Because of the sheer number of reviews, you can sort them above to quickly find LessLoss products of interest.

Firewall Module;  C-MARC Classic Power Cable

Date Added: 12/04/2020 by Colin Gray
[Power distributor with onboard latest technology Firewall and Entropic Process C-MARC hook-up wire throughout]

The Distributor has been in my system for about a week and a half now.

I decided to swap over from my existing powerblock in two stages, first being the front-end components supplied by the Entropic Process C-MARC power cords, but leaving all the amps fed by my old cables/powerblock. The improvements were obvious and along the same lines as the Firewall for Loudspeakers. A couple of days later I swapped my old power cords to the new Schuko plugs and fed the amps from the new Distributor. Again, the improvement was obvious.

Given that my system has so much LessLoss conditioning already, each of which brought about significant improvement, the fact that the Distributor has filtered out so much more noise is both remarkable and disturbing. Whilst I am truly impressed by the new sound, I am concerned just how much further one could go!

This was an expensive upgrade, but the result is simply fantastic and I know from experience (and despite the Entropic Process) that it will still improve over time.

One thing that I have noticed and is worthy of mention, and more apparent after this upgrade than any other, is that so much ‘noise’ (that I previously did not know was there) has been removed from my system that it now requires quite a bit more volume on the pre-amp.

Congratulations once again to you and the LessLoss team.
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Firewall Module

Date Added: 09/26/2020 by Dana Thomas
This is a review that is in no way difficult to write or describe how the sound improves a little bit each day.
As soon as I plugged the Firewall for Loudspeakers into my speakers I was speechless as it sounded like I had invited the band into my room. None of that sitting around waiting for the elusive break-in period these things just took off and did the business of producing the best sound I have ever heard from speakers that I know with music that I love. These amazing creations just dropped the veil and sent in pure enjoyment. As to value this addition to your speakers will be the best money you will ever spend on your rig.......nuff said!
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C-MARC bulk wire and cable;  Firewall Module

Date Added: 09/16/2020 by Colin Gray
The boxes at my ‘speaker terminals (pic attached) house Bybee Speaker Bullets and they remained in my system and because of the configuration, the Firewalls plug into them.

Whilst I save up for the C-MARC Entropic Process power cords, I was planning to rehouse the Bybee products (currently in the plastic box) in an enclosure similar to the mains Firewalls with the material being Russian Birch ply as per my ‘speakers.

However, for the tails leading out to the Cardas terminals on my ‘speakers, I wound up using the ‘Large’ C-Marc bulk wire, Entropic Process (this option provided by LessLoss).

I continue to marvel every single evening as I listen to the transformation of my system with the various Lessloss products. My favourite music has never sounded so good and it keeps getting better as I said at the start of the email.

Here are before and after images.

I’ve had just over a week with my latest project with the new enclosures for the Bybee Purifiers. I know that my Entropic Processed power cords only really showed their brilliance after 7 days, but of course my new C-MARC ‘tails’ are not seeing mains power. I expect them to take a bit longer to show their full merit. However, I knew from the first minute that they had brought an obvious improvement. OK, there is the new Birch-ply enclosures and the Bybee Purifiers embedded in Epoxy, but I feel the majority of the improvement comes from the C-MARC. The improvement being more of the same from your products, i.e. better clarity and realism.

I thought, pre my Lessloss journey, that my system sounded really good. How wrong was I and how much ‘noise’ was there that I knew nothing about! My best way of describing it is that for ‘noise’ read glue. Previously the sound seemed stuck to the ‘speakers and the vocals / instruments stuck to each other. With each iteration of adding a Lessloss product, the glue has been progressively removed and the sound just fills the room and is totally detached from the ‘speakers. Each vocal (lead and backing) and every instrument is now free in its own space.

With this latest DIY project, just 200mm of Entropic Processed C-MARC has taken away some more of the glue. Remarkable for such a low-cost project.

Downsides – well yes - Entropic Processed C-MARC is ADDICTIVE – I need more!!!

Thanks again.

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Firewall Module

Date Added: 09/11/2020 by Bruno Müller
[Firewall for Loudspeakers]

I have been reading the various enthusiastic online reviews and forum posts about these devices. So I ordered them. I have earlier ordered the C-Marc RCA cable that I like a lot.

My system is a Mac Mini with a linear power supply and Amarra with the Dirac room correction software running. I use an Audiophilleo2, then a Chord M Scaler and Qutest (with DIY cables phenocopying the WAVE cables with ferrites between the two), a Kinki EX M7 amplifier, ASI liveline speaker cables, and ATC SCM20SL that are modified with Duelund and Mundorf Xover parts and a Mundorf EMT tweeter.

Actually, I was happy with the sound before (I was still in the honeymoon phase with the Kinki EX M7 that I received two weeks earlier) so I was really curious how the improvement by the LessLoss Firewall could realize?

The sound is actually transformed - it is like it emerged from a fountain of youth. There is more texture and details, and more space, as if all ingredients of the music become more distinct and defined in an organic way, filling a wider space, without breaking coherence of the music. It is really quite amazing.
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C-MARC Classic Power Cable;  Firewall Module;  C-MARC Digital Cable

Date Added: 08/28/2020 by René, Copenhagen Denmark
Thank you, Mr. Chef Cook

You made me literally cry, tears pouring down both cheeks during “Sunrise” from Kingdom Come’s “Galactic Zoo Dossier”, and I loved crying from emotion over the wonderful transitions going from the quiet “Simple Man” into the crescendo madness of “Night of the Pigs” finally conquered by the most beautiful Ode to the gentle but overwhelming powers of the Morning Sun, I have ever heard on any record. Not since I heard “Sunrise” for the first time back in ’72 have I been touched to such a degree.

Everything due to my new LL C-MARC Entropic Processing distributor and my new C-MARC digital cable. Talk about a technical masterpiece.


Previously I described the very emotional impression that overshadowed everything else yesterday evening. I shall be back with much more later, but the Arthur Brown album, I know so well, opened up in a plethora of different sound landscapes, all artificial of course, but still impressive in their three dimensionality at certain points (for instance in “Creeps”) only to shift to a completely un-dimensional sound at other points. Typical for recordings from that age/genre where High Fidelity did not relate very much to the naturalness of sounds but to a fidelity tied to the message, the artificial bubble if you will, of the concept presented by the artists of the album. Impressive also in relation to the limited technical tools of that age compared to modern computer age. Sound coming from far outside the speakers, behind the speakers and sound moving towards you, seemingly coming from non-existing speakers two meters in front of, and meters off axis to the outside of the speakers.

I started out, as you had suggested, with “Quark”, but was seriously underwhelmed at first. A mixture of a few issues. I blame it mainly on the virgin C-MARC Entropic Process power cord, which was actually to be expected, but in the anger of the moment my logic didn’t work well enough to grasp that, and I only seemed to hear fancy elevator music not involving me emotionally. As you had described the beautiful way the distributor was playing over last week-end, my emotions got the better of my mind and I heard almost the same sound as before the swap out. “Quark” didn’t hit me right until the last ten minutes of the record. Being too emotional, I fell into the trap of expecting an expensive top-of-the-line distributor to remedy all faults of sound and make the set-up transcend immediately, my subdued logic at the moment not being able to pass on the message that, of course, the best distributor will lay bare all of the faults as well. The virgin C-MARC Entropic Process feeding the distributor was obviously, well, virgin but couldn’t be remedied by anything other than burn-in time. Being an Entropic Process this was of course a matter of about four hours until it showed, not it’s full potential, but enough capability to not get in the way.

The first fault that struck me was, of all things, the discovery that the two meter antenna of my Schumann Resonator had fallen off the wall between the speakers during the distributor swap. Taping this to the wall again gave “Quark” the size and dimensionality I was used to. Still the total sound was too dull, un-dynamic and without real sparkle. I had, on purpose, not changed the digital connection between streamer and control amp/DAC, to better be able to hear, what was what.

I figured using my old Eichman digital cord as the final connection in the link: LessLoss legacy digital with the Eichman RCA plugs – Wyred4Sound Remedy Re-clocker, LPSU fed from a c-marc PC – 15 years old Eichman original cord, made me hear everything the original Eichman was not capable of. So, I ran the LL legacy solo, without the re-clocker, to the DAC and the whole soundstage shrank to a degree I had not experienced prior to getting the re-clocker and prior to getting the distributor. Principles are great, great sound is greater, so I reconnected the re-clocker now using the virgin c-marc digital cord to go to the DAC. Within seconds this reshaped the soundstage, dynamics and sparkle to greater than ever levels. I was now four hours from launch time and Arthur Brown and his fantastic musicians hit me with a power and a nerve I have always hoped for but never experienced in real life.

I don’t know if I succeeded in luring you into listening for real to that album, if not, I shall hope that you some time soon, when you have 38 minutes of undisturbed time and an open mind, will play it loudly. Preferably not the YouTube – but the Tidal MQA version. They may not be musicians of classic skills but they are superb in their genre in this recording. All of them, Hammond player, drummer, guitarist, bassist, all of them so tight, so inspired.

David Brubeck’s Take The A-train with the original b/w video also excelled as did David Bowie’s Heroes and Scary Monsters. I was in rock mood yesterday, so haven’t really listened to demanding classical recordings, but I have a wonderful week-end ahead of me and shall enjoy it to the brim.

I soon, after combining the right cables, found out exactly what you, Louis, stated about almost no recordings are bad. That made me search out what I previously considered bad recordings, and that was so much fun that I never got off that game until I had to hit the sack. I didn’t need any sleeping pills, as my newly obtained sound poised me as much as it excited me, realizing that a years long strive for good sound has now gotten on the right track.
I did, though, wake up exceptionally early this morning, all excited but wonderfully poised.

It has been, and shall continue to be, a pleasure entering your world of sound designed to pass the dreams and emotions of the finest of artists.

Another update of the wonders of the Entropic Processing distributor with the brand new big integrated Firewall module and my new C-MARC digital coax cable:

I had a great experience over the last couple of hours watching Swedish TV casting from the CIOC organ competition from Montreal. The winner, a 25 year old Texan out of a black Louisiana family, Alcée Chriss. Winner of the price of the audience, Yuan Chen, a sweet but wild at heart Chinese girl. Both of them spanning from lyrical to crazy wild virtuosity. Number three, Nicola Vitozzi even played a John Cage piece on the pipe organ of the Notre Dame, Montreal.

Once again I sat with tears in my eyes listening to church organ sounds so wonderfully emotional that it defied the fact I was in my own living room listening to broadcast music. My LG OLED TV, by the way, has improved in picture sharpness and color richness and naturalness. It is like going from a standard lens on an SLR to a professional lens. It just keeps getting better and doesn't stop surprising me.

Church organ music in your own home can actually sound really, really well.

Fabulous work, respect!

Everything sounds so wonderful now after the first full week, that it puts a big smile on my face every time I listen to it. I just love the way I can hear not just the note being played but HOW the note is played. Mmmmm.

I am not the biggest fan of baroque music, but yesterday, as my radio station announced a Haydn piece and I was about to switch away, the cello player administered his bow over the strings in a way that, simultaneously with the vibrato of the finger of the other hand, caught me completely off guard. I just had to listen to the piece, I didn't really want to keep playing, such was the insight into the work of the performer. Isn't this exactly why we put our money into this hobby of ours?


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C-MARC Classic Power Cable;  Firewall Module

Date Added: 08/18/2020 by Ulrich Schulz
With the C-MARC RCA unbalanced cables, loudspeaker cables and the Firewalls for Loudspeakers, I have been listening to my music for several months with great satisfaction and enthusiasm.

Now I have received 2 C-MARC Firewall 64X and 2 Entropic Process power cords.

The cables and firewalls are used with my Lampizator GG 2.5 and LDMS server.

Directly connected to the separate power supply for the HiFi system, without additional filters or power conditioners.

And again I immediately notice an additional, significant increase in musicality.

The in and out swinging of the tones, as well as the fine details of the sound, are even clearer.

The music sounds even more powerful, dynamic and homogeneous.

WOW, what an experience.

I do not want to repeat all the sound descriptions of the superlatives.

For me, the purchase of the Entropic C-MARC Power Cable and C-MARC Firewall 64X is another great success and a stroke of luck.

With every addition of LessLoss products I have increased my music system to a musicality I have never experienced before.

And as long as I notice a significant increase every time I add LessLoss items, I will add new LessLoss items as finances allow.

All the best and many greetings
Ulrich Schulz
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Firewall Module

Date Added: 07/29/2020 by René, Copenhagen Denmark
My first Review of a LessLoss product has been a long time coming. Not because there wasn't an immediate effect on Sound Quality, on the contrary, but because it was the beginning of a completely unintended journey in to a music wonderland I had unconsciously hoped for but not quite expected, a journey I am still continuously on half a year after I "discovered" LessLoss for the first time. So this will be a review, I shall update later on referencing what else has happened on my journey.

Back in January I had invested heavily in peripherals meant to clean up the effects of dirty/lousy power. After decades of enjoyable stereo appliances I had bought a Steinway&Sons System S setup, the one that had been Editor's Choice in The Absolute Sound six or seven years in a row. A most wonderful combo to my ears, but I had already found out that, contrary to Steinway's own recommendations, the standard power cords supplied were bettered considerably by some second hand Wireworld PC's I had purchased. A Telos Ground Noise Reducer had added it's wonders after that, but I still wanted more - don't we all?

Sniffing around the internet I, (Thank you, God) stumbled upon a review about something called a Firewall by a company from, of all places, Lithuania. Long story short, I decided to try it out but, since everything seemed expensive to me and I was rather unsure, settled for the cheapest version, the Firewall 64x. The Firewall arrived, and I was immediately sold. Even though there had been no burn-in the sound enhancement was so obvious I found it to be the single most amazing passive thing I had ever put in my system. Everything opened up, became more natural sounding and dynamics improved.

After a week I took it to my son's place. He has a very capable Lyngdorf setup, all digital, using an Innuous Zen mk. III as source. We decided to put the Firewall before the Lyngdorf TDAI 2200 which is an integrated digital amp with digital filters controlling another Lyngdorf driving the subwoofers. On top of that the amp control RoomPerfect room correction, which is probably why the effect of the Firewall was greater on that amp as opposed to on the source, the Zen mk. III. My son was stunned and begged me to not remove the Firewall, so after a week he bought it off me as I had decided to buy a couple of the more expensive C-MARC Firewall 64x.

This has already been lengthy and I could ramble on about all the good things the cheapest Firewall did according to my son, but I will cherry pick two:

He told me, "For the first time ever, I am able to understand every word in all my Swedish songs!" (My son is native in Danish). He also experienced his four-year old daughter who had always enjoyed her childrens' songs singing along, the next morning freezing in front of one of the speakers, then running to the other speaker finally looking at him asking: "Dad, what am I hearing?" listening to a song she had heard and sung along to more or less every day.

Let me finish off by saying to anybody owning Lyngdorf or Steinway equipment:

You have never heard what your gear is actually capable of.

This probably goes for a lot of other fine amps, speakers, sources, but this is what I KNOW now....
and this was only the beginning of my very much extended journey since January '20

To be continued.......
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Firewall Module

Date Added: 07/03/2020 by Viktor Szabo
Got my 3 entropic power cables to replace my signature cables and the firewalls for LS 2 weeks ago. I have about 30 hours now on them. I can give you a short version of my experience: P E R F E C T.

If you are interested in the longer version:
I have been tuning my system for a long time. The speakers are Vivid Giya G2 powered by Line magnetic 508. Got filter, cables, dacs, etc. Most of the upgrades brought me a step closer to the audiophile nirvana.
However, after swapping my cables and installing the firewalls to my LS, I feel like all the puzzles got to the right place and my system has reached the finish line - finally. To name some positive changes that make me so happy:
1. fuller bolder sound allover the frequencies
2. but with increased detail level at the same time. So this is not the typical increased transparency coming with inevitable thinner sound kind of solution. I dunno how this could be done but it works.
3. absolutely zero fatigue - whatever I play, at any volume level. Nothing. Zero. And I am very sensitive to fatigue from hifi. Always watched out for components that would kill my pleasure from listening
4. everything is more natural in size, timbre and soundstage, vocals, everything
5. fuller bass but without syrupy sound. with still higher definition and accuracy (how can this be even done?- fuller more detailed bass is an oxymoron!)
6. highs also more transparent and very natural sounding

I confess - since i installed everything at once (dont have time for testing) I dunno if this all is thanks to the cables or the firewall. Im sure both upgrades did they part. And to be honest, I dont even care!

With this genial purchase I turned my system to P E R F E C T. Period.
So thats it. I m going to listen to some Fleetwood Mac now.

Urge everybody to try out!

PS: service from Louis was top notch as always...
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Firewall Module

Date Added: 06/28/2020 by Claudius
My System before upgrading with a custom distributor with latest firewall tech and a C-MARC unbalanced RCA interconnect:
All PCs LessLoss DFPC signature
IC: LessLoss Anchorwave, HMS Sestetto
USB: Transparent Audio
LessLoss Firewall 1st Generation, Furutech TP-609 distributor
Innous Zen Server
Ayre QB 9
Octave Audio HP 500 se Preamplifier
Adam Audio Pencil active
LessLoss Blackbody x3 first generation
Different Resonance Control devices and custom built rack

After I bought the first generation firewall, I listened happily for almost 10 years. I remember calling it the single most important upgrade to the sound quality of my system and my listening experience.
Recently I upgraded from a customized Mac mini to the Innous Zen and was blown away by what is possible by optimizing the way that digital signals are handled on the way to one's DAC. I also had the Innous Zenith at home but decided against it, because of the more natural sound of the zen. Dynamics, Tone, Harmonics, natural integration of details, and emotional quality of the presentation are what I am looking for.
After living with the zen for a while, I was wondering what else could be possible. Having too much time because of the pandemic, I looked at the LessLoss website and contacted Louis, asking about what upgrade path he would recommend. Right away he proposed a custom made distributor, which would bring a substantial upgrade never before experienced. Although in these hard times money doesn’t come to you that easily, I figured, if I had to stay at home for a couple of months, I want at least phenomenal sound. After exchanging a plethora of emails with me asking questions and Louis answering sometimes in a matter of minutes I ordered the distributor and one new C-MARC IC to try. After two weeks I received a box with the distributor and the cable.
Before I get into the details of how everything sounds, I have to talk about Louis. He is the most responsive person I have ever done business with. By far! And I remember thinking this already 10 years ago when I first started doing business with Louis. To keep this level of service up over such a long time is alone an achievement. Thank you, Louis.
If you haven’t read about burn-in on the LessLoss website and remember your experiences everything starts off pretty good and then gets worse and slowly builds up to sounding as good as it can. In between, you experience performance bumps. It was exactly like this with the cable and the distributor. After two weeks everything sounded stable with the usual bad system day.
The Sound Difference
This distributor does exactly what I dreamed of and more. I will not talk about music but more about instruments. Listening to a concert grand gives me the feeling I stand right beside the instrument and look at the performer. I can hear him breathing, have a sense of the size and scale of the instrument, hear the pedals moving and the influence of the pedal work, and the whole mechanic action on the sound of the instrument. Ah, of course, I also hear the performer move. What is most satisfying, is that all this sounds completely natural. Not as if somebody puts a magnifying glass on the scene! More as if the instrument is in your room. If it is recorded that way of course. Before introducing the Firewall, I could maybe hear 25% of this. Don’t get me wrong, people said to my system before, that it sounds wonderful and I thought so myself. But hearing the microdynamics of a gently played chord and the full impact of somebody banging on a piano is so profoundly different to what I was accustomed to, that it is not easy to not sound like someone is extremely exaggerating the effect of a distributor. I was dreaming of this magnitude of a change but was not prepared for the impact this change made on the sound and my listening experience.

Listening to chamber music, it sounds like chamber music, listening to orchestras you hear the size of the concert hall. Sometimes you sit in the first row, sometimes further away. Each recording sounds distinctly different. No need to listen searching for differences, they are immediately apparent. With some recordings, the walls of my room disappear. Sadly not with all ;-)

I also listen to a lot of electronic music. After marveling in the newfound naturalness for days, sometimes wanting to just listen e.g. to the 1st movement and suddenly realizing that I listened to the whole symphony, maybe sometimes a little disturbed by the sheer dynamics I was experiencing. More than once I was worried if my speakers would survive - but not only did they easily take each macrodynamic blow, but also sounded extremely controlled.

But back to electronic music. It is as if my whole system has gained a whole octave in the bass region. And the bass is so articulate and punchy. Before, I had to fight with my room modes in the 31 and 62 Hz region, always leaving me unsatisfied with the bass response of my system. I know that the firewall cannot change the physics of my room, but it seems to control the frequency extremes so well, that it does not matter as much in my situation.
This week I invited my brother, who is a professional recording engineer, to have a listen. Before we started listening we had to talk and catch up on each other’s life after not seeing each other for three months. While we were drinking some wine in our kitchen I had some easy listening jazz in the background. We were talking and then I had to finish cooking, so my brother went to the listening room and didn’t come back until I called him and the family for dinner.
After sitting down he said: „Damn that sounds good, what exactly did you change?“ He couldn’t believe that a distributor can have an effect this profound. He was amazed at the micro and macro dynamics, about the naturalness of instruments. „This sounds as if you are in a world-class studio with the musicians, listening as they play live.“

Everything which I love about my system is so much better now. Does everything sound good? No, sadly not. Some recordings are now unbearable. Especially overcompressed ones. But most recordings gain so much from this change in my system, that I am constantly listening to pieces that I skipped in the past. The music does speak more clearly to me now.

Is this distributor worth the asking price? Compare a 5000 Euro amplifier to a 10.000 Euro one. I doubt that the gains you can have by changing a component in this price range can have such a profound effect on any system as the firewall does. Highly recommended.

I hope this helps your customers with their buying decision and I hope you can read past my spelling and grammar mistakes. I didn’t have time to check for it. Since the economy is picking up again I am extremely busy and could only listen for an hour the whole weekend :-(
Hope everybody is doing fine out there
Stay save and healthy
Claudius from Berlin, Germany

Oh and of course I kept the C-MARC RCA interconnect. If there is a LessLoss house sound, then the C-MARC fits in perfect. No idea how Louis and his team do it. Here you get consistency across all products!
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Firewall Module

Date Added: 05/29/2020 by Frank C
I recently purchased the Firewall for Loudspeakers and could not be happier with the added musicality they have brought to my listening experience. Simply put, there is a more satisfying presence and refinement to the music across the board. The Firewall for Loudspeakers are one of the best investments that I have made in my system. I highly recommend!

Louis, thank you for sharing your talents and those of your team with me. I love listening to music and the Firewall for Loudspeakers have made listening all the more enjoyable.
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LessLoss started its business on Audiogon in late 2007. Within the first couple of month, word about LessLoss spread like wildfire among Audiogon members. Here is the feedback received from our clients during our first year of operation. This is from even before we had our own website.

Louis is one of the best in the business, truly professional and very fast production and delivery. I am very satisfied by your superb service. Many thanks.

Positive by Buyer Sebastian (135) on 07-29-2008

Excellent transaction with Lessloss on dynamic filtering power cord. Good communications & fast shipping. A+++++

Positive by Buyer Sennett (45) on 07-03-08

Bought 3 pc's from Liudas in Jan/08. Outstanding product as advertised. Performance is everything and more than I expected. Kudos to Lessloss cable for a great product. Very highly recommended...A+++

Positive by Buyer Phillykid (33) on 06-19-08

Bought the Lessloss PC cable about a month ago; the quality and build are excellent. Compares very favorably with more expensive PCs. Highly recommended. Thanks!

Positive by Buyer Pseles (138) on 05-30-08

A power cable that makes a huge difference; simply an excellent design. First-class sales and service - highest recommendation.

Positive by Buyer Palasr (246) on 05-29-08

Cable #6 powering my Emm Dac6e which comprises part of my headphone system. Again, more resolution, detail, quietness from my Victor HP1000phones. Best single device in my system ever. Time to purchase more. I'm spreading the word re: this marvel!!

Positive by Buyer Dott_c (534) on 05-28-08

Liudas,your service is INCREDIBLE,no waiting 4-6weeks for cables and the ones I already have are doing more than I hoped A+A+,Thanks again,Don

Positive by Buyer Drummermitchell (57) on 05-27-08

Lightspeed delivery,very nice cable.I am kind of proud Liudas of such good cables from this part of Europe

Positive by Buyer Zodiak5 (72) on 05-25-08

Liudas is a honest and dependable seller, always answers my e-mail questions promptly. The LessLoss cable is a work of art, and sounds good too, cable is still burning in. I'm quite happy with my purchase.

Positive by Buyer Jgy1 (54) on 05-24-08

Very smooth transaction, lovely cables. Thanks Liudas!

Positive by Buyer Tympani (99) on 05-23-08

Amazing power cord! It beats my other much more expensive cables hands down - blacker background, natural, more details and dynamics. All my CDs open up and sound more musical. Brought two cables so far and will be buying more for sure. Liudas is a s

Positive by Buyer Hfigear (18) on 05-22-08

Cable #5 powering my Day Sequerra tuner results in being able to receive more stations!!! No more hiss, greater dynamics. Makes it sound like my ADA Tune Suite XM. This cable is the most remarkable product that has come my way in the past 20 + years

Positive by Buyer Dott_c (534) on 05-17-08

Kind and lightspeed fast service. The cable is a steal and outperforms other cables, costing much much more. Increasing every aspect of sound you can imagine. Absolutely outstanding!!! Thanks again Liudas.

Positive by Buyer Stani (3) on 05-15-08

Item arrived quickly and well packaged. Excellent communication. A great product from a great seller.

Positive by Buyer Mouse (336) on 05-14-08

This is cable #4 in my system.Used powering my Ashley Xovermy MRS scares me out of the room!What power below 15Hz.No power cords that I have owned,many15X the $579.asking price have come close 2 this level of performance Looking forward 2 adding more

Positive by Buyer Dott_c (534) on 05-14-08

Cable #3 added to the PS of my Cello Palette. Well, no more static as I rotate the dials for the various frequencies. 1st cable to accomplish this! All power conditioners, including the Accuphase P1200 did not rectify the situation.Unbelievable!

Positive by Buyer Dott_c (534) on 05-13-08

Fast shipping and great sounding cables. Would not hesitate to deal with Liudas again.

Positive by Buyer Rschryer (183) on 05-11-08

This is my 2nd power cord from Lessloss. The first one was used to power my VRE-1, this one for the EMM CDSA SE. Again, a stunning result, w/quieter backgrounds, something that I thought I achieved w/the 1st cable. Next unit, the Xover.Unbelievable!

Positive by Buyer Dott_c (534) on 05-11-08

Excellent service and product, do not hesitate to try these cords. AAA+

Positive by Buyer Rpw (207) on 05-10-08

Super fast shiping and a fantastic power cord. The very best I have ever used. Thank you Liudas!

Positive by Buyer Stefank (36) on 05-05-08

You cant get a better seller in audiogon than Louis. For a cheap PC ( compared to many other manufacturers), he is responsive to your mails and even offer suggestion for cable configuration. Buy with confidence. First class seller with 1st class serv

Positive by Buyer Audioblazer (75) on 05-04-08

Excellent seller...and truely excellent cable. The Dynamic Filtering Power Cable is just fantastic...musical...liquid...3D. Thanks!

Positive by Buyer Gburt55 (24) on 05-02-08

Liudas has SUPERB DELIVERY,excellent communication. Cables are gorgeous.Can't wait till my amps come back,so I can reconnect.Can't say enough,check out all the POSITIVE FEEDBACK,Don Mitchell

Positive by Buyer Drummermitchell (57) on 05-01-08

The Lessloss offers WIDE dynamics.It's spooky quiet with an airy sound stage. Worth 10 times its list price.I am buying more!

Positive by Buyer Dott_c (534) on 04-30-08

Liudas is superb to deal with,4 day delivery to my door.wonderfully crafted cable. Excellent communication,and he's very patient with my questions,I'll be doing business with Liudas again(oops I already have)Thanks,Don

Positive by Buyer Drummermitchell (57) on 04-24-08

Very good sounding power cable,fast delivery-recommended.Thanks!

Positive by Buyer Zikhmark (779) on 04-22-08

I own a number of well know and expensive Powercords that I use throughout my system. The Lessloss is clearly on par with the best for less. Used on the preamp of a system that was never bass shy, I felt like I had discovered another octave of music

Positive by Buyer Marcner (246) on 04-22-08

Re: Purchase of Lessloss AC power cable. Immediately apparent something is special, it changes the envelope of the delivery of the music. The tripath solid state AR Amp sounds more flowing and used with my Tube SET, more bass from my 2 way speakers

Positive by Buyer Enaud (27) on 04-20-08

Very good power cable at reasonable price, fast shipping, easy communication. Highly recommended, both product and seller.

Positive by Buyer Jessenov (207) on 04-20-08

Thanks Liudas. Very fast shippment, the whole transaction took 3 days. Excellent cable, the best I've owned. It's my second purchase from Liudas so I know from experience that it will be even better after burn in. Highly recommended.

Positive by Buyer Jkuc (39) on 04-20-08

Quick shipment and very good AC cord. I'll be back for more.

Positive by Buyer Fig (242) on 04-18-08

STELLA SERVICE. Felt like a valued customer. Cables are simply amazing. The sound stage is huge and sibilance free. Amazes me the way instruments and voices soar out of thin air. Thanks Luidas.

Positive by Buyer Dabarrie (33) on 04-13-08

Outstanding service, excellent communication, and a fantastic product, one of the best power cables available for the $$$$. thanks again!

Positive by Buyer Jsowen (304) on 04-10-08

Quick delivery this time, My CD player never sounded so good. Thanks Luidas for another great cord to add to my system. A+++

Positive by Buyer Jimman (36) on 04-10-08

I would like to thank Liudas for his excellent service. He is selling a fabulus product that helped me to solve the problem of high frequency harshness I experienced with my CD player.I will buy more cables to replace my Acrolink and Oyaide Tunami

Positive by Buyer Geopolitis (12) on 04-08-08

I have now completed a full system (Digital/Power/Analog) integration using the LessLoss product. These power cables are a work of auditory art. Simply plug them in and be amazed! It's one product any sensible audio enthusiast should not miss out on.

Positive by Buyer Mang53 (494) on 03-16-08

I now have 4 of these in my system and every one of these on each component brought my system up to new levels. Nicely built as well. Highly recommended component!

Positive by Buyer Jp1208 (117) on 03-10-08

Liudas is the gold standard in service. His cord in my system amounted to a hugh and positive upgrade. Thank you.

Positive by Buyer Bander (189) on 03-05-08

Outstanding service and the cable is as stated. The best I have heard so far over other regarded power cables. Highly recommend!!

Positive by Buyer Teapac (69) on 03-04-08

Great on-going communications and terrific product.

Positive by Buyer Gerryn (192) on 03-03-08

I still find it hard to believe a power cord could be equal to or even greater than a serious interconnect upgrade, but it is! Thanks Liudas for the great product and perfect customer service.

Positive by Buyer Mang53 (494) on 03-03-08

The perfect seller in Audiogon: exceptional communication, easy transaction and fast and safe shipping. Recommended.

Positive by Buyer Ciomargabe (81) on 02-27-08

Perfect transaction.Great communication and very fast shipping. A+ Audiogon seller

Positive by Buyer Hi5harry (636) on 02-26-08

Superfast shipping, good communication, doesn't get any better than this. Also, the cables are butifully made of high quality components. Thanks Walter.

Positive by Buyer Kitncar (72) on 02-23-08

Excellent transaction. A great power cable and company. Worth the wait.

Positive by Buyer Rishel (114) on 02-20-08

A great experience overall, Liudas's enthusiasm for his product and the ongoing updates made this a very positive experience. The cord has made a significant difference in my system, most notably a much lower noise floor..

Positive by Buyer Ford07 (21) on 02-20-08

Trustworthy and very knowledgeable seller/designer/manufacturer. Kept in touch with updates and info. while cord was being manufactured and processed. It's all good - and all very high end.

Positive by Buyer Dadsears (45) on 02-13-08

Liudus is a great guy and the power cord is outstanding, I will glady buy from lessloss again, the cord took my system to another level

Positive by Buyer Kedoades (3) on 02-13-08

2nd entry; bought more cables. IMHO, better powercables than these are not available! Lessloss p/c's are MORE than a system upgrade. And 2 day delivery, from Lithuania?!! Amazing product!!!

Positive by Buyer Hoochie39 (225) on 02-13-08

Very nice sounding cable, beautiful build and a very reasonable price with fast international shipping. A+++

Positive by Buyer Gersimon (111) on 02-07-08 re: Cables

IMAGINE every listening session as your best listening session. Every recording played the best it can play. Your equipment performing always at optimum. Lessloss makes it happen! These cables are the best of the best!!!

Positive by Buyer Hoochie39 (225) on 01-22-08

In my years of audio and all the cords I tried Lessloss cords, made a difference you can hear for the better and it's not subtle. Good work Liudas! AAAA+

Positive by Buyer Jimman (36) on 01-21-08

Excellent seller and Audiogoner, great communicator. Power cable is outstanding, excellent... Great soundstage, excellent definition, black background as promissed.

Positive by Buyer Jkuc (39) on 01-18-08

Liudas is great to deal with: excellent communication and service. The cables are very well made and well worth the money. Thanks!

Positive by Buyer Jfd01 (93) on 12-12-07

Outstanding transaction and outstanding power cable.

Positive by Buyer Tubeyy (78) on 11-23-07

Great transaction well worth the wait, this is by far the best powercord I have used in my system over the past 20 years, some cost as high as $3,000 and this power cord for $500.00 beat them all hands down and is a steal at its current asking price.

Positive by Buyer Phillyb (150) on 11-16-07

Top notch construction, performance to match, and a great transaction. Highly recommended because the cable does what is claimed, lowers noise while improving dynamics. Thanks!

Positive by Buyer Wineaux (54) on 10-22-07

If it was just always so simple !! Excellent, correct and accurate communication. Absolutely no loss at all even before listening to the cables. Highly recommended.

Positive by Buyer Williamredburry (45) on 09-26-07

This cable was the BEST purchase that I've ever made!! I’m not affiliated with this product in anyway, but feel sorry for Audiophiles who don’t purchase these cables. Once Audiophiles try this cable, they will wonder how this product can be sold at such a low price. I’m baffled… In an industry full of snake oil, unethical cable retailers, enormous profits and scams - this LessLoss "Filtering Power Cable" is a "breakthrough product" which blows away the ALL competition at ANY price!!! I honestly don’t know how LessLoss can make a profit while using Oyaide connectors, hand braiding and an incredible passive AC filter. LessLoss "Filtering Power Cable" are sold from a manufacturer /owner /designer who is trustworthy, ethical, knowledgeable, and a pleasure to deal with. Take a chance!!!!, PayPal your money to Lithuania - and you'll be rewarded with great Customer Service, and the finest power cord made. Hear for yourself what you are missing!!! Thanks Again!!!

Positive by Buyer Spacecase (83) on 09-22-07

Excellent service and communication. Fast shipping. Thanks, Liudas!

Positive by Buyer Tvad (660) on 09-20-07

Excellent products! Delivery of the power cords and XLR digital interconnect cable,was received within 10days of shipping. Luidas kept me informed on the status of my order. Very good communication and feedback to my inquiries.

Positive by Buyer Kpoulard (18) on 09-10-07

First-rate all the way! The cables are sensational, and the price is a steal. The 1-2 week delivery from Lithuania is well worth the wait. Liudas and Vilmantas at LessLoss are perfectionists pursuing their love for the art of music reproduction.

Positive by Buyer Lookin4evr (117) on 08-17-07

Before upgrading your gear, please try the Lessloss Blackbody. It works wonders with my equipment and adds a realism, a new quality to the sound that will leave you speechless. Absolutely wonderful piece of gear.

Positive by Buyer Stani (6) on 01-31-10 re: Accessory