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C-MARC™ RCA InterconnectsC-MARC™ XLR InterconnectsC-MARC™ Speaker CableC-MARC™ Classic Power CableC-MARC™ Stellar Power CableC-MARC™ Bulk Wire and CableFirewall ModuleEcho's EndBindbreakerBlackbodyPower distributorBlackGround DIYBlackGround 6x/10x Power Base
DFPC Original (legacy)DFPC Signature (legacy)DFPC Reference (legacy)DFPC Series (legacy) (all)Digital Cable (legacy)Firewall (legacy)Anchorwave (legacy)Homage to Time (legacy)Tunnelbridge (legacy)Laminar Streamer (legacy) All Because of the sheer number of reviews, you can sort them above to quickly find LessLoss products of interest.
![]() Giant Steps are destined to become the Bitcoin of High-End Audio
January, 2025, author: Rick Becker
![]() "I am ready to declare Giant Steps are the State of the Art footer." "The resolution is extremely high and very engaging with more transparency and much more accurate timbre. The improvements run seamlessly across the audible spectrum." "Blacker background, more layered soundscape, greater dynamics? Yes, yes, and yes!" "But the tonal colors from the life-like timbre are the most mesmerizing." "I instantly noticed the improved resolution with the Giant Steps." "They are in a higher league." "Cymbals were highly resolved with no apparent smear." "Voice was more analog or natural - there was no grain." "The bass was tighter." "The Chinese drum cut had outstanding timbre. Music was emerging from a much quieter soundstage." ![]() "Timbre was improved and there was greater resolution. The bass was very impressive. Instruments were not masking each other. The orchestras were more resolved and layered front to back. The soundstage was very clear and the instruments were precisely located." "There was a clear sense that the music was getting better over time." "I was reveling in the excellent resolution and timbre which gave me a very "you are there" experience." "There was more inner detail and the air in the recorded venue seemed crystal clear. There was more layering with orchestral works and the soundstage came further forward in the front corners. The music was becoming more real and I felt like I had moved up to the tenth row in the theater. I could hear the hall sound clearly as the reflections gave recordings a more accurate sense of space and size. Turning the volume up felt like walking down the aisle toward the stage with the performers or the orchestra becoming appropriately larger." "...from start to finish, my toe-tapping the whole time." "The guitar notes had an even faster attack and were more transparent. The extended vowels in Joni's singing revealed even more quiver and microdynamics. I had greater cognition of words in the lyrics." "Tears welled up in my eyes." "Giant Steps brought me to the edge of being there - and not just with one CD. Almost every CD I played felt like it had been dramatically remastered from the original tapes." "The Giant Steps gave me a window into the lyrics, musicality, and nuance of the music. They also enabled a personal connection to the singers and musicians." "My recommendation would be to start at the front end(s) of your system and work your way toward the speakers as far as your budget allows." "Having tasted the purity and immediacy of the music with the Giant Steps, I missed them when they were removed. Could I live without them? Certainly, but given the available resources, I'll keep them, thank you, and likely order more." "It is clear the Giant Steps are destined to become the Bitcoin of High-End Audio." "Giant Steps have taken me up what feels like the final ascent. I feel like I could declare "game over" and live out the rest of my life enjoying my LP collection." ![]() ![]() Forza Audio Works new flagship headphone cable [Medicine] featuring C-MARC
August, 2024, author: Srajan Ebaen
"excellent results with LessLoss noise filters and cables."
Coming Soon
"My stockers were clearly noisier. The sound was surrounded by pixilated micro hash. A bit of neon tint rather than vitamin D-producing sunlight. ...The factory leashes had more plink 'n' plonk rather than redolence. ...The piano's low registers were lighter." "Inserting the fatter but super-flexi Forza [Medicine] gave more awareness of the piano's resonant tone-wood carcass around and beneath oscillating steel strings. Bass had more gravity. Tone colours were more saturated." "Contrast by way of transients which rose with higher dynamic charge too was superior." "greater dynamic range and more walloping bass." "Does it make a noticeable difference? Yes." "Drier crisper op-amp based outputs groomed for low THD and so-called high res will definitely notice what the Forza cable does. Many could agree that here its significance was equal to what it did for my posh stuff." "On my turf, the FiiO called it essential, the Hyperion welcome, the Silver Fox still useful." "...it was happy days all week long." "...more dynamic chunky attributes to end up right in what my subjective sense called the middle. The Kinki and Enleum amps were my biggest Forza fans." "Matt's Forza [Medicine] leash was the right such sample versus the HifiMan and Palma stock leashes. It did its thing no matter the ancillaries. The effect was obvious. It shifted emphasis from the front foot of tonal attacks to the back foot of tonal fades. If sounds were like bubbles, it fleshed out their hollows." "Lastly, Forza bass was more hung." "As Matt put it, "I'm very happy with the outcome." He should be. One flexible cable accomplishes what it takes many audiophiles years of buying 'n' selling to do whilst they chase tonal moisture and rich image density without undermining resolution or rhythmic drive." "In my book, the meet between LessLoss' modified C-MARC platform and Mateusz Przychodzien of Warsaw's Forza Audioworks boutique leading us to today's 'C.Matt' cable [Medicine] was most fortuitous. "Forza's flagship [Medicine] cable has many prospective takers. It really deserves to be discovered by those fanatics who suspect that they've not yet maxed out what their cans can do." "gains in bass power, dynamic headroom and tone weight" "more detail and microdynamic nuance." "It's obviously grotesquely geeky to devote 5 pages to a costly can cord. But potency warranted the exercise." "will open up unexpected performance headroom." "Being very familiar with Matt's previous best, I can confidently say that he's now elevated his game by working with even more advanced already very well-proven ingredients." ![]() C-MARC Stellar power cable: SPOT ON, SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS
August, 2024, author: Dawid Grzyb
"elevates my system without changing its core flavor. That's really useful from my perspective."
"These Lithuanian cables are terrific grit removers and tone injectors, so they are really spot on." "I haven't yet heard a hardware combination that'd clearly dislike these cables." "high-tiered detail extraction" "the Stellar was sensibly springier and juicier. It also produced bass that struck me as somewhat lighter on bloom yet lower on reach, so it felt more elastic, tighter, impactful and controlling" ![]() "The Stellar's presence however showed how much more saturated, vivid and enjoyable individual colors and tones could still manage to get." "Voices felt less like a part etched into the landscape, and more like breathing, moist, sensual, intimately close beings presented here." "noticeably better performance on bass and backdrop cleanliness sealed the deal." "on sheer performance the Stellar is the best LessLoss cable to date, and by a meaningful margin." "C-MARC Stellar represents significant progress" ![]() Firewall for Headphones: easily demonstrable, surprisingly oomphy!
August, 2024, author: Srajan Ebaen
"To my mind, such originality deserves a moment of silent appreciation. It's Fine Art of the audiophile sort"
"for the true connoisseur." "If Gideon Schwartz did plan on another coffee-table book for Phaidon, on The Most Interesting Hifi Inventions... today's Firewall for Headphones would surely have to feature." ![]() "heightens the visibility of connective tissue." "Instantly notable on the piano's shorter more quickly damped high strings, being enveloped in this connective tissue enriches tone with micro reverb. It also gives transients rising inside the overhang of prior tones a less wiry texture." "Yet turning it off by removing the Firewall for Headphones dries out this atmospheric element. That also hardens the sounds occurring within in. It's easily demonstrable" ![]() "It goes beyond just more suchness of space. It allows us a deeper look into the ephemeral play of harmonics which give instruments their individual timbre. With the Firewall for Headphones out of the signal path, that overtone spectrum dried out just like the atmospherics." "I found this difference dead easy to hear." "The Firewall for Headphone's addition is surprisingly oomphy. It's a bit like what direct-coupled or ZOTL'd triodes do; without any concessions to noise or bandwidth. Recorded space occupies a broader percentage of the listening experience." "the apparent nothing of empty space becomes its own far-from-nothing entity." "maximizing this purity could become a heady mandate for super-serious listeners" ![]() "it does exactly what Louis Motek's award-winning Firewall for Loudspeakers already does for speakers." "It's definitely oomph not uff!" ![]() ![]() ![]() Firewall for Headphones: free from any downsides!
July, 2024, author: Dawid Grzyb
"The more these modules are in use, the more their effectiveness compounds, specifically backdrop cleanliness, spatial focus and moisture."
"Higher instrumental and vocal hydration, more grounded sound, rounder less chiseled edges, tighter bass, improved clarity, less grain and all virtual shapes rendered more precisely on a background that felt sensibly more pristine." "Not only do I deem Firewalls very useful with all kinds of speakers, I haven't yet encountered one that wouldn't audibly benefit from such assistance." "free from any sonic downsides" ![]() "In my system I see LessLoss Firewalls for speakers as necessities rather than accessories." "Their work may seem mild at first, but disengaging them after a week or two of constant use is plainly painful. Then it hits us how much these small barrels actually contribute, or rather how much is lost upon taking them away." "Firewalls don't add anything audible to a system's voicing that is not already there in the first place. These aren't tools meant to alter its core flavor. Instead they show how it fares without the well-known byproducts of noise; harshness, sharpness, leanness and grit." "Bass stripped from noise develops extra heft and fullness alright, but also becomes tighter and more powerful" "The entire musical image grows larger and more robust, while edginess that causes listening fatigue vanishes. Unsurprisingly, the latest Firewall tailored for headphones follows this exact protocol to a tee. As such it introduces only audible gains." "More body, less pointy outline edges, less sharpness and less textural gloss, then followed by beefier tighter bass, more pronounced meatier midrange and far superior highs, particularly on decay and smoothness." "Today's Firewall also greatly boosts the sensation of aural space, so that it feels more breathing, moving and alive." "The very last instrumental reverbs significantly easier to 'see' and appreciate." "Clarity is yet again the key word. With cans as resolving as the Susvara, well, this single aspect massively gains on importance. The most interesting thing is that the major quality hike introduced in the process happens alongside the additional provision of substance, textures and body instead of it being in the least decreased in trade as is often the case." "elevated immediacy, energy, bite and snap" "I heard primarily smoother and more distinct vocals." ![]() "Sounded more clear and with extra bite to it, as if all its snappy jabs got shorter and more impactful in the process." "With the LessLoss, the first part struck me as calmer, prettier and all in all fancier, while the energetic outro was noticeably more immediate, muscular and feistier. In other words, the two very distinct parts on that track had their specific quite opposite vibes pronounced better. I found that excellent." "The Firewall [...] made the entire tune more flowing, still calmer and dreamier." "Increased smoothness, ease, flow, juiciness and less compressed more distinct instruments. Individual bits on this tune registered as more pronounced sounds, which were again easier to follow and focus on. In effect the entire track registered as a more romantic and sensual version of itself with the LessLoss." "Noticeable gains on rhythm and swing, as if the main instruments' individual notes were more on point." "With the Firewall engaged revealed a significantly better grip on bass and less coarse yet fleshier more articulated female vocal." "Sufficed to keep my ears happy and mark the clear quality bump." "The Firewall injected more air into the view and dynamically expanded these roars to make them more sensible and instantaneous." "Voice also struck me as more alive and here, while all the high-pitched sounds registered as quicker, somewhat uplifted, weightier and more shimmery." "With the Firewall it was less pointy, denser, wilder, more raw, articulated and blunt. Most importantly, the Lithuanian support made a hugely positive difference on this specific song. To my ears the sensation was comparable to listening to it on a floorstander armed with say two small cones, and i.e. Zu Audio DWX armed with one large paper membrane that needs very little power to pump lots of air very effortlessly. The way how such drivers speak the rock language makes them something entirely different on scale, directness and sheer entertainment. The LessLoss simply knew the dialect." "The bass dug deeper, claps had more snap and body to them, the vocal was more substantial and lifelike and spatial sizing grew noticeably larger. The song felt more intense, enveloping and grander in spite of its somewhat slow-paced rhythm. At that point I had enough data to understand how much the Firewall actually did, and how beneficial it was." "The Firewall not only supported such repertoire as per the above, but it also allowed me to enjoy it at really loud volume. This was a personal win that I thoroughly appreciated." "Considering how greatly the LessLoss Firewall elevated my experience with a specimen as universal as these planars, I can't think of any other headphones which wouldn't enjoy such company." "The tech inside it has been around for years and proved highly effective for many people including yours truly. More importantly, it introduces gains which are very hard to come by elsewhere, especially at a dosage this high and for less coin. Personally I'm very happy that a Firewall device for cans is now a thing and every bit as effective as its awesome speaker siblings." Hifi Knights 6moons ![]() C-MARC™ Stellar Power Cable: "I was rather surprised"
April, 2024, author: Srajan Ebaen
"the connectors clamp down like pit bulls."
"very pliable." "Proper cable routing won't require a planning degree." "sound quality dove still deeper into greater immediacy." "more luminosity." "higher charge, energy, enunciation and separation." "The Stellar cords now shifted my textural needle a few degrees deeper into speed and illumination" "I was rather surprised" "greater motility and overall aeration" "a very particular lit-up directness." "if money were no issue, these leashes wouldn't return" "In a high-resolution context, even small reductions in residual system noise can manifest as sonic advances. This particular noise isn't audible per se like a minor ground loop, transformer hum or power-supply surf emitting through a tweeter. Rather it's bat-sphere stuff which intermodulates or 'echoes down' into the audible band. Wherever capable noise killers manage to clear away some of that bat crap, we hear just a bit more micro detail. Nearly invariably that's about recorded space being better illuminated by very low-level reflections between and behind the images. It also moves more subliminal upper harmonics out of the noise floor. That overtone illumination generates more timbral diversity. Individual instruments and singers sound more not less different from each other. Finally there's a sense of flow or breath. That creates continuity or cohesion at the same time that greater resolution sets up more separation. When music rides more obviously on the real breath of singers and woodwinds or the microdynamic bel canto of other instrumentalists emoting with nuance–cellists can be ace at that–we invariably gain persuasiveness." "Playback feels more human, less mechanical. Compared to my darker heavier thicker residents of less nuance, these were the shades of pastels the visiting Stellar cords played with in my hardware context." "It gives more insight for less volume. Put differently, there's no need to fight with any obliqueness of darkness and its many manifestations. Just turn more light on. Not bad for a pair of 'just' power cords, innit?" "the Stellar range-topper would seem perfect for that first link between wall and power distributor. Now it will benefit all kit which hangs off the outlet expander to multiply the cost/performance ratio and spread around the luv of lower noise and higher resolution." ![]() BlackGround for Speakers elevates sound quality of $37k speakers up to $60k - $100k range
April, 2024, author: Rick Becker
![]() "songs that I'd heard over a hundred times were giving me goosebumps once again." "I was off to the races, wanting to hear more and more music as the effect grew stronger over the next few days." "the effect of the BlackGround for Speakers was very evident." "the music was more natural sounding." "it was the genius of the BlackGround that addressed the environmental noise pollution" "the LessLoss BlackGrounds improve the entire system." "More transparency, cleaner air, and more distinct placement of instruments on a larger sound stage with noticeably greater depth." "the female vocalists and instrumental separation were excellent, and the cymbals were highly resolved and shimmering. Everything I played was coming through at the highest level of sound quality I had ever experienced in my system." ![]() "The bottom line here is that you get what you pay for with the Classic being a significant step above the original Prime cable, and the Entropic version taking the sound quality even higher with more stable, unwavering sustained notes, minute inner detail, more subtle tonal color, and tighter bass. Sibilance was more tightly controlled and the clapping of audiences was more realistic." "The sonic signatures of all three LessLoss cables are the same. But each one does it better when you pay more. You see more deeply into the music. You hear more inner detail. And the musicians are more present in your listening room." "There is a very positive synergy between the BlackGrounds and the LessLoss power cords" "I was awestruck." ![]() Buddy Guy was "right there", I proclaimed, pointing dead center just beyond the plane of the speakers. In fact, everyone was "right there" with more transparency and three-dimensionality, more impressive resolution and dynamics." "I was captivated by the high degree of reality coming from the recorded music and the ease of ignoring the technology, allowing me to just imbibe the music. Instruments or singers up front did not obscure instruments behind them. The monoblock Speaker Bases remove the equipment from the listening equation. Setting cost aside, the monoblock Speaker Bases are the units you want and I implore you not to audition them if you cannot afford them." "Adding the monoblock Speaker Bases was transformative, bringing FM classical music beyond what I typically experience with CDs. The three-dimensional soundscape, the transparency, and the sense of air in the recording venues of live orchestras were dramatically improved. The resolution in the treble was particularly impressive with violins and cymbals" "The improvement the monoblock Speaker Bases brought to my FM radio listening was an unexpected bonus. It reinforces Louis' contention that the effect of all the BlackGrounds extends out into the room, affecting not only the adjacent components but also the nearby FM antenna." "Slam! The bass tightened up immediately and very impressively" "The timbre brought out by the addition of the stereo Speaker Base raised the sound quality of the $37k QRC-2 speakers close to the flagship of the Acora line, the VRC-1, a truly world-class speaker priced at $218k. I was very impressed. But wait. It gets even better!" ![]() "The bass tightened up even further and there was no degradation of the treble" "I don't think I can find this much sonic improvement for this kind of money to upgrade what I already own." "the pair of BlackGround for Speaker 10X monoblocks gives you the biggest acoustic return on investment. Add four speaker cables, one ground wire, and the Classic Entropic Process power cord (or splurge for the new Stellar) and you will have an entire system upgrade that will not become obsolete for less than $10k." "It may be an 'end game' for your entire rig, leaving you to simply enjoy your music." "Having worked with all three BlackGrounds, I can assure you the effect is cumulative. Furthermore, LessLoss offers substantial credit if you wish to upgrade from the stereo Speaker Base to the monoblocks. Very nice people." "When I consider the BlackGround for Speakers elevated the sound quality of my system with $37k speakers up to the level of the best speakers I've heard in the $60k to $100k range, the value skyrockets." "At the highest level with the monoblock Speaker Bases and the Classic Entropic power cord, the BlackGround for Speakers allowed me to experience greater resolution and transparency that revealed much finer inner detail, a far more colorful tonal palate, and holographic instrumentation far beyond what I thought my real-world system could deliver." ![]() "Increased soundscaping and greater dynamics were also evident due to the lowered noise floor." "The BlackGround for Speakers helps level the playing field against rigs with outrageously expensive products that only a few can afford." "They are in a category of their own." "the BlackGrounds feel like essential standard components. I never imagined I could own a system that could play music at such a high level." ![]() ![]() BlackGround: one of the most potent accessories in the LessLoss portfolio.
November, 2023, author: Dawid Grzyb
"higher density, contrast ratio and smoothness."
"extra softness, reverb, spatial order and tone, particularly audible in the upper band." "The delta of these changes in my setup had me quite surprised" "BlackGround is a terrific grit remover" "To encapsulate BlackGround's action in practice, please imagine that one day the sound in your room seems somewhat matte, harsh, ethereal, overly contoured, tense and abnormally twitchy. The next day the same setup sounds just right from the get-go and is free from audible culprits you've noticed the other day. 24 hours later they're all there, again. Rinse and repeat for three weeks or so and that's pretty much exactly how my experience with introducing and removing the BlackGround went." "Good days were those when these devices were connected to the mains and one BlackBody v2 and positioned near my DAC. The time they spent in their tiny cardboard coffins inside my car's trunk marked bad days. That's the simplest conclusion I have after having lived with LessLoss' latest conditioners for quite a while." "it anchors a system's sound to make it more grounded and less shiny." "this accessory did a lot" "A whole extra tier of treble finesse" "Just one proved enough to meaningfully amplify the shiny disc's performance in my room. That's why if I were a shopper interested in trying out today's product, my order would also include one BlackBody v2." "This is one of the most potent accessories in the LessLoss portfolio right now and particularly surprising when paired with BlackBody v2." ![]() Blackbody v.2: I've never tested anything like it.
May, 2023, author: Dawid Grzyb
"If you've gone this far yet still are the curious type keen to take the red pill and personally investigate that rabbit hole, the company LessLoss will show you how deep it goes."
"I find this entire noise-killing lot highly efficacious.Today's Blackbody v2 is unlike any other LessLoss product I've sampled in the past." "I've never tested anything like it." "LessLoss' track record among customers and press is solid to say the least." "I was ready for subtle differences revealed gradually within hours if not days, but that wasn't the case. Not only this product did something, but it did that pretty much right away and in fashion obvious enough that I didn't have to second guess what it was." "The entire view grew a touch more anchored and denser in both cases, but higher humidity was the most obvious change. The air in-between key sound sources felt rich and fragrant just like before a storm. The overall vibe was less dry and chiseled." "Instrumental and vocal shapes struck me as more moist and bloomier than before, while their outlines became somewhat thicker." "Sound audibly leaned towards the extra color, boldness and aroma rather than twitchiness, sparks, elasticity and high contrast. Increased relaxation and less prickly incisiveness followed." "Considering all this, Blackbody V2 was groomed to fit the usual LessLoss noise-killing profile indeed, so enjoyably familiar." "Vast majority of setups will enjoy them." "A single such unit absorbs very little radiation yet its action already registered. Two were more audible though not as much as five. Whatever it is that they do, my ears tell me that it stacks. Now I'm wondering what several dozens of these objects would've delivered." "It's also worth knowing that daisy-chaining them is the best use case scenario. Then the main Blackbody v2 effect becomes noticeably more pronounced without further trimming dynamics. At least I haven't detected any changes in this regard." "It's clearly meant for those who have their audio kits fully sorted and evaluate such products with their ears. For what it's worth, three springs back Blackbody v2 worked for Srajan and now it did for me." |