition links, audio grade fuses and a combination of world class power cords. I was convinced that I had lowered the noise floor of my system to a point where no improvement could be had but when I found out about the new firewall modules I couldn't resist and ordered 4. I first installed them inside my pre and power amps, burned them in for an hour and then sat down and listened to very familiar tracks. My initial impression was that the music was spotlighted, not brighter but more evident. I have never experienced this before in this way. I've used silver cables that add treble detail but this effect was across the entire frequency spectrum. It was like studio recordings were live recordings. I believe that any grain or grit in the power source has been eliminated or at least minimized. I heard and felt much more ambient retrieval and the sound staging was better defined and different instruments were easily discernible. All sonic clues were more pronounced, i.e. if the music was recorded using the close or distant mike techniques it was really obvious. Bass had a bit more detail but it was the mid and upper frequencies that seemed more affected. The next day I installed modules in my DAC and phonostage and the pleasure was increased, not double improvement but noticeably more detail and a relaxation to the music. There was a time that I liked my music with lots of syrup on top but I now am a junky for detail without etch or grain. If there is a better or more cost effective product than the firewall module I don't know about it. What might these things be like daisy chained?!
I've finally had the opportunity to listen to my system with the new Firewall Modules. They were first burned-in for 48 hours on an Audio-Kharma Pro Cable Cooker. Two were installed to two separate Power Strips ( Acoustic-Revive RTP-4) for Digital and Analogue sources respectively, one directly to a Response-Audio RD100A tube CD player and another directly to a Response-Audio RA801A integrated tube amp via LessLoss DPFC Signature power cables. After listening to selected tracks before installation, I was gobsmacked by the incremental improvement in the sound after the firewall modules were installed one at a time to each audio component. With the full complement of four modules, the sound was stunning, even from a modest system like mine and which I was already happy with. Not being proficient with all the technical jargon that pro audio reviewers use, I will try to describe the improvements experienced as best I can. The background was truly black, the soundstage became wider,deeper, with greater height and greater spatial clarity, bass was more precise and true with no boominess, highs and mids from "bright" recordings were "smoother" with no harshness. There was a heightened sense of "presence", like the performers were in the same room and yet all so "natural", even when listening at lower volumes. Most importantly, there was no listening fatigue after hours of listening. Bach, Beethoven et al, Eva Cassidy and Diana Krall never sounded better. As someone without a bottomless money-pit, it has been, IMHO and experience, a more sensible and economical way of achieving better sound by upgrading a decent system with components like these than buying an even more expensive system. Having experienced the significant improvements with both the DFPC power cords and now the Firewll Modules, I am looking forward to the soon-to-be-released LessLoss Echo's End DAC.
In the past I have purchased various tweaks/devices that claim to reduce EMI/RF and in so doing supposedly result in miraculous changes in one's system. Unfortunately I have not been so lucky in achieving what was being claimed. On the other hand, use of costly power conditioners from Audience and Shunyata have clearly improved my system. Thus, when I learned about the relatively inexpensive Firewall module, given my past experience with tweaks, I was doubtful it would make any difference whatsoever in my system. Nonetheless, I am always looking for devices that might further wring out a bit more improvement and enjoyment. If nothing else, it's always fun trying. Initially I placed the Firewall Module on the power supply of my Mojo Audio modified Mac mini and after a day my first impression was that I had once again bought a tweak that I would soon be selling. Somewhat frustrated, I then decided to try it on another part of my digital setup, moving it to the Berkeley Audio Design Alpha USB converter as this has a relatively inexpensive power cord supplying it. Again, the first day, I was not impressed that I was hearing any difference but decided to leave it attached. I was very surprised three days later when I started to stream music and noticed that it not only sounded smoother but also more three dimensional with greater body and detail, well above and beyond what I was hearing previous to installing the Firewall. Realizing I was probably experiencing burn-in of the unit I thought I would move it back to the power supply to see what effect it had there but I thought the better of it. I didn't want to chance losing what I had achieved. Over the next several days I found that I was listening much more to digital music and for much longer periods of time. This was with only one Firewall Module in place. I now knew I needed to order more Firewall Modules to see if I could further improve on this effect by using it on other components in my system; that's how impressed I am with it. Highly recommended but definitely allow it to burn in for a few days before making any lasting impressions. Enjoy the music!
ALL the Audiophile "buzzwords" apply to this product !! Blacker than the ACE of Spades noise floor !! Soundstage is wider, deeper & taller ! Easily identify each instrument & vocal in its place on the stage before you ! Natural & NON-fatiguing presentation where the listener can get lost for hours literally !
The firewall has been nothing short of amazing! I am still listening to CDs and a dedicated dac but the music come through with no external noise. The strange thing is that before the firewall module, I knew my system did a good job of suppressing noise but the firewall module takes it to a different level. The music is extremely dynamic. All ranges are effected. The bass is solid and the treble on piano is exquisite. The. mid range is lifelike. I had a friend over to hear a recording and his comment was that the musical background was dead silent. He said that what we were hearing was better than what you would hear at a live performance in an auditorium. And I have to concur. For the record I don't have a state of the art system but the equipment that I do have is older but very good. Moreover, most of it has been modified. I have a another friend who is an electrical engineer and he builds amplifiers for recording studios. we have taken an older Jolida 100 watt tube amp and changed a number of the components to achieve a higher performance level than the typical amp. I use a custom full range Electrostatic speaker that could be put together by an advanced hobbiest. And of course its modified with the additional of a taket super tweeter and two Gallo subwoofers (also modified in the solid state amplification). With electrostats the mid range is always excellent. But I can truthfully say that now it is truly lifelike! There seems to be nothing between you and the performers. The sound stage is perceived as a physical dimension that extends beyond the walls. And depending on the performance the vocalist is right in front of you at a specific height and depth. I couldn't be happier with the firewall. It really provided that little bit of extra that enhances the sense of realism!
A friend\'s son who teaches at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) told me about these products from LESSLOSS. Per the instructions of Louis Motek, a principal of this operation, I have tried, and purchased the DFPC skin filtering power cables, their Firewall current conditioning units, and their Tunnelbridge distortionless interconnect system. Collectively, these combined systems are not cheap, but combined they exceed the noise and distortion reduction of anything I and some friends have tried at any price even up to six-figure US dollars, and which ultimate systems exceeded the cost of the LESSLOSS system. My current system, because of my age, and for my convenience, is now a computer operated headphones only system with Stax SR 009 phones, the Weiss Engineering Medus D/A and the WOO Audio WES headphone amplifier. The current conditioning modules with the DFPC cables immediately and dramatically increased my system\'s dynamic range. Using impact as a reference, dynamics went from a pat on the back to a \"slam\" on the head! In sum, everything together the so-called \"black background,\" depth and exceptional realism of the venue can almost be frightening if you are not familiar with the score.
Is it worth the value? No, I would say it delivers even more than I expected. As soon as I put the new LessLoss Firewall into my system, details just came out, and more musicality. Works great with my Saec TapCute6 Pc-triple C power distributor with Entreq Olympus hooked up at ground binding post. The result is more than words can describe. A Must Have!
My system and I are grateful!!!!! Thanks Louis!!!
For a long time I have struggled with the deleterious effects from noise-laden mains, making costly high end equipment underperform, sounding lean, harsh and flat. I have tried filters, but found them to influence the sound, specially in reducing dynamic performance. A while ago I found a very good solution in combining Less Loss DFPC Signatures and References with a couple of QRT Qx4 power purifiers, pluss two QV2 line harmonisers inserted in the Qbase QB8 power distribution unit. Then came the new Firewall Module on the scene. I wondered if it would be overkill, but I wanted to try. So for the last week now I have had four Firewall modules in the line - one for the QB8 power distribution, the other three connected to the DAC, the pre amp and the power amp. So was it overkill? Not at all! The enhancement in the overall sound quality and listening experience is in fact astonishing. The music is presented significant more dynamic, instruments and voices have got more natural body and timbre, and the soundstage appears deeper and wider. Most important for me: A stronger connection with the music emanating from my speakers, it is another step closer to live music, and I just have to listen into late hours. For those concerned: Digital sources: MacBook Pro with Amara software, streaming to a BelCanto REFLink usb-s/pdif adapter. Dac: Hegel HD30 Preamp: Hegel P30 Power amp: Hegel H30 (one, in stereo mode) Speakers: Audiovector SR6 Avantgarde Arretè Digital cable: LessLoss DC, Signal cables: Nordost Tyr2, LessLoss Anchorwave, Speaker Cable: LessLoss Anchorwave
As the owner of four (4) DFPC Signature and Two DFPC original power cables I am familiar with LessLoss innovative Dynamic Skin Filtering Technology. I have been following with interest for more than one year the development of the original firewall modules which is an enhancement to the technology. Approximately one month ago LessLoss introduced an improved version of these modules with an IEC C13/14 power plug and an Oyaide C079 Connector which was easier to introduce into one\'s system by attaching same to the power cable and the component. I seized the opportunity to purchase two (2) of these modules. When the modules were introduced to the system the effects were immediately noticeable. They created a more quiet background from which music now emerged. The sound-stage also widened instruments appeared to move further apart and the vocal performer(s) if any, seemed to move forward. Even at low levels the full spectrum and impact were there. All music can now be played and enjoyed at intimate levels. For experiment I unplugged the modules and the system reverted to its original status. Did I hear correctly? Was this really happening? I was convinced that it was so since when I reconnected the modules the improved effects returned. Vocal music was now very clear and silky without introducing the exaggerated \"S\" sound associated with high treble and what emanated from the speakers had an extra inner coherence and dynamism. Previously the music reproduced by the system was great but with the introduction of the modules I am now absorbed completely in performances. I realized that the system which I thought was a good system has now been elevated because of the introduction of the modules. If these modules can improve the performance of LessLoss\' power cables they will obviously improve the performance of any cable immensely. My advice to all music lovers is to consider the acquisition of these modules. My intention is to purchase modules for all my power cables.
Installation of three FireWall modules into a headphones only system. The system consisted of a Mac Book Pro 15” retina (2014) feeding a Weiss Engineering D/A via a 1 meter Kimber 2436 USB cable, which, in turn fed my WOO AUDIO WES amplifier via1 meter balanced MIT interconnects. Jack Wu extensively modified the amplifier to an incredible performance level. The amplifier drove Stax SR 009 ear speakers. All via DFPC Signatures, the first Firewall module was connected to a grounded wall outlet and then to a Furutech TP60 AC Power Distributor. Two Firewall modules were plugged-in to the TP60, one fed power to the D/A converter and the other fed power in to the amplifier. It was a “bear” to get these 1.50” power cables into place. They haven’t been “dressed” yet as that will have to await the removal of the existing power cables. 1st Listen: Well? What did I hear? How do I describe this? Essentially I heard a lot of nothingness! It wasn’t greater clarity, sublime tone, a driving beat, etc., or any other terms reviewers like to use. I became aware of the space between musicians. Their 3D placement of instruments was more obvious and snuck up on me without focusing. Further, the collapse of the venue’s reverb following loud or percussive passages was very prominent, almost physical! Truly. The precision of instrument placement was almost visible. For the 1st Listen, that was impressive.
First impression is very often the good one. YESTERDAY I received 5 new Firewall modules with oakwood case and Oyaide connector. I installed them one on preamp Vitus, two on stereo separated elements preamp Einstein, two on mono amps Soulution. So simple to install... I let a little burning time and ? the only word I find is MAGIC. I spent many, many years and a lot of money to assemble a system with one goal \"approach\": the sound of live music. With the new Firewall immediately I perceived a superb bettering of the whole system on every quality I am looking for. But it\'s only the beginning of a new pleasurable listening experience. Many thanks to those who have realized such a GREAT product.
Hi Louis, I would like to inform you about the evolution of the sound of my system since the addition of the Firewall distributor/conditioner you custom built for me. You will remember that I was disappointed by the result, especially in the 'bass region' that took a step back while an increase of details and a better treble and midrange were obvious. As explained below, I have connected 2 old cd-players with their stock cables to the Firewall and using a third cable to connect it to the wall while respecting the L&N instructions. I let this ‘play’ for 5 days, non stop. When I reconnected the Firewall to my system, I wasn’t exactly amazed by the sound but I understood that it had to somehow 'burn in again' for a few hours. A day later and I am happy to say that the system, with the addition of this ‘made-to-mesasure’ distributor/conditioner, now sounds very good. It sounds better than with the Oyaide distributor. Definitely better. Bass is now cleaner and more powerful. Listening to a few well-known cd’s, I have the feeling that the sound now goes ‘deeper into the mix’, with a better separation of the instruments and voices while maintaining an overall very pleasant sound. I mean that it doesn’t artificially sounds ‘clinical’ or agressive but keeps a full and ‘whole’ sound. Subjectively, I can say that the general level of improvement is almost comparable to the upgrade of Originals to Signatures. As usual with your products (3 Originals and then 3 Signatures), burn in was long...and frustrating. More so in this case as the sound took a step back for a while which wasn’t the case with the power cables. Their sound was good ‘out of the box’ but got so much better after a long burn in. As you have mentioned before, for some customers, this can lead to frustration, fiddling with the cables and/or the system, changing a few things and ending up with even higher levels of frustration and, obviously, wrong conclusions. I was wondering if a ‘cable cooker’ or some device of that type may not be an answer to these frustrations. In my case, it was obvious that burning in the Firewall was the answer, especially when owning a full tube system which makes a 24/7 burn in impossible. So, in a nutshell, thank you for this new piece of equipment. LessLoss has never ceased to amaze me with clever solutions and, above all, products that improve the sound of a hifi system and increase the pleasure of listening to music. You keep your promises.
As you say.. Where the DFPC leaves off, the Firewall Module takes over. This little "Black Magic Box" does wonders! Unbelievable, really. As many as possible should try this.. pure magic!!
I placed several Firewall modules in series inside my Pioneer PDP-LX5090H TV (also known as 'Elite') as well as inside my Blu-ray player Pioneer BDP-LX88K. The TV is considered one of the, if not the, very best ever made. The resulting performance is so overwhelmingly good, I simply cannot get enough watching and listening. Fantastic! I wholeheartedly recommend integrating Firewall modules into any system. They are definitely worth much more than their meager price would suggest. They offer much more performance than you'd think! I cannot imagine any product out there that offers a better price/performance ratio. I am listening to all my albums and watching all my films again, as if for the first time! It's very hard to express in words how effective the changes are. I am more than satisfied with the results. So much so that I plan to put Firewall modules into my tube amp and on my speaker cables, as well as putting a DFPC on the amp. The picture quality of the Pioneer PDP-LX5090H 'Elite' TV is now simply phenomenal. At first I was a little bit skeptical and was afraid to be disappointed because I thought that for sure is would be far fetched to further better the picture quality of this very fine TV, but adding the modules has definitely boosted the picture quality! The picture has become cleaner, more natural. I even walked right up to the TV at one point, such was my disbelief in the quality of what I was seeing. I was simply spellbound. Now that some time has passed I can set my initial emotions aside and try to put it more plainly. In the colors I am noticing more naturalness, more richness, more real-to-life, and the black is incredibly deep and dark (this is one of the most important aspects). The image detail is fantastically clean with no high frequency interference (normally tiny details in images give away the fact that the power is 'dirty' because they becomes smeared and hard to perceive). In a word, these little 'black boxes' are simply miraculous! I am really enjoying what I see now. With every film I watch, it seems the image and sound quality are getting better and better. It is simply unbelievable. I don't even want to turn it off. Thank you, LessLoss. I wish you the very best success with this product and more superb ideas from your genius minds.
I thought I had done everything I could to clean up the AC with dedicated outlet circuits for the system, huge 10AWG wire directly from the outside main power panel to each outlet, special audiophile outlets, silver plated ground wire, a custom silver plated copper ground rod and a separate DFPC Reference power cord feeding each piece of equipment. I was wrong. Who would have guessed there was more \"noise\" to be removed from the incoming AC? Two Firewall Modules, in series, in front of the preamp and CD player are allowing the system to reveal new levels of pure magic. Amazing! [UPDATE]: I am REALLY REALLY pleased with the Firewalls on my amps as well. Four months ago I installed two in series to filter AC feeding the CD player and preamp. The reason I waited four months before wiring the Firewalls to the amps is that I was quite concerned about possibly limiting the speed, dynamics and rhythm of the amps. These amps are SUPER fast and dynamic. I wanted to make sure I had a good handle on just what the first two Firewalls were doing for the music. Well speed is definitely NOT a problem. I could kick myself for waiting. If anything things are clearer and so there is an apparent refinement of the speed, dynamics, rhythm, decay and \"air\" of the system. I like it a lot. A whole lot! GOOD JOB!!!

Choose and purchase your Firewall products here
Plug-and-Play <i>Firewall 640x</i> module featuring <b><i>C-MARC</i></b>™ Entropic Process flexible umbilical. Our finest, state-of-the-art power conditioning product!
Plug-and-Play <i>Firewall 640x</i> with standard flexible lead. Our advanced power conditioning technology which elevates the performance of all powered equipment.
Firewall for Loudspeakers, one stereo set of four individual units. Choose termination:
Firewall for Loudspeakers, Stellar version, one stereo set of four individual units. Choose termination:
<i>Firewall 640x</i> DIY version for self-installation. Features a whopping 20mm^2 conductive cross section of copper per polarity. This Firewall features the award-winning <i>Entropic Process!</i> Provision for Live, Neutral and Ground line conditioning. Represents the new standard of pristine focus for sonic performance!
<i>Firewall for Loudspeakers,</i> DIY version for self-installation, 1 stereo set of four individual units.
<i>Firewall for Loudspeakers</i>, <b>dual</b>, DIY version for self-installation, 1 stereo set of four individual units.
<i>Firewall for Loudspeakers</i>, <b>quad</b>, DIY version for self-installation, 1 stereo set of four individual units.
Firewall 64X DIY version for<br /> self-installation. Firewall 64X DIY version for<br /> self-installation.
2+ Units: 5% off       4+ Units: 10% off Add number of products   

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Bombshell: LessLoss Firewall transforms loudspeaker performance on par with the best crossover component upgrades!

LessLoss disrupts one of the largest margin, complicated and bulky aspects of the audio business. We've come up with a way for you to connect small, easy-to-use devices to your speaker terminals which, for little money, open the doorway to a completely new horizon of performance. You will get results comparable, if not better, than upgrading your speaker's tweeter, or the caps, or the internal wiring. And you won't need to tinker with anything like that, gutting your speaker's internals. No soldering required!

After successful production and delivery of all pre-ordered C-MARC™ Firewall 64X units, we have gained a lot of loyalty form customers all over the world. When LessLoss says of any new product, "It's time!" we really mean it. Never is a product released without first making absolutely sure it delivers the goods, and in a most obvious manner. You can read many user feedback entries on our website's board, but here are just a few examples:

-- "These are component level improvements."
-- "...music that I have been listening to in some cases for 20 years: ‘that’ was there for all those years and I only hear it today?"
-- "The most incredible soundstage and imaging I have ever heard, bass that no stand mounted monitor should be capable of."
-- "The musicality is outstanding ... a totally relaxed and satisfying listening experience."
-- "Nearly had me in tears such was the emotion in the female vocalist voice and that she sounded like she was in my living room!"
-- "Congratulations to you and your team, you have done it again."

Let's now work downstream from the power source.

We all know how getting that next speaker upgrade involves difficult decision-making, big financial outlay, complicated logistics, and often times even new amps in the process. Acoustic room-matching issues are often the bane of those involved. And if that weren't enough, there is the ordeal of matching visual decor... need I say more?

All of this trouble will soon be circumvented by a simple little gadget that opens the doorway to a new level of speaker performance, without having to upgrade your speakers or to mess with any of the internal crossover parts.

What you get by using this small device is:
  • Much better focus. Did somebody switch out the tweeter to a much more expensive model?
  • Much less "fog" in the soundstage. Did somebody replace the internal acoustic damping material?
  • Pure sonic colors to die for. Did somebody redesign the crossover for improved cross-driver impulse response?
  • Meticulous control of bass. Has the bass driver's moving mass been halved?
  • You save a lot of money. Did I just steal a new level of loudspeaker? Am I dreaming this or is it real?
Oh yes, it is real. And it is now available on pre-order basis. The Early Bird release is ever popular here at LessLoss, due mostly to the rock solid track record we have of never letting anybody down. No overpriced "audio jewelry" just for looks. No 'snatch the cash and disappearing' acts. Just rock-solid performance with every dollar going directly towards massively increased audio performance. The gear is always functional and aesthetically clean. After all, we're all in this for the sound, and that definitely comes first. Sound, and real-world accessibility.

What is the product compatibility, and how will it be structured?

The new Firewall for Loudspeakers will be made of four separate units. These will be placed between the speaker end of your speaker cables and the speaker terminals themselves. Each unit will have its own speaker terminal which accepts both banana and spade connectors from the speaker end of your existing loudspeaker cable. The terminal will be housed in a small transparent enclosure. From here, a short C-MARC™ loudspeaker cable umbilical, highly flexible, will extend to a termination of either banana or spade (you choose which for your application). This will connect directly to your loudspeaker's terminal. One complete set of this new Firewall for Loudspeakers will consist of four such separate units. One for Left positive, one for Left negative, one for Right positive, and one for Right negative. All will be marked clearly for easy installation.

Firewall for Loudspeakers Production, or How DARPA missed the Audiophile Boat

Years of Effort

The LessLoss Firewall has gone through a lot of research and development since its inception. What began as a novel idea about implementing Skin-filtering by exploiting the naturally occurring Skin-effect of current running through a wire has been expanded upon many times since its inception. Today we are actually using field structuring around the conductor in unique ways. The Firewall 64X is a LessLoss proprietary technology, based on precisely positioned directional metallic particles within a thermoplastic carrier. The result becomes kind of a micro-transformer. Kind of a ferrite core filter. Kind of a directional set of A/C diodes. Very much kind of a near field Blackbody for signals. That pitch black background, so important to stable "3 AM" type sound quality, is getting set to a higher and higher bar at every step of our way. People keep asking, 'Can it really get any better than this?' Answer: you bet! When the Firewall for Loudspeakers is connected to the signal at the speaker terminal, it brings a cosmic change to the sound quality.

How do we make it?

Well, we don't. We assemble it. The core production of our proprietary technology is carried out by a certified specialty lab by men in what can only be described as hazmat suits. This is actual photography from their state-of-the-art facilities:

The above machine makes the proprietary Firewall components.

How is it done?

It's done by laser.

Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS), also known as Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF), is an Additive Manufacturing (AM) technique designed to use a high power-density laser to melt and fuse metallic powders together. This process has the ability to fully melt the metal material into a solid three-dimensional part, unlike Selective Laser Sintering (SLS).

SLS was originally developed in the mid-80's under sponsorship of DARPA. This process has the disadvantage that resulting parts have porous surfaces. Expensive post-processing methods such as Hot Isostatic Pressing are required to reduce the pores. In other words, the parts must be placed in a high pressure argon atmosphere and raised in temperature, then quickly and uniformly cooled, in order to achieve stability and reliability.

More advanced than DARPA?

We are using an even more advanced system, called Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS). Research on this process began in 1995 as a German research project at the Fraunhofer Institute. This new technology was first commercialized in 2000.

Since the components are built layer by layer, it is possible to design organic geometries, internal features and challenging passages that could not be cast or otherwise machined.

Below are actual objects made by our production partners using this innovative, state-of-the-art DMLS process. What's fascinating about the design freedom enabled by this advanced technology is that you can make objects nested into objects, with surfaces and internal voids which would otherwise be absolutely impossible to make.

In fact, you could, if you wanted, make all of the above objects placed, quite literally, inside one another. Meshed with one another. Even turned Inside out. This was not possible before.

Hey, we can use this!

That's where LessLoss comes in. Our solutions are so uncommon, that even the 3D laser production guys had to produce at least 80 prototypes before they mastered nuances such as repeatability, precision, scale and visible and non-visible surface demands. They use the most advanced software available such as Solidworks, so going back and forth from accountably accurate changes was only a matter of fortitude.

The computer process slices the 3D CAD file data into many ~20 micrometer thick layers. The thin layers are, one by one, selectively smelted by the laser which is located in a tightly controlled atmosphere of argon gas. Believe me, this is no desktop operation. Oxygen levels must be kept lower than 500PPM to prevent explosion. The high-power ytterbium fiber laser beam is literally hundreds of watts strong. The laser energy is intense enough to permit full welding of the particles to form solid metal, without creating a porous internal structure.

The brains, heart and soul of the new Firewall for Loudspeakers

The new Firewall for Loudspeakers is so effective because in designing it we did not ask the typical questions. We asked fundamentally different questions and came up with fundamentally different answers.

This product is not about what the amp sees in terms of impedance or load. This is no Zobel network or other invasive technology. What the speaker does in conjunction with the amp remains absolutely the same as before.

In terms of electrical performance, what the amp will "see" per polarity when sending its signal through the Firewall for Loudspeakers is a 16mm^2 cross section of pure copper, which is incredibly high conductivity, much higher than most any loudspeaker cable, and certainly more than any internal wiring of any loudspeaker. So, in no way does the Firewall for Loudspeakers impede dynamic signal flow, nor does it influence the impedance of the speaker that the amp sees. In flowing through the Firewall unit, the signal is conditioned without ever influencing its resistance at all, at any audio frequency. This has a profound effect because only the most natural results follow, without any adverse effects to micro-dynamics. The amp (any amp in fact) will continue to perform in conjunction with the speaker exactly as it did before. The resulting sound quality, however, is greatly improved.

Our approach can be split up into three basic terms.

(1) The brains (unique in-house controlled copper processing),
(2) the heart (proprietary Firewall noise reduction solution)
(3) and the soul (special assembly approach).

A perfect balance of the three, all three being exemplary and far beyond the typical scale for audio solutions, results in a magnificent boost in sonic performance. Let's take these three and unpack them.

(1) The Brains

In standard extrusion processes, the copper undergoes many forces until the desired size is achieved. Pictured at the top of the image below, you can see a standard copper wire as extruded using industrial methods. Next to this standard copper wire, you can see our copper that we use in the Firewall for Loudspeakers. It is a completely different beast. This is created in house through proprietary means.

LessLoss proprietary copper sourcing and in-house processing creates absolutely purpose-specific raw material which undergoes absolutely no tension or forces other than those which are specific to each polarity of our design. Thus, the positive and negative Firewall for Loudspeakers units are completely different from the very inception of the individual conductor material used. This is no typical exercise in choosing different off-the-shelf metals for positive and negative polarities to get a 'house sound' deemed 'nice.' It goes much more fundamentally into the nature of the material itself. We come intriguingly close to dancing with the concept of brownian noise itself.

This time-consuming and fundamental level of detail adhered to in production creates a material (seen here next to standard copper) which bears a physical malleability closer to that of lead (or even butter), than industry sourced copper. Thus, even its acoustic properties are fundamentally different than those of standard copper. Industrially annealed copper, known as 'soft,' does not even come close.

In slightly different lighting, this image shows in direct comparison how different our in-house made raw material is from standard copper. Standard copper, even soft annealed type, withstands considerable pressure. Our special material does not at all and must be handled with the most extreme care.

99.99999999999999999%... ad absurdum

We have painstakingly investigated the tie between copper purity and resulting audio performance. You will see much talk in the audio world about the so-called 'nines race.' Through direct consultation with several metallurgy labs which determine metal purity with governmentally recognized certification processes, these bearing legal status, we have no doubt that this type of claim is complete bogus. In fact, there is no certification laboratory on earth which will certify any purity higher than the industry standard 'four nines,' which means 99.99%. Anything you see over and above this in terms of purity is pure fiction. And even the four nines purity cannot be guaranteed for an entire spool. Buyer beware.

What we have established through our fundamental investigation is that, in fact, it is not the purity in terms of material analysis which yields the performance we are aiming for, but rather the purity of the process. For it is easy to take the purest copper, process it according to our advanced proprietary methods, assemble it specifically incorrectly, and the resulting sound quality will be far worse than using run-of-the-mill industrially sourced re-cycled copper which boasts no exotic purity at all. These types of tests prove without doubt that people have been asking the wrong questions and have been looking in the wrong place for sonic bliss.

We take pride in this proprietary knowledge which allows us to boost performance to unworldly levels far beyond what any fictitious 'nines race' leader can even dream of achieving.

(2) The Heart

The heart of our solution is the special Firewall technology we have been constantly working on and perfecting for over a decade now. Again, due to the proprietary nature of the solution, we cannot delve too deeply into its every intricacy. But we can explain how it is made.

It is made by laser. Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS), also known as Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF), is an Additive Manufacturing (AM) technique designed to use a high power-density laser to melt and fuse metallic powders together. This process has the ability to fully weld the metal powder material into a solid three-dimensional part of any conceivable shape or form.

We are using the most advanced AM system called Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS). Research on this process began in 1995 as a German research project at the Fraunhofer Institute. This new technology was first commercialized only in the year 2000.

Since the components are built layer by layer, it is possible to design organic geometries, internal features and challenging passages that could not be cast or otherwise machined.

A computer process slices the 3D CAD file data into many ~20 micrometer thick layers. The thin layers are, one by one, selectively smelted by the laser which is located in a tightly controlled atmosphere of argon gas. This is no simple desktop operation. Oxygen levels must be kept lower than 500PPM to prevent explosion. The high-power ytterbium fiber laser beam is literally hundreds of watts strong. The laser energy is intense enough to permit full welding of the particles to form solid metal, without creating a porous internal structure.

Any approach to the machinery must be made wearing protective gear, as seen below in an image of the very people working on our Firewall production.

Magnified many times, below you can see the implementation of the latest Firewall technology in conjunction with our special in-house designed raw copper rods. Because the Firewall is made by laser, extremely fine details of design can be taken advantage of, resulting in a very sensitive part. We could not deliver this product and provide reliable long-term results in the exposed form as pictured below. Through simple usage, it would quickly bend or break up and lose its physical integrity. The copper is rather like a soggy noodle which has been out in the sun for a few hours.

Careful assembly techniques need be established because any maladjusted move results in immediate compromise to this delicate solution. These techniques require special tooling custom manufactured for LessLoss to enable a rational assembly method and to keep costs down.

(3) The Soul

When the brains and heart come together, in strict fashion according to our best knowledge resulting from years of countless experiments and discoveries, the soul of the device shines through. The transparent housing refracts the ambient light creating optical illusions of a fantom third Firewall inside. Continue turning the cylinder and at times it can even appear that there is no wall thickness.

This approach takes care of two things. Firstly, structural integrity of all of the sensitive components is maintained, even if you throw this device around or drive on it with an industrial vacuum cleaner. It is rock solid to the user, and liquid soft to the signal. Secondly, the lack of any colored material surrounding the active portion of the Firewall guarantees the most natural sound quality possible.

As in any refined balancing act, too much of any one ingredient will inevitably color the outcome. The closest thing to a total absence of coloration is the least electro-magnetically filtering material, which means in this case absolutely pure transparency. This allows the perfect conditions for the new Firewall for Loudspeakers solution to really shine. Magnificently so, as you will instantly hear.

Of course, with a solution so effective and mature, we need a flexible umbilical of the same uncompromising performance. C-MARC™ cable is the only choice for this, of course. Nothing even comes close in terms of purity, naturalness, and silence of operation.

One listen, and you'll see why.

How about bi-wiring applications? How will the Firewall connect in such cases?

If you are using bi-wiring, such that you have two sets of loudspeaker cables between amp and each speaker, it is still advisable to use one Firewall for each terminal input. You can not use this Firewall for Loudspeakers on the amp output between amp and cable. The direction of signal will in that case be wrong and it will not function as designed.

If your speakers have one pair of +/- terminals for 'High frequency' and one set of +/- for 'Low frequency,' you should be using a Firewall on each of these four terminals per speaker. In those instances, for a stereo setup involving two loudspeakers, the total needed is eight individual units. This means you will need two complete stereo pairs of the Firewall for Loudspeakers product. One stereo pair is made up of four units, and two stereo pairs are made up of eight units.

The positive terminal units differ both internally and externally from the negative terminal units. These differences are clearly marked so you will never inadvertently make the mistake of mixing up positive with negative. Polarity makes a huge difference as it is fundamental to its operation.

Is it advantageous, as is the case with the Firewall 64X for power, to daisy chain two in series?

It is. Definitely.

Is the Firewall for Loudspeakers product merely an application of the existing Firewall 640x for power?

Absolutely not. We always strive our hardest to offer only the latest, most advanced art we are capable of. The Firewall for Loudspeakers is a different beast altogether and these two should not be confused.

C-MARC™ Firewall for Loudspeakers Spade Option Dimensions

Just as the DFPC Reference is a highly effective upgrade to the DFPC Original and Signature, the Firewall Module represents the ultimate upgrade for use with any of the DFPC power cords. Where the DFPC leaves off, the Firewall Module takes over. Because the short lead of the Firewall module is highly flexible, it can make installation even easier regardless of circumstances. One can exchange existing traditional power filter technology based on resonance for Firewall modules, and thus obtain the ultimate audiophile sound quality, at a much lower cost.

The Firewall module is an efficient, lightweight, low cost alternative to heavy, costly power filters. Almost every customer winds up exchanging existing traditional filtering technologies for Firewall modules.

The Firewall Module does not color the sound nor influence dynamic performance. Unlimited sound quality improvement is available through daisy chaining multiple units in series. Fear not that one might achieve overkill should multiple units be used together. That built-in deficiency is the realm of traditional filtering technologies built on caps and coils. Traditional filtering is based on resonance of a limited bandwidth. And, as it turns out, that is indeed the very definition of a color. LessLoss Skin-filtering exhibits no resonance of this kind, and, thus, does not color the sound.

If using power distribution units: we recommend using units containing no internal fuses or traditional filtering elements (e.g., capacitors, chokes or transformers). Customers report excellent results using Furutech model e-TP60.

The Firewall Module is an excellent component isolator. The filtering provided to the power of a system can equally well be used to provide isolation of noise from one piece of equipment to another. Typically, digital source gear tends to be the most noisy to the rest of the gear in the system sharing the same power line. To separate these, multiple Firewalls are recommended, and they will all effectively filter in both power flow directions, bringing the system’s performance as a whole to unprecedented levels.

In application, the Firewall was conceived as a modular system: we’ve designed it to be used in a variety of ways in a variety of systems, maintaining a very low cost of introduction. This way it provides maximum usability and ease of incorporation into any system’s space and performance requirements.

More on the Firewall Module

The LessLoss plug-and-play Firewall Module power conditioner features a C14 inlet and a C13 plug, for direct connection between a power cord and your equipment. Through simple connection, your existing equipment's performance matures to an entirely new level, regardless of make.

The enclosure is milled from two pieces of solid oakwood. For superb micro-vibration control, the C14 inlet is mated directly against the natural oakwood enclosure. No metal housing can provide this type of performance, regardless of the use of even the most exotic rubber damping. Aluminum is particularly harsh on sound quality, lending a type of unavoidable artificially etched ’hi-fi’ type sound. The Firewall module contains no aluminum whatsoever, and facilitates an organically rich, natural sound quality.

The attractive antique oakwood enclosure contains the Firewall electronics themselves, which are mated directly to its inner hardwood surface to obliterate micro-ringing directly at the source of action. Any time an electromagnetic current runs through a wire, some amount of micro-vibration occurs due to resistance. Our solution deals comprehensively with both electromagnetic as well as low level acoustic noise. At this level of performance, both must be taken into account in equal measure if the solution is to claim maturity.

LessLoss Skin-filtering is our advanced proprietary noise reduction technology which leaves standard cap-and-coil filtering methods far behind. In fact, the use of our technology reveals shortfalls of standard filtering methods and can therefore replace them altogether.

The Firewall module features our most advanced LessLoss modified C13 plug. It has a much tighter grip than the standard version. This translates to a stronger electrical contact pressure with rock solid control of sound. No brass is found in the signal path. A special prolonged cryogenic treatment process is carried out which lends a relaxed, natural tone quality revealing the most natural details. The clear body is no accident: color agents all introduce their own fingerprint on to the sound. This solution is completely in line with our colorless Skin-filtering process. Together with superb micro-vibration damping and cryogenic processing, the Firewall module is the best gateway for any equipment to receive high quality power. Without quality power, audio performance is limited even by the most exquisite gear.

Use the Firewall module with any equipment so that its potential performance can be realized in today’s over-polluted electro-magnetic atmosphere. Every recording contains layers and layers of emotionally charged valuable data which remain entirely hidden from the listener unless the power is properly conditioned. Through LessLoss Skin-filtering technology, power is stripped of noise and dynamics are never compromised in the process. The product is lightweight and simple to install. Its low price and extremely high performance make it unique.

LessLoss Skin-filtering does not color the sound nor influence dynamic performance. Before considering costly power supply upgrades involving large film capacitors or heavy silver wound coils, keep in mind that their ultimate performance is limited by the losses involved in the filtering method itself. Traditional filtering is based on resonance between capacitance and inductance. With the LessLoss Firewall Module, upgrading your equipment has never been more cost-effective or easy. Our plug-and-play Firewall modules raise the performance level of any audio or video equipment far beyond the realm envisaged by their original designs.

At the heart of its functionality, the Firewall Module features our tried and tested Skin-filtering technology upon which our power cables are based. Skin-filtering makes perfect use of the way that alternating electrical current naturally travels down a wire. Its functionality is based on the principle of attenuation over distance, and on the high-frequency skin effect first described mathematically in 1883. Users the world over attest to the supremacy of this technology when comparing to traditional power filtration methods based on the resonance of capacitors and inductors.

Because nature determines that high frequencies reside at the skin of every conductor, it is easy to understand why LessLoss Skin-filtering is the audiophile’s best and most efficient tool to condition the power before it enters his or her audio component. Treating the skin of the conductor attenuates HF noise, preventing it from entering your gear. Because this filtering solution is employed only at the skin of the conductor, the solution never restricts the low frequency power flow your gear relies on. This way you get enhanced HF attenuation without compromising dynamics or coloring the sound.


The Firewall Module is a unique no-capacitor, no-inductor solution for today's noise-laden mains. The solution’s efficient nature reveals itself immediately, as an obviously lowered noise floor, and then, over time, in an ever-growing and blooming naturalness of sound quality. A cleaner, clearer picture emerges as the music’s inherent dynamics flow freely, unrestrained by otherwise ubiquitous power source deficiencies. Unlike transformers, the Firewall Module produces no voltage difference between input and output, and, also unlike transformers, does not buzz or hum, nor does it lose efficiency in the form of heat.

For connection schematic see the single Firewall for Loudspeakers version connection schematic above.

For connection schematic see the single Firewall for Loudspeakers version connection schematic above.

How to use our unique C-MARC™ lacquered and cotton clad Litz wire and cable

C-MARC™ Common-Mode Auto-Rejecting Cable was created by LessLoss to be a highly potent wire technology made primarily for ultimate sonic performance. Due to its unique build and specifics, this wire is like no other.

It represents the finest available today for high end audio applications. You will instantly hear this by a large and most obvious degree. After ample burn-in the sonics flow as naturally as it gets.

Please become acquainted with specific tips for use of this unique product below.

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