"best I have experienced in my system."

November, 2021, author: Ken Redmond
"it succeeded in giving me that '3 am' listening experience"

"a layer of artificiality is removed to reveal a more truthful presentation of the music and the artist's intent"

"The colors were richer, the palette was more profound, and the background canvas was calmer. Everything results in an acoustic image that is less distracting"

"Upon initial listening, I was immediately struck by the change the Firewall 640x brought to my sound."

"The tension that I associate with electronic reproduction in general and digital reproduction specifically was significantly reduced"

"It was simply easier to listen to music and allow myself to be fooled by the illusion and bath in that illusion for long periods."

"It is as if my whole body relaxes and does not feel the need to "work" to listen to the music."

"The entire performance was raised to a level I had not previously heard in my listening room"

"The performers' individuality was more outlined, and the Wah-Wah sounds of the different horns were very distinct. I could tell if the horn was directly facing me or slightly off-angle."

"the Firewall 640X takes applause to a new level of reality in my system. The individuality of the clapping hands and the character of each clap is much better distinguished. Crowd noise and whistling in the background, along
with the applause, were all the best I have experienced in my system."

"quiet details are more fully revealed and subtle notes have a bit more dynamic quality standing out against the background in more significant relief."

"The decay of notes and the sense of space is magnified, pulling you into the music. As the piece progresses to its peak, instruments remain locked in place and maintain their individuality."

"I did not sense any dynamic compression with the Firewall in place."

"I was enamored by the impact of the Firewall 640x. Piano tone and body take on greater weight, and individual notes become more easily understood. The very subtle nuances of Ms. Horn's singing were more apparent. Sighs and breaths took on a more significant role in the emotion of the song."

"Brushes on the skin of a drumhead are more detailed, and I was able to understand better the drummer 'working' the brush on the drum."

"The impact of the Firewall 640x was not subtle, and it was quickly apparent in my system. Many types of information were more readily revealed, the space the recording was made in, the reverberation trail of the instruments, the individual components of harmony, subtle inflections of the artist on their instrument. Voices and instruments have a more truthful timbre and occupy a more believable space and yield more dynamic expression within that space. All of this led me to feel more connected with the music as it sounded less reproduced and more accurate. I will say this 'connection to the music' was more consistently present in my system throughout the day and night than has been in the past."

"I will tell you now that I will be adding the LessLoss Firewall 640x C-MARC to my list of 'waypoint' products that have reset my expectations in a product category."
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Firewall 640x provides "next level insight" - "the best aspects get even better"

June, 2021, author: Werner Ero
[This article appears in original Dutch language in Music Emotion print magazine.]

"...a very different and special product."

"...a startling increase in ease, tranquility, fluency, relaxation and integrity."

"...you are closer to the actual intent of the music itself and much less concerned with reproduction."

"Significant strides have clearly been made here."

"The Firewall 640x shows very well that the blow with the brushes on the snare drum and the bass lines played by John Illsley sound completely natural and more importantly, that all band members really audibly playing together!"

"With the Firewall 640x really new insights arise. It sounds more intimate, involved and colorful and when I equip all the devices in my chain with these wooden devices, there really is next level insight into this beautiful album. Magnificent."

"...being able to disconnect even further from so-called 'hi-fi' listening and thus make even better contact with the intention of the performers."

"...the almost complete disappearance of the previously observed rounding that strikes me the most."

"This Firewall 640x makes music anything but soft and soft. No, what I mean has more to do with the observation that most hi-fi equipment applies a subtle (or less subtle) 'hard' edge along the contours. Think of it as a make-up eye-liner. The Lessloss 640x removes this line and thus shows the person or in this case the music in a more natural way."

"The mains pollution is dealt with in a more natural way and as a result you can get closer to the performers. As far as I'm concerned, the strength of this product lies in more and deeper musical satisfaction in the long term."

"It is downright clever and intriguing how Louis Motek and his team time and time again, with almost insatiable hunger, an increasing level of knowledge and enormous motivation, manage to improve their existing designs time and time again. Anyone who has been acquainted with Lessloss products before will immediately recognize the hand of the master here as well. But on a much higher and more refined level."

"This is another one of those rare products where you miss them when you take them off the chain."

"It is also clearly a long-term solution that you will appreciate more and more and where the 'magic' takes more and more possession of the user, as it were. A fact which is caused on the one hand because the audio set will perform more easily and smoothly, but also because of the increased naturalness with fewer artefacts that invites longer listening sessions."

"The beloved reproduction of your own beloved audio system remains completely intact and recognizable. Only then further stripped of clutter in the mains and in terms of tuning with an intriguing ear for the best aspects that get even better."

Original review in Dutch
Automated English language translation
Republished review in FWD magazine
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"Onset of treble glare native to your system will delay or disappear altogether."

April, 2021, author: Srajan Ebaen
"Sven Boenicke of the eponymous speaker house and Martin Gateley of sound|kaos have embraced LessLoss Firewall tech by optionally installing it inside their speakers. That's quite an endorsement of its efficacy."

"Clear changes."

"Made the sound darker, softer, denser, moved it forward then dialed up contrast."

"An unusual twosome, namely higher contrast plus softer darker density. Those don't often go together. Here they do."

"Without losing resolution but rather gaining separation, the treble feels smoother, less lit up"

"Contrast/resolution improves."

"The progression from zero to four 640X to four C-Marc Entropic was one of growing wood. That's not a lame locker-room quip but a description of how cello and piano transformed from metallic strings to resonant tone-wood bodies."

"Taking the [multiple Firewall 640x'es] out again was - really bad by comparison."

"The overall sound acquired lengthier decays for richer tone and removed the edge burrs."

"More density whose gravitational aspect also felt darker."

"More audible decay action whose overlap with following transients wrapped them in fine reverb gossamer to seem softer. Simultaneously subtle venue cues floated up into awareness."

"A cleaner purer treble followed the same trend."

"Worked like a massage therapist honing in on trouble spots."

"It became dead obvious: microdynamic range had expanded."

"Gave melodic arcs more expression."

"The instrumentalist's or singer's small inflections and accents registered as deeper so had more wiggly life and less flat-lined dynamic evenness.
As you play really loud, the onset of treble glare native to your system will delay as well or disappear altogether."

"A pair of [C-MARC Entropic Process Firewall 640x] on the first connection strikes me as similarly potent as a Firewall for Loudspeakers on each speaker. So it's fair to say that the Firewall 640X C-Marc Entropic is equally effective to grandfather into the earlier award."

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"Improved the sound of every speaker I used during the review period."

March, 2021, author: Mark Blackmore, music educator
"By removing a previously unnoticed noise intruding on the music, there was now a quietness, a focus, a relaxation to the sound that was instantly recognizable, even when heard from another room."

"With the Firewalls installed, familiar recordings displayed newfound reverberation trails around instruments; treble notes were purer yet still exciting, and percussive attacks were quicker, with increased force. Instruments and voices that I had previously thought of as well reproduced by my system were now more truthful in timbre, their image placement on the soundstage was clearly drawn, and ambience was greatly enhanced."

"Before installing the Firewalls, I had assumed that the treble range would be affected the most, but in my system the midrange also benefitted from the Firewall's noise reduction."

"better recognition of lyrics."

"saxophone tone was also improved"

"I could now easily follow his clarinet"

"and have a newfound admiration for his performance."

"When a product makes such an immediate and obvious difference in my system, I'm curious to hear if that is due simply to synergy with my gear or if the results can be duplicated in other systems. So I arranged to listen to the Firewalls in two friends' systems."

"After the Firewalls were installed, the applause at the beginning of the track had more definition, with individual claps apparent instead of a wash of sounds."

"The Firewalls eliminated the added harshness from his voice, but kept the treble true to the microphone's sonic signature. The resulting sound was much closer to what I imagine is the recording's true sound, more like listening to the feed from the mixing board and less like hearing it through the PA. This was a great improvement to an already fine system."

"the Firewalls did a fine job of cleaning up the treble and improving the separation and clarity"

"After connecting the Firewalls, not only was the sound more clearly heard, but the improved clarity revealed that it also panned from left to right in a straight line."

"the Firewalls improved the focus and clarity for a clearer picture of the performers."

"The Firewalls delivered full frequency response without dulling or blunting the leading edge of treble attacks, and that held true with every speaker I heard."

"this track now sounded like a well-engineered studio recording with lots of layering and spotlighting of solo instruments."

"the Firewalls produced a more accurate representation of the recording"

"the treble was considerably cleaner."

"there was greater differentiation between each singer, as a unique voice in the recording's mix."

"The LessLoss conditioners took this system up quite a few notches in that respect. Later that night, Chris texted that with the Firewalls removed, the tracks we had listened to had lost their 'reference quality.'"

"In each case, the Firewalls improved resolution in the upper midrange and lower treble. I was able to follow complex musical lines more easily and have discovered new low-level information in material I thought knew very well."

"the Firewalls can be daisy-chained in series for even better performance, and that proved to be true. The soundstage grew deeper and wider, with the treble becoming even smoother and sweeter."

"it produces an addictive result."

"It needs to be viewed as an important addition to an audio system, and it improved the sound of every speaker I used during the review period."

"always musically significant, accompanied by greater resolution that extended well into the midrange. The LessLoss Firewalls ensured that I heard all the music my system was capable of."
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