Polish online magazine Audiostereo publishes review of Anchorwave Interconnect, Speaker Cable, and DFPC Signature Power Cable

December, 2011, author: Marcin Olszewski
"The longer I listen to my system with the LessLoss cables in place, the more I realize that what I am hearing is not the result of a sound signature of these cables. This cannot possibly be so. It cannot be so because one cannot pinpoint the sound of the cables at all. What one can assert that one is not hearing is all that, pardon my language, crap, which always surrounds us. All the radio garbage from Wi-Fi transmitters, mobile phones, energy-saving light bulbs, and other so-called "advances of modern civilization." The listener is met with just clean pure sound, without the dirt and hash which we have now grown accustomed to hearing."

Polish version is here.
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Mono & Stereo reviews the DFPC Signature

September, 2011, author: Matej Isak
"The LessLoss power cable made more than a subtle difference, more of a breakthrough and shift of paradigms."

"What happend was a major change in favour of music and the musical event."

"The LessLoss DFPC brought something fresh and natural to the experience. Everything musically related gained in perspective of fine live energy, that is shaped by music impact."

"LessLoss managed to incorporate their imprint, or the lack of it, in the flow of the audio reproduction."
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The Khaleej Times reviews the LessLoss DFPC Signature

June, 2011, author: Malcolm J. Gomes
"It delighted me, when I finally got an opportunity to review a power cord made by LessLoss, that although not cheap, made a significant difference and offered good value."

"A simple and elegant solution that is surprisingly effective."
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The Khaleej Times LessLoss DFPC Signature article continues

June, 2011, author: Malcolm J. Gomes
"It seemed like each musical note had been scrubbed clean, the silence between the notes were quieter and the music sounded so much more like the real thing. The difference was astounding."

"I never realised that there was so much of grunge in the sound of my audio system till I started using the LessLoss power cable. After a few hours of listening I realised that it also reduced the fatigue factor that comes from listening to distorted music."

"The next day I invited a few audiophile friends over for an audition just to see if they could detect the same difference that I'd heard. All of them heard a positive difference."
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Stereo Mecmuasi reviews the LessLoss DFPC Original

March, 2011, author: Merih Akoğul
The Turkish stereo magazine Stereo Mecmuasi publishes their DFPC Original review, giving their readers their highest recommendation.
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The LessLoss DFPC Signature comes out on top in a 6 power cord test run over the course of one year. Bound for Sound issue #205.

January, 2011, author: Marty de Wulf
"The Signature allows the components it's used with sound their best. Most power cords have a "sound" or character that they seem to impose on every component they are used with. The Signature simply doesn't do that."
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