The One Thing Missing: How to avoid HiFi's Most Costly MistakeSunday 28 February, 2021
Dear esteemed Customers, Regardless of the persistent "latest and greatest" news coming out of the world of HiFi, there is still one thing that result in more efficient use of available funds better than any increase of the funding pool to acquire the new shiny promise of more pleasurable sonic horizons.
That thing is strategy. When you strategize correctly, you can never go wrong. This means that in any upgrade endeavor, you need to know where to start. Since we here at LessLoss receive a lot of inquiries, we have gained good insight into the most frequent trials and tribulations of fellow audiophiles. It has become exceedingly clear that what is most needed in our field is clarity about the hierarchy of upgrades.
You can save a lot of money if you have the right upgrade strategy. This will ensure that for any given budget you will gain the largest bang/buck ratio and will never need to backtrack on any questionable costly experiments. We have created this video to explain the pristine logic behind the very best upgrade tactic there is. If you follow this logic, you will never go wrong, and you'll never be caught going down a costly stray path. What we need most is this type of clarity. This is yet another way that LessLoss continues to 'cut through the noise'. Use this valuable advice to your financial advantage. Tell your friends.
Cheers, Louis Motek | |