Mono and Stereo publishes a review of the LessLoss Blackbody

August, 2012, author: Matej Isak
"As with my prior experience with the LessLoss Firewall, I felt that the change upon introducing the Blackbody was in the same league."

"The real change that the Blackbody brought forth was evident within a few moments. It was an instant reminder of LessLoss's recognizable clarity and focus."

"Somehow the LessLoss Blackbody brings about so-called "blacker than black" backgrounds. The sense and pace and of atmosphere surrounding the music adopted an even more coherent believability at moments."

"I'm finally seeing a flame flickering with hope when it comes to digital audio and the Blackbody contribution here is a positive revelation. None of the tweaks I made so far managed to bring out the music from the DAC as did the LessLoss Blackbody."

"It should have dawned upon me earlier to try the Blackbody with my Tom Evans phono stage and pickup. I loved the change almost as much as I did with my Lampizator DAC!"

"More music happened in what I recall now as correct pace and rhythm."

"This is a device which carries out an inherently important task that is often overlooked or not even acknowledged to exist."

"The Blackbody can help in dealing with near-field EM interaction and elevate the performance to levels way above the expected. And with an already refined chassis, you can always add the Blackbody to achieve realms of quality unimaginable before."
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Stereo Times publishes three-reviewer investigation on the Blackbody

March, 2012, author: Clement Perry, Dan Secula, Mitch Moreno
After an entire year of investigation in various systems, three independent reviewers at Stereo Times publish their long-term findings in a three-part review titled "Life with the LessLoss Blackbodys."

"Via the Blackbodys, the music just came through with a new sense of harmonic wholesomeness I had not experienced from any other tweak."

"I sat in amazement for hours listening into the wee hours of the morning."

"The music was at once purer: totally devoid of grain or strain."

"I noticed Kaplan expected to hear something positive. What he didn't expect was anything this powerful and resoundingly obvious. The look on his face within seconds of playing a familiar track was all I needed to know about the Blackbodys' effectiveness here in this highly tweaked setup. "...what the f*%@ is going on?"

"Bass sounded quicker and lower than it had any right to be via this old pair of Apogees."

"The music took on greater contrast and appeared more lively."

"The Blackbodys impart purer tones and harmonics: qualities the single-ended lovers and vinyl enthusiasts claim their wares are most prolific at, while hitherto was near impossible to yield from solid-state and digital devices."

"You do not have to own the best of everything in order to achieve state of the art performance. The LessLoss Blackbodys are a testimony to that. Though not cheap they do as advertised and have taken my listening pleasure to a level I could not have believed prior to their installation."

"Once you get a grasp of its power, it will challenge everything you thought you previously knew regarding noises and other contaminations in and around components."

"I'm now convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that capturing the ultimate sound may be in our grasp by virtue of tweaks and not that shiny new $80k amplifier or loudspeaker."
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