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New Press Review of soon-to-be-announced Firewall for Headphones finds no fault, only improvement!

Dear esteemed clients,

The audio gear review magazine Hi-Fi Knights has just published a rave review of the pending Firewall for Headphones stand-alone signal-enhancing accessory.

LessLoss Firewall for Headphones review

The review is by Dawid Grzyb and was published July, 2024. This is new our 144th press review, and our 673rd review overall, counting private user reviews. All of these can be found on our website on the "reviews" link at the top of every page.

The review was also published on

LessLoss Firewall for Headphones review

The pending Firewall for Headphones is our first product featuring high pressure resin-infused Kraft paper supported by a polished brass frame. This unique solution offers superlative damping performance, essential for true top-of-the-line performance.

LessLoss Firewall for Headphones

Here are some of the things the review highlighted about the Firewall for Headphones.

"The more these modules are in use, the more their effectiveness compounds, specifically backdrop cleanliness, spatial focus and moisture."

"Higher instrumental and vocal hydration, more grounded sound, rounder less chiseled edges, tighter bass, improved clarity, less grain and all virtual shapes rendered more precisely on a background that felt sensibly more pristine."

"Not only do I deem Firewalls very useful with all kinds of speakers, I haven't yet encountered one that wouldn't audibly benefit from such assistance."

"free from any sonic downsides"

LessLoss Firewall for Headphones

"In my system I see LessLoss Firewalls for speakers as necessities rather than accessories."

"Their work may seem mild at first, but disengaging them after a week or two of constant use is plainly painful. Then it hits us how much these small barrels actually contribute, or rather how much is lost upon taking them away."

"Firewalls don't add anything audible to a system's voicing that is not already there in the first place. These aren't tools meant to alter its core flavor. Instead they show how it fares without the well-known byproducts of noise; harshness, sharpness, leanness and grit."

"Bass stripped from noise develops extra heft and fullness alright, but also becomes tighter and more powerful"

"The entire musical image grows larger and more robust, while edginess that causes listening fatigue vanishes. Unsurprisingly, the latest Firewall tailored for headphones follows this exact protocol to a tee. As such it introduces only audible gains."

"More body, less pointy outline edges, less sharpness and less textural gloss, then followed by beefier tighter bass, more pronounced meatier midrange and far superior highs, particularly on decay and smoothness."

"Today's Firewall also greatly boosts the sensation of aural space, so that it feels more breathing, moving and alive."

"The very last instrumental reverbs significantly easier to 'see' and appreciate."

"Clarity is yet again the key word. With cans as resolving as the Susvara, well, this single aspect massively gains on importance. The most interesting thing is that the major quality hike introduced in the process happens alongside the additional provision of substance, textures and body instead of it being in the least decreased in trade as is often the case."

"elevated immediacy, energy, bite and snap"

"I heard primarily smoother and more distinct vocals."

LessLoss Firewall for Headphones

"Sounded more clear and with extra bite to it, as if all its snappy jabs got shorter and more impactful in the process."

"With the LessLoss, the first part struck me as calmer, prettier and all in all fancier, while the energetic outro was noticeably more immediate, muscular and feistier. In other words, the two very distinct parts on that track had their specific quite opposite vibes pronounced better. I found that excellent."

"The Firewall [...] made the entire tune more flowing, still calmer and dreamier."

"Increased smoothness, ease, flow, juiciness and less compressed more distinct instruments. Individual bits on this tune registered as more pronounced sounds, which were again easier to follow and focus on. In effect the entire track registered as a more romantic and sensual version of itself with the LessLoss."

"Noticeable gains on rhythm and swing, as if the main instruments' individual notes were more on point."

"With the Firewall engaged revealed a significantly better grip on bass and less coarse yet fleshier more articulated female vocal."

"Sufficed to keep my ears happy and mark the clear quality bump."

"The Firewall injected more air into the view and dynamically expanded these roars to make them more sensible and instantaneous."

"Voice also struck me as more alive and here, while all the high-pitched sounds registered as quicker, somewhat uplifted, weightier and more shimmery."

"With the Firewall it was less pointy, denser, wilder, more raw, articulated and blunt. Most importantly, the Lithuanian support made a hugely positive difference on this specific song. To my ears the sensation was comparable to listening to it on a floorstander armed with say two small cones, and i.e. Zu Audio DWX armed with one large paper membrane that needs very little power to pump lots of air very effortlessly. The way how such drivers speak the rock language makes them something entirely different on scale, directness and sheer entertainment. The LessLoss simply knew the dialect."

"The bass dug deeper, claps had more snap and body to them, the vocal was more substantial and lifelike and spatial sizing grew noticeably larger. The song felt more intense, enveloping and grander in spite of its somewhat slow-paced rhythm. At that point I had enough data to understand how much the Firewall actually did, and how beneficial it was."

"The Firewall not only supported such repertoire as per the above, but it also allowed me to enjoy it at really loud volume. This was a personal win that I thoroughly appreciated."

"Considering how greatly the LessLoss Firewall elevated my experience with a specimen as universal as these planars, I can't think of any other headphones which wouldn't enjoy such company."

"The tech inside it has been around for years and proved highly effective for many people including yours truly. More importantly, it introduces gains which are very hard to come by elsewhere, especially at a dosage this high and for less coin. Personally I'm very happy that a Firewall device for cans is now a thing and every bit as effective as its awesome speaker siblings."

Read the review here.

Product details here.

The new Firewall for Headphones is pending as we work on the initial production run. We shall announce availability in an upcoming announcement here on this Newsletter. Stay tuned!

Don't forget: our very friendly Firewall upgrade policy!

State-of-the-art C-MARCFirewall 640x plug-and-play power conditioner:

LessLoss Firewall for Headphones

State-of-the-art LessLoss Power Distributor with onboard double Firewall technology and Entropic Process throughout:

LessLoss Power Distributor

State-of-the-art Stellar Firewall for Loudpeakers featuring double Entropic Process:

LessLoss Firewall for Headphones

A reminder to all that you can upgrade any Firewall product to the latest version:

-- Firewall 5x ==> upgrade to either Firewall 640x regular or C-MARCFirewall 640x.

-- Firewall 64x ==> upgrade to either Firewall 640x regular or C-MARCFirewall 640x.

-- C-MARCFirewall 64x ==> upgrade to C-MARCFirewall 640x.

-- A number of Firewall 640x regular or C-MARCFirewall 640x ==> upgrade to the LessLoss Power Distributor with onboard advanced double Firewall technology.

-- Firewall for Loudspeakers regular C-MARC™ version ==> upgrade to the new Stellar Firewall for Loudspeakers.

Get custom details about your specific upgrade offer

Simply write me an email on [email protected] with your wish list and I'll return with a very friendly upgrade proposal.

Upgrades are very easy and you don't even have to leave home or fill out paperwork. Many have taken advantage and all have been extremely happy! Let us serve you today with our simple upgrade program!

Thank you all for your interest, and for following our art.


Louis Motek |