Newsletter Archive

C-MARC™ behind the scenes, and the best prices you'll ever see.

Dear esteemed Customers,

We want to thank all those who have been taking advantage of the C-MARC™ Early Bird Credit advantage. Your support is going towards a real breakthrough in audiophile cable performance, and we really could never have done this without you.

What we are now doing

Currently we have finalized all last details of the production methodology for our four C-MARC™ wire and cable bulk products. It has taken a lot of trial runs, and cost us a lot of material and time (and money, too...), but after a very long battle with various technical barriers, we are finally there and the results look and perform extremely well. Here are a few computer design models.

LessLoss C-MARC wire and cable

The smallest copper wires you see braided above and below are only 0.125mm in diameter. That is the diameter of a human hair. None of these individual wires make electrical contact save for the very ends of the wire or cable. In terms of production, even with the most advanced manufacturing technologies available, this cable represents a very serious challenge and is no joke to manufacture just right (let alone without obvious faults like strand breakage).

LessLoss C-MARC wire and cable

The Ghost in the Machine

We are working on a really nice video which explains how mutually super-posed, two-scale fractal replicated, counter-polarized coils lead to incredibly low noise levels in a very effective manner. Here are some snapshots of some early stages of this ongoing work in progress:

Counter-polarized coils will be shown with artistic rendition of unwanted noise being summed to zero.

LessLoss C-MARC wire and cable

The closeness and tightness of the superposition of the counter-polarized coils will be shown in great detail. Again, these are human hair sized strands of enameled coper, not bunched and twisted strands of electrically contacting conductors as in most every other standard cable.

LessLoss C-MARC wire and cable

In order to demonstrate the realization of design and work that goes into production, the video goes on to emphasize the fact that this design's ideas are taken to the logical extreme, to reach a real-world solution which catapults audio performance to levels never before reached.

LessLoss C-MARC wire and cable

There will be no need for anybody anywhere to even attempt to reverse engineer this product. We show you the plain, naked truth, because it is based on the same principle of the bucking coil used in electronics since around the 1930's. This is the first time that this concept was applied not merely to components at one or both ends of an otherwise traditional ​simplistic ​"line,​"​ but integral to the wire itself, which leaves no room for noise and leads immediately and obviously to superb signal transfer which you can easily appreciate from the very first jaw-dropping experience.

LessLoss C-MARC wire and cable


You can and should take advantage of our Early Bird Special Credit system. You will never again see such low prices for this new generation of wire and cable.

LessLoss C-MARC wire and cable

Louis Motek |