![]() Sorted by reviews that evaluate the performance of LessLoss gear against other gear.
![]() From $ 360
Firewall ModuleDate Added: 11/25/2016 by JEFF
Digital Audiophile "Match of the Day” : LessLoss USB Firewall Key vs. IFi iSilencer 3.0
Bought the latter as I anyway need two USB cleaning tools, one for my reference audio system, one for my "tweaked for audio" desktop computer used for ripping CDs. I expected the two items to sound different, but I was not prepared for a match lasting only a few minutes in a comparative listening session... The LessLoss USB Firewall Key won by an awe inspiring total knock-out at first round! IFi iSilencer 3.0 is a good product, cheap and honest, cleaning a little bit your USB audio highway, while the LessLoss USB Firewall Key is something else completely, light years ahead in sound quality reached when using it, as if you suddenly leave "digital sound" for something almost real and more natural.... If one product is like a nicely remastered CD, then the other one leaves you feeling the master tape is running in your listening room! Retail prices are quite different, yes, but listening pleasure is, too, trust me. Anyone using a high quality DAC over $1000 without the LessLoss USB Firewall key is DEFINITELY NOT hearing it at even close to 80% of its abilities... You have now been warned. So do yourself a favor: order from Louis your USB Firewall Key now :) ![]() From $ 5342
Echo's EndDate Added: 10/13/2016 by Andrew Dove
Happy Birthday!
With my 50th birthday present from my kind wife Jane arriving in early August, but my birthday not being until 26th September, I waited patiently and did not even sneak a peak at the Echo’s End. The new DAC replaces a Musical Fidelity Tri Vista which has served me well over the years. The source starts with Tidal through an iPhone 6, Wadia 170i with Audiocom level 3 mods and a Teddy Pardo power supply. I am well aware from owning LessLoss power cords that the sound benefits substantially from a long burn in. However, I had waited long enough. On first connecting the Echo’s End, I could immediately hear greater breadth, detail, separation and rhythm although with an evident harshness to the sound. Within an hour of listening the harshness had largely disappeared. With a further week of 24/7 burn in the sound can only be described as being incredibly musical. Particular highlights for me have been the dramatic reduction in sibilance, the musicality at every level and the way in which it draws listeners in. Everything becomes more distinct. Instruments and voices are separated from each other. The layers in the music are unravelled. Also worthy of mention is that the wood case is aesthetically very pleasing. I now have a box of electronics to visually match my Sonus Faber Electa Amator speakers. Finally, it may come as a surprise to some, but lower quality source material such as BBC iplayer radio is now pleasing to listen to. OK, I am not getting the full experience described above with the iplayer, but the Echo’s End makes a huge difference in quality, removing most of the harshness. The bottom line is that there has been a steep change in our musical enjoyment since the Echo’s End arrived. Jane even called me at work one day to ask me how to turn the HiFi on! Thank you Jane and thank you Louis. ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Signature]Date Added: 03/31/2015 by mdc
The 3 'Signature' that have replaced 3 'Original' are blooming nicely. Still. I don't really know if it has to do with my system or the amount of time the cables actually need to burn in.
The level of bass, quality of treble and detail is astonishing. I am on holiday since about a week and listen to music all day long and the sound is almost improving on a daily base now. I had a few friends/colleagues over last weekend and we tested very expensive (and I mean very expensive) Nordost cables on my system. The LessLoss were definitely better. To such an extend that the owner of the Nordost loop is most probably going to place an order for Signature or Reference. What was indeed ‘strange’ was the level of improvement that the 'Signature' cables brought when compared to the Nordost. Considering the price of the Nordost, I was, at the most, expecting your cables to level the Nordost but they were, well, better. Very impressive. [Update after several weeks of burn-in] Just a few words to inform you that my 3 DFPC Signature are still improving. Quite amazing considering the level reached so far. The improvement is obvious on cd's that regularly hit my system and, as mentioned previously, in a beautiful and 'even' way: detailed treble, wonderful middle and even more obviously, deeper but controlled bass. If you allow me some form of amateurish analogy, it now sounds like a puzzle of which each piece is now perfectly, tightly and smoothly in place and of which even the physical separation of the pieces has disappeared in order to produce a perfectly clear and beautiful picture... My comments start to look like some dodgy infomercial... I just hope that my genuine enthusiasm will not be perceived by some as a 'paid for' review, hence being counter productive. But I mean every word. ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Reference]Date Added: 03/15/2015 by Private Hell Recording
This is top of my list for power cables and I have tested or owned everything, Audience, Shunyata, JPS Aluminata, etc. I use this cable in my dedicated room reference system on a Devialet 200. Just perfect. Power, space, impact, but most importantly, neutrality. No hype, no sheen, no bloated bass, just the music.
![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Signature] [Reference]
Date Added: 10/17/2014 by Algis and friends
Over several days and at different times during burn in, I hosted an intensive power cord shootout in my prime listening room. My room was custom built according to plans drawn up by our best local acousticians. The dimensions of the room are acoustically generous. After acoustical modeling with specialized software, repeated measurements were made during different phases of the building and installation process, to ensure that real-world results indeed follow.
This space is some 6.5m wide, 10m long, and 5m high (21 ft. wide, 33 ft. long, 16.5 ft. high) in size. The side walls are not parallel, nor the front and back walls. The structural ceiling is actually some 1.5m above the acoustical ceiling one sees in the picture. The walls, too, are acoustically purpose-built structures built some 1m in from the actual carrying walls. It's really a venue for the top possible reproduction of comprehensible, intelligible and controlled sound. I'm a life-long audiophile. I've gone through myriad changes to my systems throughout the years. In this one, I spent the past 10 years fine tuning the interplay between the various components. Special attention was given to the equipment stands/feet as well as to cabling. We compared six fine power cords: #1: Atlas Eos from Scotland #2: Nordost Valhalla upgraded with Oyaide 004 connectors. #3: LessLoss DFPC Signature #4: Siltech Ruby Double Crown #5: LessLoss DFPC Reference #6: Nordost Odin In terms of price (least to most expensive): #1: Atlas Eos (246 USD) #3: DFPC Signature (1149 USD) #5: DFPC Reference (1824 USD) #2: Nordost Valhalla (5800 USD) #4: Siltech Ruby Double Crown (13,500 USD) #6: Nordost Odin (19,600 USD) Upon first listen of the DFPC Reference, without any burn in, our first impression was promising. We decided to connect it somewhere to burn in for about four days without further listening for the time being. In the meantime, the Nordost Odin and Valhalla, the Siltech Ruby Double Crown, the Atlas Eos, and the DFPC Signature were already all burned in long before and had been part and parcel of my system for years. Their sonic characters were intimately known to my group of friends, and recognizable on different pieces of gear throughout the system. We've been listening here together for years. After four days of burn-in, now in direct comparison with the DFPC Signature, we found the DFPC Reference obviously superior. So superior, that it only took the first couple of notes in the music to clearly tell. This opinion did not waver throughout the evening. After the next few days, what became apparent was that the DFPC Reference burns in differently than any other cable we tried previously. It seems that even after 8-10 days, an unmistakable evolution in the sound quality was still being perceived. Presumably this has to do with its very low noise floor, which is immediately evident. After this second, longer interval of burn-in, our comparisons began in earnest. First, special attention was given to draw comparisons between the DFPC Signature and the new DFPC Reference. It (the Ref) gave a huge leap forward in terms of dynamics, lowered noise floor, and the fact that individual instruments seem to free themselves more than ever from one another. At first with the DFPC Reference, it seemed that the sound was somewhat lighter in character, but it also revealed during the course of the evening to be still morphing into more colorful tonalities, even after the 2 weeks of burn-in before. We decided to keep burning it in for another few days before comparing to all the others. Also, this would give our local group time to organize the arrival of more listeners from Berlin, Riga, and Kiev. 21 Days In Finally, after three weeks of burn in, everyone felt that the performance of the DFPC Reference had settled. It was now time to compare to all the others. It was an unambiguous result: the DFPC Reference topped all our other cables. When the Odin was introduced, it seemed at first that its dynamic characteristics were better than those of the DFPC Reference, but through a constant coloration of those dynamics, we found ultimately to be less organically musical and more harsh and irritating in sound. We decided to keep the Odin in the system and give it a longer listen. Fatigue set in. Switching back to the DFPC Reference, the music now sounded more organically musical, had more color and emotional content. So we decided unambiguously that the DFPC Reference topped the list! And we lost no detail. On subsequent days, we tried the DFPC Reference on various pieces of equipment (DAC, CDP, amps), and it proved its excellence regardless of what gear it was powering. If anybody would like to hear how the DFPC Reference sounds, they are welcome to come over for a comparison with the Odin, and you'll find it sounds better than the Odin. And we are talking about a 1:12 difference in price. In my main system I also use the LessLoss Tunnelbridge. Algis ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Original]Date Added: 12/17/2013 by MDC
Now that both the DFPC Originals used between my cd player and amplifier are probably fully burned-in and that the Furutech eTP-60E and the third DFPC Original are giving excellent result, I wanted to inform you that I am indeed very pleased with these products.
I wanted to thank you for excellent cables but also, for a great customer’s service. As a customer, this (and a very interesting and informative website) was part of the pleasure of discovering your products. Your availability and knowledge and in my case, your patience with probably very silly questions, make it a pleasure to purchase and use your products. I will not attempt to paraphrase what other reviewers, professional of customers, have written about your cables. These are a major improvement over what I had used before. It is clear, audible, obvious, affecting positively the entire range, from top to bottom. I simply don’t understand these endless debates with people pretending cables don’t make a difference. They do and yours are better than the ones I used before. Period. Furthermore, and as stated, the combination of Lessloss and Furutech eTP-60E is indeed working extremely well, in fact much better than the combination of your cables and an expensive power conditioner (Audience) or any other combination of expensive cables and a power conditioner that I have tried with my system. Thank you. ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Signature]Date Added: 11/14/2013 by Alberto Americano
I've upgraded all my power cables to DFPC Signatures, and all speaker and interconnects to the Anchorwave. Coming from a mixed environment, where I had Fututechs, Anacondas, Transparent, etc. The system became very balanced, with a more detailed and natural sound. To be honest, I did try some Chord Sarum cables and found them more revealing and neutral, but at five times the cost! I greatly thank Mr. Louis Motek for his assistance in my upgrade and for the final results!
![]() IC and speaker cable From $ 784
Anchorwave Interconnects and Speaker CablesDate Added: 06/08/2013 by Barry Howard
After many years chasing the holy grail in cabling I tried 1 of the Lessloss dynamic filtering power cables and that led me to replacing every other one in my system with them and then 6 Blackbodies. For interconnects and speaker cables I went through Kimber, Straightwire, Nordost, Anti-Cables and then the gamut of Cardas wire finally feeling comfortable with Neutral Reference for phono and speaker cable and Golden Reference for everything else.
When I became aware of the Anchorwave line I contacted Louis and after consideration of my system he suggested that his product could improve on lowering the noise floor and increasing resolution without giving up the rich texture of the Golden Reference. I went all in based on my trust of him and I was not mislead. It was all of what he said with the addition of natural harmonics that are on the recording that I find very involving when listening to music. They are so quiet and engaging. I worked with him to build the phono interconnect with grounding wires that makes his cable dead quiet and eliminating the usual residual hum that I had become used to at high volume levels. So much for the theory that phono cables need only be minimal strands of wire; this huge amount of copper does the job well!! I am writing this review because after 18 months of getting used to the Anchorwaves I got the upgrade bug again so ordered the full suite of Morrow Audio's top of the line cables, SP-7, PH-6, etc. and burned them in for 600 hours. I now have a deeper appreciation for the Lessloss products and confirmed for myself that they allow the harmonic structure to shine through so that the desperation in a vocalist's voice or the bowed string on a cello or a tenor sax that I treasure so much is clearly evident. If the Anchorwave is this good how good is the Tunnelbridge?! ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Signature]Date Added: 03/15/2013 by pg
Hi: It's a funny thing. I purchased the DFPC Signature cables about 2 years ago, and put them in my system on the power block end. I could hear a difference straight away compared to my MIT cables. Some people say it takes 2 weeks to burn in, and this was happening, but I say it takes longer than that: 2 months or more. All the same I am very pleased with them, a kind of open clarity of sound.
Thanks, pg ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Original]Date Added: 01/31/2013 by Florin S. - Romania
The cable finally arrived at my home after one week.
I carried out initial tests with it, and indeed your cable is an astonishing one! It is a true performer, and it is exactly what I was looking for, for years!! It gave me better dynamics, better resolution, better control, a quieter background, an improved soundstage and imaging, naturalness (natural timbres) and correct tonality, musicality and equilibrium. This cable improved the sound in all the areas that I could think of. It was like an important component upgrade and I'm looking forward to replace all my other current power cables with your cables. This is indeed a truly wonderful cable and your vision/philosophy of the sound coincide with my own from what I'm hearing. I was looking for something like this for some years, not being satisfied in my search, blaming sometimes the 'active' components (speakers, amps, players etc.) and/or sometimes cables, or the lack of synergy. But now, for the first time I'm in the right direction, and it is amazing to see how close to natural and close to the correct sound an electronic component can sound - but a decent one of course - with the proper and the right power cable (the LessLoss), and how the equilibrium between performance (translated in terms like resolution, dynamics, soundstage etc.) and musicality (so not mere 'signals' or just sounds) emerge in a natural way. For sure, there is still a lot of room for improvement in my system, but now I find that the electronics themselves are quite OK if they were made with a decent conceptual design, implementation and components and proper attention to details, in trying to replicate the true, natural sound and not a colored one. Thanks again and keep it up, making outstanding and valuable audio products! This is my system at the moment: - speakers - Sonus Faber Cremona M - source (player) - Simaudio Moon CD3.3 with XLR - preamp - Sugden Masterclass LA-4 - power amp - Pass Labs X150 - cables: Kimber Monocle X (speakers), Kimber Select 1111 and Neotech NEI3101 (interconnects), - power cables - DFPC Original, PS Audio Statement SC, PS Audio Statement and Vincent Audio. - passive filter - PS Audio Quintessence (used only for the player). ![]() IC and speaker cable From $ 784
Anchorwave Interconnects and Speaker CablesDate Added: 11/01/2012 by Aaron Knock
My system:
Speakers: Focal 816V Speaker Cables: LessLoss Anchorwave (3m) Amp: Yamaha RX-A 3010 Interconnects: Kimber PBJ Source: Cambridge Audio 650C Power cords: LessLoss DFPC Original; LessLoss DFPC Signature Power conditioner: LessLoss Firewall Power distributor: Furutech e-TP60 Before the Anchorwave I used the Kimber PBJ interconnects ($150 for a 1m pair). I've been quite pleased with their performance. I don't like incremental upgrades (who does?), and so where the PBJs have been known to play ball with much more costly interconnects, I knew this was going to be an expensive endeavour. The nice thing about LessLoss is that, since you're buying straight from the company, you know you're probably paying nearly 2-3 times less than had they made the product available by importing, distributing, and then finally selling it to you through a dealer. So, even though the Anchorwaves cost 5 times what the Kimber does, there's consolation in the fact that you're probably getting what would otherwise be a $2000-plus interconnect, but for under a grand. Of course, the question comes to mind, "well, does the Anchorwave offer 5x better performance than the PBJ?" No. Of course not. But for me, the differences don't have to be 5x greater for them to be significant. There were many significant reasons I chose the Anchorwave interconnects over others. First, I already have the Anchorwave loudspeaker cables, and I've been exceptionally pleased with their performance. Second, (and maybe this is the same as the first), for system synergy. Since I was already having excellent results with the Anchorwave speaker cables, and since I couldn't afford what seemed like the Holy Grail of interconnects (the LessLoss Tunnelbridge), it only made sense to completely employ this cable technology from the source to my loudspeakers. Third, the cost. I know from experience (also inferring from press and user reviews) that the loudspeaker cables perform very well among much more expensive cables. So it seemed reasonable to expect the same from the matching interconnects. Lastly, I knew that if by some chance this interconnect was a disaster, I would have no trouble getting my money back. All my previous experience with LessLoss suggests that Louis Motek makes great efforts to make customers happy. I don't know how he does it: runs the business and still finds time to quickly offer generous replies. When I first listened to the cable, the thing that immediately struck me was the drop in noise. I expected that from the LessLoss power cables, but I didn't expect it like this from the interconnect. I mean, yes, I heard this kind of thing with the Anchorwave loudspeaker cables; I think it caught me off guard because I was now hearing that enhancement at the next level so-to-speak. I've recently placed my speakers even farther from the back wall. While it gave me a much better soundstage, I lost a lot of low end (no matter from where I evaluated in the room). With the Anchorwave interconnects I was very pleased to hear some of this bass restored. I also experienced something totally unexpected. I was listening to a song where the instrument positioning just sounded lop-sided on stage (like the right speaker was imaging the musicians lower than than the left). I'd always just written this off as a quirk in the recording. But when I heard the song through my new interconnects, the sound stage was balanced. That was a shocker. The other things I noticed were subtle improvements, probably from the drop in noise: I noticed an all around enhanced clarity and detail. I can say that some things sounded identical to the Kimber, particularly with sounds when you pay attention to the pronunciation of words in male and female vocals. Nevertheless, I haven't yet found anything that sounds worse. In the end, I must say, there certainly were notable differences from switching to the Anchorwave interconnects. It makes me want to listen to all my favourite tracks all over again, just to hear what I've been missing. One thing I love about the interconnects is the locking connectors. I really appreciate having control over how tightly the connectors mate with my gear. Nothing feels cheap about this cable. From end to end, everything looks and feels as if it was very well built. The cable is reasonably flexible, so I had no problems installing it. Despite its simple external appearance, it has a certain element of beauty. It's nice to trot behind the components and admire it from time to time, especially if you become familiar with the technology inside. ![]() IC and speaker cable From $ 784
Anchorwave Interconnects and Speaker CablesDate Added: 10/07/2012 by Frank
I like playing with cables, in fact so much so I used to be in the business of making and selling them. I have not lost that fascination at all even now, so when the opportunity arose to evaluate some LessLoss Anchorwave RCA interconnects from Scott Nangle Audio [located in Scotland, UK], it piqued my curiosity and simply couldn't be missed.
I am told these are hand built with in-house materials and you can without any doubt see the quality and workmanship that has gone into these cables. The Anchorwave interconnects sent to me are oval in cross-section, are no lightweights either and have a large curious rectangular tag of faux leather "butterfly wing" near each connector that looks strange at best and makes connecting them up no easy task with vertically aligned RCA sockets, because they obscure the bottom socket if the topmost one is connected first. My tip is to connect to the bottom RCA socket first and aligning these "wings" out of the way to make connecting up the top set easier. I tried to slide them up the cable but they seem firmly attached to the connector. They do though give the cables a clear identity so they are unlikely to be confused with any other brand of cable. Whenever I have a new set of interconnects to evaluate, I do my level best to ignore them during any burn-in period and will have the system on as background music only while I am busy doing other things, so it came as a surprise to me that this cable somehow DEMANDED my immediate attention. It wasn't drawing attention to itself by having luscious bass, or crisp treble, or fireworks a-plenty with vivid dynamics, but it was none of those in isolation that drew me into the sublime sounds these cables were producing, most unlike any other cable heard to date. There wasn't soaringly high treble definition to grab you, there wasn't a bottomless bass to beguile you, there wasn't a seamless midrange to enchant either, and yet there I was being drawn inexorably into the music I was hearing because of it's sheer involvement and taken well beyond the proverbial toe tapping stage, into the murky realms of me singing along with the music too. Gosh and yeuk too. Many a time in the past while auditioning cables I will have had the "Crikey, not heard that before" moments as isolated events, but this cable turned those moments into an endless joined up procession of musical joy, so CD after CD went into the player long into the nights and time simply stood still for me. Even the CDs I would normally dread playing took on a whole new musical character, one of those being George Michaels "Older" album which has some awful stings in the treble registers and no shortage of sibilance that can be painful enough to keep the volume turned down low. The Anchorwave managed to untangle this recording and lose the sting, yet still present the fine treble, reverb and ambience details this CD has tucked away, so it isn't just masking or attenuating the treble either. When it comes to the bass registers, this cable had to beat my own all time favourite bass communicator from Virtual Dynamics in the shape of their Genesis interconnects - now sadly no more. The Anchorwave easily outperformed the Genesis in every respect, because while the Genesis was always bass articulate, coherent and never shy of the lowermost octaves, it sacrificed the topmost registers and midband accuracy to achieve that, whereas the Anchorwave has no such traits and reproduced the entire audible band with accuracy, neutrality and sheer musicality. To sum up then, these cables don't "do hi-fi" and to me that sets them well apart from the herd which will have degrees of that trait in their make-up. What they do do, is transmit the music in a way that not too many folks are familiar with and if you have owned high end cables like Nordost and Chord it will come as a shock that a cable can be so MUSICAL and you can listen for many hours and then some. In value for money terms they are not cheap but I would see that as an investment rather than anyone continue on a journey for a long time trying cable after cable to find one with equal musicality. Would I buy them myself? Of course I would ;-) Associated equipment: Eastsound E5 CD player, XTZ Desire A-1000D3 amp, Focal Chorus 706V SE, Randall Research silver interconnects, Tellurium TQ Black speaker cables, Belkin conditioner ![]() IC and speaker cable From $ 784
Anchorwave Interconnects and Speaker CablesDate Added: 10/06/2012 by Aaron Knock
I love my new Anchorwave speaker cables. Like most, I only have so much money for hi-fi, so I try to make upgrades in as few steps as possible. I just might stick with these cables for the rest of my life.
Since owning the Anchorwave speaker cables, I've had chance to compare them against two very different cables: expensive Siltech cables, and relatively inexpensive Kimber 4TC. I'll discuss the Siltech comparison at length since it's more interesting. The Siltech (model 770L) costs more than $4,000 more than the Anchorwave. The system belonged to a local hi-fi shop. It consisted of: Moon 700i amp ($12,000) Moon 750 DAC ($12,000) Siltech 770i ($3,000) Siltech 770L ($6,200) Focal Electra 1028 Be ($9,000) LessLoss DFPC Signatures / Firewall (provided by me) What differences would I hear (if any)? Would they even be significant? Would I walk away disappointed with my Anchorwaves? I really didn't know what to expect. My dealer was quite clear (a very experienced fellow, but never heard of LessLoss) he said he'd tried high-end cables from Nordost and Cardas, (among other loudspeaker cables brands), but that for years, nothing has been able to compare to the Siltech. So, before I even finished unpacking the Anchorwaves, he laughed and told me that I was about to be seriously disappointed. I came in not knowing what to expect, but it seemed he already had it figured out before we even hit play. This isn't about to be one of those glorious conversion stories. No, in fact my dealer is still determined to think the Anchowaves are an overpriced hi-performance cable. He said he'd prefer Kimber 4TC at $200 for 2m. Of course, I think that's bloody insane. Let me explain why. We began listening to with the Siltech cables in place. This was yet without any LessLoss power cables or Firewall (just some low cost Shunyata power cables). When we switched to the Anchorwaves, as soon as I hit the stop button, he chimed in, "Yup! Just what I thought: poorly balanced; too much bass and too much treble…" Now, I was actually disappointed at this point, too. The differences between the cables were like night and day—nothing subtle about it. I heard some nasty highs that were painfully obvious, and the bass levels had increased as well. (Keep in mind, this is with the Siltech interconnect, not the LessLoss Anchorwave interconnects). I heard lots of "I told you so" at this point. But this is where it gets interesting. I then used two LessLoss DFPC Signatures, with a LessLoss Firewall between them, to power the Moon 750 CD player. Then I used the remaining DFPC Signature to power the amp. With this setup, we then sat back to listen. Immediately there was a radical improvement: all that nasty treble was gone! I was blown away. The cable's balance was much more settled. This time, as soon as I hit stop, I said, "Wow! All that rubbish in the treble range is now gone." After a few moments of silence, he then remarked how there was much too much bass. I proceeded to ask genuinely just how one can determine whether that's just the way it was meant to be: perhaps that's what the recording just sounds like. He suggested that after more than two decades of listening, you just know. I really didn't think the bass levels were out of balance, or overbearing, at this point. Nevertheless, there was still another surprise to be had. We switched back to the $6,000 Siltech cables. This time we had LessLoss power cords and Firewall at work, just like with the Anchorwaves. A few seconds after hitting play, I just grinned (to myself). I had just received something of a lecture from this guy as to why all that bass shouldn't be there, and how the Siltech cables just do it right; yet, here we were and the bass levels sounded virtually identical to those of the Anchorwaves. Oddly enough, he didn't say a word about it. Neither did I: I was there to hear cables, not for any "I told you so" purposes. What I also noticed was that, in contrast to the Anchorwaves, the Siltechs sounded very much coloured in the mids and highs. One might describe it as very smooth, or silky. Whatever it was, while it may have been "smooth" or "silky," it now sounded like a coloration rather than something natural. That's definitely not what I'm looking for in a cable. I want something as close to colourless as possible, and there's no doubt in my mind that the Anchorwaves were doing a better job at it than the Siltechs. What I was able to draw from this experience is firstly, the importance of power filtering. Without the LessLoss cables, I would never have heard the potential of the Anchorwaves. If I was a Siltech owner, I might've attributed the cable's coloration's to another component and erroneously replaced it instead. I have no doubt that, additionally, listening with the system over time, many more notable things would become apparent (just like they have in my own system). Even the dealer was quick to acknowledge the virtues of the LessLoss power filtering, after the fact. I'd swear by those products. Secondly, I've walked away knowing that the Anchorwaves can play some serious ball with cables more than triple in cost. I suspect too, that with matching interconnects, or the LessLoss Tunnelbridge, the Anchorwave speaker cables have yet much more to offer. When I first sat down to listen to my system with the new Anchorwaves, the improvements were so significant that I just started laughing. For any musicians out there, you should know what I'm talking about. Imagine as an amateur player, you play something on your instrument. You then hear some professional play the same thing. The differences can be so striking that you just sit there and laugh (or feel depressed because you realize just how bad you are by comparison). Well, that's what it was like for me when I got the Achorwaves. Before that, I owned Kimber 4TC loudspeaker wire. There's just no comparison. Thanks to Louis and the people at LessLoss, I'm content to cross off "loudspeaker cables" from the long term hi-fi upgrade list. My system: Speakers: Focal 816V Speaker Cables: LessLoss Anchorwave Amp: Yamaha RX-A 3010 Interconnects: LessLoss Anchorwave Source: Cambridge Audio 650C Power cords: LessLoss DFPC Originals (2); LessLoss DFPC Signatures (3) Power conditioner: LessLoss Firewall Power distributor: Furutech e-TP60 ![]() IC and speaker cable From $ 784
Anchorwave Interconnects and Speaker CablesDate Added: 10/04/2012 by Steve
I've been gradually replacing all my Shunyata cabling with LessLoss products. I was never unhappy with my Shunyata power cords, interconnects, or speaker cables, and in fact I chose them only after a lengthy comparison with other products. But the switch to LessLoss cables has been a revelation, and I'm glad that financial necessity forced me to make the change in stages. It allowed me to appreciate the contribution of each type of cable.
First to go were my top-of-the-line Shunyata power snakes, replaced by LessLoss Signature cables. (Actually, they were first replaced--and bettered--by the Original DFPC, and those cables impressed me so much I immediately upgraded to the Signatures--a dramatic further step forward.) Then I replaced my interconnects with Anchorwave interconnects, and then finally I replaced my speaker cables with the Anchorwaves. At each stage, the improvement was startling. Music was more natural and less electronic; countless new details emerged from very familiar recordings and my preferred test tracks; imaging and soundstage were much more tangible and lifelike. And after each round of replacements I was convinced that I'd reached a level of realism from which any further improvements could only be very subtle. But then when I replaced the next set of cables, the improvements were not subtle at all. So now that I'm fully cabled LessLossily, I suppose next I'll have to upgrade to Blackbodies or some other weapon in the company's arsenal. I believe I've learned not to underestimate the benefits of introducing more LessLoss products into my system. One more thing: As I introduced more and more LessLoss cables to my system, I also noticed that occasional but persistent moments of irritating edginess on certain otherwise good recordings began to disappear. I'm quite sure this was not because the LessLoss cables colored everything lovely. Crappy, irritating recordings still sounded crappy (sometimes in even greater detail). Evidently, what had changed was that I was no longer hearing some of the relatively minor flaws in the otherwise first-rate cables I had been using. To me, this was further confirmation that the LessLoss cables do indeed distort less--and conspicuously so. I should add that I'm a musician, an acoustic musician, and I know what instruments sound like. As far as I'm concerned, the LessLoss cables are one of the great bargains in audio. ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Original] [Signature]Date Added: 10/04/2012 by Steve
I've been gradually replacing all my Shunyata cabling with LessLoss products. I was never unhappy with my Shunyata power cords, interconnects, or speaker cables, and in fact I chose them only after a lengthy comparison with other products. But the switch to LessLoss cables has been a revelation, and I'm glad that financial necessity forced me to make the change in stages. It allowed me to appreciate the contribution of each type of cable.
First to go were my top-of-the-line Shunyata power snakes, replaced by LessLoss Signature cables. (Actually, they were first replaced--and bettered--by the Original DFPC, and those cables impressed me so much I immediately upgraded to the Signatures--a dramatic further step forward.) Then I replaced my interconnects with Anchorwave interconnects, and then finally I replaced my speaker cables with the Anchorwaves. At each stage, the improvement was startling. Music was more natural and less electronic; countless new details emerged from very familiar recordings and my preferred test tracks; imaging and soundstage were much more tangible and lifelike. And after each round of replacements I was convinced that I'd reached a level of realism from which any further improvements could only be very subtle. But then when I replaced the next set of cables, the improvements were not subtle at all. So now that I'm fully cabled LessLossily, I suppose next I'll have to upgrade to Blackbodies or some other weapon in the company's arsenal. I believe I've learned not to underestimate the benefits of introducing more LessLoss products into my system. One more thing: As I introduced more and more LessLoss cables to my system, I also noticed that occasional but persistent moments of irritating edginess on certain otherwise good recordings began to disappear. I'm quite sure this was not because the LessLoss cables colored everything lovely. Crappy, irritating recordings still sounded crappy (sometimes in even greater detail). Evidently, what had changed was that I was no longer hearing some of the relatively minor flaws in the otherwise first-rate cables I had been using. To me, this was further confirmation that the LessLoss cables do indeed distort less--and conspicuously so. I should add that I'm a musician, an acoustic musician, and I know what instruments sound like. As far as I'm concerned, the LessLoss cables are one of the great bargains in audio. ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Signature]Date Added: 08/27/2012 by Aaron Knock
Before getting the DFPC Signatures, my whole system costed around $7,000. Compared to many other reviews here, my system is far less expensive. So one major concern of mine was that my system simply would not allow me to hear the kind of improvements that others with far more expensive systems claimed to hear. I was worried I’d spend a lot of money ($2183 is a lot of money to me), end up with amazing-looking power cords, but hear very little improvement, or worse: no improvement at all!
So what led me to "take the plunge" was that the DFPC power cord is not just a power cord, it is a noise filter as well. Without considering this dual function I would never have spent that much on "just a power cord." I got 2 DFPC Signatures: one on the source and one on the amp. The whole system requires only these two power cords. I upgraded to the Signatures from the stock power cords provided by the manufacturers. I’ve been using the DFPC Sigs for 3 months now. System (total ca. $7000) Speakers: Focal 816V ($2,100) Speaker Cables: LessLoss Anchorwave (3m @ $2,000) AVR: Yamaha RX-A 3010 ($2,000) -- used in 2 channel Pure Direct mode Interconnects: Kimber PBJ ($150) Source: Cambridge Audio 650C ($800) Room: 16’x18‘x7.5’, untreated, laminate flooring, gyprock walls, open back wall --------------------------------------------- Set-up: The cords grip the outlet/inlet very well, and are light and very flexible. In my system, the Signatures are visible, and so their flexibility was key not just to setup, but to aesthetic presentation, too. ------------------------ Pre-Evaluation & critical listening method: First, I keep my CD player running 24/7. I also warm up my amp for 20-30 minutes before listening. For critical listening, I used only a handful of music I was very familiar with. I would listen to 1 full track before switching power cords (or a few minutes of it at least) under an ABAB test scenario. During play, I would jot down short notes of things that stood out to me. Before switching cables, I’d pause after the track played to reflect on the track and possibly jot more things down. Then I’d switch out the power cords for the Signatures and repeat the same chunk of listening and note-taking. ------------------------ Evaluation: Within a few seconds, audible improvements were completely obvious. The effect was an emotional response that caused me some laughter, eye-widening, and jaw-lowering. Keeping my emotions in tact, I listened further. Rather than take you through each track and the ABAB notes, let me just list some of the noted improvements (in no particular order). - Clearer, crisper - Higher fine detail resolution - Vocals more real - Fuller sound - Deeper bass - Bass more articulate - Starting to hear the recorded room now - Instantly real - Lower noise floor: sounds like instruments used to sound through a veil. - Smoother vocal The improvement that the Signatures made which I value the most has been the element of realism. Never mind that my system’s low end is now more articulate (although I certainly love this), or that the music now sounds more 3-dimensional, or any of the other improvements these power cords offer; when I listen to music now, the illusion that Jeff Buckley is singing in front of me, or that Keith Jarrett is playing a harpsichord in my living room, is more real than ever. To achieve this level of realism with a system costing what mine does is remarkable. Sometimes vocals are so real sounding it’s eerie. ------------------------ Putting the performance enhancement in perspective: I’ve auditioned Simaudio’s 300D DAC ($1,800) and their $4,000 integrated amp (the 340i). The 300D is a good DAC for the money, but the performance enhancements offered by LessLoss DFPC Signatures are without question more in number and far more obvious. Now, I loved the $4000 Simaudio integrated amp; it was easily a substantial improvement over my home-theater amp—returning it made me sad. But, if I had to choose between the new amp and two DFPC Signatures (say price wasn’t an issue), I wouldn’t think twice: the Signatures for sure! Using the Signatures to lower the noise that enters my components not only produces more sonic improvements, but has a greater positive impact with respect to clarity and realism. Now, say we bring price back in the picture, the DFPC Signatures are virtually half the money of a serious amp upgrade (from Yamaha’s $2G flagship home-theater amp to the finely reviewed $4G Simaudio Moon 330i). ------------------------ Dealing with LessLoss: It’s obvious that Louis Motek prides himself on great customer service. When I emailed LessLoss, I got a reply directly from the boss. As such, I’ve had the pleasure of exchanging several emails with Louis and his responses have always been thoughtful and timely. His business, though on the net, really doesn't feel like it's far away. Shortly after ordering I had the well-packaged cords in hand. This has been a sublime customer experience: products that deliver obvious and substantial performance enhancement, fast shipping, well-packaged products, and top-notch customer service. Thank you! ![]() IC and speaker cable From $ 784
Anchorwave Interconnects and Speaker CablesDate Added: 05/30/2012 by Steve
I recently acquired two sets of Anchorwave interconnects to compare to my Shunyata Aries-S ICs. I've lived happily with the Shunyatas for many years and still feel they're a class act. But the Anchorwaves clearly surpass them, in ways that remind me of the virtues of the DFPC Signature (5 of which are currently in use in my system). I could go through the usual list of apparent cliches in describing how the Anchorwaves excel--say, by mentioning extra layers of detail, better imaging, greater tonal weight and more lifelike timbres (what my wife sums up as added richness). But I think the best way I can convey my excitement about the Anchorwaves is to mention that I planned to write my comments several days ago. However, whenever I had the time to sit down and crank out a paragraph or two of appreciative comments, I also had the time to listen to familiar recordings and discover how much better they now sounded and to experience the surprise of hearing many details that my Aries had failed to reveal. Each time, my audio enthusiasm and hedonism trumped what I felt was my obligation to write a mini-review.
Let me just add that the Anchorwaves are beautifully made and very reasonably priced. LessLoss continues to impress me with its innovative and cost-effective engineering. ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Signature]Date Added: 04/11/2012 by Larry Benjamin
I visited my audiophile friend, Charles, who just bought a LessLoss DFPC Signature power cord from you for his Mark Levinson transport. The sound was nothing short of transformative! Keep in mind, we're talking about just one power cord, and it hasn't even been broken in yet! It's been a while since I heard Charles' stereo last but I remember it sounding slightly cool and lean. Other than that, it's an excellent high-end tube-based system. So I was there listening to it with another friend and we were all astounded. I can't begin to imagine what the Firewall does. Previously, I was evaluating and critiquing the sound. But this time, the thought of critiquing would have been a ridiculous mental exercise. I just wanted to kick back and enjoy the music.
This one power cord transformed the way I listen to and evaluate a stereo. I used to prefer a warmer sound but now I realize that was just coloration masking the noise floor after hearing the Signature on Charles' transport. With the Signature on and the noise floor gone, I was hearing a less warm sound and preferring it for the first time, because it was actually more musical. I mentioned to Charles' friend that the stereo sounds more engaging than live music but in some ways it's not as real because the instruments are not blending together as well as they do at the symphony. He corrected me, saying that I'm used to listening to a symphony 50 feet back from the stage and that a recording has multiple microphones above the stage so what I'm hearing now is closer to what the musicians hear on stage. In a way, it's the best of both worlds because I was hearing all the inner detail but at the same time, everything sounded like a cohesive whole. Many audiophiles speak of detail in a negative sense but I'm referring to more resolution which give the audible cues to a more emotionally engaging sound. And I repeat, this was from a change of just one power cord, from a Shunyata Python to the Signature! ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Original]Date Added: 03/21/2012 by Jae
I replaced Shunyata Python on my sources with LessLoss DFPC Original cables and I must say these are better than Pythons and beyond! In my system, I used them on a Lamm preamp and an Ayon CD2. I will definitely give one a chance on my Cary 805 AE amp soon, too, and Mr. Liudas (Louis Motek) is off the chart, it was truly a pleasure! Thank you.
![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Signature]Date Added: 09/08/2011 by patrick (Flanders, Belgium)
I bought two DFPC Signature power cords for my CD (Jadis J1) and DAC (VACDACII MKII) before I had the PS Audio PPP regenerator.
I did the test with and without the PS and I have to say that (at home) the result is better without the PS. Now, my setup is on a separate line, so no pollution of other things like TV, PC, washing machine, etc... ![]() IC and speaker cable From $ 784
Anchorwave Interconnects and Speaker CablesDate Added: 06/03/2011 by per brolin
Thanks, Louis, for making the cable problem disappear. After I tried many diffrent cables in the high end segment, I stumbeled onto one of your power cords.
I must say it was a revalation, when I plugged in the first DFPC the music just started to sound right. The system played acurately in all of the frequences, more body and at the same time more contour on the tones and this is compared to an Electraglide Ultra Khan II (Statement R) that I used on my Burmester CD 001. After a week I ordered a DFPC to the system, and the result is amazing. Later I tried my DFPC in a friend's system, the results were the same. This got me thinking, if Louis Motek can get a power cord to sound this good, what can he then do with the interconnect and speaker cable?. Later I mailed Louis to ask if they did an XLR version of the Anchorwave interconnect (at that time he just had the RCA version on his webpage). I got a response within an hour that they had just begun to produce the XLR interconnect and that I could order one if I wished. I placed my order later that week, containing one XLR interconnect and one speaker cable. Now I have used the interconnect and speaker cable about a month and must say that they are at least equally impressive as the power cords. I have tried some of the highest rated cables in the world and I don't know any i'd rather have than the Anchorwave. This includes Nordost Valhalla, Purist Audio Design Proteus Provectus, and Cardas Golden Reference. This cable has the same neutrality and warmth of the Cardas Golden Reference but has a better focus and PRAT. The PRAT actually reminded me of the Valhalla, the soundstage is huge and well defined. Honestly I don't think you will find any cable that is much better than the Anchorwave, that's worth the extra money. Of the cables I have tried, this is clearly the best, no matter the price. ![]() IC and speaker cable From $ 784
Anchorwave Interconnects and Speaker CablesDate Added: 05/15/2011 by Alan Carruth
I am no stranger to LessLoss products as my system now has Signature power cords, a Firewall (original version), Blackbodies, the DAC 2004 MKll, and most recently the Tunnelbridge interconnect system all with great success.
I was very excited to compare the new Anchorwave speaker cables to my Nordost Valhallas. My speakers are unique, the Wilson Model 5 WATT/Puppy, in allowing for a personalized umbilical jumper cable between the woofer (Puppy) and the mid/tweeter (WATT). I therefore have 2 Valhallas for each speaker. In my comparison, I decided to try 2 Anchorwave cables on the Right speaker to compare with the Valhallas on the Left. Even without breaking in the Anchorwaves, my ear was immediately drawn to the Right. I then compared all kinds of music switching the channels around with the interconnects to keep the content the same and the test more accurate. The Anchorwave sound was more true, better definition, more natural sound stage. I could appreciate an edge and smear to the sound from the Valhallas versus the Anchorwave. I have since replaced the Valhallas with 4 Anchorwave cables. Now broken in, the sound is unbelievable. The music is 3 dimensional. Great space around the singers and instruments. Enormous sound stage. Natural. Everything is placed correctly. Tons of space around the singers and instruments. Even my poor recordings sound great! A joy! I give the Anchorwave the highest recommendation. ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Original]Date Added: 04/10/2011 by alan
I replaced 3 powercords with DFPC original. The previous powercords used Oyaide Tunami and Furutech connectors. 2 of the powercords were for Atmasphere m60 monoblocks. The third is for a Wyred4Sound dac2. The speakers are full range statics. Speaker cable and interconnects are 'home brew'. The system is supposed to 'get out of the way'. I changed all three cords at the same time and haven't bothered just trying with the DFPC supplying the dac or the poweramps. Changing the three cables made an immediate difference from the moment of installation: more energy, more drive, more low frequency (but without any sense of slowness), more space, and all this without any feeling of agression. The only annoying thing about this is that presumably the signature cables are even better and its always tempting to squeeze an even better sound out of the system. Compared to my previous power cables these cables were a really nice step forward.
![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Signature]Date Added: 04/07/2011 by Arjan
I have the Signature as powercable on my Primare CD 31 player and it sounds amazing. The sound from my B&W Nautilus speakers is effortless. I have tried many power cords over the years from Kimber (PK10 Gold), Furutech (Alpha 3), LAT Int. etc. But the LessLoss are the most ear friendly I have ever experienced. The Primare sounds very analog and yet detailed and dynamic. Next to this the customer service or should I say customer care is excellent. I am a very happy customer.
Tunnelbridge Distortionless Interconnect SystemDate Added: 04/04/2011 by Alan Carruth
After hearing the Tunnelbridge at the 2010 RMAF in Denver, Colo., I decided to replace my Nordost Odin interconnects with the Tunnelbridge. I compared the Tunnelbridge with my Odins and Valhallas and the Tunnelbridge completely blows the Valhallas away, and even the Odins come up short compared to the Tunnelbridge. The sound stage is more true and better developed, and the clarity and purity of the sound is wonderful. It is so natural sounding. The electronic edge I have been living with for so long is greatly diminished. The separation of vocals and instruments even in complex pieces is wonderful. There is such space in the listening experience. The dynamic nuances and subtleties of the singers and musicians is amazing. I can hear the breath around the words and sense the performer's presence almost as if they are in the room. The purity of the sound is maintained from bass to treble with little if any distortion on the extreme ends. I truly become a part of the performance. I have listened to a wide range of music (symphonies, quartets, chorus, jazz, blues, pop, rock, metal, gospel, all kinds of vocals from many different labels) and the results are the same no matter what I'm listening to. I find myself moving to the music constantly and frequently get goose bumps. If you have an extra Lessloss Blackbody, I would recommend using it on the Tunnelbridge power supply. It takes the experience to a whole new wonderful level. I also recommend using a Lessloss DFPC Signature power cable with the Tunnelbridge power supply. It definitely makes a difference. A stock power cord will deteriorate the sound stage and return that unwanted electronic edge to the sound. In my final evaluation I would recommend the Tunnelbridge over the Nordost Odin interconnects without reservation.
![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Signature]Date Added: 12/13/2010 by mr gilligan uk
Hi I've been into hifi for many years. I have tried different power cables, my latest is MIT Shotgun ($1.500) which have proved to be better than the others. Trying the LessLoss DFPC Signature cable, I noticed immediatley how very clear it is, even compared to the MIT cable, and a little deeper without the burn in time. It can only get better with time. Recommended.
![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Signature]Date Added: 03/01/2010 by JohnnyHiFi
I bought my first DFPC back in November 2009 and the person I got it from warned me that I would end up wanting to purchase more DFPC's for my system - he was right! I soon ordered up a second DFPC which I later traded up for a Signature. The LessLoss PC's are a very neutral sounding cable as they neither push the soundstage back nor forward nor are they dark or bright sounding. They also increase the silence 'heard' around performers which makes the music easier to follow and greatly contributes to the holographic presentation of sound reproduction. What is most surprising though is how much these cables contribute to the dynamic content of music. I was using a PS Audio Duet power conditioner which is not supposed to limit dynamics but when I plugged my cables straight into the wall, all of a sudden I started hearing dynamics in some of my CD's that I'd never heard before.
Both the Signature and Original DFPC's will be staying in my system for a long time and I can't recommend them highly enough! Ken ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Original]Date Added: 02/19/2010 by Val, Poland
One hour ago I received my DFPC Original cables from LessLoss. -- Thank you very much.
I have unpacked one cable immediately and exchanged the pc cable Nordost Vishnu / very expensive one - and the result was, straight from the beginning, on my little office hifi system, consisting of: -- DENSEN DM 10 amp -- THORENS CD PLAYER 2000 -- PHASE TECHNOLOGY CI IV Wall Speakers The sound is unbelievably spread and open, bass is deeper and more controlled, midrange is fruitty, rich, with proportion weight, high freequency silk without unwanted sharpness or edgy. The overal sound is very ralaxing and MUSICAL. Louis, my big big congratulation with the LessLoss DFPC Original power cable. Everything sounds like new, never heard before. In a blind test I would say that one of components was exchanged to another - amps, speakers or cd player, but I never would have thought it's the power cable ONLY. It seems some brands like Nordost are absolutely overpriced compared to the LessLoss original. One more amazing thing is that the pc cable has only just played aprx. 45 minutes and it is not burnt in yet. Wishing you a very nice weekend from frozen and snowy Poland. Thank you once again. Val ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Original]Date Added: 01/22/2010 by Ken, Canada
With the LessLoss, music has snap and detail without sounding harsh. Delineation around all of the performers also increases making music easier to follow. All of this without the soundstage being pushed back (which is what my PS Audio cable does) or forward (which is what Virtual Dynamics cables do). I used to run all Virtual Dynamics cables until I heard the DFPC Original.
Listening to LessLoss cables is a very positive experience; dealing with LessLoss is just as positive if not more so. I had already been spreading the word about your cables after got my first one. Now I have more to tell my friends! Ken, Canada ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Original]
Date Added: 12/28/2009
Introductory Statement by the System Owner
Ac power is supplied through a Shunyata SR-Z1 duplex outlet through a Shunyata Viper power cord to a Shunyata Guardian 2. This feeds an Arcam AVR350 through it's stock power cord. The AVR350 is set for bi-amplification delivering 125 watts to the tweeter, and 125 watts to the woofer of each speaker. Speaker wire is shielded, teflon coated, silver/copper alloy wire with Rhodium spades. Speakers are Proac D15s. All contacts are doped with Walker Audio e-sst. The source is optical output from an Asus motherboard that kernal streams to the Arcam. The optical connection is a 20' length of inexpensive plastic cable. The player used is Foobar2000. When streaming from Bluebeat.com, in 320kbps, ASIO4all.exe is used to bypass windows volume control and kernal stream directly to the Arcam. Now for the esoteric section! The Arcam stand is a solid myrtle wood apothecary with a 1 cubic foot of open space designed to absorb unwanted vibrations based on the Golden mean ratio. It's drawers are filled with sand, lead shot and carbon fiber filaments. The cut glass window above the Arcam is crystal held together with lead beading. It's matrix pattern, replicated from the interior of the now famous B&W 800, absorbs high frequencies to take the edge off the compressed format of the streaming music. Heee heee. The first paragraph is all true though. Review of the LessLoss DFPCs I've been listening to Louis's cords for just under a week. They arrived across country from [the gentleman before me on the list] well packaged, thank you. Unpacking them, I found them to be surprisingly light and flexible. My spouse was listening to the stereo using Slacker- a streaming radio station much like Pandora but with better sound. (Slacker uses radio station DJ's to select their genre categories instead of an algorithm like Pandora's) This is a very grainy source of music and perfect for testing the expressed virtues of the LESSLOSS cable. The system, in order of stream, consists of 20' of cryogenically treated romex into a furutech outlet, all connections are treated with Roy's supersilver conducting paste, even the circuit breaker. A Virtual Dymanics Nite power cord reaches from the outlet to an Arcam AVR350, at the inlet it is covered in a 2" sleeve of ARC technologies Wave-X heat shrink wrap. The source is a basic PC computer feed with power filtered through an old 500 watt noise trapper. Code is output optically from the motherboard via SuperNova glass cable to the Arcam. Speakers are Proac D15's bi-wired from the Arcam, each tweeter and mid having it's own 125 watt amp. The LessLoss sound: I tried the mid range cable first and noticed some improvement. The treble was less grainy, bass was tighter, and background more black. The soundstage was a bit wider. Most notably, the sound was slightly warmer and more laid back. High mid and treble less forward. I switched the cable back to the Virtual Dynamic Nite- The Nite had a bit more punch and speed, but was also forward and more etched. I then switched to the mini- Less Loss's low end cable. It was unremarkable in it's difference from the VD Nite- a used powercord I found on Agon for about $170. There were differences, but they were slight trade offs. Finally, I plugged in the DFPC Signature cable. This cable really does reduce jitter. The whole sound system eased into clarity like a camera lens pulling into focus. The cable made my system very laid back, smooth and non-fatiguing. There was a soft almost sleepy ease about it. I felt it was slightly slower than the Nite, had less punch that the Nite, but it imparted a very enjoyable, soft, velvety quality to the music. The level of change was on the scale of a good equipment upgrade. So, even on a rather low end system, like my solid state integrated ARCAM, the mid and high end LessLoss cables made a difference. Are they worth it?? I think yes, if you have the disposable income, and you would like more air and smoothness in your sound, you should give these an audition. Nice work Louis ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Original]
Date Added: 12/05/2009
Introductory Statement by the System Owner
I am one of the few audiophiles who know how much of a difference a great PC can make in a system... and expensive does not neccessarily mean better. I currently have 4 JPS 'Aluminata' PCs and 1 Crystal Cable 'Ultra' PC in my system. If your DFPC Signature PC betters any of my current cables, I will buy it and try another. My preamp uses 2 PCs. I have read, with interest, your views on cable geometry and physics and find them very unique. Component List - Loudspeakers: Piega C-40 - Amp: Goldmund 29m - Preamp: First Sound Mk ii series iii - SACD player: Meitner cdsa-se - Power Conditioner: World power - Speaker Cables and I/Cs: Argento Serenity Master Reference and Reference Review of the LessLoss DFPCs ...as a cable junky I have had the opportunity to try many cables over the last 20+ years in this hobby/addiction...until very recently I held on to a belief that 'more expensive had to be better'..!!..then I took Mr. Motek up on his offer to try one of his lessloss DFPC 'signature' pcs...so much for my previously held beliefs....prior to my asking for a sample I had read a great deal about other audiophiles experiences with this pc and..as I think about it now..do not believe I read a single negative review or comment.if Mr. Motek was willing to send me a demo 'signature' pc..free of charge.. then who was I to turn down this opportunity to possibly increase the enjoyment I derive from my system...the first cable arrived and I quickly cooked it for 2 days on my audiodharma pro cable cooker. this after very briefly replacing the crystal cable 'ultra' pc on my meitner cdsa-se where I thought I might get the most benefit from the new cable...the only track I listened to was the first movement of beethoven's 5th symphony..vanska..and could immediately tell that something good was happening..but I needed to wait the 48 hrs to hear what the 'signature' could really sound like...long story short...the next time I inserted it in the same position what I heard amazed me..it was now multiple levels better. transparency improved. (much blacker background)...soundstage widened and deepened...the bass was fast and tight..better then before..vocal articulations and instrumental tonality improved....and complex musical passages,whether classical symphonic or rock, were now not instrumentally blurred but individually apparent...to say I was surprised would be an understatement...what I was hearing destroyed my previous theory regarding price/performance ratio...the rest of the story.....I have now replaced 2 other pcs..1 other cc 'ultra' and 1- jps 'aluminata' with the same ..additive findings...each addition building on the last...I will be demoing 2 more 'signature' pcs in the near future on my preamp..my guess is that they,too, will increase my enjoyment of the music I so love......my system is comprised of piega c-40 speakers...goldmund 29m amp....first sound paramount mkII series-3 preamp...meitner cdsa-sc player...worldpower 'powerwing' conditioner...and argento smr speaker and i/c cables...I might also add that Mr. Motek is in a very small group of owner-designers that I consider to be truely individually passionate about his products...he treats everyone as if he/she were his only customer... ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Signature]Date Added: 10/20/2009 by Claudius Waldschuetz
I bought a DFPC Signature just about 3 weeks ago. Well? I just ordered two more. What happened? Before I go into the details, I have to say that I did not want to upload my comments before I received the other cords. But I found this product to be so extraordinary and the benefit of just one cable in my system is so large, that I have to share my impressions.
I use the Signature for an AYRE QB9 from which I go directly via HMS Sestetto (balanced) into ADAM Pencil active speakers. The ADAMs have HMS Power Cables. I also tried the Signature on my Phono Pre Lehman Black Cube SE with similar effect. First Impression: The sound changed completely, wow, so much power, so much bass, so much more information, so natural, so smooth, so much more weight with everything, the sounds suddenly appeare in their own space, almost 3D. Soundstage became deeper, wider and opened up way to the ceiling; (i.e. voices stand in front of the speakers with about the correct height). Second Impression: After hours of listening there is no fatigue! I tried to turn up the volume way over the "wife-accepted" limit and nothing happened. No "Turn down the volume. The music is getting on my nerves." Instead: "That's nice, who is this?" Well, I played this song over and over but it was never noticed before. I know this sounds as if I were exaggerating. It might be that I am getting carried away a bit, but wouldn't you, if you where overwhelmed? I compared the Signature to a HMS Gran Finale, a Fisch Audio and a do-it-yourself cable with hifi tuning plugs. The HMS is a very good cable, nicely balanced and bests the Fisch and the do-it-yourself cable easily but it hasn't that "naturalness" of the DFPC Signature, not as much weight. The hit of a hi-hat just has weight and shimmer with the Signature. A violin is not only string but also wood. This is more than I hoped for. The only thing I am worried about is that I might get too much bass with two more Signatures in my system. I contacted Louis and he had very good arguments against my more-might-be-too-much logic. I will report as soon as I have the two other Signatures. This is a great product! I am off listening now. Best Regards from Berlin, Germany ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Signature]Date Added: 10/08/2009 by Pedro Nunes
I would like to share my expirience with DFPC Signature cables from LessLoss.
I am used to the sound of the Nordost Valhalla cables that I have in all my system (EMMLabs CD, tube pre and amplifiers from VTL and Revel Salon 2 speakers. My initial impressions are that the DFPC Siganature is more transparent and show more microdinamics then the Valhalla PC and they show a less filtered sound. Later when they are well burn in I can tell you my final impressions. ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Original]
Date Added: 10/06/2009
Introductory Statement by the System Owner
After years of jumping around various components and sources, from Sony, Krell, NAD… I eventually settle with a full Bel Canto system. I am fascinated by their efficiency and overall synergy across different components. Most of my signal and speaker cables are leftover from previous setups as I am very impressed by them initially and continue to enjoy their tonal quality. Obviously, the Shunyata Diamondbacks are the weak link here. They are by no means inferior in anyway, but I do like to experiment with the possibility of high-end power cables to allow the monoblocks to breathe a little more. I was not always an audiophile. I just loved music, all sorts of music, classical, latina, rock, jazz, you name it. If it’s good music, I would spend the time. I can listen all day on a mono radio as long as it’s playing good songs. I used to hook up my CD player to the guitar amp. Throughout the years, I come to realize the potential of the CD and how good they sounded with better equipment. So slowly, I learned and tried to understand the various components and attempted to piece together what I call a “harmonic utopia”. A system where I can enjoy any type of music, with enough bass to pump up a party, dynamics for Beethoven, lifelike vocals and crystal acoustics. I like to spend more time listening and less time tweaking. I attend CES in Las Vegas annually and always reserve my last day to explore the high-end audio exhibits. The last few visits, I went door to door in the Venetian suites to realize how much each Audio Equipment manufacturer are so much alike, the same setups, same marketing push, and more than one incident when the exhibitor failed to even proper showcase their own product. As my patience often run short, I am looking for the next big stamp in the market, something impressive at first glance (or listen). Perhaps that’s why I am so intrigue by Lossless, user reviews stating it outperforms the Shunyata King Cobra? That says something. Component List - Source: Bel Canto CD2 and DAC3 – XLO Signature 3 AES/EBU Digital - Amp: Bel Canto Ref1000 – Cardas Golden Cross XLR Interconnects - Speakers: Dynaudio 25th Special – Tara Labs Air 2 Speaker Cables - Power: PS Audio Power Plant Premiere - Power Cables: PS Audio Xtreme Power Plus (to wall), Shunyata Diamondback (Other components) Review of the LessLoss DFPCs The unpackaged cables arrived in a well padded travel case. First thing I did was examine each cable for any possible mishaps from traveling and it was obvious that the casing did its job in protecting the contents inside. According to the website and existing reviews on the web, the DFPC power cables will be impressive right out of the box. Without hesitation, I replace my main power cables (PS Audio Xtreme Plus $250 MSRP) with the DFPC Signature from the wall to the PS Audio Power Plant. Elvis 30 #1s is still in the CD turntable from my last listening session, so I figured, why not. Voilà! The difference is immediately noticeable. First thing I noticed is the clean solid bass, even from old recordings, the sound is tight and crisp. I don't have a power meter on my amps, but it seems as if the amps are able to breathe a little smoother, and suck up power from the wall at will. Next up, I place on the CD turntable Jennifer Warnes "The Hunter", classic audiophile standard test album. The bass once again overwhelms me, the Bel Canto Ref1000 are driving my Dyna Sp.25s with control and precision. Am I amazed yet? Not quite yet. Considering the DFPC Signatures are $1149 a piece, adding that the Ref1000 are capable of punching out 1000 Watts at 4 Ohms, the performance is expected. Is the performance better than what I was working with? Yes, definitely. Round 2, keeping the DFPC Signature connecting the main power source, I replaced the cables to each monoblock (PS Audio Xtreme Statement SC $550 MSRP). This time, I left the system running with moderate volume as I left the house to take care of a few errands. Upon returning, I picked up where I left off previously and auditioned the system using the same music. Here is the tricky part. The DFPC Originals produced a sound that was exceptionally pleasing. It's a sensation very difficult to describe as a technical aspect, but it sounded just right. Music filled the room, vocals projected from center above 5 ft from the speaker plane, slightly higher than eye level, and instruments directed from where they should be. I sat there for hours just listening and enjoying music, not power amps, not outrageously expensive equipment (subjective to some, but obvious to many). Round 3. Finally, I replaced the last 2 links with the DFPC Mini hooking up my DAC and CD Player. The sound wasn't different, same beautiful music flowed flawlessly through my speakers. Here comes the real test. Considering the price for entire set of LessLoss Power Cables in use (~$3000 USD), how much better were they compared to my current cables ($1400 MSRP which I purchased mostly used for half the price). I started removing the LessLoss DFPC cables in reverse order than I inserted them. First taking the DFPC Mini out and putting back the Shunyata Diamondbacks. Music flowed as it had previously as I sat and listened for over an hour to some of my favorite test material. Same enjoyable music, without fatigue. Subsequently, I removed the DFPC Originals and replaced them with the PS Audio Statement SC. This time, I did notice a different. Music wasn't as clean nor alive as I was used to 20 minutes ago. Was it harsh and unbearable, not at all. The bass was solid, highs were smooth, the speakers sang. After another 30 minutes of listening, I still couldn't find nor describe the missing link. Now lastly, I removed the DFPC Signature from the main power source and replaced it with my old power snake. Um... Game Over, no Contest! With the DFPC Signature powering the source only instead of the whole system, all that made music enjoyable was gone. I couldn't sit comfortably through a single track without fidgeting or something attempting to discover the missing link. Round 5 - A/V Performance. To satisfy my curiosity, I plugged in the DFPC Signature into my Panasonic 42" plasma, sat back in the couch and watched my fiancé browse through some of her favorite HD channels. Picture quality was flawless, grain-less vivid colors, deep blacks and bright whites. Well, it was fun while it lasted, but time to pack up the fun. It wasn't until I repacked all the LessLoss cables before my fiancé questioned me if I had done something to the picture setting on the TV. Apparently, she had noticed a significant decline in picture quality after I removed the DFPC Signature. That's when I know the magic was in the cable, think again. You haven't seen real High Definition until you've seen it with LessLoss. Between the DFPC Original and the PS Audio Statement SC, I have to give the edge to the DFPC. Considering they are both priced similarly, it's an obvious choice for anyone in the market for a power cord at this price range. The Mini's stand strong amid a target market that's over-flooded with competition. In terms of solid performance, I have not experienced any power cable better than the DFPC Signature. It didn't make your current equipment better, what it does is help you realize the full potential of your current equipment. Now, am I enticed to replace all my power links with DFPC Signatures? Considering my equipment, replacing all 5 power cables would cost me a little shy of $5000 USD, not a small chunk of change. For those of you that have equipment to match and available spending power that dwarfs this amount, do not pass up on the DFPC Signature. Well Done, LessLoss made a believer out of me. Music Tested: - Elvis 30 #1 Hits - Jennifer Warners "The Hunter" - Stereophile Editor's Choice Test CD - "The Wings of a Film" Hans Zimmer - "Mozart, Night Music" Andrew Manze - "Wicked" Soundtrack, Original Broadway Cast Claudio Abbado "The Berlin Album" - Beethoven #9, Claudio Abbado - Shelby Lynne "Just a Little Loving" - Sarah Brightman "Classics" - George Clinton "Greatest Funkin' Hits" - Jimi Hendrix "The Ultimate Experience" - Pink Floyd "The Darkside of the Moon" - Aerosmith "Toy in the Attic" ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Original]
Date Added: 09/03/2009
Introductory Statement by the System Owner
I am a retired EE and have been in this hobby since I worked as a summer intern in 1969 at RCA-Consumer Electronics where they manufactured console stereos. I have gone through many permutations of systems since then, always with an eye toward the "best bang for the buck" as evidenced by my original system: Dual/Dynaco/AR/zip wire. I tend to be very skeptical of exotic (expensive) cables, specifically power cables. Having compared several exotic PCs already and not being impressed, I am hoping that Lessloss PCs will surprise me this time. Component List - McIntosh MCD500 cd/sacd player - Sony CDP-101 (THE first CD player...original owner purchased 1983) - McIntosh C46 preamp - McIntosh MC501 monoblocks - Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary speakers - Von Schweikert VSA biwire speaker cable - MIT CVT Term 1 Pro XLRs - Power Wedge 116 - DIY PCs with Wattgate connectors Review of the LessLoss DFPCs "Alice laughed: "There's no use trying," she said; "one can't believe impossible things." "I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Based on this profundity I've decided to confine my critical listening sessions to the early morning hours before breakfast. Just kidding, but some may swear I took the queen's advice when I say "yes Virginia, there is a difference in power cables". My goal in auditioning this "snake oil" was to prove to myself that as long as a PC delivered 120V+/- (220V for our Euro friends) and sufficient current, it has done its job, end of story. Now I must sheepishly admit that I found switching out PCs on the front end, in my case a CD/SACD player, did indeed have an impact on the sound. I also have learned, at least in my system, that switching them out on my amps both pre and power, had no discernible effect. I had four PCs on hand: my trusty DIY, PS Audio Power Punch (their least expensive model), Shunyata Python CX and the LessLoss, both the Original and the new Signature. Cutting to the chase--I found that the PS Audio cable, even though it has great connectors and build quality, made things sound very much in-your-face, strident and planar. My DIY cables trounced the PS Audio in that regard, smoothing things without any apparent loss of detail. However, both the Shunyata and the LessLoss cables made vocals sound as if they had more body and dimensionality. Interestingly, I found that there was no discernible difference between the LessLoss Original cable and the Signature...interesting because the Original is half the price of the Signature. That observation could very well be system dependent. The LessLoss Original is every bit the Shunyata's equal and at roughly half the price. All the evaluations were made using Diana Krall's "I Could Drink a Case of You" from her Live in Paris cd...acoustic piano and vocal. Check it out if you haven't heard it as it is a superb recording. In conclusion, I must say that the LessLoss power cords do seem to make a positive difference when used to power the front end of a system. On my sacd/cd player it did give vocals more weight and depth, taking off any slight edges that may have been there. During the A/B process I tried to listen to specific high or low frequency parts of the recording but since our sonic memories tend to be woefully short, that effort was in vain. So my comments regarding vocals were the only way I can describe what essentially is the indescribable, although that never seems to dissuade many of our esteemed audio "reviewers" from resorting the sonic-speak: bloom, air, liquidity...ad nauseum. I swore not to go there so hopefully my use of descriptors weight and depth don't borrow from their over-used rhetoric. I compared the LessLoss Originals to the Shunyata Pythons and thought the results were virtually identical so I'd have to say that if one is considering either, the fact that the LessLoss is half the price of the Shunyata would enter into the purchase decision. One other tidbit of info is that you seldom see a LessLoss PC in the Audiogon classifieds and I would have to assume that there a lots of their cables out there because they do advertise rather heavily. If you are a skeptic about all this I can certainly understand as I have always been one myself. I am not trying to convert believers here, merely offering what I have experienced. PC substitution should be considered one of the last tweaks in a system and probably only in systems capable of a high degree of resolution. Some may find the sonic differences subtle at best. But the fact remains, when I switched between my DIY power cords and the LessLoss, there was a discernable positive difference, however subtle. ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Original] [Signature]Date Added: 07/21/2009 by Stephen Braude
I've been comparing power cords carefully for almost 30 years. I've tried very expensive and well-known brands, relatively inexpensive and more obscure brands, and DIY concoctions from cheap hardware store wire. For the past 8 years or so I'd stuck with various Shunyata Power Snakes, which I still hold in high esteem. They trounced everything else I had tried, and I was especially happy with the King Cobra v2. Despite the claims of Shunyata and some reviewers, I think it was the best power cord Shunyata ever made--at least in my system, which I believe (and others claim) is very neutral.
But like many audiophiles, from time to time I get the itch to try something new. So I bought two very reasonably-priced Original LessLoss DFPCs. To my surprise, despite the price difference (the KCs originally sold for around $2200), the Originals were superior to the KCs. I found them to be even more neutral and more detailed, and somewhat more dynamic. The difference wasn't as striking as I'd heard in some previous cable shoot-outs, but it was clearly audible and a change for the better. And I heard that same difference in various applications: with my VSE-modified Sony SCD-1, powering my PS Audio Power Plant Premier, and also powering a set-up I dedicated to dubbing CDs onto CDRs. Recently, I learned that LessLoss had improved upon the Original DFPC and produced the Signature. I gladly accepted Louis's upgrade offer and soon thereafter received two new Signature DFPCs. This time, the changes I heard were more dramatic. I compared the Signatures both to the Original DFPCs and to some remaining King Cobra v2s, and there was no doubt that the Signatures were a considerable improvement over both. Compared to the Original DFPC, the Signature produced a bigger, deeper, and more detailed soundstage, and even though the Originals were already very neutral, smooth and extended, the Signatures were (incredibly to me) even more so, with strikingly improved and more realistic reproduction of instrumental timbre. (Perhaps I should mention that I'm a musician [a pianist], and I know what acoustic instruments sound like.) The Signatures had greater low-frequency weight without being bloated or muddy, and I was frequently surprised by the amount of upper-frequency detail I was hearing (or hearing clearly) for the first time. Even the gentle high buzzing sound produced by the Power Plant Premier's CleanWave function emerged with more clarity. It's not surprising, then, that in a head-to-head comparison with the King Cobra v2, I preferred the Signature by a large margin. As good as the KC was, and as much as I thoroughly enjoyed the sound of my system every time the KCs were installed, replacing them with the Signatures demonstrated, over and over, what an improvement the new cables provided--across the board. The Signatures were significantly more neutral, more balanced, more realistic, and more extended, but never cold or clinical. In fact, at this point you can probably fill-in the cliches for me; you know what they are when a new component takes one's system to a clearly audible new level of performance and realism. And you probably know the experience of being caught up in the music even when you're trying to listen to the changes wrought by some new component, or hearing unexpected details in recordings you thought you knew well. Those things happened to me as well, time and again. So make no mistake, the Signature DFPC is a killer power cord, and at its price it's still a bargain. I'm buying more. ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Original]Date Added: 02/06/2009 by Johan Pettersen
I recently bought three DFPC for my Hegel system 4A CDplayer, preamp and poweramp. I first tried the DFPC on the power-amp, replacing Nordost Brahma (a very good pc). I immediatly experinced a surprisingly apparent improvement,so I ordered two more for the CDplayer and preamp (replacing power cables from Isotek and Mood). With the whole signal chain powered by the LessLoss DFPC the sound is considerable more realistic and musical, more dynamic, thigter bass, wider and deeper soundscape. Strident distortions and metallic glares are gone. An excellent power cable.
![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Original]Date Added: 01/23/2009
I plug the LessLoss Dynamic Filtering Power Cable in between my power line conditioner and a Sony LCD TV model KDL46-XBR3.
First I noticed that something was different with the picture and then I began to switch TV channels and had I long ride along the cable TV channel line up. Somehow I started to see improvement as time passed. I spend about four hours watching cable TV and the DFPC brought in a new dimension to experience of watching TV, from now on is living the presentation! 1. Lower channels (Local programming) non-digital were cleaned up. Picture noise was greatly reduced, contrast was improved and the image gain a sense of 3D dimension like never before. 2. All the digital channels and HiDef channels were improved in the same way! I have a Shunyata Research Diamondback PC connecting this Sony LCD TV which I think is a good improvement compared to the Sony stock PC but never to the performance level of the DFPC. ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Original]Date Added: 01/20/2009
Just tried two of the DFPC's on my Ayre K-1xe pre and V-1xe power amp.
I was a little sceptical that this was really about a good marketting effort, even ater reading all of the reiews. Audiphiles can move in waves sometimes. But I have to say that even on just plugging the cable in with no burn in I was quite surprised by the effect. My reaction was essentially "you have to be kidding me". I have tried cables by Zu (Mother Mk.2), Cardas ( Golden Reference), Synergistic(A/C Master Series with active sheilding), VH Audio(Airsine), Gutwire(G-Clef)and inexpensive cables by Kimber. My experience is that you very often have to listen closely to hear a difference and then proceed to disect it. Not this time. the diffence jumped out at me - a sense of increased energy, better high frequency extention and a better flow from the music. A fuller picture will emegre over time as the cable burns in and I listen further, but, on the face of it this is something. I have not tried other cable at $1000.00 or more, and will be keping the VH Audio Air sine on my EMM CDSA for now as the difference was not as dramatic and don't want to get another DFPC cable until I sell it(it was $749.00), but would not hesitate to recomend trying this cable.They are also well made with the best wall plug I have tried. I feel that until I am ready to try cables in the $1000.00 - $3000.00 price range, which i am not confident can be signficantly better, I am done with Cables. Great job, whatever you are doing. ![]() From $ 5236
FirewallDate Added: 12/05/2008
Dear all,
I heard a one of the first Firewalls in our showroom. Our system had as a powerfiltering device the famous Isotek Titan. As a source we had a Audio Aero Capitole. Of course we listened with our Kaiser Kawero Speaker And how was the sound? I did never, never hear such a difference from a power filter. After one song I decided to switch our development system to be feed by a Lessloss Firewall. What is immediatelly perceivable is the "black background" of the musical event. Sound stage is much more stable and the tone itself has the right harmonics. You can feel the body of the instruments. Wood sound like wood. Brass like brass. After that experience I decided to join Lessloss as exhibitor for the RMAF 2008. I was pretty sure that we would perform on ultra high level using the Firewall in Denver If anyone is interested in purchasing a Isotek Titan, please let me know. I will make a good price ... Best regards Rainer Weber Technical Director Kaiser Acoustics ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Original]Date Added: 11/26/2008
My fellow audiobuddies.
Two weeks ago I tested the DFPC against the following cords in my system : Virtual Dynamics Master series LE 2.0. Virtual Dynamics Nite II . Acrolink with Oyaide 004 ends. Iego 029's with Oyaide 004 ends ( my second choice). Furutech Evolution with upgraded piezo furutech ends. Harmonic Technology. Harmonix . All the previous cords are great units on their own and outperforms almost everything out there no matter the price. But never was so easy to realize the superiority of a component before. Yours one gives the idea of a impresionist artist drawing the most beautiful and tiny notes with delicate care over a canvas meanwhile the others just were trying to make some music. Anyone that has listened Lessloss DFPC before is very clear what Im talking about . The ones not blessed yet I must ressume it in very few adjetives : Delicacy , pleasing, timbre accuracy ( my must in musical reproduction) and the best tight but generous bass I ever get in my system. Electronics used for the test : Audion Appollo vv52b monoblocks ,Audion SN SET , Canary Audio cd-100 player , Jadis J1 transport , Krell KPS 30i as Dac , JBL 4350 studio monitors. Congratulations for such a product. Sincerely Victor ![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Original]Date Added: 05/23/2008
I wasn't expecting anything, maybe less, when I swapped out my Anaconda VX Helix with a Lessloss PC. Something definitely cleared the haze off my musical window and as I had said before I didn't have to try to listen, it was just there. There is no way I'd get rid of my Shunyatas, not at the expense of my music. So now I'm almost recabled except for a few more 15a and another digital. So I have more musicality with the Lessloss, delivery to my door in a week or less, FREE shipping, no 50% markup or more, great communications ect. I'd like to say more but try one out and you probably will save yourself 1000's of dollars; I did, and my sound has improved tremendously. I definitely have LESS LOSS.
![]() skin-filtering power cables From $ 535
DFPC Series [Original]Date Added: 05/22/2008
Several days ago i recieved the filtering power cable and it gets my highest recommendation. The communication with Liudas was kind, helpful, informative and best of all, i didn't get the feeling that it's all only business related.
When i replaced my Shunyata Black Mamba with the Lessloss Power Cord on my DAC it left my speechless. The difference i expected was more or less subtle, but instead it was sort of gigantic. The first thing to notice was the increased volume. Then i recognized a big improvement on the whole frequenzy spectrum. You know what i mean, you've read it all a thousand times in reviews of Audio magazines, be it printed or online. Improved bass, faster transients and dynamics, better separation of instruments and voices, quieter backgrounds, improved space left to right(goes far beyond the sides of the speakers on some records) and front to back, lesser distortion, instruments sound naturally and very realistic (with HPs words "you are there") and so on. This all culminates in a spectacular sound improvement. With all those pros you also get a much more relaxed listening time too, and details, details, details that simply haven't been there before. I have read some postings on the lessloss cables that i can't confirm. There was stated that the cables have a bad smell that was gone after one week. The filtering power cords that i recieved have no smell at all. Some people purchased the cable and could only detect small to microscopic sound improvements, but what did you expect if you use all your components plugged into the most expensive power distributors of Shunyata, PS Audio, Audience and the likes ? If you use such devices you don't have to spend several thousand of Dollars for the most expensive Power cords. The difference will be always very small. To find out what this cable really can do, try the following: Take a simple non filtering power bar, connect it with a simple power cord to your wall outlet and plug all components into the power bar. Take a listen and then exchange one of your usual power cords with the Lessloss. Attention, surprise arriving! Delivery of the cable is made within a simple plastic bag. No expensive casings that are only useless dust collectors and adds on to the price. Good so. The cable could be bend also in small circles even if the cable feels relative stiff. Nice is that it stays the way you placed it and won't touch your signal cables with the time. Cons: The Oyaide plugs could have a tighter seat in the sockets. ( IEC and Schuko plug ) With the time i will replace all my power cords with the Lessloss. It's that good, very reasonably priced and outperforms much much more expensive designs of other companies. Joerg Stanislawski Dortmund/Germany |