Dear esteemed Customers,
A new glowing video review has appeared in russian language on YouTube.
This appears in the rather large russian language channel called "I am hear." To date this channel has almost 3 million views to its credit.
The short version of the review can be stated in a single sentence:
"Best I've heard during a whole year of reviewing."
May, 2022, author Evgeny Shvedov
An in-depth video review has been published in russian language featuring a whole set of LessLoss equipment.
Professional reviewer Evgeny Shvedov goes into fine detail presenting all manner of LessLoss solutions, and explaining his unusual experience with using our high performance products.
Among the items reviewed are:
Firewall for Loudspeakers.
C-MARC™ Entropic Process power cables.
Bindbreaker equipment feet.
C-MARC™ Entropic Process RCA interconnect cables.
Blackbody v.2 ambient field conditioners.
An entirely new product: our new state-of-the-art power distributor with onboard C-MARC™ Entropic Process cabling and integrated Firewall technology.
This is a new product whose product page is found here.
We'll be presenting this new product soon in a new Newsletter.
The plug-and-play C-MARC™ Entropic Process Firewall 640x.
The Echo's End Original DAC.
The Echo's End Reference Supreme Edition dual chassis DAC with outboard power supply and special C-MARC™ DC cabling.
If you engage auto-translate on YouTube and choose your native language you can follow along if you don't speak russian.
Watch the Review here.