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LessLoss C-MARC Interconnect upgrade deals, plus new macro images of the no-compromise internals!

Dear esteemed clients,

To help showcase our C-MARC™ uniquely designed cable technology, we recently commissioned some very impressive professional macro photos. Check them out in our image gallery by clicking here or on the sneak peek image below!

LessLoss C-MARC High End Bulk Wire and Cable

This is definitely the most promising and audibly most superior audio cable technology on the planet today. These cables have nothing to hide and everything precious to reveal!

Also, do check out our C-MARC™ technology videos!

Video #1: How it works [less than 90 seconds video which says it all]

LessLoss C-MARC Classic Entropic Process Power Cable

Video #2: How it's made [less than 4 minute video which says it all]

LessLoss C-MARC Classic Entropic Process Power Cable

C-MARC™ Interconnect upgrade deals

Over the years as we perfected our audio interconnect design, we came up with several iterations before we reached our present design with the State-of-the-Art C-MARCEntropic Process interconnects. These represent the epitome of pure signal transfer without the slightest hint of added coloration or skewing.

LessLoss C-MARC RCA Interconnect Entropic Process

These fantastic interconnects feature pure hand polished Wenge hardwood barrels and over 2.3mm^2 conductive cross section C-MARC™ technology conductor assemblies per polarity. No plastics. 100% cotton dielectric.

Upgrade today!

LessLoss offers very friendly upgrade conditions to any owner of prior art LessLoss interconnect cables. No proof of purchase directly from LessLoss is required.

Upgrade to C-MARCEntropic Process RCA from any of the following:

LessLoss Anchorwave RCA

LessLoss C-MARC RCA Interconnect Entropic Process

1428 USD - 510 USD = 918 USD

LessLoss Homage to Time RCA

LessLoss C-MARC RCA Interconnect Entropic Process

1428 USD - 390 USD = 1038 USD

C-MARC™ regular RCA interconnect

LessLoss C-MARC RCA Interconnect Entropic Process

1428 USD - 553 USD = 875 USD

The C-MARCEntropic Process RCA interconnect is super flexible and super practical in every way.

LessLoss C-MARC RCA Interconnect Entropic Process

The performance is world class and puts the music first, not the electronic 'bite' of the signal. You'll enjoy these regardless of what system upgrades you may have slated for the future! 12 hour listening sessions will captivate you daily!

We look forward to serving you with an upgrade tailored to your needs. Simply inquire on [email protected] and you'll hear back from us shortly!


Louis Motek |