Giant Steps are destined to become the Bitcoin of High-End Audio

January, 2025, author: Rick Becker

"I am ready to declare Giant Steps are the State of the Art footer."

"The resolution is extremely high and very engaging with more transparency and much more accurate timbre. The improvements run seamlessly across the audible spectrum."

"Blacker background, more layered soundscape, greater dynamics? Yes, yes, and yes!"

"But the tonal colors from the life-like timbre are the most mesmerizing."

"I instantly noticed the improved resolution with the Giant Steps."

"They are in a higher league."

"Cymbals were highly resolved with no apparent smear."

"Voice was more analog or natural - there was no grain."

"The bass was tighter."

"The Chinese drum cut had outstanding timbre. Music was emerging from a much quieter soundstage."

"Timbre was improved and there was greater resolution. The bass was very impressive. Instruments were not masking each other. The orchestras were more resolved and layered front to back. The soundstage was very clear and the instruments were precisely located."

"There was a clear sense that the music was getting better over time."

"I was reveling in the excellent resolution and timbre which gave me a very "you are there" experience."

"There was more inner detail and the air in the recorded venue seemed crystal clear. There was more layering with orchestral works and the soundstage came further forward in the front corners. The music was becoming more real and I felt like I had moved up to the tenth row in the theater. I could hear the hall sound clearly as the reflections gave recordings a more accurate sense of space and size. Turning the volume up felt like walking down the aisle toward the stage with the performers or the orchestra becoming appropriately larger."

"...from start to finish, my toe-tapping the whole time."

"The guitar notes had an even faster attack and were more transparent. The extended vowels in Joni's singing revealed even more quiver and microdynamics. I had greater cognition of words in the lyrics."

"Tears welled up in my eyes."

"Giant Steps brought me to the edge of being there - and not just with one CD. Almost every CD I played felt like it had been dramatically remastered from the original tapes."

"The Giant Steps gave me a window into the lyrics, musicality, and nuance of the music. They also enabled a personal connection to the singers and musicians."

"My recommendation would be to start at the front end(s) of your system and work your way toward the speakers as far as your budget allows."

"Having tasted the purity and immediacy of the music with the Giant Steps, I missed them when they were removed. Could I live without them? Certainly, but given the available resources, I'll keep them, thank you, and likely order more."

"It is clear the Giant Steps are destined to become the Bitcoin of High-End Audio."

"Giant Steps have taken me up what feels like the final ascent. I feel like I could declare "game over" and live out the rest of my life enjoying my LP collection."

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