Newsletter Archive

LessLoss: Introducing the Firewall

Dear friends of high quality sound,

It is a pleasure to announce our present lowered prices for both the DFPC and the DFPC (mini). Please visit our web store and configure your cable purchase to see the exact amount applicable to your purchase. Please note that for the DFPC, the generous rebate schedule for multiple cable purchases is still valid, regardless of the fact that the initial pricing has been lowered by a substantial amount. I hope to fulfill your order in the near future!

I am also very happy to announce the availablility of the Firewall, a project long in the making. This very successful piece of gear can now be viewed and read about on our web shop. Please stop by and become acquainted with all the hard work which went into preparing the most naturally dynamic and least coloring power filtering and distributing device the audiophile world has yet seen.

Wishing you the best sound,
Louis Motek
Managing Director
LessLoss Audio Devices