Newsletter Archive

C-MARC™ production nears; pre-orders still being accepted

Dear esteemed Customers,

We've been busy making final fine adjustments to the C-MARC™ wire and cable production details. You will be completely amazed by the progress we have made with this new cable technology.

FAQ: Is the C-MARCcable technology really better than the DFPC's Skin-filtering?

Answer: Yes. We remind you that C-MARC™ represents such a boost in performance that we are going to transition all LessLoss cable products over to C-MARC™ technology.

You can make the transition with us

You still have a chance to make the transition with us for a substantial savings in cost, all the while really boosting your own audio performance.

Please write to me for more details about our credit system. You can get credits and apply them at 150% value during the course of a whole year!

LessLoss C-MARC wire and cable

Meanwhile, please enjoy some images of an early 3D model of the C-MARC™ triaxial cable.

LessLoss C-MARC wire and cable

LessLoss C-MARC wire and cable

Below, you can clearly see the fine braided structure of the individually lacquered conductors in a larger second scale fractal replication.

LessLoss C-MARC wire and cable

Louis Motek |