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LessLoss Firewall Current Conditioning Module - Brilliant Simplicity
November, 2016, author: Werner Ero
"This new version is not only more effective in its operation than its predecessor (which I tested earlier this year), but also has a more established design and most importantly a much improved compatibility with high-end components."
"The present iteration is so efficient that only one module of the new design is many times more effective than even a whole series of the previous models put together!" "No matter how strange and seemingly simple the building blocks of this product appear, they turn out in practice to work remarkably effectively!" "[Used with] Naim, Cambridge Audio and Marantz, the performance of all of these components was enhanced considerably when used with the Firewall module. Especially the sense of calm that occurs with cleaner power was immediately obvious. Also, there was less of that almost ever-present sandy type sound with slightly unnatural frayed edges. Instead of this typically brittle sound, soon there emerged a clearly more fluid presentation, where even the timbre palette came across in a more natural and pleasing way." "Another obvious difference is that this version is much less susceptible to the type of device. Because whether it is a source or amplifier, the benefits of the new Firewall module is in all cases immediately noticeable." "Especially in this kind of purist recording (Bruel & Kjaer dummy head microphone technique), the added value of the new Firewall offers insight into the most subtle expression. The Firewall also causes other typically mixed albums to sound less technically produced and makes it easier to appreciate the tone of voice and instruments as they would normally sound regardless of all the technical processing." "One aspect where this new Firewall outperforms the former is more smooth performance in what some would call 'analogue type' sound. Perhaps another wording would be less emphasis on typical hi-fi type, artificial sounds coming from components, and taking their place an even smoother, more natural and organic presentation. This also suggests a subtly richer tonality and a resulting rather more relaxed listening experience." "That the new Firewall module is affordable, looks much better than before, and performs more efficiently, accompanied by a lack of distinct sonic fingerprint, only makes it all the more attractive. The main thing the user initially perceives upon use in their own audio system is that the sound becomes easier, smoother and flows more naturally." "I think that by its ingeniously simple and highly effective operation, chances are that many new users will happily embrace this new version of the LessLoss Firewall Current Conditioning Module and it will earn a permanent place in their hi-fi systems." The cymbals were so believable, you could just reach out and touch them.
August 2016, author: Alexander Chechelev
"Time and again LessLoss products always seem to leave us with the most positive impression."
"Both products [Firewall Module and USB Firewall Key] are [...] very affordable in comparison to High End Class devices." "The Firewall Module provided a clear, three-dimensional soundstage, and powerful, tight bass. It is impossible not to notice the strong effect of the filter when engaged and, considering its price, it becomes a real must-have for those who want to save on expensive cables and use standard "rip cord". Of course, the full effect of it is disclosed with good power cables (ideally - also from LessLoss), but the noise filtering will work fine even with standard computer type power cords." "The USB Firewall Key works in a similar way. When used in conjunction with our iMac - Devialet 400 connection, the sound improved, primarily this was noticed in the bass." "The soundstage became really holographic, and the cymbals were so believable, you could just reach out and touch them." "Despite their modest size, and overall "lightness," this gear truly performs as advertised. The technology works - it is as simple as that. We look forward to more new and interesting products from LessLoss." USB Firewall Key "better than most cable swaps"
June, 2016, author: Srajan Ebaen
"Without the Key, solo and chorus vocals were a bit hashier around the edges; dirtier."
"Perhaps the best way to explain the Key action is to consider the multiplicity of music. How much of it actually registers at your ears as such? How much do you focus on lead vocals or instruments instead whilst the rest acts as more or less fill or atmosphere?" "The LessLoss wood blocks made it easier to experience all of it weighted equally. This doesn't give preference to the obvious foreground stuff, then downgrades all else as secondary or less. Put different, the USB Key softened the psychological zoom function on the central stuff." "On the level of attention, it 'zoomed out' to consider the whole as a simultaneously happening whole." "To me, then, the real benefit of these LessLoss boxes wasn't so much better sound per se as it was a more wholesome less piecemeal or partial participation in the music. If that makes sense to you, nothing else needs saying. If you only accept hard sonic 'facts' as proper review commentary–the primitive more treble, less bass etc.–I don't have anything except less hash and grain. On pure quantity, that effect was quite marginal. On quality, it was a more relevant matter." "Falls under more of a gestalt changer. Here the usual audio lingo reaches for words like flow vs. choppiness, organic vs. mechanical." "The ears of our species don't connect to computers and analytical software code but to minds and hearts which embed in human psychology. That's a different perspective than decibels and THD. It really needs other language to talk about in any meaningful ways. For a harder qualifier in that realm, I'd rate the efficacy of the LessLoss USB Firewall Key as higher than most cable swaps." 6moons caught off guard by Firewall module effectiveness
May, 2016, author: Srajan Ebaen
"A compact $410 sticker for the type of audible effectiveness I observed with these wooden modules meant good ROI."
"In their current form, these devices gain a very solid recommendation even if you've already invested in a proper AC conditioner." "rounder, fuller, more fluid and suave [sound quality]" "They were more effective than I expected!" LessLoss Firewall Current Conditioning Module: Simply Brilliant!
March, 2016, author: Werner Ero
"... does more than just evoke astonishment." "...significantly more life, freedom and color and playback is simply much more balanced." "Another nice, likable, and interesting design, and also actually an ingenious invention of LessLoss." "Something which actually defines only the sky as the final limit." This test report is now also online right here in the Dutch Hifi.nl website. Hifi.nl is the largest audio oriented website in the Netherlands and is partnered with Music Emotion magazine. |