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LessLoss power distributor showed "no downsides... showed a middle finger to that guesswork."

Dear esteemed clients,

A new review of the high performance LessLoss power distributor with onboard advanced Firewall 640x technology and Entropic Process C-MARC™ point-to-point cabling has been published.

LessLoss Power Distributor

Here's what the reviewer had to say:

"...produced extra bass that dug deeper and scored more points on authority, while the resulting stronger, more controlled, overall feel morphed each bass-intense song into a noticeably more massive, yet at the same time agile version of itself."

"The entire landscape [...] also struck me as a fair bit inkier, more calm and spatially sorted. Tonal saturation went up to make fuller, fruitier sound, which seemed as articulated and brimming with details as ever."

LessLoss Power Distributor

"I saw no downsides to these changes, only improvements."

"The conclusion here is twofold. The efficacy of Firewalls inside these products truly piles up. These modules also make a noticeable difference in spite of all the extra contact points and wires along the road. Because of these mechanical obstacles I thought that the two wooden outlets used as described could've either crippled sound quality, or made no difference at all. Their Firewall squad, however, showed a middle finger to that guesswork. Live and learn, as they say."

"...pushed the performance envelope several notches further in the familiar direction and that made quite the difference."

"It enhanced contrasts, extended the color palette, injected extra blackness into the background and unlocked greater firmness and heft."

LessLoss Power Distributor

Read the entire review here.

Product details are here.

Write to Louis Motek on [email protected] for batch deals, purchasing power cables together with the high performance conditioner/distributor. We will work out an attractive deal for most efficient use of any budget!


Louis Motek |