"Best I've heard during a whole year of reviewing."

May, 2022, author: Evgeny Shvedov
An in-depth video review has been published in russian language featuring a whole set of LessLoss equipment.


Professional reviewer Evgeny Shvedov goes into fine detail presenting all manner of LessLoss solutions, and explaining his unusual experience with using our high performance products.


Among the items reviewed are:

Firewall for Loudspeakers.


C-MARC Entropic Process power cables.


Bindbreaker equipment feet.


C-MARC Entropic Process RCA interconnect cables.


Blackbody v.2 ambient field conditioners.


Our new state-of-the-art power distributor with onboard C-MARC Entropic Process cabling and integrated Firewall technology.

This is a new product whose product page is found here.


The plug-and-play C-MARC Entropic Process Firewall 640x.


The Echo's End Original DAC.


The Echo's End Reference Supreme Edition dual chassis DAC with outboard power supply and special C-MARC DC cabling.


If you engage auto-translate on YouTube and choose your native language you can follow along if you don't speak russian.

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...best I heard...

March, 2022, author: Rick Becker
LessLoss products reviewed:

Entropic Process Firewall 640X
Entropic Process Firewall for Loudspeakers
Entropic Process C-MARC power cable
Bindbreaker equipment feet

"improvements were pretty much qualitatively consistent among the entire group of LessLoss products."

"definitely give the Entropic power cord consideration."

"Entropic Firewall 640X provided a more significant quantitative improvement"

"Firewall for Loudspeakers and Entropic Firewall 640X: the combination of the two was better than either one alone. Synergy."

"Firewall for Loudspeakers and Entropic Firewall 640X and the Entropic C-MARC power cord: better still."

"becomes obvious once you recognize that it's missing. And this is the key to these products."

"It wasn't until I removed them that I recognized the noise and distortion they had removed. Once I was tuned it at this level, I could then easily recognize their contributions on a relatively quick A/B comparison. In a way, it was just an extension of the process of becoming an audiophile - learning how to listen, but at a higher level than before."

"The removal of noise, more obvious in the treble, but effectively throughout, allowed more inner detail to emerge from the now blacker background."

"improved transparency"

"Without the LessLoss the music had a certain low level of what I'll call "wild behavior". These were micro flashes tone bleaching out, or amplifier clipping or ringing or notes smearing - tiny little distortions, similar to what many recognize as "grain" that reminded me that I was listening to electrically reproduced music, not the real thing."

"These micro distortions can be somewhat exciting at times, such as the striking of a cymbal, and somewhat distracting at other times as I "struggle" to interpret what a musical note or a syllable "should" have sounded like."

"this "struggle" takes mental energy and it tenses up the body."

"The LessLoss works against that "struggle" by removing a layer of haze, making the music and lyrics more obvious. Micro-dynamics and nuance of tonality appear that were unheard of before. My body relaxed and absorbed the music as it came to me, rather than forcing me to lean into the music. The difficult lyrics were more easily understood."

"On my compilation CD I have many signifiers; phrases of words or notes that are challenging for a system to reproduce and challenging for me to hear clearly or cognitively comprehend. With only these few pieces of LessLoss gear in the system, I sailed right through these rough spots, and in most cases, they were the best I had ever heard them."

"strips out noise without interfering with tonal quality or dynamics"

"noise-free listening experience"

"I can testify that it does not interfere with tonal quality as my rig continued to sound the same in that regard, and dynamics seemed unimpeded, too."

"it was very relaxing."

"The Bindbreaker footers outperformed the MiG SX and I expect the current version with the dimpled bottom plate will yield an even higher resolution."

"they [Bindbreakers] performed astonishingly well throughout the audible spectrum with my DAC."

"the Bindbreaker may work best with solid-state gear, but you have to try it with your gear. When it works, it works very well."

"my biggest gains were with the Entropic Firewall 640X and it worked best on the AC line directly feeding my DAC."

"The 640X also worked very well on my preamp where the improvement was experienced with each of my sources."

"keep in mind the forthcoming [LessLoss] power distributor with built-in Firewall 640X technology"

"the Firewall for Speakers made a relatively cost-effective contribution that benefited each of my sources."

"do not make the mistake of thinking power cords are less significant than the main components in your system."

"Sometimes we discover something we like that we didn't even know was an option or a benefit at the outset of our quest. This is what happened for me with the LessLoss gear reviewed here."

"The emotional seductress was replaced by the silky voice of a polished jazz singer. Firmly planted in the 'here and now' of my listening chair, I relaxed and enjoyed the music, unencumbered by any personal emotional drama, just experiencing the beauty of the music. That's the essential difference LessLoss brings to the game. Relax and enjoy. And they do it as well, if not better than anyone else."

"If that's your audiophile destination, I highly recommend you give LessLoss a listen. This Lithuanian company deserves a lot more recognition in the USA."

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"I'm simply convinced... LessLoss has the answer. Best of 2021."

December, 2021, author: Srajan Ebaen
6moons has chosen the LessLoss C-MARC Entropic Process series of cables out of 106 reviewed products from various manufacturers during the year 2021 as their pick of the year!

"I'm simply convinced that for a very relaxed utterly grain-free and liquid sound, LessLoss' C-MARC Entropic range has the answer."

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"At the top of my list."

September, 2021, author: Dawid Grzyb
[First, on the C-MARC standard version power cable]

"The LessLoss C-MARC power cable was their first product reviewed at this site, and awarded with our Victor badge on top of that. Three years ago I knew of no better solution, which is why two of these cords have been on duty under my roof ever since, and their use time can be counted in thousands of hours by now."

"LessLoss C-MARC's delivery was fully free from any excessive shine, itchiness, tension, nervousness and metallic tint, but at no cost paid by diluting the message or making it dull. Their approach took some edge off music without making it prettier than it was."

"...managed to blend clarity, transparency and backdrop blackness with tone, saturation and roundness, but in such a way that any biases towards any specific trait were kept in check. This evenness and polish were the clear sign of a higher-tiered, more mature performance."

"...C-MARCs rendered the same view deeper, wider, filled with more subtleties and higher oxygen content, which translated into more precisely outlined and articulate sound sources with no harm done to their humane textural fill."

"...multi-layered, breathing and utmost dark canvas sealed the deal. All in all, I've found the original C-MARCs very easygoing, relaxed, refined and meticulously balanced, and three years later my take on them didn't change."

[and on the C-MARC Entropic Process power cable]

"Now, moving on from the first C-MARC generation of power cables, their entropic-processed sibling is alike-profiled at its core and there's no question about it, but at the same time it offers substantially more."

"Although similar to the original, the latest C-MARC isn't just its slightly better version. On several counts it's a noticeably different product that also quickly revealed itself as far better by my standards."

"...both compared C-MARCs, quite identical in appearance, had me in for a big surprise. I first imagined that noticing any firm distinctions between them should take at least several days with enforced yet helpful breaks along the road, but that wasn't the case at all. [...] where the latest LessLoss positioned itself had revealed itself to me within minutes, and that I truly didn't expect."

"The newcomer C-MARC's take on the usual repertoire was quicker, more oxygenated, direct and immediate, just as if its general meta took a firm turn towards the hi-res route."

"...more articulate and speedier..."

"...perfectly clean."

"How my setup staged was the biggest difference of them all."

"The entropic-processed C-MARC located me inside that highly potent huge aural illusion even closer to sound sources than its kin, so it secured more points for their visibility and sensible physical feel."

"...packed more punch to net a substantially more elastic, sportier and tactile outcome, and had voices less chunky, yet more organic and articulate in comparison."

"Potency was the key word yet again."

"...pushed my rig's performance more. ...it simply became better."

"Considering how LessLoss' newly processed power cord presented itself against its very accomplished previous version, and how much this design progressed over the last three years in general, its price increase is fully justified in my book."

"Now the C-MARC Entropic Process power cord joins it at the top of my list."

"When I get to choose between penning a story about, say, a DAC and power cable, the former seems the far more appealing route in most cases but not today."

"LessLoss' noise-silencing technology is its most interesting and important work."

"...quite an unexpected surprise that this latest incarnation offers."

"My tip of the hat to team LessLoss for improving their own C-MARC game this meaningfully, and not charging an arm and leg for that progress."

Hifi Knights
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C-MARC Entropic Process power cords: higher resolution and a bleeding out of stress: relaxed natural quality.

May, 2020, author: Srajan Ebaen
"...plainly arrived at a higher octave of clarity"

"This before/after difference was unexpectedly profound now. Already my rig's performance had moved ahead of its usual status."

"Resolution clearly reached deep into the noise floor."

"Yet nothing shifted, compressed or even minimally distorted."

"...depth went deeper. Whilst the plucked string timbres lost none of their innate glassy energy, they gained in fullness and fluidity."

"I knew right away that the LessLoss loom played it quieter, more articulate and quicker."

"...majored on very fine detail, adroit articulation, very high separation, silence and unadulterated tone. If each of these aspects is the end of a wheel's spoke, tracing them all back to their center leads to... clarity."

"If you threw "extreme clarity" at me for an instant reaction, I might reflexively respond with "hyper contrast" or "very crisp edges". That's not what the LessLoss flavor was. Its clarity wasn't built on crispness but mellifluence."

"LessLoss' was about smoothness from relaxed litheness. This manifested as ease, as an absence of effort and showiness. It felt quick, calm, natural and less massive. Faux Vivaldi's pizzicati were more intelligible."

"...unembellished naturalness and strangely tacit ease didn't equate lack of drive..."

"...the LessLoss power treatment showed off plenty of pop, slap and bite..."

"Whilst I considered the LessLoss loom a nice resolution gain over our Allnic brood, even greater gains were had upstairs against our Crystal/Puritan pack."

"Having reviewed some C-MARC signal cables, the C-MARC based Firewall for Loudspeakers, a DAC with C-MARC wiring and now the latest Entropic Process C-MARC power cords, there's been a near eerie family resemblance. Call it a design-based leitmotif or DNA which connected them all like pearls on a necklace string. A reduction of noise meant higher resolution, a parallel bleeding out of stress a very peculiar sense of mellifluousness. It's this latter relaxed natural quality which stands out as the USP, the unique selling proposition of this cable tech."

"After about two days, not only did it stabilize and blossom but in that period covered a lot more ground than usual break-in seems to. Never mind the definition of entropy which calls it a gradual decline into disorder. Louis Motek's entropic process was the opposite: a rapid ascent to perfect order. Very well played!"
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"I wish I could have used [these] to teach this concept to my students."

April, 2019, author: Mark Blackmore, music educator
"I was immediately surprised at how much more information was spread across my living room. Reverb went on forever and the whole soundstage of the prelude seemed much larger and deeper."

"The LessLoss interconnects certainly revealed more detail than I thought possible from my DAC, and it occurred to me that until then, I hadn't really heard all that the BorderPatrol DAC had to offer."

"Quick attacks." "No sense of blur." "Huge soundstage."

"Increased sense of soundstage width and depth."

"Improved resolution and focus in the upper bass and lower midrange."

"I could more clearly hear the performer's technique, the instrument's character, and the idiosyncrasies of the performance."

"I listened to Andre Previn's After Hour's with Ray Brown and Joe Pass CD [Telarc CD83302], noticing a specific benefit of this improved clarity. In music education, we teach that great jazz bass players will play on the "front side" of the beat, enhancing the excitement of an up-tempo tune without rushing the beat. Alternately, the bass player will need play on the "back side" of the beat for ballads or the blues, for that lazy, but not late, groove. On "There'll Never Be Another You", Ray Brown drives the trio with a percussive right-hand technique, always on the front edge of the beat, to propel the tempo forward. The LessLoss cables conveyed greater insight into Brown's musicianship and his ability to play a melodic bass line while also acting as the percussive drive for this drummerless trio tune. I wish I could have used a similarly revealing system to teach this concept to my students."

"Image definition was definitely improved. The sound was purer, more focused, yet retained good extension."

"The LessLoss speaker cables [on electrostatic loudspeakers] did a fine job, with improved image location and depth. Owners of electrostatic speakers should certainly add them to their audition list. They seem made for use with electrostats."

"The change was equivalent to swapping a good preamp for a really great preamp."

"Every aspect of the sound was improved, but most notable was the treble, which had been too forward before, with the tweeter being much too obvious. The improvements exceeded those in my own system, and the owner texted me many times in the following days in amazement at the effect of inserting just one LessLoss power cord. I doubt I would have believed this story if I hadn't witnessed the outcome myself. This was certainly the best sound I've heard at his house."

"Prior to adding the LessLoss cables, I had auditioned many cables in the same general price range, and one power cord that was three times as expensive. While all were well made and sounded good, none of them made my system sound better in terms of bringing performers and their craft into my listening room. The LessLoss cable loom helped me hear more deeply into recordings, and I spent more of my listening time thinking about the musician's performance rather than the sound of the system. That is a high compliment for any piece of audio gear."

"The [LessLoss] cables' inclusion in my system removed a previously unnoticed level of confusion, or noise, resulting in clearer soundstage cues, cleaner upper bass and vocals, and greater overall musical enjoyment. The results were positive enough that I'm saving my audio money to add a set of interconnects and a power cord for my BorderPatrol DAC SE."
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C-MARC Power Cord Garners Double Award

February, 2019, author: Matej Isak
"I've really had a prolonged evaluation time, where I have freely explored the C-MARC power cables in more than a dozen top echelon systems."

"The all-round potent impact of the C-MARC power cord, in the most various of systems, is one of its most impressive highlights."

"The LessLoss C-Marc power cables have proved their established impressive performance."

"Take away the C-Marc from my MSB Select DAC and the all-important time and space information simply collapses. It becomes smeared and the three dimensional musical landscape, once appreciated from the vantage point of an eagle, is suddenly reduced to something an ant on the ground would perceive. Not a small difference by any means..."

"In absence of the C-Marc power cables, there was a paradigm shift not related nor limited to nuances. ...a whale of a difference."

"With LessLoss C-MARC power cables in action they never reduced the intensity of orchestral dynamic impact nor compressing the dynamic scale at which piano can span."

"C-MARCs acted on a grand and noble level of performance, way beyond their given price."

"The modest price point doesn't reflect the level of achievement of performance by any means."

"The performance towers within the elite realm of rarified art, and is an achievement here worthy of extra emphasis."

"Remove the C-Marcs and now what happens? It feels like the density of the vocal's formants are gone, making it sound flat and lifeless. It seems that resonance in the vocal tract is unnaturally altered, thus destroying the very essence."

"C-Marc rivals upper echelon performance at non-expected value given their price."

"This striking price/performance ratio already granted the LessLoss C-MARC cable loom products both Mono and Stereo's Highly Recommended Product and Best Buy awards, and it's no different for the power cable."

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LessLoss C-MARC - the "lowest noise" cables on the planet

December 2018, author: Stas Ustenko
"These cables startled us to the core! At this high end performance, such perfect dynamics and absolutely tangible sound stage, the LessLoss C-MARC comes, indeed, as if from a much higher price category. Hurry, while such charity continues."

"The biggest advantage is the resolution throughout the audible range. The detailing becomes noticeably better, the vividness of the sound stage is striking, and the dynamic range increases dramatically – at times I had to re-check the price tag, since such effects were previously encountered only with cables in a price category that exceeds the test value tenfold. No kidding."

"Where the LessLoss C-MARC literally smashes competitors is in the total naturalness and fusion of the musical canvas. It becomes simply impossible to break away from the music, the hand cannot be forced to find the shutdown controls (even when necessary), and parting with the system turns into a physical ordeal. Be careful. Such "magical" properties emanate only from (at least they used to) Ultra High End components and cables. Now it is available at a completely different price level - thanks to the LessLoss C-MARC."

Test score: 95/100
Award: Best Buy Award 2018

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C-MARC Power Cord wins VICTOR Award from Hifi Knights in Poland

October, 2018, author: Dawid Grzyb
"...quiet background, increased resolution, neutral timbre and focus, accuracy, dynamics and transients... Everything up above I'll also additionally compliment with yet another important word – potency. LessLoss C-MARC power cable didn't introduce mild or subtle changes in my setup, but surprisingly audible ones and the more I listened to music with two Lithuanian snakes on and off duty, the more obvious this effect became."

"The [LessLoss C-MARC] introduced changes of even higher magnitude, revealed itself to be very well-seasoned and the best one I've had a chance to know to date.

"Put shortly, LessLoss C-MARC painted things as they were with no extra additives and from purely journalistic perspective this virtue was of utmost value."

"After several days of rather lengthy listening sessions and with all available hardware artillery involved, yours truly fully agrees that this product is very silent indeed. In order to be this resolving, grain free and smooth at the same time it simply has to be."

"LessLoss C-MARC also served the upstairs with longer decay, surprisingly also more weight and – when needed – upped delicacy as well. C-MARC power cables proved to be very much capable of organic yet well-differentiated delivery."

"This particular and rarely heard virtue showcased as clearly I've found very impressive. Not a hint of itchiness, excessive spark or metallic tint [...] said feature stretched all the way down throughout all audible range, too."

"LessLoss C-MARC provided very relaxed experience indeed and was mapped as not tense or nervous at all, yet didn't dilute the message."

"The C-MARC team elevated the experience unobtrusively and safely, yet didn't play the prettify game at all and was far from sounding dull as well. In its case clarity, transparency and the so-called black background marched hand in hand with spot on textural richness and saturation, no hints of under- or overload on these counts were heard to net very real and truthful outcome each and every time."

"high quality measures to pull this off were the clear signs of upper tier performance and seasoning."

"C-MARC snakes provided wider and deeper perspective, injected more air and – again – acted subtler; less bluntly and more sensitively."

"But the biggest difference of them all was in how vocals were sculpted. [C-MARC] delivered more precise outlines filled with clearer pigments to net more accurate and understandable effect. Perfectly contoured, superbly isolated shapes covered with humane texturing and suspended on multi-layered, organic and dark space is what I heard and was very much impressed by that."

"The above-mentioned blend of virtues served all at once in very easygoing and utmost relaxed fashion is the ideal LessLoss C-MARC description, yet refinement and finely applied balancing act have to be added to the mix to make it complete."

"The Lithuanian duo revealed itself as neutral, accurate, calm, exceptionally easygoing indeed and free from any overcooked aspects. Music with this team on duty flowed utmost pleasantly."

"The more I investigated Louis Motek's work, the clearer it became that his operation and its latest C-MARC tech are not ordinary at all."

"Past the highly involving Lithuanian experience it's very clear to me now that LessLoss is well-respected in the industry not by mere accident or luck. Louis and his crew arrived there by following their own path, finding a clever and unique way to up their own game and delivering products such as this review's heroes."

"very much refined"

"revealing, balanced and sophisticated character"

"free from any signs of juvenile flashiness"

"sanely priced"

"This finely seasoned, versatile and brilliant Lithuanian effort is the best one of its kind I've heard thus far, hence the award below."

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C-MARC: dramatically more open and rich

July, 2018, author: Danny Kaey
"C-MARC counts as one of the best made and most flexible cable looms I have had in my system. Not even DFPC, C-MARC's rather terrific precursor, was this flexible and malleable, not to mention some other looms of cable I have been using, including Nordost."

"more full, dynamic, resolved; compared to my previous long-time reference of Tyr 2, C-MARC proved no less subtle in its effects even as it was just the power cables I had replaced."

"sounded dramatically more open and rich as well; was it the added sense of depth? The more clearly defined wind chimes, with their superior sparkle and shine? The increased depth of the opening piano riff?"

"increased resolution"

"Whereas the usual cadre of cables from Nordost, yes, even EINSTEIN's own, various Zu models and KS Emotion have a subtler effect on swapping the OTLs to The Poweramp, the change to C-MARC proved far more dramatic."

Information flow through the latest Lessloss generation seems greatly increased; where I wouldn't necessarily have called the previous DFPC generation constricted by any means, this latest cable series offers far greater dynamic range."

"The typical high-end audio [price] multiplier effect of at times dubious origins certainly doesn't seem to apply within the halls of Lessloss."

"C-MARC's own S/PDIF cable trumps Black Cat by a large margin."

"C-MARC immediately revealed an ever-greater realization of this theme."

"Given C-MARC's claims of lowering distortion levels, lowering the noise floor to vanishing points, I'd say Lessloss has indeed lived up to its claims of providing the necessary magic."

"Bass lines in particular take on a vastly superior, vastly more powerful tone and impact."

"C-MARC is quite the upgrade."

"My time with Lessloss C-MARC has proven once again that you don't have to spend gobs of money on cables to get reference level sound."

"Given that Louis has been in business for some time, enjoys very high reputation among genuine industry insiders, read: no BS folks, this makes a recommendation rather easy. I'm willing to bet they'll end up as keepers. Mine did! A+++"
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