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![]() C-MARC Entropic Process power cords: higher resolution and a bleeding out of stress: relaxed natural quality.
May, 2020, author: Srajan Ebaen
"...plainly arrived at a higher octave of clarity"
"This before/after difference was unexpectedly profound now. Already my rig's performance had moved ahead of its usual status." "Resolution clearly reached deep into the noise floor." "Yet nothing shifted, compressed or even minimally distorted." "...depth went deeper. Whilst the plucked string timbres lost none of their innate glassy energy, they gained in fullness and fluidity." "I knew right away that the LessLoss loom played it quieter, more articulate and quicker." "...majored on very fine detail, adroit articulation, very high separation, silence and unadulterated tone. If each of these aspects is the end of a wheel's spoke, tracing them all back to their center leads to... clarity." "If you threw "extreme clarity" at me for an instant reaction, I might reflexively respond with "hyper contrast" or "very crisp edges". That's not what the LessLoss flavor was. Its clarity wasn't built on crispness but mellifluence." "LessLoss' was about smoothness from relaxed litheness. This manifested as ease, as an absence of effort and showiness. It felt quick, calm, natural and less massive. Faux Vivaldi's pizzicati were more intelligible." "...unembellished naturalness and strangely tacit ease didn't equate lack of drive..." "...the LessLoss power treatment showed off plenty of pop, slap and bite..." "Whilst I considered the LessLoss loom a nice resolution gain over our Allnic brood, even greater gains were had upstairs against our Crystal/Puritan pack." "Having reviewed some C-MARC signal cables, the C-MARC based Firewall for Loudspeakers, a DAC with C-MARC wiring and now the latest Entropic Process C-MARC power cords, there's been a near eerie family resemblance. Call it a design-based leitmotif or DNA which connected them all like pearls on a necklace string. A reduction of noise meant higher resolution, a parallel bleeding out of stress a very peculiar sense of mellifluousness. It's this latter relaxed natural quality which stands out as the USP, the unique selling proposition of this cable tech." "After about two days, not only did it stabilize and blossom but in that period covered a lot more ground than usual break-in seems to. Never mind the definition of entropy which calls it a gradual decline into disorder. Louis Motek's entropic process was the opposite: a rapid ascent to perfect order. Very well played!" |