Dear esteemed clients,
Wow, the response to our initial poll (show-of-interest questionnaire) has been superb, and it is obviously far from over! It looks like the Giant Steps Early Bird launch is destined to be a great success. Thank you to everyone who has shown interest thus far!
Where do we stand now with the Early Bird launch?
We are currently at Phase 1, Step 2 of our Roadmap.
Who are we negotiating with?
Over the years, our commitment to detail and highest quality craftsmanship has led us to some absolutely extraordinary people. People who understand our specific world of perfection. These are suppliers we can count on to put in that extra effort and go the extra mile. They are all local to us here in Lithuania and have work ethic exceeding the mere required. Our metal polishing guy learned the trade during schooling at Harley Davidson. Our metals shop guy makes precision microphones and high end lighting fixtures sold all over the world in high street fashion stores. Our milling guys have made parts for custom high end yachts for clients like Bentley. So we know we're in good hands with our production partners. Years of everyone's effort were invested to perfect their trade. Now it is a matter of enlarging the batch order sizes so maximum efficiency and lowest cost are achieved.
Negotiations and the power of numbers
We've been in negotiations with these guys on Monday and Tuesday. We told them how we are conducting our launch with you. We explained how, as general interest in Giant Steps rises, our initial order quantities with them will increase. Naturally, they are inclined to slot the necessary time in order to produce large batches in a single run. It is our job, aided by the community's participation as a whole, to maximise this initial run in order to squeeze out the very best possible partner prices. With your enthusiastic support, everybody wins: our key partners source raw materials at better prices, they streamline operations and save time setting up work, there are fewer shipping legs involved, our own production will streamline and be made more rational and efficient, and the resulting Early Bird discount will find its best fit, benefitting everyone, especially your bottom line.
These negotiations are ongoing, as various raw materials suppliers have yet to get back to our partners with their own projections. We'll share more with you just as soon as we have it. Things are definitely falling together (like prices!). So far, so good!
How good are our informal 'show of hands' numbers so far?
The initial show of interest (seen only by you, our Newsletter subscribers, who alone are privy to this Early Bird launch), is excellent! Here's a chart of all the data which has come in so far.
These numbers are based on the assumption of three Giant Steps feet per unit of equipment mentioned in the questionnaire. As for whether three or four feet will work best for you, we'll dive into that more in our next Newsletter (likely tomorrow). Here's the informal poll's resulting chart at the time of this writing, but it's not over, yet!
It still goes up by one or two people per hour as more people have time to look into this launch. I checked again while writing this, and it has just gone up another 30 units.
Watch the short video to see it in better detail!
Still open to participate!
We are still accepting participants! This is an informal poll, and helps so much in projecting possible discounts for all to enjoy! If you have not yet done so, go to this page and show us your inclinations in anonymous fashion. You'll find the simple questionnaire (just two questions) at the bottom there. It'll take you all of 10 seconds.
Thank you for making this a reality.