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Blackground 10x Power Base: "Very obvious and significant" "All roses no thorns"
January, 2023, author: Srajan Ebaen
"What the BlackGround claims to do no other audio device I'm familiar with addresses."
"we might even call the BlackGround an awareness-raising tool." "The effect takes a while to kick in, then more time to saturate fully. It's nothing like a light switch. But neither is it 500-hour break-in by which time we wouldn't have a clue. We're talking perhaps a day." "impossible to mistake or overlook." "After a full day of undisturbed presence, the BlackGround caused a wholesale removal of this treble dirt." "Think satin sheets and silk pyjamas, not dry saw dust and brittle straw. To my ears, this shift in tonality/lighting was accompanied by a mellower more leisurely or relaxed mien. Energetic forwardness laid back, sharpness morphed to viscosity." "On my table of musical qualities, the lazy Susan turned rhythmic tension to the far side to have me face the beauty of tone instead. Textures felt ultra suede or chenille, not spiky or metallic." "sweetness which arises in lieu of the former metallic rust or splashiness" "The BlackGround's before/after was dead obvious." "Listeners familiar with their systems need only give the LessLoss BlackGround 24 hours then hit 'play'. They'll be at a complete loss to explain it but will most certainly hear it." "My gut instinct predicts that listeners of predominantly acoustic libraries and particularly classical in all its forms will absolutely love it." "How did Sven Boenicke describe his reaction? "It's that energy shift away from the glare and garbage especially in the top end into the organic, colorful and beautiful; the brown, red, orange and golden colors. That's what I so love. Plus it does something on the reach-out and communication level which is magic." I reckon that we very much heard the same thing. I also think that I get what Sven calls the reach-out communication factor. I experienced it as that more fluid viscous quality." "This shift isn't barely audible like changing a DAC's digital filter. It's a very significant reset from an approach which cynics and cackling forum hyenas might insist couldn't possibly work." "you'll introduce recognizable elements of the triode aesthetic." "upsetting my balance enough simply reiterates how potent this stuff is." "all roses no thorns." "a 24-hour come-on-song period will have changed your tone textures and related perceptions in dead-obvious ways." "the BlackGround works, period." "the effect's particulars mirror prior LessLoss inventions like the Firewall for Loudspeakers and AC line conditioner but at higher potency." "the effect is very obvious and significant." "the full effect takes time to saturate and desaturate" "In closing, the LessLoss BlackGround is a bona fide invention." "Listeners who appreciate the sonic changes described will do themselves a serious disservice if they shun this device" "Reviewers could worry over having visiting gear bask in the BlackGround's glow to misappropriate praise." |